Suggesting a Site
Note: General discussion only, no mention of specific sites please.
5068 topics in this forum
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- 18 replies
Hello there, One of my sites is listed in the following category: The name of the site is listed as "Vicious Enterprises", which is not the name of the store (it should be "Hustler Panties"). I noticed this quite a while ago and didn't care until the incorrect DMOZ data started showing up everywhere (Alexa, other directories, Google, etc). Is there any way that this can be fixed before any more damage is done?
Last reply by motsa,
Can I update the description for
by Guest csilvey- 3 replies
The description for is somewhat outdated and doesn't fully explain what our company does. I would like to add a little more description. Is that possible? Here is where we are listed: (We moved recently from - it looks like that sub-category has been removed.) Here is our current description: "Offering online auto insurance and claims information." I'd like to add a little more detail, something like: "Offers quotes, comparison rates, buying a…
Last reply by John_Caius, -
Site deleted
by Guest cyprushotels-
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- 20 replies
My site that has been listed in the dmoz directory for last 3 years has been recently deleted. Who do I contact to find out the reasons for its deletion?
Last reply by spectregunner, -
Site Listing, IP Adress and Category Problem
by Guest csilk-
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- 10 replies
Hello....this is a great forum! Thanks! ok, for the longest time my IP address has been listed in the Directory pointing to This is incorrect. It should point to The listing for Corey Silk is there but in the wrong category...yikes! It should be in a alternative sexual lifestyle (bisexual) category. I can't ever seem to get this fixed. Whats up? Thanks again!
Last reply by dfy, -
Can't get my site listed on DMOZ
by Guest --
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- 19 replies
I have been trying to get my site listed in DMOZ for the last 5 month. I have sent it to the data base 3 or 4 times but nothing. I am offering international and interstate long distance service. It is not an affiliate site or .... <url removed> What am I doing wrong? Thanks Alex <url removed>
Last reply by The Old Sarge,
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- 34 replies
More questions came up during my searching for answers 1.This is a rough esitimate and I have found lot sof them, 289,522 people posting can not all be wroung. There are some real issues concerning, editors coruption baned listings for editorial mistakes made. Some one must be accountable and it cant be the submitters fault all the time. I know before you even go there and say most of the time it is, I have been reading and this does not seem to hold true 2. I have read complaints of Editors over loaded and or taking to much and putting in too little. 3. Please remember I have been watching the category and the upper levels this tree appears to have become root …
Last reply by timamie261, -
trouble deciding on a single category
by Guest --
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- 4 replies
hello, I submitted our site about 10 minutes ago into a pretty specific category because I couldn’t find a more ‘general’ category to submit to. I did find other categories that were almost equally appropriate, but they were just as specific and/or limiting. As it stands, I think I will just wait and see if the site gets in, because the submission is in progress, but my friend pointed this forum out to me, so I thought I would ask your advice because I felt like maybe I did it wrong. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks, Rob ____________________________________ Title: Online Loan Calculator Description: offers mortgage, financial, and auto loan calcul…
- Meta
- 19 replies
I submitted my site 3 years ago. It's a scientific website. It's currently most popular in it's filed. articles are quite exclusive, we have a good page rank and highest number of visitors in our field. and I add it in correct category in DMOZ but it not listed yet!!!! That's quite funny. Is there anybody out there?!!! if you're so busy that you can't add a site after 3 years, please close site registration and stop people of wasting their time here.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
proper category doent accept any new sites.
by Guest Ajiissac-
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- 23 replies
Hi, Our company is very fast growing company and offers debt consolidation. We feel the following category is the best suited category for our site. But this category doesnt accepts any site, how can I ask the editor to review my site. We offer many articles and informative writeups on our site. In the coming days we have bigger plans about the site. So how can we proceed our submission to dmoz? please help. Thanks AJI <url and email removed>
Last reply by pvgool,
Hello. Add your site to thousands of times, but the editor did not respond. It's been one year. Editor's dead?Страны_и_регионы/Европа/Украина/Области/Харьковская/Харьков/Бизнес_и_экономика/Компьютеры_и_интернет/Веб-дизайн_и_разработка/
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- 10 replies
under transportation and taxis, they only have 1 state listed. how do I get Nebraska entered as a state to submit taxi services? any help is appreciated.
Last reply by Eric-the-Bun,
Regional Real Estate Directory Submissions
by Guest --
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- 12 replies
Hi there, I operate a real estate directory ( and have a questions regarding regional real estate submissions. I submitted the page in December and received a listing for a few days in the (Top: Regional: North America: Canada: Ontario: Business and Economy: Real Estate) category for a week or so but it was dropped. I emailed to ask why and was given a response (see below). I'm not sure what I did wrong but any information you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Russ <START> From: [edited] To: [edited] Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 5:59 PM Subject: ODP Feedb…
Email (optional)
by Guest -- 9 replies
Hi Everyone, It has been about 3 weeks since I submitted to dmoz and still no listing. I neglected to enter an email because I figured I'm either in or I'm not, but it looks as though there may be more to the process of being listed than simply submitting. Since it has been 3 weeks, should I just submit again and this time enter my email address so that I can receive comments from the editor?
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- Editall/Catmv
- 35 replies
Hello all, I have tried for the past year to get a few sites listed but with no joy:( Some of the catagories I wish to be listed in are only small catagories and still no joy:confused: I start to think is it not possible there maybe corrupt some editors who actually have there own sites in those catagories that see more listed as competition:icon_ques Surely this must go on all the time? Sorry just speaking my honest thoughts. Cheers mrix
Last reply by makrhod,
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- RZ Admin
- 21 replies
Hello, after reading some comments I'm beginning to think that there is a big big chance that if someone wants to give you a bad time, specially if is a company that do the same business as you do they can be not ethical and do whatever it needs to get you completely out of this list. How can I be sure of it? We have send our site only 2 times. The first was in February and the second time a few weeks a go. How can I'll be sure? Thanks you all
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- RZ Admin
- 14 replies
Hi All, I want to suggest a site for evaluation. How can I do that? Thanks.
Last reply by informator,
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- 24 replies
It's going on 4 years since I submitted (once only - to clarify). I want confirmation that it's time to submit again.
Last reply by spectregunner, -
- Meta
- 18 replies
Since all of the editors have been such a help in the past I thought I would ask one more question (for now) /images/icons/wink.gif I have a site that I have been working on that is a home improvement directory. I am hoping (and working on) that it will contain quite a bit of informational topics along with the directories of professional services. I am sure it will take some time to grow and become popular but I need your opinions since I will be finalizing the main pages content this weekend and hopefully be submitting to ODP. What category(s) do you feel are the most appropriate for this site. I know you have a lot to do but I would appreciate any feedback on …
Last reply by dstanovic, -
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- RZ Admin
- 13 replies
Hi, I am aware that it takes time for a submitted site to be accepted. I just wonder how I will be informed whether my suggested site has been accepted or rejected? When searching for it, there are more than thousand sites in the category I chose and they are not in alphabetic order. A bit tedious to browse... Kind regards Lilian Westlin (Alingo)
Last reply by motsa,
Helping an editor
by Guest Zigga-
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- 5 replies
Some time ago I wrote in "Becoming Editor" category about how to get reinstated in a category where I was (unfairly) kicked out. However, I just noticed that the category now has a new editor who has made some cleaning and updating there. Hence, I'm quite ok with the current editor situation. The current editor seems to have several categories to edit and is probably an experienced one as far as ODP is concerner. And a fast one, too -- I got my new site listed in less than 24 hours. However, it seems that he/she is not very familiar with the region in question (probably only been there as a tourist). Hence it seems that he/she does not have a thorough knowledge about a…
Last reply by hutcheson,
Submitted site twice, still not showing up after 6 months 1 2
by Guest lindsay.dainie-
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- 30 replies
Hi everyone! I'm not sure how else to get help with this, so I thought I would post my issue here. I hope someone can help. I've been trying to post a website to dmoz for quite a while now with no success. I followed all the steps correctly (chose a category, filled out the info, kept the length down, etc. etc). I filled this out on two occasions, about 3 months apart, and the website still has not appeared on dmoz. I'm not sure what else to do. It's a website for a company that does patternmaking and custom clothing design, so I don't understand why it wouldn't show up. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!
Last reply by hutcheson,
Regional Specific Subdomains
by Guest bubomortis-
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- 17 replies
I am preparing a website that is themed for Renaissance Festivals. A lot of the information offered will be specific to certain festivals, and I intend to divide that type of information by location. To separate these categories, I will create subdomains under the main domain (i.e. and Each of these subdomains will include extensive information on hotels, apartments, restaurants, local craft merchants, local seamstresses, etc. What I would like to know is whether it would be appropriate to submit each subdomain to the ODP under the regional category appropriate for each? Would each subdomain be considered as a separate sit…
Last reply by lissa,
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- 19 replies
Hi, I'm new to these forums, but part of my reason for joining is to ask a question/make a suggestion. I have to say that I find the whole 'process' of submitting a site to DMOZ which is then reviewed to be rather odd, in the sense that there appears to be no 'visibility' once you've clicked the submit button. There is simply no feedback, other than if you happen to get accepted eventually and then listed (in which case you need to visit the site and search for your site on it before you get even 'that' feedback). DMOZ essentially tell us: 1. Follow the guidelines, else you may get rejected 2. Submit your site, then wait.... for an unlimited amount of time. I…
Last reply by go2holidays, -
Submission feedback
by Guest --
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- 13 replies
I posted this in SUBMISSIONS but there was not one reply! So... too dumb an idea to bother with, already been covered many times, too difficult, too..... Here goes again. Every single submitter of a site wants to know at the very least - WHEN. With the many thousands of editors that help ODP I imagine there is a lot of choping and changing of editor/category/sites to review. I understand the logistics must be horrendous. However, if some of the very many bright heads got together and worked out a model whereby a resonable guesstimate of 'time to review' could be applied to a category based on past experience and other factors and then this information could be …
Submit anther link from the same site
by Guest
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- 17 replies
Hello I'm not sure about this .. but i have Submit My site Already .. can i submit anther url example our Site : i have already submit the site. know i have add anther Link Exchange Directory the url is So can i submit this link also ..? or this is not allowed ?
Last reply by hutcheson,