Becoming an Editor
This forum is also for Editor Reinstatement issues.
4593 topics in this forum
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- 13 replies
Option to become volunteer of some master categories is present on ODP. For instance, take this: This is a master category, URLs cannot be submitted directly in this category, we have to move further in sub-category. So when we are filling up Editor application form for these categories, Which type of URLs we should submit ? because Practically no URL can be submitted in this category. Editor's suggestion required. username: kingavineshsingh
Last reply by masteraks, -
- 3 replies
I apologize if this is not right category to post topic on. Most of the time when we receive an application rejected email, We are given a list of reasons on why our application got rejected ? and are told that there would be one or more possible reason among those reason for decline of our application. If we look at rejection email, we would find a "reviewer's comment" section at the end of email. In this section, the God(Reviewer) can put on his comment regarding why he/she rejected your application. Most of time we get this areas of email blank! and since It is blank we can't find our mistake and improve in that particular area(s). So, I want to know from G…
Last reply by masteraks, -
- 3 replies
I recently submitted two applications, from two usernames: masteraks and kingavineshsingh I had to submitt application twice because I made a big mistake, really big mistake. Here is what I want Reviewers/Editors to do: Delete/Ignore application submitted by username masteraks and only review application with username kingavineshsingh. In application submitted by masteraks I actually selected Wrong LANGUAGE, The language of category was Hindi but URLs Submitted by me was with title and discription in English and there were some few more errors. Application submitted through username kingavineshsingh is correct and is submitted for a very small and different c…
Last reply by masteraks, -
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- 3 replies
Username submitted: kingavineshsingh Hello Everyone, I didn't created this thread to check status of my application, Just had some questions. I recently applied for this category: to edit. Actually, I was born in this district and it's my birth place. So, I was guessing that chances to be selected to edit a category which is your birth place is more.(Still, Editors know the best) This category has only 2 submitted URLs. So, I wanted to know from some Editors and some well experience members that What are chances to get selected to edit the category which has 2 URLs, Birth place of mine …
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 2 replies
I would kindly like to check on the status of this application. editorname: yardfill 10/7/12
Last reply by yardfill, -
- 8 replies
Sir i want to know the status of my application for editor. I applied with the username 'jnukavita' in the category ofकला/साहित्य/ on 21st April 2012, Thanks.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I applied to become an editor and I heard a response back the next day (first time was unsuccessful), I amended my application and reapplied, taking on board any notes that was left. I would kindly like to know the current status of my application if possible. Here is the information that you require: DMOZ category: Editor name: bushell86 Date of application: 11/10/2012 Thanks in advance
Last reply by bushell, -
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- 6 replies
Hello all, I put in an application around a month ago and have not heard anything to date, if someone could please check out my application that would be greatly appreciated. I basically applied for the various Metal Detecting Categories. Best regards to all. mrix
Last reply by mrix, -
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Hello i submitted an application in 16/09/2012 User name : wangma Date : 16/09/2012 Thanks
Last reply by wangma, -
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- 4 replies
Hello, apologies, I too applied to be a DMOZ Editor however I have not heard back and am worried that I have somehow made an error in my application. Would you mind checking my status if you get the time? My username is: singlemummy Thanks very much for your time, much appreciated!
Last reply by barbara12, -
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- 6 replies
I applied for the category of: My username is Geeks2You. Could someone please tell me what the status is? I applied back in the beginning of June. Thanks! Sincerely, Marc Enzor
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 3 replies
Hi, Can someone check on the status of my application for: It was submitted on Apr 28. Username: dm247
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 12 replies
Hi there, I submitted an application in early December and haven't heard back. I signed up with the username of "jamesgamble" and the e-mail address of james -dot- gamble -at- gmail -dot- com. I applied to the following category: I don't remember getting an e-mail asking for me to confirm my e-mail address, so if I'm not confirmed, could I please have the link resent so I can confirm? Thank you. -James Gamble
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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Hi there. I applied last month, and wanted to check the status of my application. Here are the details: Category: Editor Name: morley Date Applied: 8/16/12 Thank you.
Last reply by Elper,
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Hi there, I haven't heard anything back, and while I know from reading this thread that some people are waitting weeks, in the past my applications were always processed within 12 hours. I just wanted to check to make sure it wasn't lost. Thanks! User name is Kobeck
Last reply by Elper,
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- 2 replies
Hi DMOZ Senior Editors applied to : Name: cherokeegirl Date applied: June 26, 20012 I have been waiting nearly 2 1/2 months for a response from my Editor Application and I began thinking that if Editors were accepted in a timely manner, we could help DMOZ keep up with the workload. I am eager and ready (retired university librarian and webmaster) to help. Please help me expedite my application. Thanks.
Last reply by mellymel,
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URL :نصائح_الدراسة/ user name : mohamed753 Date : 26-08-2012
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 6 replies
Hello, I have applied to become a DMOZ editor on 21'st december 2011 , It's been one month but I haven't got any response to the application. Can someone please check the status of my application and speed up the review process if possible? The details about the appplication are: The category in which i have applied to become a editor: Science > Math > Reference ( ) The editorname that i used on my application: hariprasadbaral The date that I last applied: December 21'st 2011 I will be waiting for your help. And thanks in advance for your help. regards, Hari Prasad Baral
Last reply by mellymel,
Help With Reinstatement Application
by Guest balvord- 1 reply
Hello, I'm hoping someone could help me out with attempting to get my editor account reinstated. Notes on this request: - I was an editor several years ago (like 6 or 7 years). - I don't have access to the email I had used to register, nor do I actually remember what that email was. - My username was likely either balvord or benalvord. - If I remember correctly, I was editing a category for a band named 'Saves the Day' as well as some picture gallery type adult category. - My old account was banned. This was because (again, if I remember correctly) I was removing a bunch of sites which I did not believe met the inclusion guidelines for those picture gallery si…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 8 replies
I have also been turned down again, for the sixth time But I'm not giving up. I truly want to contribute. I hope I make it this time
Last reply by Johnkobeck, -
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- 5 replies
Hello, I have been editor some years ago. The email address I have used back then has become invalid because I am not working for this company anymore. I tried to get my account re-activated today but I don't remember the password. Using the "Forgot password" function, I can only mail to my old email address of course. Is there any way to change my email address or have my password reset to a default value (account: reikje).
Last reply by Elper,
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- 1 reply
- 1.6k views name - abukh date - April 6 I first applied to a broader category, got an email 8 horus later that I needed to pick a smaller one, which I did. Also, after I clicked verification email it said "Not a valid key" but that was even before I got the email from one of the editors asking to switch category, so the application might have got through.
Last reply by Elper,
- 1 reply
Application Status amr444 28/06/2012 Thanks : )
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 2 replies
Having been rejected three times it seems that DMOZ really don't want my help. I applied for the three towns around me (live near Great Missenden), they form a triangle around me and each time I listed associated websites, I am a webdesigner so I didn't list every one I designed, yet did include my own websites and details of my work which made it very clear. I was rejected first because a site I had chosen for the category had no postal address, okay I am good with that. The second time because the category was too big for a rookie, yes that's fair enough. Finally, because my nearest town kept changing, but there are many towns around me, Aylesbury, Amersham, High Wycom…
Last reply by Elper,
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- 11 replies
I just submitted my application to become a dmoz editor in the the category Computers: Internet: On the Web: Online Communities: Community Management. I got an email asking me to confirm my email address. I'm 99% sure that I clicked the link. My username is christofian. I did not get a follow-up email after I clicked that link. Now, for some reason I can't log into my editor account. When I try to log in, I get the error "User needs an email address verification before the user can login.", which has led me to believe that for some reason my email validation didn't go through, or I accidentally didn't click the link and forgot about it. I was wondering if there is some…
Last reply by Elper,