Suggesting a Site
Note: General discussion only, no mention of specific sites please.
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I can see why it takes a long time. And the administrators have my deepest admiration for their dedication and commitment. I like everyone else wonders about the status of my site. While this may be a stupid question, couldn't a search tab be added that would give general answers like "under Review" "accepted" or Declined" or take a number you are now 8,325.....number 63 NEXT. It seems that the limited number of administrators could better use their time then answering the same question. Anyway Thanks guys. You do a great job. Ron Coselman
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 3 replies
This is a variation of the previous question. There is no 'Suggest URL' link for /On the Web/Online Community/Social Networking. However I see there are a number of websites that are already listed in this category. Reviewing the sites in this category it seems it would be a good fit. Does it no longer exist? If I go down one more level ie to 'Software and Services' the 'Suggest URL' is available. However, when I read the description it doesn't seem to be as good a fit. Looking for some guidance on what to do. Thanks. David
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 5 replies
Hi guys! I've been using the ODP since my college days in 1999 and have loved it since day 1. I noticed a sub catergory that should be added. If there's anyone out there that could pass the word to the powers that be let them know it's be cool to see... Top : Society: Subcultures : Cyberculture : Planking With the growing attention over the past year or so there have been many quality sites popping up. I could give you more then 6 examples but don't want to post outside links in here. If you would like to message me for a list of suggestions please feel free. Thanks for taking the time to look at my thread! econroy56
Last reply by econroy56, -
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- 3 replies
Hi community, We have submitted the news website <URL removed> which the most leading and popula English daily news paper in oman, GCC. We have submitted this website <URL removed> four months back and still it is not appeared in domz. Any ideas to make it inlcuded in domz will be a great help <sig removed>
Last reply by windharp,
- 2 replies
Hi, This is my first post and would be more then happy to contribute to this forum. There is a Category I would like to suggest that can fall under Alternative Care in same category for Chiropractor. Physical Therapy Category is missing. Thanks
Last reply by SunRiseRehab, -
- 1 reply
How to add my website in Dmoz <url removed> this is my sites i was add many times in dmoz but not add it.plz reply me
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 29 replies
Hi, i have been trying to add a submission but it would seem that it does not seem to accept the entry, i belive i am doing it all the right way and the right catogory? its a cgi/3d art freelance website of mine with a address, this i entered in "Business: Business Services: Design: Graphic Design: Designers: Multi-Discipline: Europe: United Kingdom: England" filled in all the other bits including the real person verifcation hit submit but the page just jumps back to the top and a yellow box just says please select a uk web address? which mine is. there is no confermation on screen to say what i entered has been accepted or wrong, can someone please help,
Last reply by mandyjb, -
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- 2 replies
Just wondering what this website is missing to be qualified and added to DMOZ? http://URL Removed Please explain?
Last reply by linnete, -
- 1 reply
i has been submitted in correct category to my site in usa but not existed what i have to do for existing... This is my site : [url Removed}
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 4 replies
i want to add my site <URL removed> to directory: for years and change many methods,but always failed,now no editor and nothing can add. i am not sure don't consider about chinese website or something else.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I would like to submit a url to a category (/Games/Gambling/Poker/) but the 'submit url' link is missing. Also there is no editor info on that page? Does this mean the category is closed, seems odd as there is some outdated info on the page.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 8 replies
Hello, I submitted a site to DMOZ back in June 2007. It has not been listed as yet. I was wondering if the domain name could be the cause. Our company offers two software products, one Lotus Notes based, the other 100% Web based. While they share the same general framework, they are substantially different products not only in platform but also features and functions. These products share the same name, except that the Web product is appended with .Net. The Lotus Notes product is listed in DMOZ under its name, as http://www.******.com (no, its name isn't really *******). The Web product site is named similarly but it is http://www.******.Net. I am afraid that …
Last reply by motsa,
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- 17 replies
Hello, Way back in 2008 I submitted my site to DMOZ I waited, but still it hasn't appeared. How long should it take? I have submitted it again to the category other wedding photographers from my area are showing up in. Is there anything else I should do? Thanks in advance, David
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I'm the owner of <URL removed>, a business for web design based in Spain. I've tried the inclussion in the best category for my site (I guess, by the rest of the sites listed). It's this: Top: World: Español: Regional: Europa: España: Comunidades Autónomas: Castilla y León: Economía y negocios: Informática: Internet: Diseño de Páginas It's a very short category, and I've requested the inclussion weeks ago. Do you think that the category is wrong? Is there anything else I can do? Regards.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 1 reply
Hello, DMOZ. We suggested our site some time ago, as we thought it would add value to the ODP's existing directory. However, someone had mentioned that a while back some information was lost on your end. We are currently not listed in the directory, nor do we know if our company is awaiting approval. Is there a way to check if it is even submitted to DMOZ, and that it is in your cue for review? Thanks, SB
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 19 replies
Hi, I'm new to these forums, but part of my reason for joining is to ask a question/make a suggestion. I have to say that I find the whole 'process' of submitting a site to DMOZ which is then reviewed to be rather odd, in the sense that there appears to be no 'visibility' once you've clicked the submit button. There is simply no feedback, other than if you happen to get accepted eventually and then listed (in which case you need to visit the site and search for your site on it before you get even 'that' feedback). DMOZ essentially tell us: 1. Follow the guidelines, else you may get rejected 2. Submit your site, then wait.... for an unlimited amount of time. I…
Last reply by go2holidays, -
- 3 replies
Hello, I am receiving the following error when attempting to submit a site: "Not a valid IP address pattern in ip" Could anyone explain what this error means, and/or whether there is something I can do to remedy the problem. I have searched for information regarding this topic and seen that in the past "jimnoble" has asked to be PMed the submission data, but I did not wish to presume by sending a PM without invitation. In addition to the problem above, I have a question on one of the bullet points from the "How to suggest a site to the Open Directory" page, which reads: "Do not submit any site with an address that redirects to another address." The top-level page…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
Hi there. My site is a worldwide travel website that has been around since 2002. It has a Google PR=4 and an Alexa rating of 250,000 which puts it in the top 2% websites worldwide. For my keyword, the sites name which is a single word, we have 8 entries on Google Page 1. I've submitted my site twice to DMOZ in the past two years but nothing. What am I doing wrong? Many thanks Cliff
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 3 replies
I have no way of knowing how many times our website has been submitted, however I'm hoping someone can give me some insight. Unfortunately mismanagement of our website has probably lead to useless submissions. Is it possible for an administrator to shed some light on the issue?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 2 replies
Hi, Sorry if this is the wrong place for this: About three months ago, maybe four, I submitted a site to: The address of the site has changed in the meantime, and I'm now wondering if that was a good idea. Old address: <removed url pr forum ToS> New address: <removed url pr forum ToS> A 301 is in place, and I'm told that a 301 proves the new address is legitimate (?) I've also been warned not to re-submit the site, or it could be 'black listed' Advice appreciated.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
Hello Editor I have several sites in dmoz under a subdomain of my provider Since some years I have an own domain with domain name I plan to move to another provider and I want to change the address of my sites How should I proceed
Last reply by motsa,
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- RZ Admin
- 7 replies
Dear Webmaster! I have read your Editor Application's Policy. But please let me know. Is there any other way to submit a website in Dmoz? I will very thank full if you resolve my problem. Thanks again Gere
Last reply by mauri,
- 2 replies
Hi, i have suggest a website 1 month ago, is possible to know if my request is good or rechazed? normally how many time pass after including website en dmoz? sorry my bad english
Last reply by alfarotulos, -
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Hello, I don't want to keep people thinks I'm crying here. But my site nearly be 2 years old. And still i don't know why DMOZ not looking at my site. After opening my site i waited nearly 6 months ( i said I'm too new they accept quality sites ) after that time i decided "Its time..." and sent my site under "Games > Video Games > Massive Multiplayer Online" Then i looked some sites listed under that category... (I thought maybe i'm using wrong category but saw TenTonHammer there which is same as my site) I don't think DMOZ editors looking sites forums to judge because my forum was in Turkish language for some time. Now we setup an add-on to make it for both…
Last reply by Gnoll, -
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Currently, my site listed under "Shopping: Jewelry: Supplies: Gemstones". Now,want to listed under other categories like: Business: Consumer Goods and Services: Jewelry Shopping:Jewelry:Diamonds:Diamond_Jewelry Regional:North_America:United_States:California:Metro_Areas:Los_Angeles I got one example of listed in multiple categories: <url removed> How to start this process to without effect current listing. Please guide me about this. Thanks
Last reply by pvgool,