Suggesting a Site
Note: General discussion only, no mention of specific sites please.
5068 topics in this forum
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I would like to substitute a dead link in my catagory with my site. I don't know if a DMOZ editor reads this, but this is the only place I could find to ask! Where can I submit this? Thank you for your consideration. K Willingham
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 4 replies
Hi there dear dmozers?! Alex is here. So, I have a site. It is my personal site, commercial in nature, but it is of god quality, at least one of the best in my niche. I think I have been trying to get accepted like more than 3 times now and I submitted my site probably once every 7 months of so. And what is the result? I got nothing. At the same time there are sites that are less informative, unattractive and they are in I heard that many people in my area believe that to get accepted they need to become editors. Is that the way how things are? I AM kinda pissed at dmoz, sorry guys, I know you don't own me anything, but still, that makes me feel kinda bad. I hav…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
I just submitted a website to this category. I seen that it has last been updated on February 6th. Is that because there aren't enough editors in DMOZ?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
Hello Editors, Please don't take this post as me bashing editors because its not my intent. Moreover, I'm a bit confused with some of the responses in the forum. It seems there are a lot of frustrated website owners trying to list their sites. Many of them have being waiting multiple years. The responses that I read seem to say that there is no time limit to review submissions, this is a hobby, we do it at our own pace, etc... I find these responses to be counter intuitive to concept of dmoz. If the idea is to make the "web a better place" shouldn't there be some accountability? How much future affect can dmoz have on the web if its not holding editors accountable f…
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 5 replies
I am new in blog world, i have site <URL removed> but i dont know how to send request or whatever is needed to have my site here. If someone can do me this i will be pleased. Sorry for my bad English.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 4 replies
Hello all, I have been trying to submit my site for some time now but feel there is no active editor within my catagory. There are endless links that are broken within my category so the chances of my site getting listed seems slim Is there anything I can do at all ? Thanks to all mrix
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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Greetings, I've been running my website now for 5 or 6 years and probably 4 years back, I submitted it to the best category I could find -- The Computers: FAQs, Help, and Tutorials section. I chose this category as it best matches my site and is the category used by other sites which are very very similar to mine. When I first submitted the site to DMOZ, I was very new to the publishing and website scene and I'm sure I made several mistakes during the submission process including submitting it multiple times and including promotional words along with all caps in the application..... Granted, that was several years back and I can't remember for sure. To make matters …
Last reply by skrause, -
- RZ Admin
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Hello guys, I have added my website <URL removed> several times during the past 4 years, I spend days to figure out the best category and description, I tried whatever it could fit in and still no response. It would be great if an editor could review it.
Last reply by Elper,
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- 7 replies
More than 3 months are going to be passed. But website is still not added. As i listen some where, submit the website in DMOZ is not an easy way. How much time should i wait. I am some much confuse where should i ask this.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 2 replies
Hi, My site <URL removed> was listed in this category in 2002 or 2003. I noticed in 2010 that it had been removed and re-submitted at that time. I understand that I should not re-submit again as this doesn't help my site get listed any faster. Is it possible for someone to look up why my site was removed? I understand it should only have been removed if the site was down (has never happened for more than a few hours) or if it no longer fits Site Selection Guidelines. I've re-read them and don't see how it doesn't comply. Any input would be greatly appreciated! Laura
Last reply by smartps, -
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I submitted my URL <URL removed> to the free Classified ads category of DOMZ sometime ago, I checked it last week it has not being listed, I just checked again today still it has not being listed. I tried to research on the reasons and found out that there is probably no Editor to review the site. The last update for that category is was January 6th, 2011...That over a year and six months now. Please somebody help me my client is on my neck! They have suggested that site be listed on DMOZ as part of my SEO contract with them! Please Help!!!
Last reply by Ugooliver, -
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I had suggest My site 4 times to, but there is no response from dmoz and from last 6 months i am still waiting that when my site is submit to dmoz. i don't know whats the problem, can anybody help me , i had already read all the terms and conditions of dmoz. and then i had submit. please help me......!!!!
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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I work for a government department in Australia. Our remit is quite varied: we deal with environmental issues, recreational parks, museums and public safety. Our site is structured in several groups: the main departmental topics are located under "", with other sections of the site (eg dedicated to a specific park or museum) located in subfolders - eg "". Is it OK to submit "" in one category (e.g. Government) and "" in another (e.g. Society and Culture : History)? I'm aware that this would be "overlapping content" (as the main government listing includes everything), but would appear to be a more accur…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 5 replies
Dear moderators, I have been asked by my boss to re-submit our website to the DMOZ directory again after his attempts to re-submit failed. I thought this was a better place to start trying to understand what happened. Going through older threads I could not find any information on websites having been removed and then not being listed again, I really hope the mod community can help. Our website <URL removed> (sorry, please feel free to remove but I thought it was important information so you could look into the history of it maybe..?) was first listed in 2004/early 2005 according to my boss. He said he noticed that it had disappeared around 2010 and in 2011 t…
Last reply by informator,
- 5 replies
No, I'm not enquiring about the status of my submission - I know how futile and possibly counter-productive that would be. In fact, I am not absolutely certain that I have even made a submission, though I am fairly sure I did so - and in case I did, I do not want to incur wrath by doing so again. My question is whether there could be a simple query facility made available, enabling one to see whether or not a site was (still) in the queue awaiting approval. The date of submission would also be useful, enabling one to know whether it might have been before or after a significant site update. Such a facility might even reduce the amount of time and effort spent by…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 9 replies
Dear Editor: Good day to you ! Thanks for your time to concern on (pay attention to ) about my question. The thing is that,since last year ,I try my best to submit our website:<URL removed> to DMOZ relevant catalogue(directory) ,but there is not any news from community, Wait a long time,several months later,I tried again ,Also there is not any news (the website do not list in the DMOZ).In a word,I submit our website to DMOZ four times ,but it still doesn't work.It seems there nobody to manage to deal with the order(requirement),Is there any one can help me ? My specific action is as follows: 1.step one: browse the DMOZ website ( 2.St…
Last reply by pvgool,
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- RZ Admin
- 6 replies
Hi, I just read that you no longer provide submission status checks. I submitted my site about 2 months ago, how long can it take to be submitted in the worse scenario (wrong category and maybe very big category). Would you be able to give me some advises, should I submit my website again now that I have a bit more content? Should I wait a bit longer? One thing which I don't quite undersand is why don't you send an email to the website owner at the end of the revision? Just to let him know if the site is listed or no, one of those automated email that don;t accept replyes. Just an idea. Thank you for taking time to read my post. Cristian
Last reply by hominggames, -
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I am not sure when I've submitted my website last time...but I do know I did many work for the company web presence we have built many houses and opened restaurant, activity is visible on the news list, more projects added to company;s portfolio... so I was thinking if the website was not accepted months ago (i think its 4-5+ months now) should I try to submit new version with much more information I know usually they preffer to say NO and do submit in DMOZ once then never think about it too much as important source but for our company I think is important to appear on the local directory I dont like to spam my link around the internet directories which will gi…
Last reply by Elper,
- 1 reply
After reading through these posts the last couple of hours I realize that our web site submission just needs to be left alone. We didn't realize the lack of resources and time required by volunteers to do this job. We will certainly visit this Forum to keep aprised of the lastest DMOZ changes.
Last reply by sandiegohaunted, -
- RZ Admin
- 8 replies
Many sites claim that they can verify my DMOZ web site submission that we had made over 9 months ago. I've search threw the DMOZ directory for extended periods of time. I still do not find our site listing yet I'm being "listed in DMOZ" by "site that verify our listing" in DMOZ.
Last reply by TheLovelyCompany, -
- 2 replies
Hello . who can help me suggesting my site with OPD? I am really dont know how to do it .this is very difficult for me . here my site, Thank you in advance! william
Last reply by welikewilliam, -
how can i get my site listed on DMOZ please tell me how thank you
Last reply by informator,
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- 1 reply
Dear Editor: Thanks for your time. <URL removed> has been submitted. It is a website about bags. We only make bags, that is the only thing we know and make. I am not sure we can pass your approval about submission. Anyone could check and give us some suggestions? Thank you for your time. Best regards Andy Ren
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 4 replies
It has been over 1 year since i suggested a site. Is this normal or is it a sign that something is wrong such as picked the wrong category?
Last reply by euroaka, -
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- 3 replies
Hello All I have listed my company website <no urls please> in DMOZ.COM open directory long time ago in following category. Our company website provide news and information from Digital Signage & DOOH industry for that we have collaborated with allt he related companies to provide their new product release, pres release and services. I have no idea why its taking so much time and if any members can tell the reason why its not listed? At least i can try to solve the issue if i know what has to be done from my side to get listed properly. I have followed the instruction provided in DMOZ. Please any one here i…
Last reply by SignageInfo, -