Suggesting a Site
Note: General discussion only, no mention of specific sites please.
5068 topics in this forum
Why can I not register my site to Dmoz?
by Guest -- 6 replies
Hi I have been trying to register my site with dmoz and I keep getting the error message "cannot determine your ip address, caching your previous page" I dont like keep trying, I heard this would be classed as spamming! the site is we personalise mugs, but cannot afford to pay for submission as we are a new business. Any ideas of what I can do? Thanks Mark.
Last reply by beebware, -
OK to email editor about submission status?
by Guest --
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- 4 replies
I'm curious as to the status of my submission, but I don't want to be a pain. I know these things can take time, and don't want to be pushy. Is it okay to email the editor of a category about the status of a submission? If so, how long after submission should one wait? What if there's no category editor, is it okay to contact the editor of a parent category? What's the polite thing to do?
- 3 replies
Hi, I just submitted my website to be included into the personal webpage/t category. I am wondering what all I need to do change so that when my site is reviewed it has a better chance of being accepted. Thanks, TrickyNick
Last reply by TrickyNick, -
- Meta
- 27 replies
I have submitted my site to DMOZ one month before. I was just waiting for a month to complete, to check the status of my submission. As the discontinuation of the status check forum, now I don’t have a clue whether my site is submitted successfully or waiting for approval or rejected for some reason. This makes the process complicated especially people like me as I don’t have any information about whether my site is worth to be included in the directory. It also leaves me with out giving a chance to correct my site in case if it got rejected, as I will not be knowing it is rejected or not. Please some one advice me what to do now.
Last reply by BetaCandy, -
- Meta
- 4 replies
Hello, I have submitted my site for 4 years with no luck of getting listed. I am out of ideas on what I am doing wrong :mellow:. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions? Title: The MMA Zone Site: <URL removed> Description: Online store that offers martial art uniforms for Taekwondo, Karate, Judo and more. We also feature one of the best martial arts blog on the web. Misc: Site is 5 years old and ranks well for general martial arts terms. I have submitted to this category: I chose this category because the following sites are located here and these site show up in my related query in goo…
Last reply by tjwoner, -
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- 15 replies
After searching DMOZ, it appears the most pertinent category would be: Business: Industries: Manufacturing: Electronics: Distributors and Vendors. Yet I can not find the category Industries under Business. Could someone send a blind man the link? Thanks.
Last reply by kwburke, -
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- 25 replies
I am the owner of shopping/ecommerse store, which also provides a lot of useful and valuable content to the public. When I started this business, I was working off my basement and then expended and grow my business every day of the week. I am single mother and had to work at nights to grow this business. Now I sell over 10,000 of unique items, which are gemstones and crystals and I make them my self. I have been searching for most popular keywords on google and always saw this one site, that is always on top of search results. 5 years ago I was not educated about any SEO what’s so ever, and of course I wondered on how this site is top listed for like 200 most expensive ke…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- Editall/Catmv
- 22 replies
Hi I was wondering if you could help me. I have changed my site from <URL deleted> to a new server, and the new address is <URL deleted> The old address was submitted to:- and which I was really greatful for, thank you. My query is this, I filled in the change of address form a while back, and have checked on both listings, and the my site address has still not been changed. Th new site is up, and running, and once I can get my new site adress changed, I will be reducing the amount of infor…
Last reply by motsa,
Second ODP Listing
by Guest qh7-
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- 7 replies
Dear ODP Staff: I have a noncommercial site that is mostly targeted at educational institutions. Currently, the site is listed under Iran Country guides and Directories. This is a perfect category for the site. I would like the site to be considered for a second listing under Middle East Guides (Deep linking the Middle East page). The Middle East Resource Guide. covers 16 countries in the Middle East. Many topics are covered including business & economy, Islam, Arab resources, country relations, satellite images and much more. The point is that presently no one is able to see the page. Obviously, they would not look under Iranian directories and guides for Infor…
- Meta
- 12 replies
hi everone , im new to this community and its my pleasure to be here... ive suggested my blog to DMOZ directory several months ago and till this moment my bolg not approved ... my only question is there is any way to know that my blog is listed on DMOZ waiting list, rejected or so :mellow: cauz im afraid of resubmitting it again and cancelling my previous one ( if still waiting and not rejected ) :mellow: im sure that ive ad my blog to the right category here is my blog :- url removed
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 8 replies
We have recently changed the focus of our business, and I am trying to get my site's category changed. I first tried adding the URL to the new category, but nothing happened. Then I tried asking the editor of the old category to move it, and still nothing. My site has two focuses - one is hats/turbans and the other is wigs. I am currently in the wig category. I would prefer to be listed in both, but if that can't happen, we need to move to the caps and hats category since most of our business is in that category. Any suggestions? We're an established site; have been on DMOZ for a long time and the internet for 6 years. I was going to try to email the editor of cap…
Contacting editors directly
by Guest bspace-
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- 5 replies
I was curious if it is acceptable to contact an editor directly to discuss issues that are not allowed for discussion on the message boards in more detail. For example, if a site has been reviewed and not accepted or whether it is just waiting in line to be reviewed? Can an editor also offer input on what aspect of a site needs improvement or change? This would be helpful. Also, the category I am waiting to be included in has no editor. Who would be the right person to contact in such a case? Thanks
- Meta
- 27 replies
I have changed my website,but the domain is same,it took litle long time for nenew my website,and DMOZ has delisted my website,i thing the reason is all the url's has been changed in this website. i have submit the website 2 months ego,but still not listet:( please help me editiors sincerely <URLs removed>
Last reply by jimnoble, -
by Guest Shwing-
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 18 replies
I know the shopping section of the ODP is one of the most difficult categories to get into. I also know that the editors don't like affiliate directory sites. With that in mind, I'd like to know if there's any hope at all that my site could get listed. I offer important tips to users as well as the ability to rate each merchant and a new forum to discuss shopping experiences. Since redesigning, I've received positive feedback from users and other webmasters. Should I bother applying? What suggestions can be given to make the site more useful to users? Best Regards...
Last reply by dfy, -
DMOZ Guidelines & Our Strategy...
by Guest --
- Meta
- 9 replies
Hello Editors, I've just spent a couple of hours going through all the threads in this much needed forum but couldn't find the answer to my question. First, a bit of background... We started as a private mailing list where the participants discussed various aspects of online gaming. Very soon we thought that 1) we need a web presence and 2) we need to separate our visitors according to their games' interests (The participants with interest in CHECKERS had nothing in common with BINGO fans, two different subjects) After a short survey we realized that we should build "niche" sites dedicated to the following topics. - solitaire portal - backgamm…
I'm confused
by Guest --
- Meta
- 5 replies
Hi, This is Xavi from Barcelona (Spain). My problem is... I was listed in dmoz in "Recreation: Collecting: Figurines: Lladro" with my url "" for a long time, we were really proud of being in dmoz, and one day some months ago our url was deteled. After trying to be submitted again now can't seem to get a listing in dmoz. I have been trying it for a long time, I have followed all the rules and guidelines, I have been patient, haven't over submitted. When I didn't get listed in the first category, I tried submitting in another relevant category but I have the same result. I can't understand why my site was listed for so many months (even…
- Meta
- 17 replies
I have been trying to get my companies site listed in the directory. Given the nature of our company it might be some what difficult since editors might miss classify the category they feel we best belong in. That said its been months since my first submission. I have no clue what the status is ever since I hit the submit button. The instructions do not clarify if you will be notified at all if the site/URL is or is not added. There is no means to follow up or check the status of a submission after the fact. I have no clue how they can expect people not to repost a URL. Or just assume they will wait forever and see if it shows up, fearing a second post. With no feedback o…
Last reply by pvgool,
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- RZ Admin
- 19 replies
Follow up on site submission by Enter Computers I submit our company website we are resseler of computers, parts, and accesories under the link on the retailer ( but it past six months already but still nothing being posted so someone could help me our Company is Enter Computers
Last reply by chaos127,
- 9 replies
I have submitted my website several times to I realize there isn't an editor there but I have tried to get this site in for a very long time. I've followed the rules/guidelines to the best of my knowledge but never get a response. Can someone tell me if there is anything else I can do or need to do? Thank you
Site is listed but
by Guest 1145776- 3 replies
I am very new to this internet business so pardon my ignorance- -any how I am currently listed in DMOZ, but for some reason I am still not ranking high in GOOGLE. My domain name is listed in Google but it doesn’t have me categorize as the other sites. For an example when I type in key word “gift baskets” the top site that are shown are listed in DMOZ and display their categories listed in DMOZ. But when I type in my domain name it doesn’t show my category although I am listed in DMOZ If you would please help me to figure this out I would really appreciate. :smirk:Thanks
Last reply by thehelper,
submitting sites out of assigned cats
by Guest --
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 8 replies
I applied to be an editor tonight... well, this morning. Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, after looking at some of the other posts, but I was just wondering- what's the most efficient way for editors to post sites that are not in their own cats?
- Meta
- 25 replies
I'm new here and i'm sure this question has been raised a million times. Submitted URL 10 months ago and still not listed. Is DMOZ that backed up? Or was I rejected? Also, would it be a burden to run a quick recordset that returns the status of a submitted URL? Three codes only A = approved, R = rejected & P = pending. My bet is that if this were done, DOMZ would only be swampped with rejection emails Thank you
Last reply by Sean, -
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 6 replies
Dear Editor, Could u please tell me how longer it will take to submit a url, from last 2/3 weeks i find same message "Service Temporarily Unavailable " I want to submit my personal homepage from last 1 month. I was really socked to find NO CATEOGORY OF BANGLADESH for personal homepage. I dont know why we are so neglected, though few days before our great Yonous got Nobel on Peace for Grameen Bank. Could u please let me know how to submit my homepage <URL omitted> at my desired location of bangladesh category for personal home page. RIC Tokyo, Japan.
Last reply by makrhod,
- Meta
- 20 replies
OOops; There is serious problem with me. When I submit my site in specified category, then dmoz says site is already exists. But when I searched in that specified category, my site is not listed here. What is the problem ? This problem occured since last month i.e May. Please help me ! I am in trouble !
Last reply by mandeepkang, -
- Meta
- 26 replies
Readers of this forum, and especially the mods who hang out here, are no doubt painfully aware of how often people ask about site status. I can't even count how many times mods have had to quote the decision several years back to not provide status updates. I genuinely feel for the mods that have to deal with this, but I have to equally feel for webmasters who have to ask the questions and get the unsatisfactory (but accurate) response, given that I'm one of them. So in reading thru the forums a bit looking for some answers for myself, I come across this: in the FAQ is says this ( I would love to volu…
Last reply by The Old Sarge,