Becoming an Editor
This forum is also for Editor Reinstatement issues.
4593 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
Hi! I just wanted to see the status of a DMOZ editor application I had submitted (username kp78) for the category located here: I had submitted the application in October of 2010. I don't think I got a notification from DMOZ that the app had been received, so it would be great to know whether it had arrived and if it has been approved. Thank you so much for any help you can provide! Best, Kevin P.S. If it helps in your investigation of this issue, I tried logging into DMOZ as an editor and received this message: User needs an email address verification before the user can login. Thank…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
Hello - Just wanted to check in on an application I've submitted under the name mr007, for the category I do not recall the exact date of application but I believe it was in December of 2010. I do not recall ever receiving an email from dmoz, which made me wonder if the application was ever actually received. I understand that you are very busy and would greatly appreciate an update at your convenience. Thanks
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 9 replies
The email I got a nearly a month ago said I could come here to ask questions. I just wanted to know about the application that I submitted around the middle of August. How can I find out what happened with this? Thanks.
Last reply by Artisands,
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- RZ Admin
- 13 replies
Category : Name: ahheng Applied Date : September 27, 2010 Thank you.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- RZ Admin
- 5 replies
Hi, My name is Daniel Calvo and I applied to become a volunteer in Microcontroller category some time ago. I would like to know the status of my application. Best regards,
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- RZ Admin
- 11 replies
User: Andriukas dviratukas Directory:ų/Sportas/Dviračiai/ Date: July 8, 2010 I received confirmation, and confirmed it. No response ever since. Who stole it?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- RZ Admin
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- 5 replies
I am trying to find out if I will ever be reinstated as an editor. I am not sure if my reinstatement request has been received, or if it has, whether or not my request will be granted. I have tried to find out how long it would be for the reinstatement process to take, but everything leads me back to the reinstatement form which only says, "Your application is under reviewing, please pay a little patience, thank you." -The grammatical errors alone make me wonder if the reinstatement system is even being monitored. The system does not indicate if my request is at the top middle or bottom of the queue. It also doesn't indicate whether or not it is moved to the bottom of the…
Last reply by icxcnika,
- 1 reply
Hi I was interested in applying as an editor for the following category Home: Cooking: Crock-Pot: Collections and Indexes. but when I looked today the "Volunteer to edit this category" was missing neither was there an editor named for it. Please advise if it is still possible to volunteer or has someone already done it. Regards,
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
I was formerly approved as an editor for DMOZ but have not logged in quite some time and do not have access to the old email address to reset my password. My editor name was GIMBO and I would like to know how I can go about getting reinstated. Thanks in advance for your time, Gimbo
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 12 replies
Hello I would like to check the status of my application. I applied 09/10/2010 to edit the following category. Karenhill1505 I know it hasn't been 2 weeks yet, but after I had received my verification key, no other email was sent to say that my application is being processed.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 1 reply
Hi I have become dmoz editor but I missed the verification mail. How can I resend it to myself? Username: berakalay thanks
Last reply by pvgool,
- 1 reply
Hi. I applied to be an editor with the username: scbro and the category: Business, Investing, Stocks and Bonds, Equities, Resources. Here's the link: I applied on January 1, 2011 I would appreciate it if someone could tell me my status. Thanks, Stephen
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 3 replies
Hi to anyone who cares about the ODP. My username is sawadee and I recently applied to become a ODP editor for the category of: Regional: Asia: Thailand: Provinces: Chon Buri: Pattaya : Travel and Tourism (30) Now this category as you can see only has 30 listings, well under the 100 that is advised is a good category to apply for. Also I noticed that this category has not been updated since June 6 2007 and therefore appears to have no editor. So I duly applied for this category as I know a lot about the subject and it is obviously in need of a new editor. I then received an email some 4 weeks later advising me that my application had been turned down, however …
Last reply by pvgool,
- 9 replies
I'm having an interesting problem. The form I used to request my reinstatement–when I hit the 'submit' button all it did was refresh the page. I wasn't sure if it went through so I e-mailed Jim and he said there is no pending app. Maybe it's because I am on a Mac? I tried in Firefox and Safari. I can try on a PC tonight, but I'm wondering if anyone else experienced similar issues.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 1 reply
Hello. I applied some weeks ago as an editor for this topic which needs a lot of tender loving care: I believe that the username requested on my application was 'dropking' but I'm not positive. If not, the email address used is the same as my patrickm account here which hopefully can be seen by an administrator. Any status update would be appreciated and thanks for your time!
Last reply by laigh,
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- 3 replies
A few months ago I submitted an application to be an editor for the Regional > North America > United States > Alabama > Metro Areas and Regions > Dothan Metro category. I have just received an email denying my application as follows: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear , Thank you for your interest in becoming an Open Directory Project editor. After careful review, we have decided not to approve your application at this time. The most common reasons a reviewer will deny a new application include, but are not limited to, * Incomplete application. Insufficient information has been provided in some fields in…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 6 replies
Hello, I was an editor in 2006. I edited this category: I think I also edited some English category about Palm games, maybe this one: I thought my account was deleted by now, so I applied recently as a new editor for with a username …
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 8 replies
On October 1st I applied to edit with the name hopes I did not check my email and missed the verification until today. I tried to verify but got "Not a valid key." Assuming it expired. Can you tell me whether it's in the system or if I should reapply? I have a copy of my application so either way it's all good. Thanks!
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I am checking the status of my editor application. Username: KatieBHayes Category: Date Applied: September, 2010 Thank you in advance.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 5 replies
Help me how can i become a Dmoz Editor. At this time i am doing successful SEO work for SEO Sydney company. <url removed> Tell me the procedure for becoming a good dmoz editor.
Last reply by thomasssolano, -
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- Editall/Catmv
- 11 replies
Hi Please could you let me know if my application is awaiting review: Name: trawlnet Applied: 10 September 2010 Many thanks
Last reply by mortarboard, -
- 3 replies
Hi everyone, My application was declined, with the reviewer citing that I could not have more than one ODP account. My original account "greent" was created many years ago and has been left unused for a long time now. The domain name my original email address was based on is no longer controlled by me and there is no way for me to get access to emails sent to that address. Earlier attempts to regain access to my ODP account failed in the past due to the fact that in order to reinstate the account I needed username/password and could not get the password via email. That is why I have not used the account mentioned for a very long time now. I decided to apply for a…
Last reply by greent, -
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- 4 replies
Username: huthaifah Date: Oct. 23, 2010 Category:
Last reply by informator,
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- 14 replies
Hello .. Good evening I hope that you will be fine all My name is Bassem I am from Egypt Upon inquiry regarding the editors in the Arab sections Why does not interest them in the Add Sites I think he did add the sites in the Arab sections since long periods of Since 4 years always tried to add a site but to no avail Now I wanted to become editor because I see through the shortcomings of the Arab editors I want to help all stakeholders in the inclusion of their sites if they are compatible with the requirements of the Guide I submitted my request and were sent to me the key and you respond to the message But I have not got any response then ei…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 2 replies
Hi there, I have recently been reinstated as an editor and whilst I can login to edit, I don't seem to be able to login to the editor forum (it's been a while since I volunteered and I need some help from the forum!). When I click on the editor forum link (whilst already logged on) it asks me for my username and password. I re-enter the details but it is says they're invalid. Help! Cheers, Saunders
Last reply by jimnoble,