Suggesting a Site
Note: General discussion only, no mention of specific sites please.
5068 topics in this forum
I've been waiting about 9 mos to get listed. ETA?
by Guest timware-
- Meta
- 11 replies
Hello, I submitted about 9 months ago, and we still haven't been reviewed. On July 24, 2003, I received a message saying we were amongst 50 sites still waiting to be added to: My client is about to can me because I can't get them listed. I explain that it's a long process, but this excuse is wearing thin. Is it at all possible to get an ETA? Thanks, and sorry to be a pest. Tim
Last reply by xixtas01, -
- 2 replies
I have authored several pages/sites and gotten them listed in ODP. My experience in dealing with the ODP and several editors has been a good one. So this post is not a complaint, but driven by curiousity. The one site I had problems getting listed is The Visible Policy. It thoroughly documents my life insurance policy and is informational/educational in nature. The natural category for it seemed to be Home: Personal Finance: Insurance: Life. During the last 16 months I tried to submit it there 3 times, about 5 months apart. Each time the submission was either ignored or rejected. (No editor, so I don't know which.) If it was rejected, I wonder if it was becau…
Last reply by Rock, -
- Meta
- 12 replies
I have submitted a very reputable site several times over the past few years with no response. Most recently I submitted it on 2/23/2009 and again on 9/1/2010. I can't think of any reason my site would not be accepted and it really bugs me that my competitors are listed in the directory and I am not. Do I have any recourse at all or is there any way I could get feedback as to why my site has not been listed? Have you guys quit accepting submissions? I have had many other sites listed in the directory in the past! I understand I am not supposed to link to specific sites on this forum so I will respect that but I will gladly send the link privately to an editor!
Last reply by pvgool,
Need help placing an affiliate shopping site
by Guest --
- Meta
- 3 replies
Need help placing an affiliate shopping site I realize ODP does not want sites that sell affiliate products in shopping from reading the boards, but if not listed in shopping then where? The site in question (for submission) sells a variety of products, from heath care to computer software. We see a lot of other sites in DMOZ that we would consider competitor sites (due to the fact that they are selling the same products), some with affiliate links, some with their own stores and some that are a mixture. Most have managed to get listed in a variety of different areas and are spread all over. But where does ODP want affiliate sites listed.....or does it? And what would …
Last reply by hutcheson,
Not allowed to submit URL
by Guest -- 3 replies
OK, I've got a website I want to add to a category of Accommodation. I'm not allowed to add the website, because I've got to submit it to the regional directory. Problem is, I don't see the point in doing this, because the site supplies hotel in every continent, and not all of the continent categories have editors. What's a guy to do??
Last reply by jordancpeterson, -
- Meta
- 22 replies
Hi mods, I have submitted the following: Removed URL to Business: Investing: Chats and Forums It is very rellevant, however, I fear that it may not be included as it is not the root page? The reason I have submitted this page is that it is intended to be a website within a website and therefore stands alone. Will this be okay? - As I have seen ' Some ' inner pages on the ODP.
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- RZ Admin
- 8 replies
When I am trying to Submit mobile games website Link in DMOZ.There is no option avaliable to Submit a Website link.How can I Post a Link?
Last reply by informator,
Topical listing (Main URL or Deeplink)
by Guest qh7-
- Meta
- 3 replies
I was told by a Meta editor once that a site could have two listings one as Regional and one as Topical. Right now, my site is at a Regional directory. I would also like to be considered for "From the rules" Multiple Listings of an URL There are a few occasions in which a site could be listed in more than one category. Sites that are relevant to a subject category and a specific local geographic area. Many sites can be listed once in a topical branch of the ODP, and once in the Regional category. " Does this mean one can submitt the main url or a deeplink for the second catagory? Please let me kno…
Last reply by hutcheson,
submission to 2 categories
by Guest --
- Meta
- 4 replies
Hi, I have submitted to Top/Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Designers/Full_Service/S/ and I would like to know if I qualify to be listed in a uk version of this category, or perhaps because this is our primary service we offer.
Last reply by totalxsive, -
- Meta
- 10 replies
I have been submitting our site every three months for the last year and a half without success. I am trying to get it listed in Top: Business: Construction and Maintenance: Commercial Contractors: Demolition . I feel our site is organized well, looks good and offers unique content that the others dont. The site is highly ranked on other search engines for keyword "demolition contractor" which makes me believe they feel our site is relavant and has unique content. Can someone provide any assistance or suggestions.
Last reply by nea,
Categorized Portals
by Guest -- 3 replies
I understand that pure affiliate listings are not supported by DMOZ. How about categorized portals with hundreds or thousands of links (still being affiliated) combined with extended services like e-mail, newsletter, forums, info's, news feed, multimedia and such. The way the categorization and all other services might help internet users to find their way around specific topics easier or in different ways, might justify to have those directories and portals listed as second resources besides the Yahoo's of the world, wouldn't you think? See (and you have possibly guessed it already, I have developed such portals and just don't get listed in DMOZ, maybe because of man…
Last reply by apeuro,
- Meta
- 14 replies
My illustration website is in both English and Japanese versions, as I'm a Westerner living in Japan but with clients all over the world. I submitted my illustration portfolio site to DMOZ in English, with correct English descriptions etc, following carefully all the guidelines, however the only listing I have in DMOZ is in Japanese, and that listing is in the wrong section - computer graphics (I don't often work with computers). Several times I've attempted to get my site listed in English in the Illustration section, but nothing has changed at all. So, two questions - 1) what do I have to do to get an English listing for my website? 2) How can I change the J…
Last reply by Scribble, -
- Meta
- 10 replies
My site has been online since 1999, I would say its quite large forum that discusses everything from entertainment, science, news, technology. I have been trying to get my site listed for over 5 years now with my current domain, I even re-applied yesterday as the last time I applied was almost a year ago. I will be honest you will probably black list me but I would rather someone tell me what is wrong with my site because I look at the category that I think is best suited for my niche and see some of my rivals that have much less information and members than me, I also see sites that I believe do not belong in there but year after year I get overlooked. I kno…
Last reply by jessicaken, -
- Meta
- Editall
- 15 replies
I have a question about the guidelines for submitting URLs when you are an "authority website." In other words, when a website has large, major categories and sections that contain enough specific and focussed information to be considered websites of their own. A portal of many specialized subjects, if you will. Take for instance... - At my last count, BabyCenter has "48" unique URLs in the ODP to their various online articles, tools, and category sections. - has nearly "20" unique URLs in the ODP. At ( ), we have undergone a major expansion and redesign over the past year. We now offer the…
Last reply by spectregunner, -
Changing URL
by Guest Patchworks-
- Meta
- 7 replies
We are about to lose our current domain URL in a copywrite dispute and need to have our ODP listing updated with our new Domain URL. Can anyone tell me how I might do this? If this is the wrong place to ask, I apologize in advance. Patchworks
Last reply by totalxsive, -
Where are my wedding sites?
by Guest --
- Meta
- 4 replies
I've been trying since last summer to submit a few wedding sites (,, etc.) to the Shopping: Weddings: Invitations and Announcements category without any luck. I have resubmitted and even mailed the category editors repeatedly, but I do not get any response. These are very popular sites for brides, as they all carry their own direct mail catalog, but I have not had any luck getting them listed. Any information on what I am doing wrong, or advice on how to get these sites included would be appreciated.
Hello Editors, Please don't take this post as me bashing editors because its not my intent. Moreover, I'm a bit confused with some of the responses in the forum. It seems there are a lot of frustrated website owners trying to list their sites. Many of them have being waiting multiple years. The responses that I read seem to say that there is no time limit to review submissions, this is a hobby, we do it at our own pace, etc... I find these responses to be counter intuitive to concept of dmoz. If the idea is to make the "web a better place" shouldn't there be some accountability? How much future affect can dmoz have on the web if its not holding editors accountable f…
Last reply by pvgool,
Arnold Schwarzenegger Interactive
by Guest -- 1 reply
hi my name is maninder sandhu and i have been trying to get my site into the directory for a few months, please someone please help me , i would really appreciate it. here is my info i am trying to get it in the arnold schwarzenegger section Arnold Schwarzenegger Interactive Features a selection of photos from movies he's starred in, news, quotes, a biography, and filmography. Take quizzes and download desktop themes. my email address is
Trying to submit to adult catagory
by Guest misty-
- Meta
- 3 replies
Hello, I been trying to submit my site under adult catagory. I've read the instructions under submissions and I am unable to find the adult catagory. My site content is for mature audiences only and the way I understand it I have to submit under that catagory. What am I doing wrong? I can't proceed and submit my URL unless I locate the catagory, right? Your help would be appreciated. Regards.
Last reply by apeuro,
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 7 replies
Does being listed on yahoo help speed my listing in a spam prone dmoz category?
Last reply by lissa,
rejected sites - should I resubmit?
by Guest --
- Meta
- 10 replies
Hi, I have a site I've been trying to get listed in the Open Directory for about 4 months and would really appreciate some advice. My site,, was originally accepted and listed in Shopping/Vehicles/Watercraft/Parts_and_Accessories/Engines_Drives,_Propellers/. I tried listing in another catagory and was rejected, and I believe it was as this point that the original listing disappeared. I resubmitted to the original catagory a few months ago and I have not heard back or been listed. I'm confident that the catagory is the appropriate one for the site. However, I'm not sure whether I should resubmit, or if it is on its way to being indexed. …
Last reply by brmehlman, -
- Meta
- 14 replies
Hi All I have been trying to have our site listed in the Spreadsheets>Excel category with any luck. Could somebody please tell me why I cannot get listed? We also have a Free Excel Q&A forum here: that would be a valuable resource for Spreadsheets: Excel: Help This one we only submitted about 6 weeks ago, but I get the feeling that it wont make it in as our main site hasn't. Thank you Dave
Last reply by DaveHawley, -
- Meta
- 6 replies
I'm willing to offer a handsome reward to anyone who can help us successfully get listed in DMOZ � we'd submitted the categories we thought most appropriate but alas we have fallen through the cracks of the DMOZ juggernaut. Below is a description of our store. Over the last 6 months we have submitted to ---- Shopping:Retailers ---- Shopping:Clothing:Women's ---- Shopping:Sports:Fitness:Apparel ---- Shopping:Sports:Health ---- Shopping: Health: Beauty: Bath and Body ---- Shopping: Niche: Vegan All failed attempts. The only assumed answer, since until this forum has been created we have had no feedback, is that either editors have found us ---- not big enou…
Subdomains allowed?
by Guest halbert-
- Meta
- 12 replies
I've searched the archives, but I can't find a simple answer to what seems like a simple question. Is it allowed to submit subdomains? In this case they would be completely separate sites focusing on different catagories. I'm only trying to prevent jinxing my chances of getting accepted by seeming to do something sneaky. At least anything sneakier than playing with multiple sites while paying for one. Thanks!
Last reply by xixtas01, -
Made a pig's ear with submitting - sorry!
by Guest --
- Meta
- 5 replies
Hello there, Tried submitting to a long time back but never had any success. In desparation, I started trying to submit various pages such as and others. In hindsight, I now realise this was rather fool-hardy and seems to have earned me a reputation as a spammer (which I assure you I'm not!). Can someone advise how I can wipe the slate clean and start afresh? Many thanks, Paul
Last reply by hutcheson,