Suggesting a Site
Note: General discussion only, no mention of specific sites please.
5068 topics in this forum
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- Editall/Catmv
- 21 replies
Dear Editors I have submitted my site over a year ago to your online web directory. Since that time i have investigated sites listed in you directory in specific categories that reflect the same i have applied to. in that time i have listed many sites that where not working properly or in the wrong category and the editor has removed them or made adjustments. This is not a complaint but must be honest is an example listed in your directory....<url removed> this site is listed in your directory. Please tell me how this site meets dmoz requirements and guidelines. Thanking you in advane John
Last reply by The Old Sarge,
Update URL resulted in Sites Entry disappearing!
by Guest not_another_rich- 6 replies
Hi, I recently requested the URL to be updated to the newer in the category: Its now entirely gone! What gives?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 12 replies
I am just trying to see if my site is still in que or if it was's been about 6 months and nothing back yet. My site is: <url removed> The section is: Thanks for the help...I have no problem waiting patiently, but if it was denied I would like to resubmit.
Last reply by sdiggles, -
Multilingual submission
by Guest --
- Editall/Catmv
- 6 replies
Bonjour, I've post a site on the french cat. and has been quickly added in + been in touch with the nice french editor to proceed some modifications /images/icons/smile.gif Now, I have done the same for the english and spanish version of my site, plus I was happy to find in the english directory a more indepth category related to my site (that didn't exist on the french one). Today, my site is listed in the english speaking cat. <Science: Environment: Water Resources> under the french and spanish description, but not the english version. Could you explain me that? I can not see an editor to get in touch with, what shall I do? I couldn't find any ot…
Last reply by lissa,
- 9 replies
I submitted a site that in retrospect I should not have... it would be unique to the directory but it is merely an edited version of a much longer faq. (Other bits and pieces of this faq probably are in the directory, but not as a "site".) In other words, it's unique but probably not "unique enough." I compounded this error by (I didn't realize it at the time) submitting it to a category that shows no edits since December 2000. I have been thinking that this is just as well and was going to forget about it, but I do want to do things right since I have made other (non-dumb) submissions. The one dumb submission isn't horribly awful, so... should I just forget about i…
Last reply by steveb, -
My site no longer appears in search engines...
by Guest ssskolnik-
- Meta
- 6 replies
Hello. My site was registered almost 3 years ago and used to appear in the search engines with no problem. Now it doesn't appear at all and the site appears to be unregistered. I was wondering if someone could please help me to become re-registered or, if there is some sort of code violation, to please help me rectify the error. Thanks very much.
Searching URL submission progress
by Guest --
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- 4 replies
I propose a feature where submitters can check their URLs progress. Wouldn't this be a great feature. It would stop people doing multiple submissions if they are rejected. I put in my URL a couple of months ago and it hasn't been listed. I have submitted it again but am worried that the editor will have 2 submissions in his/her queue and I will be blacklisted. So such a feature would stop this. Any body else think this is a good idea?
Last reply by totalxsive, -
- Meta
- 4 replies
Hi all, I've submitted my site to the open directory and it still has not been included. Most of the time I see sites excluded due to lack of "unique content". I dont think that applies to my site, at least I hope that is not the case. Any info would be appreciated.
Last reply by hutcheson,
- RZ Admin
- 9 replies
Hi, My website suggest on about one month ago,how i can know the process? <URL removed> Thanks very much
Last reply by johnsilvek,
- 5 replies
First off I just want to thank all the editors of ODP. You are a shining star in a pay for inclusion world. Your volunteer efforts are truly self sacrificing, and I just want to let you all know I appreciate all that you do! /images/icons/smile.gif I have a couple of questions about my submission to the ODP. I submitted my site to [Top: Shopping: Jewelry: Supplies: Beads: A] about six weeks ago; the category is without an editor. Has there been a backlog of submissions to categories without an editor? Should I submit again? My site is . Any help would be very appreciated. Thank you, Jennifer
Does sub-domain count as the domain listed?
by Guest kquinn574-
- Meta
- 3 replies
I have a domain I've been trying to get listed for nearly two years. Whenever I search for my domain name, it isn't found. Today is the first time it said, "Domain already listed" when I tried to submit. However, if you search for my domain by name, it doesn't come up. It only comes up if you leave the tld off. It comes up then as the sub-domain. Anything I can do?
Last reply by windharp,
- Meta
- 15 replies
How can I check to see if my site is pending review? I think that I submitted my site for review but sadly, I must admit that I am not sure. It was a very confusing process (mainly due to the categorizations). I am not a dope. I made it through 19 years of school and passed a very difficult bar exam, yet I found the process so confusing that I am not sure if I actually submitted my site. I did not received any type of confirmation that the site was submitted. Doing a search for it <url removed> comes back with nothing, but I am afraid that if I "resubmit" it that I will cause a denial. I read postings by people waiting years for inclusion. Is there some way to simpl…
Last reply by gclaw, -
- Meta
- 4 replies
I submitted my site a few days ago and the editor told me to post my problem here. I submitted my site A1A ( ) because I am not listed in the DMOZ search engine. I was listed a few years ago under the following category which DOES NOT EXIST anymore. I thought that you should know that and I do not want that old category to jeopardize my current listing. The old category was: If you perform a search for my site "" in your search engine, I am not listed. My site IS NOT a MLM or Multi Level marketing as it was originally classified.…
Last reply by hutcheson,
Site Inclusion Problem. Please help.
by Guest --
- Meta
- 4 replies
I have submitted my site to Business: Financial Services: Loans several times during the past 8 months. I have not been added. I emailed the editors about a month ago with no reply from them. Granted, my site uses affiliate links, but I am adding new content all the time since I am a "Bad credit" resource. I have a new section called "consumer tips" with related articles and advice. This column continues to grow. I would really like some help or advice on getting added to the directory. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Last reply by hutcheson,
Title guideline question
by Guest --
- Meta
- 9 replies
Hypothetically, if a business name is Mike Smith & Associates, but the domain name is, would the Title "#1 Financial Advice" be accepted by the ODP Editor? There are many examples of listings reflecting the domain name as the title when the company name is something else. The first character being a number puts the listing at the top of the list within the category. Thanks.
Last reply by theseeker,
Help! Our oldURL listed in DMOZ hosts a PORN Site!
by Guest synel-
- Meta
- 4 replies
Dear Sirs, Please Help! Our old URL currently listed in DMOZ directory,,, has been acquired by someone, who placed a disgusting pornographic site on it (see Our company - Synel Time and Attendance Systems is a well established and respectable company, dealing with time and attendance applications ( ). About 10 days ago, according to ODP submission guidelines i submitted URL and Category changes for Our website - Synel Time and Attendance Systems, as follows: URL - old: new: Old Category:…
Can someone help me please?
by Guest set- 3 replies
I have been trying to list one of my clients in DMOZ for 3 months now with no success. I would like to know why it is not being listed. The URL is and the directory is: This site is one which sells coffee online and is highly relevant to this category. I have submitted once a month for the last 3 months. Thank-you very much. SET
Last reply by totalxsive, -
- 5 replies
I believe our site was down when a editor viewed it. I noticed in my logs this morning that it was viewed/hit by /editors/editcat-unrev.cgi cat=Computers/Internet/Web_Design[...] This site is already listed in the “regional” section but we were waiting for the listing in The site is SEO Ohio Web Design. The problem with the site is they are doing work on a major Internet Backbone connection provided by Quest Communications (not my host) this weekend and all sites that depend on it are down or working “very” slow at times and at other times the problem is not there at all (heads up if you a…
Last reply by dstanovic, -
- Meta
- 12 replies
i submited several times but couldnot get included. i think i submit to the right category. maybe not good enough? this is my site: Make Laugh Not War
Last reply by chrisnomad, -
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 13 replies
Greetings, I have read over some of the past posts and am still not sure how many listings I can submit. My url I sell Corsets (all sizes up to 8X) I sell historical, theatrical and renaissance festival costumes (same) I sell Swimsuits (4X to 8X exclusively) Halloween/Mardi Gras costumes (4X to 8X). I submitted one url for the corsets at: Shopping: Clothing: Undergarments: Girdles and Corsets I would like to submit My Halloween and Mardi Gras line to: Shopping: Clothing: Costumes: Holiday: Halloween My historical and renaissance festival costumes to: Shopping: Clothing: Costumes: Historical My swimsuits to: Shop…
Last reply by hutcheson,
Can I submit Seasilver site?
by Guest raja4-
- Meta
- 2 replies
I am an affiliate of Seasilver. I thought I can't submit my site because I am an affiliate. But when I search on Seasilver, I found the following 3 affiliates alongwith the manufacturer site ( Is there any change in policy or these sites somehow used some other way to get into ODP. My understanding is only manufacturer site is allowed. Thanks
I really cant find an appropriate category
by Guest --
- Meta
- 4 replies
Hi, Ive recently made a new site at and im really unsure where to submit the site to. Its a resource/community/interview/tutorial site for trance dj's and producers. Ive looked at the music composition section, but it really seems only for classical composers and not dance music. Any advice would help loads, cos ive drawn a blank at the moment. Thanks
- 11 replies
Hi guys. My domain name is <url> I am listed in the Catagorie /Top/Shopping/Sports/WaterSports/Surfing/SurfShops/ ...with Google but not in the Dmoz ODP. Do you have any Idea Why? Does this mean that I am going to be removed form Googles Directory? Or does it mean that I am going to be added to The Dmoz Directory? I do not belive that I have violted any of the Direcory Guidelines. So I am in a quandary as to why I am not listed in both Directories. Thanks for any help I can get on this one. Coolhand luke
Last reply by jimnoble, -
Submitted wrong url (Scotland>Golf)
by Guest hometime-
- Meta
- 1 reply
Opps! I submitted a site yesteday and accidently submitted the wrong url. Is there anything I can do to change it to the correct one or should I just resubmit. The url submitted was It should have been, submitted to Apologies to the editor in advance for wasting their time and thanks to anybody who can help out.
Last reply by windharp,
- Meta
- 10 replies
I submitted a website more 1 month ago and i haven't heard anything from DMOZ regarding it's listing. One section of DMOz says allow at least 2 weeks and another says it could take several months and is dependent on the category. I did not get an email to say it's been received by you when i submitted my website and am wandering if I need to submit it again as it may not been received by Dmoz. Could you let me know? <url removed>
Last reply by ajstephenson, -