Becoming an Editor
This forum is also for Editor Reinstatement issues.
4593 topics in this forum
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- 10 replies
Hi, It's been about 20 days since i submitted by application, still haven't received any response besides an acknowledgement e-mail Here are the details of the submission: Category URL: Username: alinsomniac <email removed> Kindly help! Thanks in advance.
Last reply by alinsomniac, -
- 5 replies
I have just been denied the opportunity to become an editor in a niche subject in Malaysia (application user name jamesjazz) I found the reviewers comments interesting: 'Our editor guidelines and a look at existing listings should help you to write acceptable titles and descriptions.' I did not take a copy of my application but I can accept that I maybe put to much effort into checking and reviewing the sites that I deemed were appropriate for a listing in DMOZ and not enough thought into creating acceptable titles and descriptions. After reading the open directory editor guidelines I can see there were a few mistakes such as using the '&' symbol. I cou…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- RZ Admin
- 12 replies
Hello, I am a newbie in, and want to be an editor. I have submitted as Editor in, and have received Verification email. When I click the link in this verification email, the system in responds "not a valid key"... What should I do? Thanks for the answer .... Regards,
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 4 replies
My initial application to become a DMOZ editor was rejected. The DMOZ editor said that one of the website examples was too broad for the category. I spent considerable time searching for another site, not already in the directory, to include. This was not easy. I included a new site and kept my two previous examples because they seemed appropriate for that category. After resubmitting my application, I received another rejection email. In the comments section the DMOZ editor stated: "Your inability/unwillingness to follow our submission guidelines (which require that a website be suggested just once to the one best category)... has convinced us that you'll be unable…
Last reply by mauri,
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- RZ Admin
- 15 replies
hello, Several weeks passed and i still not receive any response (yes or no) from my candidature to become an Editor Someone can check that it's correctly under process (and well received) or if i need to redo it ? my login: goldorak1975 thanks !
Last reply by pvgool,
- 1 reply
Hello. I am Sergeev Constantine, also known as pogalik. My problem is i can't log in with my username/password. And "password reminder form" thing don't work properly for me, too, because i can't receive a message from that. (My account's email is <email removed> for sure) Well, i've being inactive for a long time because i lost Editor's privileges just for no reason. After that i wrote a PM to our local meta Editor - egood, but he didn't answer. I was just confused that this happened and i stopped trying retrieve my account. So.. now i want to try again. I really can't understand why i lost my acc. I did a lot of changes in my Categoryн…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 2 replies
Hello, I submitted an application to: It was my third try and I sent it in exactly two months ago on January 8 (and I still haven't heard anything). I think I did everything correct this time but we'll see... Username: GHiggs23 Does anyone know the status? Thank you in advance for the info and I hope I get to join the team!
Last reply by GHiggs23, -
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- RZ Admin
- 11 replies
Hi, I submitted an application to edit: My Username: agungbijaksana Thanks for your kind attention.
Last reply by agungbijaksana, -
- Meta
- 5 replies
Hi DMOZ I recently got approved is an editor for a category, but the activation email got caught in my SPAM filter and got deleted, because it was there for over 30 days. Is there any way that I can have the activation mail resend? Best regards, Kenneth
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 5 replies
Hi editors A couple of months ago I suggested my website to the Arts-online-ezines-fiction category. At the same time I applied to edit the category, as I couldn't see an existing editor for that category or, indeed, parent categories. During the editor application process I used my own website as one of the three websites requested. I assumed as these were examples to show how I assessed websites to be of the Dmoz standard, it wouldn't be an issue. I then received a message from Dmoz suggesting that I was being underhand, and trying to get my own website listed by unconventional means. Consequently my application to be a Dmoz editor, and my suggestion to list my…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- RZ Admin
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- 5 replies
After I have filled out all the information in the application to be an editor and clicked submit, this error which simply says "Not a valid parameter" comes out. I have no idea what is wrong with my application. Does anybody know why that error appeared?
Last reply by setevoy, -
- 1 reply
I've read the FAQ but cannot find any link where I can apply to become an editor. This is the category in question: Thanks.
Last reply by Awingman, -
- 3 replies
I applied to edit a category and have received an email to say I should reinstate my old account, two problems are that I can't remember username and password and the email address I had was a work one which I don't have anymore. The second problem is that the link to the reinstate form is a 404. Any help appreciated
Last reply by wheeldon, -
Hi Jim, just out of interest, do you have an estimate of the typical length of time for evaluation? I submitted to become an editor on 21st November (/Recreation/Travel/Lodging/Directories/) (mellymel). I know you guys have started to evaluate and accept some submissions again and I'm guessing you have months and months of applications to sift through before you get to ones that were submitted over the last few weeks, but if you had any estimate it would be really appreciated - it would also allow me to answer similar posts on here :-) Of course, I understand if its a completely impossible thing to estimate, I'll just be patient and continue to find suitable sites tha…
Last reply by pvgool,
- Meta
- 1 reply
How can i am "Becaming an Editor"?please give me some tips?
Last reply by pvgool,
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- RZ Admin
- 3 replies
I would someone like to check the status of my application too! But there is no news from then on... And my username is “yuanmeitouzi”
Last reply by Elper,
- 4 replies
ahh - I was going to wait at least a month before I asked... but I can't stand it editorname: Chrz applied: 11/28/2012 Appreciate any updates/assistance, Thanks Chris
Last reply by chrisa, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
Hi, This morning my editor application was declined: application date: Nov 29, 2012 username: chromedome Here are the reviewer's comments: Whilst this application standing alone is largely acceptable, we've re-evaluated your previous applications. There are several inconsistencies between them and the list of associated websites is too variable for comfort. The simultaneous applications didn't look good either. Not everybody is suited to editing so please don't apply again. We wish you well in your future endeavors elsewhere. It's clear this particular administrator does not want me to submit another applicatio…
Last reply by token, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I was wondering if you could check the status of my application? I applied on 9/11/12 with username mikerg. Thank you for any additional information you can provide. Mike
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 2 replies
Hello, please can I check the status of my application? rhysdavies 15 -11-2012 Thank you very much
Last reply by rhysdavies1982, -
-Спорт/Страйкбол/ editorname: Valette 1st time: several years ago, 2nd: summer 2012 (> 3 month ago) Thanks!
Last reply by Valette,
- Meta
- 4 replies
Greetings, I'm interested in becoming an editor in: /Shopping/Home_and_Garden/Floors/ However, I'm unable to find the "become an editor" link. Does it exist on this page? Best,
Last reply by windharp,
I would like to become an editor where can I apply? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Even its hard to do, always do good things. <url removed>
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 3 replies
Few Days ago I applied to volunteer a category. My application was rejected, and I applied again in other smaller category without noticing 'reviewer comment' section of the email because in most of the previous rejection emails it was blank. The Reviewer had commented the following: There is no need to apply again. We wish you well in your future endeavours elsewhere. I want to ask(request)while respecting the comment of the Reviewer, Can I apply again in a category in which I am REALLY interested ? I accept the fact that I made some conflicts in my previous form(s). I promise not to do again. P.S. I have already applied for a category after receiving above…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 6 replies
While checking profiles of Editors, I came to this profile: The editor doesn't have any 'Name', don't have any category to edit. Could any one explain why this profile is entirely blank ? Please don't ask How I found this profile. My username is: kingavineshsingh
Last reply by masteraks, -