Suggesting a Site
Note: General discussion only, no mention of specific sites please.
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Hi, everybody. Nice to be here to say hello. I am a new member. I have submitted my website to ODP. The thing is that it hasn't been listed yet until now.
Last reply by mauri,
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Happy Christmas and New Year to all! I recently tried to submit my own site for consideration in the category Shopping: Home and Garden: Kitchen and Dining: Baking When you 'suggest a URL' for this category this message is shown: "Only sites that focus on the sales of cookie cutters should be submitted here. Sites that sell cookie cutters along with other baking supplies should be submitted to Shopping/Home_and_Garden/Kitchen_and_Dining/ instead." I went ahead and submitted my site to Shopping/Home_and_Garden/Kitchen_and_Dining/ as I also sell other baking supplies. But then I noticed that nearly all of the sites in Shopping: Home and Garden: Kitchen and Dinin…
Last reply by daz65, -
- 3 replies
Hello, i need information about status the my website in the directory, my website is <URL removed> How I can know that my status this website? Thks
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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Hello, i have transferred my website to a new domain. please advice how can i modify my website listed in the directory which is <URLs removed>. regards
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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Dear Santa, Last two and a half years I'm trying to get listed in DMOZ with my website. From this time I have made four or five submissions to thoughtfully chosen related categories. But still no result. My website is related to online SEO tools and mostly offering free services, as well as a paid ones. It has unique good-looking design and unique features. It has lots of unique useful tips for webmasters and website owners. Each time I made a suggestion to include the site, I created accurate title and description, according to the directory policy. But all this time I got any response from the DMOZ site, no negative, no positive, not a single line at all. …
Last reply by pvgool,
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Hello, Earlier this year I submitted by site. I check back every few months to see if it is listed and re-apply but it's still not listed. What is the status of my listing for <url removed> ? I feel bad for asking as I do understand that DMOZ is run by volunteers. I do appreciate the work of the volunteers. Thank you, Ryan
Last reply by Elper,
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Hi, My website suggest on about one month ago,how i can know the process? <URL removed> Thanks very much
Last reply by johnsilvek,
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I am trying to follow the instructions as listed. When I go to : I see the other property companies in my neighborhood listed so I assume I have found the correct section to add mine. However, I do not find any place to add my URL. My website is comparable to the other sites listed. Can you please help me figure out what I am doing wrong? Thank you in advance !! I understand that it might take a while before a site is added, I would just like a chance to submit mine for review. Appreciate your help. Wendy
Last reply by mauri,
- 1 reply
Friends our company website Alexa rank was 4 lack but in this time Alexa is 7 lack. Friends please help me.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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Does it really exist? You will just submit your site and ollah! you are now in the list? Does it need more work to do? Just asking.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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Hello, I submitted our site, which is the official website of the largest pet event in the UK - The Pet Show My query is that I had to submit to the following: I appreciate that this has meant that I have not narrowed the category greatly but unfortunately as we are a multi pet event we are unable to specify pets/cats or pets/dogs or pets/showing for example. Having submitted this several weeks ago, I wonder whether or not my submission had been over looked for the reason above? Any feedback would be greatly apprieciated. Many thanks in advance Carly
Last reply by Carls, -
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Friends Please Help me............
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I just submitted my site but realized too late that I submitted it to the wrong subdirectory. I meant to submit it to but probably should have submitted it to: Should I resubmit the site? Thanks kindly in advance!
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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My site is listed but when I try to update information as the business has moved and the focus has changed I keep getting amessage that it does not recognize the site. I tried all veriations including http: with and with out www. etc. and it does not let me in? Any ideas?
Last reply by markpicard, -
- 3 replies
Hi everyone, I've been attempting to submit the URL of one of our sites for nearly a year with no success. Whenever I check back on the DMOZ listing by typing in the URL of our website, I find another site listing that has a similar URL and I think the editors are reviewing my request and seeing the similar URL, then determining that we are part of the same company. Therefore ignoring my URL suggestion. One of the similar URL's simply has a .com at the end, whereas we are We are however very different companies. Another URL is nearly exactly the same but we have two letters different (they are <URLs removed>). If it is possible that they could…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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Hello every body, I'm working in a travel company. I have submitted this site (URL removed) since 2011 but at that time, it doesn't appear on Dmoz. My site is listed on Yahoo Directory. My boss says that I will be fired if this site isn't listed on Dmoz. Do you have any suggestion for me at this time, I'm so worried now. Thanks.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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Hi 2 all, I submitted my website to demoz in July 2012. But i am not got any acknowledgement from demoz. It was not indexed till now. Please help me in indexing my website at Regards, Pennyful.
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 19 replies
I submitted my site 3 years ago. It's a scientific website. It's currently most popular in it's filed. articles are quite exclusive, we have a good page rank and highest number of visitors in our field. and I add it in correct category in DMOZ but it not listed yet!!!! That's quite funny. Is there anybody out there?!!! if you're so busy that you can't add a site after 3 years, please close site registration and stop people of wasting their time here.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 2 replies
I submitted my site about 2 months ago and I don't see it listed yet. What is the usual turn time for a submission to get processed? Julian
Last reply by jrodatblueray, -
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I was looking for tools like xovi to optimize and track my website. Can you please suggest me an affordable and reliable seo & sem backlinks monitoring tool. I already know about seomoz so please avoid it. I am looking for something which is more cheaper than it. Thanks in Advance.
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 5 replies
It would be a great service if you guys let us know if the site has been included or not. It only takes an automated scrip to do the work upon inclusion. This should also apply when website has been excluded from the inclusion - some people wait years. I just do not know why our site should not be included. I am sure that the person reviewing knows why the reasons for not including a website.
Last reply by ctriva, -
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Dear ODP Editors: How are you ? I am Eric Burton from USA who just submits my own websites about Logo Design and Website Design services in the directory which is "Graphic Design". I know the the ODP is a very fair and peaceful group which is combined by volunteers. Hope our distinguished editors could help me list my website. my websites are <URLs removed> Best wishes Eric Burton
Last reply by Elper,
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Hi all, i am a author of site call <URL removed> I have suggested the site to dmoz directory for vietnamese category (international). It's been 2 month but the site hasn't been accepted to the directory. Could anyone help me on this issues. We are making the site to be a real estate social network of Vietnam. Thank you in advance for your help. Giang
Last reply by pvgool,
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My site is for rap ghostwriting. We have a group of writers and basically rappers come to the site, explain what they want written and our writers write them a verse about that with complicated rhymes and flows. I'm not sure what category this fits into. Would it be 'music producer'? 'Artist?' "Ghostwriting"? Any ideas?
Last reply by mauri,
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I'm trying to suggest my site to ODP, I put in all the information, and the select the category. Then I hit submit and it takes me to this page thats pretty much blank. The tab title says "Oops, an error occured" and theres just this "Go Back" link which takes me back to the page where I just entered all the sites information. I've tried this over and over again and the same thing happens. I'm not sure what to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks. :blink:
Last reply by pvgool,