Becoming an Editor
This forum is also for Editor Reinstatement issues.
4593 topics in this forum
- Editall/Catmv
- 1 reply
Hello, I was searching google trying to figure out what to do when I didn't hear back from my last dmoz application, and I stumbled upon this forum. You guys are really on top of things. Anyway.. I just wanted to see what's the status of my application? Since its been months, I'm almost positive it was declined. The editor name I choose was fillhill83, and I THINK the category was:, but I could be wrong. The last email I got was on Sept 12th, 2009 saying the application was received. Can anyone help me out possibly? Thanks.
Last reply by makrhod,
- 3 replies
Hi, I applied to become an editor of on March 13th, as yet I have not had a reply. I have looked recently and note that the category is no longer taking applications, why is this? It does not appear to be a very large category and as stated in my application I have specialist skills in this area. Unfortunately I can not remember the user name I used (so many nowadays!), but is likely to be: mallangong or klass Many thanks in advance.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
My Open Directory editor application could not be confirmed. The error received was: Can't find your authentication ticket. what do I need to do in this case.
Last reply by marqueeman, -
- RZ Admin
- 4 replies
Hey DMOZ-ites, I applied a few weeks (maybe months) ago to be a volunteer editor for a category. When we submit an application, is there usually a confirmation e-mail associated with it? I just wanted to make sure that there wasn't something wrong with my submission, whether it be browser error submitting the form or whatever other number of variables it could be. I applied under <email removed, never post your email online to guard your privacy> if there is some way of checking. I'm not really in a hurry like many seem to be on here..but I'm definitely excited to help make the web as credible as many academic databases are! Thanks, Devin
Last reply by devinpr, -
Application Confirmation - ramman73
by Guest ramman73-
- Meta
- 7 replies
I received my application confirmation, and I, too, was unable to respond. I noticed that the return address was "", I tried changing this to "", and, once again it was returned. I also tried sending it to "" as suggested in one of the other posts in this section. Was this the correct place to send the response or is there another address? I applied to be an editor in the adult section under the user name "ramman73" and my registration key is "opendir - 85a0f038eea9fb05ad1e8708c1a24070" I would appreciate any help in completing my application or if another editor can check on the status of my application.
Last reply by Dirtydisco, -
- Meta
- RZ Admin
- 4 replies
Hello, I have a feeling that my application may not have made it through. I received the verification email, however, do not have any email noting confirmation of receipt.
Last reply by pvgool,
- 2 replies
Dear ODP editors, I applied to become an editor on nov. 25. and got this message after sending the affirmation mail. ********************************************** ** THIS IS A WARNING MESSAGE ONLY ** ** YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESEND YOUR MESSAGE ** ********************************************** The original message was received at Fri, 25 Nov 2005 16:28:59 +0100 from [] ----- Transcript of session follows ----- <>... Deferred: Connection refused by Warning: message still undelivered after 4 hours Will keep trying until message is 5 days old I tried to send the affirmation the next day a…
Last reply by WoodL, -
- 4 replies
A week ago I applied to become editor for category: Till date I haven’t received an e-mail asking my confirmation of my e-mail address. I read the forum guideline stating, “If you did not receive this e-mail, check any spam or junk mail folders and filters that might have blocked the e-mail from arriving. Hotmail and Yahoo spam/junk mail filters have sometimes blocked e-mails from us. Your application will not even be in our system until you have replied to that confirmation e-mail.” I usually directly trash Bulk Mail folder without checking it, so it may happen that email c…
Last reply by donaldb, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I applied once before and after waiting a month I got a reply stating that my site suggestions section had nothing entered. I just wanted to check that everything is in my submission this time before waiting a month, hope you understand my situation Date Applied: March 3, 2008 Username: Vagal Category:
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 3 replies
I have applied to become an editor at I received a system email to confirm my email address, and replied without modifying the subject line, as requested, but received the following automated reply: Re: opendir - f006e54d9743998dd98d8c0035def2ac ----------------- Your Open Directory editor application could not be confirmed. The error received was: Can't find your authentication ticket ----------------- I have no idea how to proceed. I guess my application will not be considered until I confirm my email address, and I can't. Please help. Best regards, Val Danilch…
Last reply by donaldb, -
- 2 replies
- 1.3k views name is Matias Bulox and I submitted my application on 06/25/2007 and today I got an email back with the following message: 'Your Open Directory editor application could not be confirmed. The error received was: Can't find your authentication ticket' So, I decided to apply one more time but when I submitted the application the page refreshed and at the top the following message appeared: 'Sorry, you can only have one application at a time' My username is mbulox. Could you please let me know the status of my application? Thanks. Matias Bulox.
Last reply by mbulox, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I recently applied to be an editor of Username: windjc I was not approved, which is fine, because I know that quite often people are not approved the first time they apply for various reasons. However, the email I received not approving me listed all the following general reasons (below) but no specific feedback. I have been in the career advice field for over 15 years. Its a topic dear to my heart. I would like to apply again but I have no idea where to start. Advice would be very appreciated! Here are the general reasons I received in the email, all of which I was fully aware of …
Last reply by windjc, -
- Meta
- 9 replies
Hello! Please see my question below. Here is the needed information. Category Editor Name dwalke3 Date Applied 7/3/07 On my application I did list the only live website I am involved with, but was declined because I was informed that I did not fully disclose all my affiliations. Would this also include domain names which you own, but do not have a website for? The only other website I have offered content for no longer exists and is out of business. That site was <url removed>. This was a company my wife ran and once we retired the website we kept the domain name so we coul…
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 1 reply
Respected sir, You had quoted "Editing isn't for most people and it would seem that it isn't for you. Please don't apply again under this or any other identity". What you meant by don't apply again under this or any other identity? I'm really confused as I saw my previous thread was closed, so created a new one. Thanks kavitha
Last reply by windharp,
- 1 reply
I would like to know if you can assist me in finding out why my app was denied. I have extensive experience in the category and it had less then 100 links. I felt the category was under served so I applied for to help. I'm just trying to get a better idea as to why i was denied. And yes, I did receive the multiple reasons it could be but I was hoping for some a lot more specific in my case. Editor name fieldservice category applying for is field service companies Apply date: 10/22/2010
Last reply by jimnoble, -
Application Denied
by Guest Warren-
- Meta
- 13 replies
Hi, My application was denied (WarrenF) and I have no idea why. I spent a lot of time making sure my application was just right. Is there anyway i can appeal the decision? I was really looking forward to participating. Thanks
Last reply by beebware, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
Hello, I sent my application for the german part of DMOZ: name: mallmis I have got a very quick answer that I will not become an editor. Of course I have some sites in DMOZ, because I am a web developer, but this is not the reason for my application. I just wanted to help! This ist really not fair, because my recommendations were very good and I had no errors in german orthography. I will never again send any application to this elitist club. EDIT:<-- sorry, bad emotions Good luck and a nice day, Michael
Last reply by pvgool,
- Meta
- 5 replies
I applied to the Computers/Software/Abandonware category ( as gizmoguy. I received an e-mail saying that my application was denied, and I read through the list of common reasons why applications are denied. None of these applied to my applicaation, and then I read the reviewer comments section: I do not believe that this is a valid reason for my application to be denied, as the section response was not incomplete, but brief. I included a link to my website, and no others, but this is because I do not have any other "sites that own or have designed or promoted" or "have contributed content to". Thank you.
Last reply by motsa,
- Editall/Catmv
- 4 replies
Not sure what triggered my application to be denied. After seeing some of the snarky responses to similar questions in here by current editors, I'll post responses to these one at a time to avoid any confusion: * Incomplete application. Insufficient information has been provided in some fields including reason, affiliation and/or Sample URLs. The application was complete. Sufficient information was provided everywhere except for current affiliation since I don't own/manage any websites. I did offer to build one if it was a requirement though. * Improper spelling and grammar. Spelling and grammar were flawless, of course. * Sample URLs are inappropriate for…
Last reply by makrhod,
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 9 replies
I was trying to edit a section of dmoz that is very spammy. I have tons of experience in the industry I applied to and have a passion to make that section of dmoz regain a positive reputation for listing unique and valuable sites for visitors. Here is the response I got... first, I got a response saying that I did not report all of my sites I am associated with. I did not realize they needed 'all' of them as the list is quite extesnive, so I reapplied and listed all of them and my position at each site, even sites I don't work for anymore. I then got a reply almost a month later saying this... I am outraged that so much spam can get in from corrupt editors and fi…
Last reply by nea,
- Editall/Catmv
- Meta
- 6 replies
Hi everyone, Yesterday I applied for to be an editor for a category which is very very small (only has 4 links in at the moment) and is clearly not maintained because 1 link doesn't work and nothing has changed in the category for the pas 2 years or so. So I decided to give it a go. The category is /Regional/Middle_East/Bahrain/Business_and_Economy/Real_Estate/ I work in Bahrain as a technical IT staff, a long time a go I worked as a webdesigner, so my internet knowledge is perfect. Also I deal with Real estate agents a lot because I help expats that relocate to Bahrain and have a lot of contacts with the real estate agents here. My company suggested me to ma…
Last reply by michaeldegroot, -
- Editall/Catmv
- Meta
- 17 replies
I recently applied for an Editor Position, and was denied, yet I'm honestly confused as to why. None of the possible reasons indicated to me were relevant, and I'd like to inquire as to the specific reason(s) for the non-acceptance. opendir - 24e1c0723e6256ed5f8f5118ec0dbbe1 -nbriggs
Last reply by motsa,
Application denied (within hours)
by Guest --
- Meta
- 10 replies
Yesterday, I filled the 'become an editor' form for the following category, which hasn't been updated for ages: I did everything that was required, and yet I received an email saying that my application had been denied, without any additional comment. Any thoughts?
Last reply by donaldb, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
My application as a chemistry editor was recently denied but I wanted to say my email was very polite and very thorough in explaining why. It was really encouraging for me to apply to other categories. I really appreciated it. Now if I could just my chemistry site approved.
Last reply by shadow575,
- Meta
- 2 replies
Hey, Bellow is the email I received today telling my that my ODP editor application was rejected: Now I know a lot of you will be saying that the Reviewer gave a reason why my application was rejected. But both of the links that I have where radio programs available for download and both of them where relevant to this topic. I don't get what the reviewer means by, I mean I understand that the reviewer thought that my sites where not appropriate but I don't get why. Any ideas on what I should do? -Jesse
Last reply by jess, -