Becoming an Editor
This forum is also for Editor Reinstatement issues.
4593 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
FAQ and General Advice About Becoming an Editor Recommended reading It's a very good idea to read carefully the information provided when you push that "become an editor"-link - both the initial screen and the form itself. This may seem obvious, but a lot of the applications we receive indicate that the applicant hasn't done this. There is also useful information in the Curlie help section. Choosing your first category - size and complexity As the application information states, "Your chances of becoming an editor are greater if you apply for a small, underdeveloped category to start (generally categories with less than 100 sites)." This also includes sites i…
Last reply by hildea, -
- 0 replies
READ BEFORE POSTING IN THIS FORUM - Becoming an Editor Forum Guidelines In order for everything to run more smoothly, we ask that you follow these simple guidelines: FORMATTING YOUR REQUEST: In the body of your post, include the following: the exact category you applied to edit. The simplest way to do this is to copy and paste. the editorname that you used on your application. the date that you last applied.[note: see the date requirement below] POSTING INFORMATION: Wait a minimum of 14 days after the day that you submitted your latest application to start a thread here asking about its status. Keep in mind that editors cannot reve…
Last reply by donaldb, -
I submitted an application under Display name: Beat Schindler User name: beat88 Date applied: 8/11/09 Received your email-request to reply without changing the subject line. Have done so multiple times, each prompting postmaster messages of permanent fatal errors. Thanks for letting me know what or how to do. Cheers, Beat
Last reply by Elper,
A personal experience 1 2 3 4
by Guest Phil-
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 97 replies
While reading through a number of forums recently I saw that DMOZ is struggling due to the shortage of active editors and a massive backlog of unreviewed sites, and I developed a desire to help if I could. I chose an editorless category with which I have some experience but no vested interests and I spent a good number of hours putting together an application to become the editor. The application was rejected about two hours after it was submitted. Although there is a section in the rejection email for the reviewer to make comments, it was left empty. I had no idea why the application was rejected and I thought it was rude and inconsiderate not to tell me after I had s…
- RZ Admin
- 14 replies
I just applied to be an editor and getting a returned email from I tested the address using 2 different email addresses. So wondering what I should do to get to the next step of my application? Also wanted to let you guys know so you can fix the problem so other people do not get the same problem. *** ATTENTION *** Your e-mail is being returned to you because there was a problem with its delivery. The address which was undeliverable is listed in the section labeled: "----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----". The reason your mail is being returned to you is listed in the section labeled: "----- Transcript of Session Foll…
Last reply by Elper,
- Meta
- 1 reply
Hi, I used to edit the Society/History/Academic_Departments/ category until my account expired last year due to my inactivity. The inactivity was due to an unexpected increase in my work hours, which left little time for my ODP work. Since then I have applied to have had my account reinstated on at least 5 occasions, but have never had a reply. Could one of the meta editors let me know if those requests were ever received and if so, when can I expect a response? Editor name : sunwin Thanks, Stewart Unwin
Last reply by nea,
Application 1 2 3
by Ghufran-
- Meta
- RZ Admin
- 53 replies
Hello Administrators, Sorry if i disturbed you, but i just had a couple of questions. My first question is, . How are you today? My second question is, . I have successfully submitted my form a few days back, i have read all the Guidelines, and FAQ's ( Frequently asked questions ), I certainly do know it may take time and 'there is no guarantee,' you may or may not receive an email back, so i would just like to know if you have any knowledge of the status of my application ( Username Ghufran )? If not, no problem at all, but i will still thank you for your time. Kind regards, Ghufran Memon.
Last reply by Elper,
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 41 replies
My name is Steven Santos, I am the publisher of, one of the leading news and information services for the circus industry. I would like to become an editor for the category. The section does not appear to be taking new editors, though I feel it really needs too. While I could detail exactly what I see wrong, I won't. Sufice it to say that in its current state, I do not consider the section up to date, or relivent enough to put up on I would like to change that, and make the section relivant again. Submitting sites has not worked. I have tried submiting many high quality sites to t…
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 20 replies
I come from China, I want to be an editor! First, I feel very sorry,because of my limitation of English. I have submit my applyment. I just want to be an editor of地区/亚洲/中国/省份/天津/计算机与互联网 Hope to receive advanced editor's permission! Thank You in advance.
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Editall/Catmv
- 21 replies
Hi, I have tons of experience in web-development and seo field and i still get rejected everytime i apply to be an editor. I wanted to be part of this only to improve my profile value. Anyways i want to know my application status for the username briansatur4 Its been over 20 days now. opendir - f6497a88157e8f5d4667a89c65673283 Waiting for an update. Thanks, Brian
Last reply by powerboss, -
I keep getting rejected? 1 2
by Guest alarm-
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 33 replies
I keep getting rejected; my application name is "alarm" The reason for rejection is that 'this category has more listings and unreviewed (not a word) listings than we normally assign a new editor.' I think the key word here would be 'normally' I think in this instance I would be a benefit to this category. I would like to respectfully disagree to your denial of my application to be an editor of the: ' Business: Business Services: Security: Alarm Systems ' category. I have also noticed that some sites listed in this category are inappropriate and should be moved to a different category (or removed…
Application Status for "pho"
by Guest Pho- 1 reply
Hi there. I applied to edit Editor name: pho I read the guidelines and found nothing about waiting for a certain amount of time before asking about the application status, so I hope it's ok to ask. I applied about 2 weeks back. Many thanks.
Last reply by donaldb, -
- Meta
- 38 replies
Up-front disclosure: Yes, I submitted a site (non-commercial) and have been waiting for it to be reviewed. However, this post is not in any way meant to influence that process. Again, the site I submitted is non-commercial. This is not intended to be inflamatory. It is just an observation... First, based on the high volume of postings in the "Site Submission Status" forum, and the length of time waiting for a submitted site to be reviewed, it seems obvious that ODP could use many more volunteer editors. Responses to status requests include comments such as: Two months is an insignificant wait. Hate to tell you this, but many sites wait more than two years fo…
Last reply by Russell, -
Becoming an editor
by Guest --
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 22 replies
Hi, first of all, I think having this forum is a great idea /images/icons/laugh.gif To what's important... I found several categories I would like to become an editor of, all of which does not currently have an editor. There aren't many sites in it as well - probably around 10. I'm wondering what the standards are to become editors. I don't have a website at the moment but I spend a considerable amount of time at forums learning stuff - all of which are related to those categories. I started out a few months ago, each day spending anywhere between 3 hours to 10 hours - yes... I'm an addict /images/icons/smile.gif Is that sufficient enough? Or is Dmoz looking at o…
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- 6 replies
How long would it normally take for an editor reinstatement to be processed? I filled in the reinstatement form, um, a couple of weeks ago I think, but didn't hear anything back. Would I normally get a notification if the reinstatement request was denied? Applied for reinstatement again today, since I was silly and impatient. My apologies if there are now two requests in the queue.
Last reply by totalxsive, -
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 36 replies
Dear Senior Editor: I had applied to be an editor for the category (39) and the same was acknowledged by ODP on 10th Oct 2002. However, I have not heard from ODP since then. What could be the present status ? Regards.
Last reply by jameskal, -
- Meta
- 33 replies
I have applied so many times to become an editor. But every time I got rejected. I have revealed all details regarding my association with my site <URL removed>. Instead I failed to become an editor. I really want to become an editor. Can any one help me.
Last reply by pvgool,
- Meta
- 22 replies
Good people of the ODP forums, I was an editor for two cats for several months. Thought I was doing a good job. In early March 2002, I requested an additional cat to edit (no editor listed for that particular cat), and was removed as an editor all together. I have written to DMOZ staff several times requesting an explanation for removing me. I still have not heard from anyone. If a meta reads this and is willing to look into this, please reply and I will provide my editor name and password. All I am looking for is an explanation. I think it may have to do with the new editor of the cat I was editing threatening to report me for what she suspected as abuse because I …
Lost it but why :(
by Guest umesh-
- Meta
- 23 replies
I have a lot of respect for the Open Directory Project. However, I once signed up to be a DMOZ editors and for a year after submitting various sites to my category, following strict guidelines, I was mysteriously kicked out. After e-mailing other editors and requesting various times, I was never given an answer as to why I was omitted. ( Profile Page: Umesh Gholap P.S.: If if I use "forgot password" it still sends me the password.
Cant submit 1 2 3
by nigelgrey-
- Meta
- 50 replies
Hi i have just spent time completing a submission form to become an editor and when i click submit, it doesnt complete? I still have page open, what do i do?
Last reply by nigelgrey, -
- Meta
- 56 replies
Dear all, Recently I submitted an editor application for the category of Top: Games: Gambling: Sports: Tipping and Handicapping: Soccer. Username: andysg The following day, I received an email on the disapproval. Therefore, I believe there are some issues that need to be address in order for the application to go through. I would really appreciate if you can shed some light and advice. Thank you so much.
Last reply by andysg, -
- Meta
- 43 replies
Hello, My application was recently accepted, but I am unable to login with the login/password combo provided to me in the email. I've used the retrieve password function as well on the dmoz site and the password emailed to me was indeed the one I was using. Is there something that I'm missing (i.e. time delay before activation takes place?). Thanks, Chris
Last reply by brmehlman, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
Hi, My name is murat in turkey I'll doing to be editor form but rejected, why? I want be editor for furniture categories. Thanks
Last reply by informator,
How to get a second chance as an editor?
by Guest Zigga-
- Meta
- 16 replies
I try to keep the discussion here in rather general level but take my own case as an example. I hope this is ok? I used to be an editor in Regional/ category. I was kicked out only after about one month's editing. Since that I have asked three times to be reinstated but I have had no response. Last time was about a month ago. It may have been that since I was rather a new editor I made some mistakes. However, those listed in do not apply. But in order to ask for reinstatement it would be very useful to know the very particular reason why my editor rights were removed. As I did quite a lot work in that category during m…
Last reply by apeuro,
2nd App - Wish Me Luck! Top:Regional:North America:Canada:Ontario:Localities:A:Aylmer 1 2
by bobmutch-
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 46 replies
Well I have learned a lot since I did my first application to become an editor. I became a editor (level 2 with an 8.5 quality rating), I joined Zeal and passed the first two tests, became an editor at and an editor at I have had a lot of fun creating a new category over at on SEO/SEM blogs, and one on SEO/SEM Tools . I picked a smaller category this time and was much more careful in adding up the 3 sample sites. I choose a small regional category of While Aylmer is a…
Last reply by bobmutch, -