Becoming an Editor
This forum is also for Editor Reinstatement issues.
4593 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Hello. I'm trying to get reinstated as an editor. My old user name was eshome. I don't remember the password. I tried the password reminder form and didn't receive an email, so I think the email on file must be one I don't have access to anymore. Please advise how to proceed.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 4 replies
Hello, I did today an application to become an editor and this was not my first application. After a few hours I received an email Dear ****22, Your application for a new editor account at the Open Directory Project has been rejected because we believe you already have (or had in the past) another editor account. We have a strict rule of only one account per person (see ). If you wish to edit the directory, you will need to use your existing / previous account rather than applying for a new one. If your account is active and you know your password, you should be able to log in at and conti…
Last reply by abr, -
- 2 replies
I'm just curious having read some older posts on this forum. It appears that a common complain amongst the public is the amount of time it can potentially take for a site to be reviewed for listing. The most common explanation for this is that editors are overburdened with requests. If this is a case, isn't it strange that it appears so difficult to apply to become an editor? If there is a backlog of sites to be reviewed, shouldn't the Dmoz powers-that-be snatch the hands off from anyone who offers to give their time for nothing to help out? I realise they don't want illiterate morons submitting junk sites, but surely any reasonable application should be grateful…
Last reply by mellymel,
- 2 replies
In early November 2011, I submitted for consideration an editor application for the category 'Science: Biology: Ecology: Education' with the Username - dennisgemmell. To date, I have not received any response. Whatever information you can provide would be appreciated. Best regards, Dennis J. Gemmell
Last reply by dennisgemmell, -
- RZ Admin
- 29 replies
I was an editor a long time ago and now I want to get back into it. I no longer have access to my old email address and I do not know my old password. What do I need to do? I applied and they pointed me to this forum for help.
Last reply by Elper,
- 3 replies
Hi, i wanted to ask if i could know my editor status, my username for it was xtremexx. Previously i got an email saying : Which made me really think i would be accepted next time however i haven't heard back. thanks in advance
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
Hello! I have applied to become a DMOZ Editor under this user name. It was a month ago. But It still no answer. May I know the status of the application? I have made request for Thank you!
Last reply by informator,
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- RZ Admin
- 13 replies
Hello, I applied today to become an editor (same username as on this forum). I read in the FAQ that I was supposed to receive an email confirmation of the application. However, I never received it and checked my Spam box as well. Can you tell me if my application went through or do I need to re-submit? Thanks.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
Hi, Having been rejected as an editor at the first time of asking, I reapplied on 26/11 but this time didn't even get an acknowledgement email. Can you tell me what happened with my new submission please? Regards Rob Thomas
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
Hi guys, I submitted an application to edit on the 27th of November. I don't want to rush you or anything, I'm just running short on things to do, and wondering if it might have gotten lost or something (I got the activation email, but there was no time-frame given). I believe I selected the username "wadrian" (but again, there's no place for me to check it). Thanks
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 5 replies
I have not yet received an email of confirmation or denial apropos the editor position I applied for, so I am wondering if my application is still in review or not. * The category I applied to edit was /Health/Mental_Health/Self-Help/Motivation/ * The 'editorname' I used was either gutsmcd or perhaps Matthew * I applied to edit the category on 26 October 2011 because this was when I received a confirmation email in regards to my having submitted an application for said position
Last reply by gutsmcd, -
- 1 reply
Hello everybody, I just want to know the status of the my application submitted on 25-11-2011 for this category... Your help would be highly appreciated! Thanks. Rajamanickam
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 3 replies
Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to inquire on the status of my application. Category: UserName: irenewillow DateApplied: November 23, 2011 Thank you so much for your time. Sincerely, Irene Willow
Last reply by irenewillow, -
- 6 replies
Can anybody check my application status World: Português: Regional: América do Sul: Brasil: Negócios e Economia: Indústria: Metalomecânica editor name: diegoac It is in portuguese. I just put in here because portuguese forum looks abandoned.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 2 replies
Hi My request for reinstatement was met with you are already an editor....problem is that I don't know my editor name, my email address has changed and the only thing that hasnt changed is my real name. What exactly am I supposed to do about that? Regards Margaret
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
Hi, I have submitted my application to the following category: Editor name muuuh Thank you for following up my editor application. Best Regards.
Last reply by informator,
- 3 replies
Hi, I applied over two weeks ago using the name Irwinb to edit Category:Regional: North America: Canada: Ontario: Society and Culture: Politics: Parties and I haven't heard anything yet. Is my application still under consideration?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 2 replies
Hello and thank you for taking the time to read this topic. Application date: Wed, May 25, 2011 (according to the verification email) Category: Username: gingabox As I never saw an email regarding the decision, I would greatly appreciate information as to the status - and if rejected, is it worth while (from the DMOZ perspective) for me to reapply? Again, thank you very much for your valuable time.
Last reply by gingabox, -
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- 1 reply
- 1.4k views Username = REMOVED Request reinstatement of my account so that I may edit this category. Have forgotten my password. My email is also different from the email regsitered with dmoz (old email = REMOVED). So cannot automatically generate new password. Please use new email address REMOVED Thanks for your help REMOVED jeb riordan
Last reply by informator,
- RZ Admin
- 1 reply
Hi, can anyone please report the status of my editor application request I sent Sep. 8th 2011, user name ceometric? Thanks, Christian
Last reply by Elper,
- 2 replies
Hi, I applied to be an editor of: in July 2011 and I received an email acknowledgement on 08/07/11 which I activated, but I haven't heard anything since. Can you trace my application and let me know what's happening please? Thanks Rob Thomas
Last reply by ozsubasi, -
- Meta
- 6 replies
On October 17th I submitted an editor application for the following category: Shopping/Recreation/Outdoors/Fishing/Electronics/. Could somebody please let me know the status of that application. Thank you.
Last reply by fishfinders, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I have applied to become a DMOZ Editor under user name johnsilvek about month ago. Editor name: johnsilvek Category: Regional/Europe/Poland/Business_and_Economy/Shopping/ I just want to know what is the status of my application Cheers, John
Last reply by johnsilvek,
- Meta
- 4 replies
Can I have an update on my application to be an editor "<email removed for your privacy>" - I applied and confirmed email on 29th Sep this year Kind regards.Robert
Last reply by rmji, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I applied over a year ago to be a DMOZ editor but never received a response either accepting or rejecting my application. The name I applied under was citystate and the code I received was A5972740. I believe I applied to be editor of either or of one of its subcategories. Can someone tell me if my application was accepted or rejected and if it was rejected is there a reason and should I try again? Thanks
Last reply by jimnoble,