Suggesting a Site
Note: General discussion only, no mention of specific sites please.
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Hello, I wondered what the policy is for linking to a PDF please? Specifically this is the category's_Way/ And here is the link,....a local government produced leaflet which I would suggest adds value to the category. <url removed> Thank you for your time and consideration. Colin
Last reply by colinc, -
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- 8 replies
We are a private investigation company and submitted our site April 4, 2011 to DMOZ> Have asked in this forum a few times about how long it takes, and other than the usual ( wait your turn ) downright rude comments, I have yet to understand why our site has not made it in the directory. <URL removed> is the site and anyone who can help us , I think two years is long enough to wait don't you?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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I add a my blog <URL removed> in the directory almost a month ago, but until now has not been activated. I do not know what the problem though I followed the steps and laws required dmoz site I hope that you help me Thank you
Last reply by mauri,
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Hi, We submitted a site about a year ago and it has not been added to the directory. The site recently just moved to a new URL and went through some rebranding. The old URL has been 301 redirected to the new URL. Question: Do we completely resubmit the site as a new entry into the same category? Or is there another course of action we can take to update the old submission? Thanks!
Last reply by jen697, -
- 2 replies
As a rule, is it acceptable to submit a site which I don't own (eg. one I've had a good experience with as a customer)? ... or can sites be submitted only by their owners? I ask this because, whilst I may believe a site would be a useful addition to a category, I'd have no idea if the owner had already submitted it or not . If it turns out they had, I'd hate to send their site back to the start of the waiting list for review.
Last reply by Keef, -
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Dear All, I have tried to search this forum for my query but couldnt find any topic relevant. I am sorry if it is already answered. My suggestion is a business dealing in wholesale trade of cultural, ethnic and traditional products. It can be categorised in women wear, artificial jewellery, handicrafts, home decor and bedding. Now, I am confused which category I should be submitting. Is it ok to submit a suggestion multiple times in different categories? Regards
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 18 replies
Hi, I sumbitted my site to a category in January and the site has not yet been listed. Now I think that it maybe the wrong category, can I resubmit to a different category without getting penalized? My site is a water conservation site providing product and services to the Irish market. Thank you for your help. Smart Energy
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- RZ Admin
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Hello, We submitted our site <url removed> long ago (mostly 2 to 3 months back), but the site is still not showing up in the directory. We verified the content, directory submission and the details. Still, there hasn't been anything on the ODP yet. Can anyone help us with this? Regards, Smit
Last reply by pvgool,
- 2 replies
Hi Everyone, I am new at this forum. Can anyone assist me. I have been trying to submit my site and I always get "not a valid ip address pattern" Thank you very much for your possible assistance.
Last reply by yeralo, -
- 1 reply
Hello all, I submitted my website to demoz in March 2013 and over 10 times. But i am not got any acknowledgement from demoz. It was not indexed till now. Please help me in indexing my website at <URL removed> Thank you so much Regards, Son Nguyen
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
I submitted my site on 12/11/12 to the children-baby-varied merchandise categories and do not seem to find the listing. Just wondering the status of my submission?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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I think I have found the correct catagory to submit my site in however when I submit it I receive an error: "Not a valid IP address pattern in ip" Regional: Africa: South Africa: Society and Culture: Religion: Christianity Please help it will be much appreciated. Thank you for your time
Last reply by Elper,
- 4 replies
Hi. Our website luckily was added to dmoz. However, about 5-6 years past and our company changed the name to the new name (and the domain name as well). We are trying to update this but with no success at all. Our company had name like XXXXX Ltd. and the same domain and the title of the listing is still XXXXX Ltd. however, this domain is pointing to YYYYY. Com website which the new name of our company YYYYYY Ltd. What can we do to update the listing?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 15 replies
Can anybody PLEASE help me ? I have be "suggesting" my company's website for inclusion in DMOZ approximately once, sometimes twice a year for 10 years now ! It is a television production company based in Paris, France, our professional territory is basically all of Europe and Africa. It is not an adult site, and we have been attempting to add it to the category : This all seems perfectly straight forward, but mysteriously we are still nowhere to be found in DMOZ ! Can anybody tell me what the problem is here ? I do not believe possible that there has not been an editor for this cate…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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HI, I am new to all this but i was told to submit my site to DMOZ to enhance its Google ranking. I submitted the site a week ago to the following category: Business > Environment > Waste Management > Recycling > Metal How long does it normally take to be listed and will i be contacted when it is? Thanks Heathrow Industrial Recycling (HIR) <removed>
Last reply by pvgool,
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I am trying to submit my website but it is not being accepted. somebody help me hot submit <url drop removed>
Last reply by jimnoble, -
Appear Dmoz
by ines-
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Hello I wanted to know how my website can appear in Dmoz. We are dedicated to the collection of furniture, appliances, dishes, emptying storey premises. In that category we could include? If you need to know the URL, let me know. Thank you.
Last reply by pvgool,
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Although our website is South Africa's biggest in parenting, multiple attempts to list on DMOZ have been unsuccessful. I do understand that the forum is not the place to request a status on a listing, just wanted to bring to your attention that a market leader in its category is unable to get a listing up for over 2 years. Not sure what, if anything, can be done about it. Thank you.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 2 replies
I just suggested a URL (first time using DMOZ) I put it under a pretty broad category, is there any way I can change the category? It's a local website so I would like to direct it to that? Any suggestions or advice?
Last reply by rieneke7bergen, -
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Hello, I submitted my site 3 years ago in the category that best suits my site and did what I was told to do. Submit it and forget it. Well my site is 3 years old now and page rank of 4 and I began to wonder why I was not in DMOZ yet. I swung back to DMOZ to see about my submission . I went to the page that I submitted my site too. The page was last edited about 40 months ago. I also notice this editor is an editor in about 15 categories that are in my genre. Way it goes I understand. My questions are this. 1. If a category hasn't been edited in 3 years is that category closed forever ? 2. If you should only submit once , what about a situation like this when …
Last reply by dogma7, -
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My site's URL is: <url removed> Description (including timeline of any changes made): I uploaded this to the internet in mid last 2005. I have created other websites and uploaded them after that with no problems on the other sites. Which are included in the Title, Description meta tags as well as throughout headings and text in the site. I submitted a sitemap to google a few days ago - but didn't need to do this with other websites. Anyone can help me?
Last reply by chrisa, -
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hi everone , im new to this community and its my pleasure to be here... ive suggested my blog to DMOZ directory several months ago and till this moment my bolg not approved ... my only question is there is any way to know that my blog is listed on DMOZ waiting list, rejected or so :mellow: cauz im afraid of resubmitting it again and cancelling my previous one ( if still waiting and not rejected ) :mellow: im sure that ive ad my blog to the right category here is my blog :- url removed
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- RZ Admin
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I canĀ“t submit my site to the Dmoz, every time wrong.... who can help me? my site is <URL removed>
Last reply by Elper,
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- 1 reply
questions before submitting to dmoz: 1. can I submit my website with this title (just examples) ex: HQ Softwares if is already listed a website with that tilte ex: HQ softwares in the same category? (difference is S & s) 2. I'm the new owner for a website, the site now is redesigned, updated by me, how can I know if is not banned or was not submitted already to odp?
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 5 replies
Good day, for more than a year we sent repeatedly repeatedly request <URL removed> to appear in DMoz, but has not figured in the directory, we have not received a response indicating shekels why we have not included. Could you tell us if any of our requests are pending? or should we apply again? Thank you. Business Department <URL removed>
Last reply by TerryMc, -