Suggesting a Site
Note: General discussion only, no mention of specific sites please.
5068 topics in this forum
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Hi Everyone, I am new at this forum. Can anyone assist me. I have been trying to submit my site and I always get "not a valid ip address pattern" Thank you very much for your possible assistance.
Last reply by yeralo, -
- 4 replies
Hi. Our website luckily was added to dmoz. However, about 5-6 years past and our company changed the name to the new name (and the domain name as well). We are trying to update this but with no success at all. Our company had name like XXXXX Ltd. and the same domain and the title of the listing is still XXXXX Ltd. however, this domain is pointing to YYYYY. Com website which the new name of our company YYYYYY Ltd. What can we do to update the listing?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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HI, I am new to all this but i was told to submit my site to DMOZ to enhance its Google ranking. I submitted the site a week ago to the following category: Business > Environment > Waste Management > Recycling > Metal How long does it normally take to be listed and will i be contacted when it is? Thanks Heathrow Industrial Recycling (HIR) <removed>
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 3 replies
Hello, We submitted our site <url removed> long ago (mostly 2 to 3 months back), but the site is still not showing up in the directory. We verified the content, directory submission and the details. Still, there hasn't been anything on the ODP yet. Can anyone help us with this? Regards, Smit
Last reply by pvgool,
Appear Dmoz
by ines-
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Hello I wanted to know how my website can appear in Dmoz. We are dedicated to the collection of furniture, appliances, dishes, emptying storey premises. In that category we could include? If you need to know the URL, let me know. Thank you.
Last reply by pvgool,
- 2 replies
I just suggested a URL (first time using DMOZ) I put it under a pretty broad category, is there any way I can change the category? It's a local website so I would like to direct it to that? Any suggestions or advice?
Last reply by rieneke7bergen, -
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Although our website is South Africa's biggest in parenting, multiple attempts to list on DMOZ have been unsuccessful. I do understand that the forum is not the place to request a status on a listing, just wanted to bring to your attention that a market leader in its category is unable to get a listing up for over 2 years. Not sure what, if anything, can be done about it. Thank you.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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Hello, I submitted my site 3 years ago in the category that best suits my site and did what I was told to do. Submit it and forget it. Well my site is 3 years old now and page rank of 4 and I began to wonder why I was not in DMOZ yet. I swung back to DMOZ to see about my submission . I went to the page that I submitted my site too. The page was last edited about 40 months ago. I also notice this editor is an editor in about 15 categories that are in my genre. Way it goes I understand. My questions are this. 1. If a category hasn't been edited in 3 years is that category closed forever ? 2. If you should only submit once , what about a situation like this when …
Last reply by dogma7, -
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questions before submitting to dmoz: 1. can I submit my website with this title (just examples) ex: HQ Softwares if is already listed a website with that tilte ex: HQ softwares in the same category? (difference is S & s) 2. I'm the new owner for a website, the site now is redesigned, updated by me, how can I know if is not banned or was not submitted already to odp?
Last reply by pvgool,
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I can´t submit my site to the Dmoz, every time wrong.... who can help me? my site is <URL removed>
Last reply by Elper,
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Please advice me this question.
Last reply by mollybdenum,
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My site's URL is: <url removed> Description (including timeline of any changes made): I uploaded this to the internet in mid last 2005. I have created other websites and uploaded them after that with no problems on the other sites. Which are included in the Title, Description meta tags as well as throughout headings and text in the site. I submitted a sitemap to google a few days ago - but didn't need to do this with other websites. Anyone can help me?
Last reply by chrisa, -
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Hi Everyone, Just wanted to highlight that my website <url removed per forum ToS> is still waiting to be included after submitting for the first time a long time back (more than 6 months) . I have bumped it up again by submitting it today i.e. 18 June 2013. I am aware of the submission guidelines, however resubmission was only done as I am unable to assess if the website is pending in the queue or it has been rejected. I do apologize if it has been considered spammy, that is clearly not the intention. Would appreciate if someone can point in the right direction as to how long to wait or what to do to get included. Best Regards
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 5 replies
Good day, for more than a year we sent repeatedly repeatedly request <URL removed> to appear in DMoz, but has not figured in the directory, we have not received a response indicating shekels why we have not included. Could you tell us if any of our requests are pending? or should we apply again? Thank you. Business Department <URL removed>
Last reply by TerryMc, -
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- 3 replies
Dear Editor Some weeks before I apply to post my website to DOMZ, but still now can not search it. I know here can not post the url and Email ID to this forum ,please Editor check the company name from Business: Electronics and Electrical: Electromechanical: Switches name is <company info removed>. If any body can help me , Thanks a lot ! B.Regards John
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 2 replies
Dear Editor, I submitted our site<url removed> on 16th, April, but it have not been listed, I checked every week even everyday, but it's till have not listed, what shall I do? Pleae can you kindly check and list our site? Kindest Regards, Mike Lau
Last reply by mikelau, -
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Hello, Sir , Pls help me how my site : <url removed> Can listed in Dmoz . I have submit my site under My site title is : <title removed> Desscription :Recessed Lighting, Under Cabinet Lighting If Some one can help me it's my pleaser Thanks Pawan Kumar
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 1 reply
I own an online book shop at <url removed>. I have suggested it to DMOZ last year, unfortunately it isn't listed till now. I think appropriate category is:جارت_الکترونیک/ Can someone let me know the reason of this delay?
Last reply by windharp,
- 2 replies
Hello everyone, before starting I would like to make an introduction: I definitely want to feed any kind of controversy but I would try to figure out just what happens. Already for several years now I have tried in vain for the inclusion of the site in question, I have carefully followed all the guidelines, I waited without ever expecting anything, partly because I fully understand that DMOZ managing all on a voluntary basis can not 'will ensure' insertion, they ensure the timing in case accept the insertion of the site indicated. But at this point I wonder if the requests exceed greatly the number of publishers diponibili to evade them because they do not give the chanc…
Last reply by jqoobe, -
- 1 reply
Could you list my business website? The domain is:<URL removed> Description: car camera systems, black box can record car accident and scene of road condition, which can help people to get car accident report as evidence to apply personal injury claim for auto accident lawyer, policeman or auto insurance.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I've submitted my site <removed> to (Regional---Europe---United_Kingdom---Business_and_Economy--Industries---Wholesale--Jewellery) couple of months ago but the site has not yet been listed. Recently one of my friends told me to check the LAST UPDATE underneath the category section where I submitted my website. Unfortunately that category never been updated since 2006. So I resubmit to another suitable category which updated recently. Now I think that was a big mistake, Can I get penalized? My website is a jewellery wholesale, we supply to UK and Europe as well. Thanking you, Kind Regards, Ashok
Last reply by ashokinter, -
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- 3 replies
I suggested our two companies' websites (as seen in my profile) to DMOZ. They both dealt with various products streams and have different categories in DMOZ to cater the same. Hence I had suggested both of them to few different appropriate categories. Another reason for doing the same was their categories' vast varying "Last update" dates. Then I happen to see some posts in this forum to find the editor's comments that we only need to submit our site only once in one most appropriate category. I therefore regret for the same and request the concerned to either kindly remove the extra suggestions (may be other than first or last ones) or to ignore all additional sugg…
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 4 replies
I am trying to submit my website but it is not being accepted. somebody help me hot submit <url drop removed>
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 2 replies
Hello, I often read here you only need to add your website once for inclusion and no more as it will not help you. The thing is just say you did submit once but your listing was not successful because you did not submit correctly to the guidelines ? how would you know ? as editors never get in touch with you ? There must be so many quality sites that do not get listed because of their listing guild-lines and not that they are suitable / relevant etc ? I have submitted my site and never got listed, I cannot see any reason why it would not and can only think it maybe because I made some kind of mistake? does this mean I should never apply again ? When a DMOZ editor chec…
Last reply by mrix, -
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- 12 replies
hi everone , im new to this community and its my pleasure to be here... ive suggested my blog to DMOZ directory several months ago and till this moment my bolg not approved ... my only question is there is any way to know that my blog is listed on DMOZ waiting list, rejected or so :mellow: cauz im afraid of resubmitting it again and cancelling my previous one ( if still waiting and not rejected ) :mellow: im sure that ive ad my blog to the right category here is my blog :- url removed
Last reply by jimnoble, -