Suggesting a Site
Note: General discussion only, no mention of specific sites please.
5068 topics in this forum
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- 12 replies
Good Day My site is already listed here for a quite sometime now,i want to know if Im qualified for this category MY site is Thanks in advance
Last reply by geo_one, -
shopping directories and affiliate links
by Guest multimedia-
- Meta
- 1 reply
I run a uk shopping directory and held back from submitting to dmoz because it has around 70% affiliate links. This goes against the submittal guidelines. However by its very nature a shopping directory links to shops! you would be rather stupid not to earn a little cash whilst providing your service. I did submit in the end (though I expect to be denied) i submitted because, after browsing the other entries in the shopping directories category(ies), the majority of the sites are ofcourse full of affiliate links (may i say some are damn right ugly). What is your policy on shopping directories? This is something which has bugged me for a while so i'd like some feed…
Last reply by hutcheson,
No editor in for my category. Please help!
by Guest -- 2 replies
Can anyone Please help?!? We have been trying to list 3 sites in the open directory for more than 5 months. The problem is the categories applicable to these sites have not had an editor for at least 5 months. The sites are: Category: Top: Regional: Central America: Costa Rica: Business and Economy: Travel Services: Tour Operators This in my opinion compromises the quality of the ODP, in that in this case at least, the listings are out dated and very unrepresentative to the wealth of information and quality sites that do exist. There are a number of newer sites about Montever…
Last reply by donaldb, -
How can we get an editor to review sites with a category that has not had an editor in a year?
by dbeart-
- Meta
- 10 replies
Hello How do we get an editor to look 2 categories that have not had an editor for at least a year? As our site is an online magazine that covers multiple verticals we must add our listing to the following 2 categories. Our one site covers house/home/family/pets/health/décor…etc. thus it cannot be added to category that has a editor. Our second site cover multiple pets, thus we cannot just lit it under dogs or cats. We added our main ‘Home” site to on September 11 / 2013. We added our ‘Pet” site to on September 12th Th…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
Hi, I just want to know how soon curlie's editors respond to our submission? We try to add a website in Matrimonial Category few days ago but didn't get response from anyone. Is this normal?
Last reply by informator,
Need to get a bogus entry changed
by Guest --
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- 12 replies
Hi I am the developer of a web site at (for Gladwish Land Sales). I would like to have it entered into the DMOZ but I find that someone has already entered it! This person is a land trader (reseller) who has been very cheeky and entered his site under Gladwish land Sales Name! I need to change the entry so that it points to the main site as above. Who do I speak to? Cheers
- Meta
- 7 replies
I am the owner of <url removed> a full service travel agency in Canada. I have never been able to get my site listed and cant talk to anyone about why. I feel my site is being targeted unfairly as I have tried to submit for 7 years now. What do I have to do to my website so I can be listed with all of my competitors. they are all there. i almost feel that i have been targeted by one of them to keep me out. please help me.
Last reply by pvgool,
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- RZ Admin
- 10 replies
Hi my name is Daniel Scott, I have been trying for a long time to get my website listed into ODP. I admit out of frustration I have submitted my site more than once, in a period of four years. My website isn't for money, it is based on my personal hobby of paranormal research. I can be honest in saying I know the rules, and suggestions of ODP with regards to getting listed. I would appreciate some one with the ability to do so; please look into my listing and suggest changes that may warrant inclusion. I am asking for any assistance possible please don't forsake my request. p.s. Thanks to anyone for your help it is appreciated. Daniel Scott
Last reply by jimnoble, -
How long since this category was updated ?
by Guest koros-
- Meta
- 13 replies
Category: Computers: Hardware: Technical Evaluations and Product Reviews Url: Hello, I wish to know when this category was last updated ? It seems it has been a while since last category new links. There seems to be no category editor and i'm worried about this since I have a resource there who is waiting validation. Cordially, Benj
Last reply by donaldb, -
Lack of ODP editor
by Guest elektra-
- Meta
- 8 replies
I've now noticed that the catgory I submitted my website to does not have an editor. Should I be concerned about this and re-submit to a different category that has one? The category I'm referring to is:
Please Remove (extra listing )
by Guest drauma- 2 replies
Hi, I submitted an update in DMOZ on 10/28/03 to, in the category: The update should go through ok, but yesterday I noticed a second listing for, under the category of: This last listing is unnecessary and confusing, and therefore would appreciate its removal. Thanks
Last reply by brmehlman, -
How long before Updated URL description?
by Guest -- 2 replies
After 10 months of trying get my site submitted, it has finally been reviewed and submitted this past Monday. I noticed that the description was changed, and I made some corrections to it, today. How often does the Editor review this category? I am hoping the new description gets updated asap. Thank you very much.
More accurate category for site
by Guest -- 1 reply
I have just submitted a request to update This site was listed in the Computers: Software: Business: E-Commerce: Business-to-Business: Exchanges category. Since Covisint is an automotive exchange company, we feel that Business: E-Commerce: Marketplaces: Automobiles is a more fitting category. I have updated the description for this site and in the comment area put that I wanted to change the category the site was in. I have also submitted the site to the category we believe best represents the site. Neither of these categories have editors, so I wanted to bring this to someone's attention. Thanks!
Last reply by thehelper,
Multiple Categories . . . is it allowed??
by Guest RandyG-
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- 2 replies
Hi All! Thanx for taking a look at my post. I've tried to get a concrete answer by searching this site and the guidelines on dmoz, but I'm still not sure . . . I have a site, , which is listed in . We sell Irish Gifts, Pottery, Woodcraft, Iron craft, Glass and Crystal, Books, Jewelry, Photographs, Prints, Greeting Cards, irish and Celtic symbols and Designs. That is the current range, and shortly I will have more categories. In the past, I have attempted with another site, to change categories, and though my site was removed from the original category, it was neve…
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Editall/Catmv
- Meta
- 11 replies
Last reply by hutcheson,
Company Website or Product Website?
by Guest -- 2 replies
Hi all, Both company Websites and product Websites are listed in DMOZ categories - it's usually clear from the title which they are. However a comment contributed in the "status" forum (in response to possible reasons why my site was dropped from the cue - just speculating) was along the lines of "perhaps the main company site should be submitted, not the product site". As a small, one product business, getting the product information out is primary. Our other two sites, one about our company background and the other about how other companies can use our technology for their own brands, are of little interest (yawn) to most visitors. Very few people click through…
- 3 replies
I have a site which I feel could well be listed in two or three categories, but at last look neither of these categories has an editor. I haven't fully read the guidelines about posting ones web site here but I feel that only an editor can tell me where to submit. My site is and could fall under various categories. Coos Bay, Oregon: Computer website design:Computer Repair:Free online assistance: Any assistance one of the editors could give me would be greatly appreciated. I understand you may have to edit my msg (sorry about that) but I'm just a tad upset that I have a quality site that ODP has not taken a look at. Thanks
Aviation: Change FlightCompare to FlightComparison
by Guest fli- 4 replies
Sorry to be a pain, but I've made a mess of my website submission. My website has just been listed within Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Travel_and_Tourism/Reservations/Aviation/ This is great news, trouble is, I submitted it as (For a brief spell I was going to market the site under this name). Is it possible for the listing to be changed to Flight Comparison and for it to link to ? Please also note that I have recently submitted the site to Home:Consumer Information:Price Comparisons. I trust this is acceptable as I believe you are allowed one regional and one main listing. Apo…
Last reply by totalxsive, -
- 14 replies
Hello there, I'm hoping to gather some feedback for opinions on category submission for our main website We have a few different websites which are all divisions (or departments if you will) of the single corporate identity SJK ENTERPRISES, LLC. All operate under the same corporate identity and this website is sort of a way to tie them all together into one name and present everything tastefully. I would say that the main market for this site is Internet/Business/E-Commerce/Consulting related; but as you know there are individual categories for each. I've been searching the dmoz off and on for about a month trying to pin down the sin…
Last reply by motsa,
- 0 replies
If you are a business that has a physical location you qualify for a Regional listing in the directory. Regional listings do not count against you in getting listed in another branch of the directory. If you are having problem getting listed by your site's topic submit to the appropriate Regional Locality and I think you will be surprised how quickly you achieve joy. If you happen to hit an editalls or metas area of interest and your site is good you might get listed in that sought after topical category as well as in Regional - 2 listings. I suggest that if you qualify for a Regional listing and have not already submitted - do so now. my 2 cents.
Last reply by thehelper,
There is a spelling mistake in my listing
by Guest set- 4 replies
Dear Editors, First here is the site info: The title should be "Pet Friendly Canada"... not "Pet Friendly" The description reads "Pet accommidations when traveling in Canada" "accommodations" is spelt wrong, and we offer "pet friendly accommodations"... not "pet accommodations". Can you make these small changes please. They would be much appreciated. Thank you so much. Sincerely, Randy McCaig
Last reply by dollsntoys, -
- Editall/Catmv
- 2 replies
The recent now closed thread “Novice Mistake” by natim and the content there in along with the net result of that thread has compelled me against my better judgment to spend time posting to this forum. Humans will only do it better if given the right information, tools and knowledge to complete the task at hand. There seems to be some question as to the value of the content and service to which everyone contributing to Novice Mistake commonly called “Lead Generation Sites”. Please excuse me for seeming a simpleton by stating the obvious, but wouldn’t the shear volume of the number of sites in question make a statement as to the value of the content and service thes…
Last reply by apeuro,
advice on moving categories?
by Guest paloalto- 2 replies
If your site is listed in one category, but is better suited for another, what's the best strategy for doing this? An update URL request for where it's currently at? Or submitting and ADD URL in the new category? I don't want the editors thinking that I'm spamming when submitting it for a new category when it's already listed. Thanks.
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 15 replies
Could not get listed, but less respectable sites are in same category? I applied for about 3 listings in a while back for 3 different websites that my company owns and provides for public use. I noticed while i was in that category that some of the other websites listed were either terrible and shoddy, or they were not even legitimate after examining them. A few websites were legitimate and decent / respectable competitors. Our listings got denied, and i don't even recall getting a reason. I submitted a message informing the editors the there were SEVERAL disreputable websites in this category, and i was puzzled as to how this one was denied. I got a response saying…
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- 17 replies
Just wondering what the average waiting time is for a site to listed in the dmoz directory. I submitted my site in august of 2006 and have not been listed yet. I also noticed at the bottom of the page where I submitted that it was updated on jan.30, 2007. Should I be worried that my submission was never received? Should I resubmit? Or have they just not got to mine yet? Also, I would be happy to edit this and other categories to help speed up the process but I notice they are not accepting any new submissions for editors? When will this be up and running so we can get dmoz back up to date? I'm sure there's many people who would be happy to volunteer to help out wi…
Last reply by cheezew, -