Becoming an Editor
This forum is also for Editor Reinstatement issues.
4593 topics in this forum
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Hi Jim, I applied to become an editor over 3 weeks ago. I have read that most receive a response in 1 or 2 days. How can I be certain that my application was received? In the application I used cherokeegirl as my username. Thank you for all the time you give to this forum.
Last reply by cherokeegirl, -
- 4 replies
Why we examine the applications are delayed.I'm intrigued by a friend, wrote this Forum.Even if I'd done before had not the result of a few of the application. I repeated the words after reading the application for this friend. Why you do not even reply to topics I wrote to friends when friends willing to volunteer are preferred. Yesterday I applied again. Please expedite this matter, who would like to ask ilgeniyorsa my application. I'm thinking of interest to you. Waiting your reply as soon as possible.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- RZ Admin
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- 5 replies
Forum site with Dmoz editors are not interested in Turkey. Hi, Dmoz editors of Turkey, "Turkish Dmoz" with the interest in the forum page. Unable to respond to written questions. Do not have a job dealing with this?
Last reply by Elper,
- 1 reply
Hi, I had submitted my application a month or two month back. The date should be 16-May-2012 [i dont exactly remember the date] Category: Username: abhimanyu Can someone please update me on my application status? I would really appriciate it.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 13 replies
I know that applying in a language specific category might take more time and my guess would be that it is still awaiting review.. but I just wanted to check, cus I've been getting too much spam on my email and even if I did receive a confirmation I might have missed it. The category I've applied to is:Спорт/Футбол/ nickname: savag Thanks a lot.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
Hello I Submited 14 Days Ago Category : User Name : mahamad9 Date : 13/06/2012
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
I submitted my application to join as an editor and got email : Dear strategicm1, Thank you for your interest in becoming an Open Directory Project editor! Although we would like you to join us as a volunteer editor, you have chosen a category that is larger than we typically assign to a new editor, or is otherwise unsuitable for an inexperienced editor to start editing in. We would encourage you to re-apply for a category that is smaller in scope, and/or is less likely to attract large numbers of site suggestions. Once you have been accepted to a different category and have gained some editing experience, it will be possible for you to apply to take on additiona…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
I recently applied to become an editor under the username of 'geeks2you'. I've been told that responses are usually within 24-72 hours on your application, so I decided to try to log in to see if I could find out more. Turns out, I may have forgotten to verify my email address. When I went to log in, I received the "User needs an email address verification before the user can login" message. I was able to reset my password, but I am still getting that error message when trying to log in. I believe I had verified the email, but it is very possible that I missed it. Also, if I could find out the status of my application, that would be greatly appreciated. Category applie…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
Hello, A few days ago I submitted the reinstatement form (notification pending) and I'd like to update my affiliations. The conflict of interests site ( says to use the URL which unfortunately is broken. Could somebody please fix the link so that I can update my affiliations?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 2 replies
Hello guys, About 10 years I was an ODP editor and now I'd like to do the reinstatement. Unfortunately, I can't remember my password and I can't use the 'forgot password' feature as my old email address does not exist anymore. How can I reactivate my account? Thanks!
Last reply by nedflanders, -
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Hello, I am very interested in becoming an editor for a category that doesn't seem to exist and whenever I try to find a specific search term nothing shows up. Sure, I can apply to become an editor of another category of something else that I have experience in, however, I see a large hole here for search terms/categories that seem to be missing. I would like to suggest creating a new sub-category "cloud computing". Within this category, I'd like to suggest creating further sub-categories like "Virtualization" ie KVM, XEN, OracleVM, Virtualbox etc etc plus IAAS/PAAS/SAAS/DRAAS etc etc. I will give you an example of what I mean by "missing" - For IAAS (infrastructu…
Last reply by Elper,
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Hi All, After becoming the editor of one of my favorite topics my life became a little too hectic to keep up! Well, now that my son is in school full-time, and my daughter is now old enough for play dates I have enough time to begin contributing at an appropriate level. I submitted my re-activation a few days ago and am hoping it just might be reviewed soon. I'm getting antsy to catch up! Any help is greatly appreciated. Much love, Kate
Last reply by caligirl78, -
- 1 reply
OK, so I had an account previously that has now lapsed, but I have forgotten my password AND I am unable to receive email sent to the address recorded for me. To apply for this account to be reinstated I cannot reset my password because I have a new email address as well. Is it possible to identify my account and arrange for the password to be reset? I would like to start editing again. My Editor USERNAME is: yogamat and I was editor here:- Cheers
Last reply by jimnoble, -
by strategicm1- 1 reply
I submitted my application to join as an editor yesterday and today got email : Dear strategicm1, Thank you for your interest in becoming an Open Directory Project editor! Although we would like you to join us as a volunteer editor, you have chosen a category that is larger than we typically assign to a new editor, or is otherwise unsuitable for an inexperienced editor to start editing in. We would encourage you to re-apply for a category that is smaller in scope, and/or is less likely to attract large numbers of site suggestions. Once you have been accepted to a different category and have gained some editing experience, it will be possible for you to apply to t…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
What is best for applying as editor, choosing category or sub-category or sub-sub-category if sub-category is itself have thousands of site included. I have interest in sub-category but I am comsidering to apply in sub-sub-category to get approve fast as there is no editor shown there.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 2 replies
Applied May 3rd to become an editor in the section Society --> Folklore --> Literature --> Tales --> Legends --> Arthurian with the username aduff. Can someone check?
Last reply by pvgool,
- 5 replies
I recently applied to volunteer and become a DMOZ Editor with an username aksinghart , i have heard that if any one is not eligible to become an editor than he/she normally gets and Email reply within 48 hours, i have still not got any reply and today is 3rd day, and i wish that i am selected as an editor. By the time i tried to login in Editor login section with my username and password and i got a message User needs an email address verification before the user can login. than i thought i got selected as an editor and checked my email but there was no new email, than i tried to login with any random name and password and i got message , as usual Invalid username or p…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
I submitted an editor application in a few weeks ago. I signed up with the username "dienov". I applied to this category : May I know is it still awaiting review or declined? Thank You Ade Nova
Last reply by jimnoble, -
Hi , i will like to know the status of my editor submission, <email removed> , more than 14 days have pass and i have not receive any email. Thank you for your work.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
Username: aksinghart Category: Computer/FAQ , Help and Tutorials/Windows Please tell provide me current status of My Editor Application I shall be very thankful to You.
Last reply by aksinghart, -
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Hi Everyone. I just wanted to get an update on my application to become a editor in the air ambulance category. It's been nearly a month since I applied and the only information that I have recieved is the automated confirmation email. Thanks and Have a great weekend Slainte' DMOZ Category: Username: mdoiler Application Date: 13 April 2012
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 4 replies
Hello there, I applied to be a DMOZ editor on the following category - on the 19th February 2012. <email removed> I would be particularly grateful for your time if you can see what the hold up is and check the status of my application. Best wishes!
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 3 replies
Hello, i sent aplication on 21.november 2011. on serbian language I applied to edit the following category: I confirmed email after sending aplication. But i forgot my username , as i remember it has my name in it. I sent aplication from email [edited for privacy reasons] Thanks in advance
Last reply by Elper,
- 1 reply
Category: Computers: Internet: Web Design and Development: FAQs, Help, and Tutorials Username: bandytechie Thanks!
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- RZ Admin
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Hello sir, I am requesting here to check the status of my editor application. I have applied for the directory: Computers/Programming/Component_Frameworks/NET/Tools/Obfuscators/ Thank you... Username: justinchristian Regards, Justin
Last reply by Elper,