Suggesting a Site
Note: General discussion only, no mention of specific sites please.
5068 topics in this forum
- 31 replies
Hello, Just wondering what i should do, i submitted my site however in the process of having two browser windows open submitted to the wrong category. I had 2 browsers open because i was "trying" to do a perfect submission, and was viewing the titles and descriptions of the other sites in the category. I was viewing the right category, but my submission window was wrong. I submitted to: However i should of submitted to: I'm using vBulletin, and while anyone is welcome to post as a forum environment it also serves as a tutorial resource. I've invested alot in the site and will continue to do so, and getting listed (although unlikely) is very i…
Last reply by TareeInternet, -
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- 6 replies
How many cats can i submit this site to? (if the site fills the screen press Ctrl +W to get rid of the full screen) As you can see there are 4 sections to the site 1. Main section 2. Civil Engineering Section 3. Special Projects Section 4. Design and Build Section Note: I am currently changing this site into HTML Can i submit the site to 1 or 4 categories? Thanks for any help in advance. I thought i should come here 1st before attempting to submit.
Last reply by jordancpeterson, -
- Editall/Catmv
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- 19 replies
Hello DMOZ, is basically the #2 ranked "motorcycle" site in Google, Yahoo, and the other major engines (behind #1 ranked I have submitted it to DMOZ several times in the past (since 1997) but still do not see it listed in the category: I have 2 questions about DMOZ: 1. With sites like (an insurance company) and (a parts kit for one make of machine) listed under this 'primary' category, I'm confused as to why we (a portal/publication site) are not. If you feel Motorcycle City is not appropriate for a li…
Last reply by senox, -
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- 12 replies
Hello, Editors. I've just found out about this wonderful forum and decided immediately to register for the membership. I'll get right to the point as I know all of you are volunteers with limited time resources. I'm an administrator for the site that we've been trying to get listed in the Open Directory for about two months. I'd would really appreciate if someone could check the status of my submission. I submitted to the category TOP/GAMES/GAMBLING/BLACKJACK and followed all the guidelines as closely as possible. The site's url: (I hope it's O.K. to post a link in this forum) Thanks. You are all doing a…
No Confirmation Email
by Guest alt_f13-
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- 5 replies
I submitted my site a week and some days ago and did not receive a confirmation email. I've seen confirmation emails mentioned in the forum but did not see anything about it in the submission instructions area: I assume I should have received a confirmation email had the submission gone through without a hitch, so either it did not go through at all or the e-letter was lost to the electronic void. I am not simply asking for the status of my site because of a few reasons I believe should be addressed: 1) I read nothing about confirmation emails on the DMOZ site despite a long search effort. 2) I have read on the forums that one shou…
Can my site be listed in more than one directory
by Guest tomasz-
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- 3 replies
I have my site listed in directory. Classifiieds->Free Classifieds There are different directories my site could be listed as well and i see few of my competitors listed listed there twice or more. Is it possible to do that? thanx tomasz
Last reply by hutcheson,
Regional Question
by Guest richard123-
- Editall/Catmv
- 15 replies
This just seems odd to me. I am setting up a site in Australai and would like a clue about it , please. The site is listed under Regional/Oceania/Australia/Victoria/Localities/B/Burwood The site has a post office box in Burwood, but is clearly covering all of Australia. Why is this located in such an odd part of the directory? The company may not even have an office in Burwood or anywhere near it. When I set my site up, it would appear I should make sure I do not give any physical address at all to avoid being put somewhere completely irrelevant (from Joe Surfer's point of view). Is that a good idea?
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- 9 replies
How can I add my sites to dmoz?
Last reply by informator,
15 months and I'm still not in :-(
by Guest --
- Editall/Catmv
- 8 replies
Hi All! I'm truly perplexed! I've been trying to submit a site ( for over fifteen months and the site still has not been added. I've even chatted with an editor via ICQ and still nothing. I've tried submitting to categories higher up in the chain that had editors, but still, the site has not been added. I don't know what to do anymore. I think that I've pretty much exhausted all options at this point. Does anyone have any other piece of advice besides the, "keep submitting every three weeks" deal? I don't want to come across as angry, just frustrated. Any ideas?
Last reply by timspfd, -
- RZ Admin
- 1 reply
Hi, I originally submitted my website, <url1 removed>, many months ago and mistakingly put it under the category of "multitrack recording" when it should have been under the category of Business : Arts and Entertainment : Music : Production : Recording Studios : D I re-submitted my site a few months later as <url2 removed>, hoping that would help it get in the right category, but it didn't work. Now I can't find my site on at all. Today, I re-submitted it under <url1 removed>, in the category I mentioned above. Is there any way you can help me make sure it gets listed in the correct category? Thanks! Greg
Last reply by Elper,
Listing book sites that don't sell directly
by Guest orbiter-
- Meta
- 7 replies
If an author or company publishes a book and posts content about the book and does not sell it directly but has a link to Amazon or another shopping site where the book can be purchased, is there an appropriate category in ODP to submit the site that contains info about the book or the section of the site that contains info about the book? There are categories for specific titles such as: but they state that only sites that sell books can be listed. At least some sites in these categories fit the scenario above (provide info and seem to be the official site for the book but sell via affiliate …
Choosing among many possible categories
by Guest -- 9 replies
Hi everyone, First, thanks to whomever created this forum, it's great to be able to interact with all of the ODP members. I'm developing a site for a friend's retail bicycle store, which is located in Cooperstown, New York state. FYI, the site is at We're hoping to target two different audiences with the site, first the local audience, which would ideally fall under this category: Top: Sports: Cycling: Bike Shops: North America: United States: New York More importantly however, we hope to target a more global audience, or at minimum, a North American or USA audience. Some of the following categories might be relevant: Top: Sports: Cycli…
Last reply by hildea, -
- Meta
- 17 replies
Hello, Way back in 2008 I submitted my site to DMOZ I waited, but still it hasn't appeared. How long should it take? I have submitted it again to the category other wedding photographers from my area are showing up in. Is there anything else I should do? Thanks in advance, David
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Editall/Catmv
- 14 replies
Hi. An associate of mine had his site submission rejected due to too many affiliate links. His site actually had good, unique information and he runs a legitimate business, not an affiliate site. He did however have a few affiliate links (apparently a few too many) and the site got rejected. I was reading the submission guidelines and it says, "Sites consisting primarily of affiliate links...are not appropriate for inclusion in the directory. However, a site that contains affiliate links in addition to other content might be an acceptable submission to the directory...Look at the content on the site, mentally blocking out all affiliate links. If the remaining in…
Last reply by josh1r, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
Dear Editors, <url removed> is online for 12 years and we used to get reply in this forum to give some time since site/directory is new, but it has been online for longer time. We would like to request editors to review <url removed> and please approve it. We have been suggested to submit to both categories so we did it to following categories: Please feel free to reply if you have any question or suggestion. Thanks, A1 Omads LLC
Last reply by pvgool,
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 34 replies
Greetings, I'm not writing this post to be critical of the volunteers at ODP or even to question your integrity, but rather to point out the same thing that has and will continue to haunt the ODP/DMOZ project until the day someone there decides to set things straight. Your policy is selfish in the sense that it has complete disregard for regular website owners of good valid websites, and ironically without us where would ODP be? Sure there are plenty of spammers out there, but why should you resort to collective punishment tactics, where you make us all suffer for the violations of a handful of spammers? This is cruel and unusual to say the least. I understand…
Last reply by cali casino, -
A couple of questions :-)
by Guest --
- Meta
- 2 replies
Hi Guys, I have a couple of general questions: My site is listed in ODP in a single category. I would like to have it listed in other applicable categories. The URL is Right now it's listed in Comptuters: Graphics: Web: Banners. I don't want to jeopardize that listing, but I'd like it to be listed in Internet Promotion and Creating Banners and also in the logo design section since I now offer that service. What's the limit on the number of categories a site can be listed in? I'm not trying to spam my URL, but I would like to be listed in more than one category since I offer multiple services. What's the correct procedure for submi…
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- Editall/Catmv
- 9 replies
Thinking of Changing to a New Domain Name? - 301 Redirect FIRST Caution: This is advice I believe to be correct, but I could be in left field. Wait until a Dmoz editor reviews this thread to follow any of the advice. I have discovered it after weeks or months of doing everything wrong. I am just a newbie, submitter. Scope: Make the mistake and you may be banned from Dmoz for life. You may eventually be banned by all the search engines. Two domains are mirrors. If you already have one listed, you must 301 redirect the first url to the second url, and then update your original listing in Dmoz once. You can't submit your second, duplicate content url, and then 301 …
Last reply by lmocr,
- Meta
- 25 replies
After spending some time reading these forums it seems there are several bitter people upset about their site either not being approved or the approval process taking too long. It's obvious that the main reason people even care about being accepted is because Google uses this directory for their directory and it does help your search engine ranking substantially. So considering the "google" point - shouldn't your anger be directed at Google and not Dmoz? It seems to me that if Google is really interested in providing the most accurate search engine results they should not be looking at a single directory nor should they place so much weight on results because a site…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
Just for the record
by Guest joebra-
- Editall/Catmv
- 6 replies
I was recently droped from Google because an ODP editor had changed my Locality from a city to a county. I was told that ODP changes and results have no effect on Google (see thread Temecula Real Estate) I am living proof it does. I wanted to post this from Googles FAQ site and AOL's as well to show they do use the ODP results directly. Google... AOL... I am now not found on either search due to the drastic move by an editor here. I feel every editor should be aware of how much you effect someones livelyhood with your decisions. My competitor is still in both, what a Happy Christmas she will have. My inquiries are down over 50% fromthis time last year.
Last reply by lissa,
- Meta
- 11 replies
I was wondering: What is the average number of personal homepage submitted daily? How long does it generally take for them to be reviewed? Thanks!
Last reply by MsDetta, -
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 9 replies
The best category for the site I would like to suggest is: based on these 2 other sites that are listed on that page. "Special Delivery Storks & More - Welcome baby home with a 7-foot stork. Business opportunities supplying stork birth announcements and birthday yard displays for the yard." & "Stork 4 Rent - Offer stork yard sign rentals." The site I want to suggest is, which offers similar biz-opps as the two sites mentioned above. But there is no suggest URL for that page, and I do not think it fits under any of the sub-headings. Any suggestions on how to get it listed? By …
Last reply by spectregunner, -
- Meta
- 8 replies
To all forum members, Our Web site,, has been posted continuously at the same ISP since 1995. Our original content was a few illustrated nursery rhymes, but we now offer a series of preschool lesson plans for daycare and kindergarten, kid's free activities, crafts, and stories plus a history and collection of nursery rhymes. The site's current listing is under the Open Directory Category of Society: Folklore: Literature: Rhymes: Nursery: Mother Goose. This category has no editor to contact, so I am posting here for guidance. I believe our site's new content--lesson plans for preschool and daycare centers plus many free children's activities--sho…
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- 27 replies
Hello Staff, I'd like to know what will happen to our submissions if the editor of that particular category is your competitor? Will they never approve your submitted listings? I'm asking it because this is important to us. I submitted one of our websites in the proper category years ago and I don't know if that category has any editor or the editor is some competiror? Anyhow our listings are still pending (i assume so if they are not deleted by someone) and we have no way to have any clue since you have stopped us to post the site status check questions. Kindly spare some of your precious time (i know your time is very precious) and post your valueable responses…
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 25 replies
nearly two years ago, and only once, i submitted a real estate agent's site to the proper category: Regional: North America: United States: State: Localities: *: Anytown: Business and Economy: Real Estate The agent's office is in Anytown, and the agent has lived in Anytown for over 10 years. He is one of the top producing agents in Anytown, one of the most expensive zip codes in the country. Agent has 21 (between available and recently sold) exclusive listings on the site, and all but one of them is IN Anytown. Agent has only one site. While there is no content/meat in the site that came from templates, i must admit the content, although informative and using proper…
Last reply by Jay Anderson, -