Suggesting a Site
Note: General discussion only, no mention of specific sites please.
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Dear Webmaster, First, thank you for your time. Our website is <url removed> Our webstie have already added to DMOZ on July 7, the detailed information is as below: <category remvoed> <details removed> Can you please verify our website at your time. Thanks a lot. Best regards, Delia
Last reply by windharp,
- 1 reply
Hi I am looking to get my site listed on dmoz but recognise that I might need to do some work to make sure its correct, can anybody tell me where I should post for general advice if I have a question about the editorial guidlines? Thankyou for your assistance. Ian
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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Just over 16 months ago, after plenty of careful consideration, I submitted my website to DMOZ, I then 'forgot about it' - safe in the knowledge it can take 2 weeks / 2 years / 2 decades etc etc for someone to even consider my site… On 17th Sept 2011 I had a hit to my website from a DMOZ back link - which when clicked takes me to a log in page. The domain within the back link tracks back to the directory of my original submission. Therefor its safe to surmise that it was the editor of that page visiting my site. It could be argued that the editor was simply viewing submissions at that time with no further action, and that doesn't necessarily constitute an actual…
Last reply by Elper,
- 1 reply
Dear Editor, I am requesting a new category be created in the Massage Therapy and Bodywork heading: The name of the category is called Active Isolated Stretching developed by Aaron Mattes: <url removed> Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) has been practiced for forty years by Aaron Mattes. He teaches workshops internationally. There are about twenty of his students that teach his method. Active Isolated Stretching is a form of assisted stretching. A therapist helps the client to stretch. Aaron Mattes has identified key areas of stretching that need to be revised. He incorporated these fi…
Last reply by motsa,
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The category I submitted my site to hasn't been updated in 4 years, according to the date at the bottom of the page. I've been trying to get my site listed for over a year now. My site used to be listed 5 years ago but I took the site down and just relaunched it last year. The category is <category removed, of no relevance here> Could someone please look into this?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 8 replies
Hello, I have been trying to get my website indexed into DMOZ for almost 4 years now. I waited all that time, then recently re-submitted my site again on February 11th, 2011. Both times I made sure my site met all the criteria listed on the Guidelines page exactly as they were stated, and also made certain that I was submitting my site to the correct sub-category (many of my main competitors are listed in the same sub-category - Business: Marketing and Advertising: Internet Marketing: Marketing Services). I know all you can tell me to do at this point is wait, but after 4 years I'm just a bit confused and just wanted to know if there could be an issue I'm not aware…
Last reply by PaulosJonas, -
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Hi everyone. This is my first post so if it is in wrong place please forgive me. My web site added into dmoz directory unfortunately url is wrong. What do i have to do for correcting the url? I guess this is urgent. Dmoz url is this :<URL removed> This entry show wrong web page but my site is <URL removed> Regards
Last reply by pvgool,
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I used to run a small business and my website was listed in the dmoz directory. I no longer run the business and the website has been offline for some time. How do I go about getting it removed from dmoz? I don't like my old business name appearing, and I'm sure dmoz editors don't want broken links in the directory, so it would surely be best for it to be removed.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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I have suggested my website 4 times now, it has been in consideration for over 8 years in DMOZ. I have had zero luck and so would now like to ask other DMOZ editors to consider my submission. Note, I have suggested the multiple times under the direction of the category editor. But each time she seems to lose my request. Catagory: URL: [Removed] (I shrunk the URL so you don't think I am trying to spam links, if my site is found worthy to add, please use the real URL =) ) If you would look at some of the sites listed in the catagory right now like: (URL Removed) I think my submission is very much worthy of…
Last reply by pvgool,
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Hi, This is my first post and I actually submitted my website 9-10 mos ago to DMOZ and still no sign of my website. I have since added more niche products which are not in the original description and I wondering if I have already been turned down. I know you don't tell people if their site was rejected but I am wondering if maybe I submitted to soon when I had very few links pointing to my website. I now have over 580 links, which are good links, not link farm links, and I have not submitted my website again as I read not to do so. After reading some of these post where people have been waiting 4 years and have not got their website listed yet. WoW ! Are you saying…
Last reply by pvgool,
- 1 reply
Dear all, My website is best site related to the tender information from all over india and world .my website is getting top rank in major search engine.But still after 3 attemp my website <URL removed> is not listed in If anybody can guide me the listing process it will be grt help to me Regards Mahesh <email removed>
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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I've been trying to submits my sites <removed URLs> to DMOZ for over 2 years and non was indexed. I have been question of DMOZ fairness and worth for awhile and wondered if other people feel the same? I think if you're not in their club(DMOZ members club) your site will never get index. It is just not fair for search engines like Google give DMOZ so much credits. It is a crook free world.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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I try to put the sites several times The first few times I thought it was really because my category but the competition there, strange So I tried by category like, that did not help, what do you do? Who can help me? Or at least give me more tips I do not know if you could post here what category and the site so I do not do it but nobody to help me I send him all information Thanks in advance
Last reply by pvgool,
- 2 replies
Dear Administrators. Please can you help me with updating the description of our website. We changed business some time ago so our description is not valid anymore. Somebody advised us to go this dmoz site to update but so far we havent had a response. Thank you very much for your help.
Last reply by bobbyjimenez, -
- 4 replies
Hi everyone, I found a site listed on DMOZ but when I enter the domain into the DMOZ search it cant be found. I have been following this now for 4 weeks. Is this normal or is it a bug in the search function of DMOZ? Does it take more then 4 weeks to appear? By the way I also tried the name and it also cant find it. Look forward to any suggestions. Hope you can help.
Last reply by moluman, -
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hello team, the description of my site <URL removed> is old and i did several times fill the form for changing this description. i did it again today - please be so kind and change the description, thank you very much! best regards, uli
Last reply by Elper,
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I could not find a category to describe home made or hand made utilities in DMOZ. We can make many things of our need with some little efforts. I appeal to admin to make such type of category for the benefit of enthusiasts.
Last reply by rk1041, -
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I submitted my site a few years ago and for some reason it disappeared, why might this be? I do wonder if a competitor is an editor in the category my site was associated in because the sites in the category are lacking.
Last reply by pvgool,
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I have submitted my site ... since 2010 but until today it still havent listed on DMOZ, can anybody help me out there? Hope to hear from anybody out there soon! Regards, Nicholas Christopher
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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I think DMOZ is an amazing resource. I was just wondering if they will ever change their listing policies. Some areas do not have editors and its like falling into the black hole when needing to get listed. Joant is successful in their listing process. Just curious If I have a site that just is not getting listed after 6 months -- is the answer that it will never get listed?
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 6 replies
Hello and thanks for your time, I have a site about pregnancy and babies (<URL Removed>), in Spanish. It's online since the summer of 2007. By that year, I applied for the inclussion in the directory. It's a site that has millions of visits since creation, but it continues not to be listed. The category in which I made the submission is --> World: Español: Hogar: Familia: Bebés This is the category in which all the "competitors" are. In fact, there are sites newer than mine that are listed. Any idea? Any suggestion? What can I do to help? Thanks in advance.
Last reply by jeremy, -
- 1 reply
Can I have any reply,in case of rejection.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 6 replies
Whenever i click the submit button, i will be transfer back with this error: Not a valid IP address pattern in ip My Hosting company is Godaddy and my website is targetting Singapore Region. This is the category which I selected: Regional: Asia: Singapore: Business and Economy: Real Estate: Residential My URL is: (I just notice that no posting of own website -_- Please respond and i will PM you my URL thank you!) Would appreciate any help. Thank you!
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 13 replies
Hi, I am aware that it takes time for a submitted site to be accepted. I just wonder how I will be informed whether my suggested site has been accepted or rejected? When searching for it, there are more than thousand sites in the category I chose and they are not in alphabetic order. A bit tedious to browse... Kind regards Lilian Westlin (Alingo)
Last reply by motsa,
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Hi at DMOZ My name is being listed under a false (corrupt?) database entry. The website (<url removed>) on this entry has long been removed by DMOZ, but a reference to my name still comes up on top of the DMOZ search results. I emailed DMOZ about this, but got no reply. I since tried to suggest my own website under my name, but that had no effect either. Now because of this false DMOZ entry all web searches done for my name come up in reference this website I have nothing to do with. Which in turn is quite reputation-damaging given that I'm a web producer, and this particular website being a total eye (and info) sore. Even the DMOZ description is false. …
Last reply by pvgool,