Suggesting a Site
Note: General discussion only, no mention of specific sites please.
5068 topics in this forum
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Dear Webmaster, First, thank you for your time. Our webstie have already added to the following categories on July 7: Categories:Business: Electronics and Electrical: Power Supplies: Batteries : Chargers Can you please verify our website at your time. Website: <URL Removed> Our title: Battery Store Description: Offer battery charger, power tools battery and camera battery Can you please verify our website at your time. Thanks a lot Delia.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 6 replies
I feel that it is almost futile to post here but I feel obligated to do so because I refuse to give up. I've read through so many of the posts here regarding not being listed and while there seems to be no answer to this issue here I am venting with everyone else. My site should have not been rejected because it meets all requiremetns and standards. I will admit to submitting more than once over the 6 years but only because I did not know any better. I've waited patiently for at least four years now. I'm guessing that "I've done all I can do" but if there is something more I sure would like to know what that is. If someone in authority is able to PM me and help in any way…
Last reply by Frustratedinsd, -
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I think I have found the correct catagory to submit my site in however when I submit it I receive an error: "Not a valid IP address pattern in ip" Regional: Africa: South Africa: Society and Culture: Religion: Christianity Please help it will be much appreciated. Thank you for your time
Last reply by Elper,
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- 8 replies
we are maintaining a website for the last many years. We have not submitted the site to DMOZ but when we check from <URL removed>, its status is shown as the website is submitted already. what could be the reasons. my website is <URL removed> regards, Micheal
Last reply by Elper,
- 1 reply
Please check <URL removed> Is it in process? Thank you. ps: I just applied to be an editor, so I'll be able to help you all out.
Last reply by briggles,
how can i get my site listed on dmoz thank you Robert
Last reply by informator,
- 1 reply
I have the past year, tried two times to register. I understand that this is a non-profit organisation, but, some feedback trough a year should be possible to provide. Is the organisation alive? In norwegian category there are so many dead links, missplacements that I really do not understand what this organisation is all about. Is it my sites color that makes it not go trough?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 5 replies
over the 3month i have submitted one of our site to DMOZ. Unfortunately, we still have not recieved a listing. We manufacture our own products and offer (in our opinion) a very good site with excellent products and services. We have Web Designing and Development>Designing>Full Services> C the categories very carefully and always take time with our submissions. Can anyone provide some useful information and help me? Why people Love DMOZ i didn't know....DMOZ is kidding with all of us
Last reply by Frustratedinsd, -
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Hello – I have read threw all the suggested guide lines, rules and other thread discussions and feel I have met them all. Since I have not yet been approved but have submitted my site to the correct category with my root domain, title, short description and run a very clean site. What other suggestions would the admin of this forum have to get listed? How often should I suggest my site? I saw posts say every 2 months.. Is this correct? I have submitted my site 3 times in the last 6 months to the correct category. Is there a way to get in touch with the editor to see why I am not being approved and seeking his advice on what he wants from my site to improve it? Is it p…
Last reply by pvgool,
- 1 reply
I visit a site yesterday, it said it could help you the get the DOMZ listing within a year and charging $300 US dollars. Is this true? Can we pay and get DOMZ listing?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
I've just read an article about this elsewhere and was so disgusted with Dmoz's policy on it, I felt I had to sign up and comment. If a site owner no longer wishes to have their site listed in this directory then they should absolutely have the right to had it removed. It is totally irresponsible of the Dmoz or anyone else to harvest information for publication in this way and refuse to accept their responsibility to remove it if required. How would the Dmoz editors feel if their personal phone number was displayed in graffiti in their town centre? Probably not happy. Your arguement would be that Dmoz displays links to site that are publicly available anyway. Well,…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 2 replies
Hello We have an existing site <url removed> which is Uk based and although we sell internationally the site is in english and we only accept payment in sterling. We have set up 4 new websites <4 URLs removed> The sites are in in german, spanish and french and are not straight replica's of the .com but are based on the same theme and replicate lots of the pages. For example .de is the same as the .com but it has been translated into german and changed slightly to fit the german market. I was going to submit them but I'm worried after reading the guidelines that they will be seen as duplicate sites. They are genuine new sites and set up for a genuine reason …
Last reply by jonnyboy, -
- RZ Admin
- 2 replies
What is the major reason of not approving our website in Dmoz directory? If once approve then what type of advantages will get our website?
Last reply by Elper,
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Dear Webmaster, First, thank you for your time. Our website is <url removed> Our webstie have already added to DMOZ on July 7, the detailed information is as below: <category remvoed> <details removed> Can you please verify our website at your time. Thanks a lot. Best regards, Delia
Last reply by windharp,
- 1 reply
Hi I am looking to get my site listed on dmoz but recognise that I might need to do some work to make sure its correct, can anybody tell me where I should post for general advice if I have a question about the editorial guidlines? Thankyou for your assistance. Ian
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
Dear Editor, I am requesting a new category be created in the Massage Therapy and Bodywork heading: The name of the category is called Active Isolated Stretching developed by Aaron Mattes: <url removed> Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) has been practiced for forty years by Aaron Mattes. He teaches workshops internationally. There are about twenty of his students that teach his method. Active Isolated Stretching is a form of assisted stretching. A therapist helps the client to stretch. Aaron Mattes has identified key areas of stretching that need to be revised. He incorporated these fi…
Last reply by motsa,
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- 3 replies
Just over 16 months ago, after plenty of careful consideration, I submitted my website to DMOZ, I then 'forgot about it' - safe in the knowledge it can take 2 weeks / 2 years / 2 decades etc etc for someone to even consider my site… On 17th Sept 2011 I had a hit to my website from a DMOZ back link - which when clicked takes me to a log in page. The domain within the back link tracks back to the directory of my original submission. Therefor its safe to surmise that it was the editor of that page visiting my site. It could be argued that the editor was simply viewing submissions at that time with no further action, and that doesn't necessarily constitute an actual…
Last reply by Elper,
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- 5 replies
over the last 1 years i have submitted one of our site to DMOZ (with at least a 2-12 months). Unfortunately, we still have not recieved a listing. We manufacture our own products and offer (in our opinion) a very good site with excellent products and services. We have studied the categories very carefully and always take time with our submissions. Can anyone provide some useful information and help me?
Last reply by fish0912, -
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Hi everyone. This is my first post so if it is in wrong place please forgive me. My web site added into dmoz directory unfortunately url is wrong. What do i have to do for correcting the url? I guess this is urgent. Dmoz url is this :<URL removed> This entry show wrong web page but my site is <URL removed> Regards
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 3 replies
I have suggested my website 4 times now, it has been in consideration for over 8 years in DMOZ. I have had zero luck and so would now like to ask other DMOZ editors to consider my submission. Note, I have suggested the multiple times under the direction of the category editor. But each time she seems to lose my request. Catagory: URL: [Removed] (I shrunk the URL so you don't think I am trying to spam links, if my site is found worthy to add, please use the real URL =) ) If you would look at some of the sites listed in the catagory right now like: (URL Removed) I think my submission is very much worthy of…
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 1 reply
Hi, This is my first post and I actually submitted my website 9-10 mos ago to DMOZ and still no sign of my website. I have since added more niche products which are not in the original description and I wondering if I have already been turned down. I know you don't tell people if their site was rejected but I am wondering if maybe I submitted to soon when I had very few links pointing to my website. I now have over 580 links, which are good links, not link farm links, and I have not submitted my website again as I read not to do so. After reading some of these post where people have been waiting 4 years and have not got their website listed yet. WoW ! Are you saying…
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 6 replies
I used to run a small business and my website was listed in the dmoz directory. I no longer run the business and the website has been offline for some time. How do I go about getting it removed from dmoz? I don't like my old business name appearing, and I'm sure dmoz editors don't want broken links in the directory, so it would surely be best for it to be removed.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
Dear all, My website is best site related to the tender information from all over india and world .my website is getting top rank in major search engine.But still after 3 attemp my website <URL removed> is not listed in If anybody can guide me the listing process it will be grt help to me Regards Mahesh <email removed>
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 3 replies
I try to put the sites several times The first few times I thought it was really because my category but the competition there, strange So I tried by category like, that did not help, what do you do? Who can help me? Or at least give me more tips I do not know if you could post here what category and the site so I do not do it but nobody to help me I send him all information Thanks in advance
Last reply by pvgool,
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- RZ Admin
- 14 replies
I Have Submitted My Website 12 Time To DMOZ And They Have Still Not Approved My Site For Over 8 months After I Submitted The Way They Want It Submitted I Just Think The People That Run This Site Are Little Judging When That Aint The Way To Be Online Unless You Are So Big Of A Site That It Does Not Matter I Guess But It It Is A Little Childest I Would Say And A Little Over Rating When There Is Anough Sites That Will Approve My Website On There Sites When My Website Is Up And Growing Huge Online