Becoming an Editor
This forum is also for Editor Reinstatement issues.
4593 topics in this forum
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Hi, My name is murat in turkey I'll doing to be editor form but rejected, why? I want be editor for furniture categories. Thanks
Last reply by informator,
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- Editall/Catmv
- 3 replies
I am lmocr and am having issues requesting reinstatement. The form will not submit. Can I get some assistance being reinstated?
Last reply by informator,
- RZ Admin
- 2 replies
Hello, I received the email stating that I am already a curlie editor but I can't get into my account. user: jflore33 If I click on the "Forgot Password?" and I insert the "username", I receive the error: Password reset error Can you help me? Thanks!
Last reply by jflore3,
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- 3 replies
Hi I am interested in becoming a web editor in Israel how to become an editor
Last reply by piringmelaminglori, -
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How to apply again if I don't remember my login, password and email address? Thanks
Last reply by Elper,
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- RZ Admin
- 8 replies
Hello, I received the email stating that I am already a curlie editor but I can't get into my account. user: jflore33 If I click on the "Forgot Password?" and I insert the "username", I receive the error: Password reset error Can you help me? Thanks!
Last reply by Surovi879, -
Hello, Happy Christmas to all I want to help because I have enough time on the Internet because I am sick, not motionless I submitted the editing request and it was rejected more than once I was disappointed
Last reply by aliwarda, -
- RZ Admin
- 5 replies
Hello, I was the Dmoz editor before. I haven't visited the forum and editor dashboard for a long time. But I can't reach my e-mail address anymore. I want to be an editor at Curlie, but since my account is not active and I want to update my email address, I filled out an "account activation form". Did I follow the right path, is there anything else I should do? Can I be an editor again? Tahnk you, best regards.
Last reply by Elper,
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- 10 replies
I was accepted as an editor a couple of weeks ago, and I am unable to enter the editor forums. I use the same userid and password I use to log into the editor dashboard. I'm not sure why I can't get into the editor forum.
Last reply by Elper,
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Last reply by Elper,
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- 6 replies
Hello, i am happy to be a part of this project!! I have submitted as Editor, but when i click to verification link i get message not valid key. Any idea? What should I do? username: millerose23 thanks for your time
Last reply by Foad, -
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Hi guys, my name is Mirza Sharz from Indonesia. I've blogging and run my own web directories since 2012. I'll be glad if I could be an editor especially for listing under Bahasa Indonesia categories. Warm greeting from Indonesia.
Last reply by mollybdenum,
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Please, becoming an editor.
Last reply by Jonaxs, -
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anyone help me please i want to become an Editor in this forum. and also can we post link.
Last reply by mollybdenum,
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Apply to be an editor.
Last reply by Elper,
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- 9 replies
I would like to become an editor for the following category: /Shopping/Classifieds/Free_Classifieds 30 days can not open access after registration - "The application for this editor name has not yet been processed."
Last reply by informator,
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- RZ Admin
- 6 replies
Dear editors, Can I send my reinstatement request without old password? Sincerely,
Last reply by Elper,
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- Editall/Catmv
- 4 replies
I would like to become an editor for the following category: Computers/Security/Products_and_Tools/Cryptography/PGP/Key_Servers/ After filling out the form and clicking the checkbox I am unfortunately redirected to the form with the following error:
Last reply by arubin,
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Is Editor reinstatement working? I'm an old DMOZ editor and would like to contribute to Curlie.
Last reply by informator,
- RZ Admin
- 2 replies
I cannot even find the login page. Whenever I click on the Login page an error occurs and a NOT-FOUND-page appears. I think your help would be precious. Thank you
Last reply by elena2012, -
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I tried following the instructions to become an editor, but I can't find the correct icon by the category I was trying to apply for; instead there was another, similar icon was in its place. I tried clicking on the icon and it just took me back to the "Becoming An Editor" page. Any ideas as to why?
Last reply by informator,
- Editall/Catmv
- 1 reply
Hi Everyone, Its really good to know you guys working hard to provide finest directory and I would be glad to join in. I would be glad to know more regarding how to join as an editor in NZ.
Last reply by arubin,
- RZ Admin
- Editall/Catmv
- 2 replies
So I love reading and on this free book site called wattpad you can write and/or edit books or just read whatever you want. So I was bored one night and quickly became tired of seeing mistakes in peoples books so I offered to edit them. Once I started doing it I was hooked. I love doing it, it gives me an adrenaline rush... Yeah it probably sounds weird but it does I just love the whole process. Anyways I was wondering: How do I become an editor? What do I need a degree in? What type of works can I edit and what is the difference? What should I practice now if anything? I was thinking about going to NYU because I heard they have a good program for becomi…
Last reply by Elper,
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- RZ Admin
- 15 replies
Hi, I want to be the editor. How can I make contact. Can you help me
Last reply by Elper,
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- 1 reply
Hello, I am requesting reinstatement as an editor. I was marked inactive prior to DMOZ closure. My editor name was/is xenon5 and I was approved by Jezebel. Appreciate reinstatement so that I can help Curlie progress. Regards, Michael
Last reply by pvgool,