Becoming an Editor
This forum is also for Editor Reinstatement issues.
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I recently reapplied to be an editor and it said my user name was already taken, so I tried to login and when I did so it said, "User needs an email address verification before the user can login." . I continued with a password reset to see if that worked and then it still said the same thing. I would like to know how long a activation email takes to receive. Thanks, Sean
Last reply by pvgool,
- 2 replies
Honorable Sirs, Is it possible to apply to become an Editor, being a webmaster too? Kindly let me know. I do honor DMOZ TOS, that is why I have joined this forum to know more about DMOZ rules, interacting with the Editors here.
Last reply by RbizSolutions, -
- Editall/Catmv
- 2 replies
I applied for Editor in Dmoz in the Category of http://....../News/Newspapers/Regional/India/ My username was: dhrubajyotideka I used my hotmail id when I applied to become an Editor. But after applying, I have never got the verification email from, hence I have failed. Though I am Webmaster for 3 years, but I am a Journalist for 8 years. I have high interest to be an Editor in the mentioned Category, to update recent media from India. Kindly note that, my business is not related with any service to the Media. Hope the honorable editors will not miss understand about my intention to become an Editor in the mentioned category.
Last reply by RbizSolutions, -
- 3 replies
I have submitted two applications to be reinstated as an ODP editor (as "edwardp7"), the second application is still pending, but the auto-reply I received regarding the first said the topic was already "well represented". The category has NO editors at present. I then submitted the second application indicating the category has no editors and that I had previously edited it in the past. I previously was an ODP editor (eddiep), yet when I try to send a reinstate request, it tells me the password isn't valid and when I also try to access the password change request, it is apparently going to a now-defunct e-mail address. Can anyone help???
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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Hello, May I kindly request a status check for my editor application? category requested User Name Requested: FC2K Date Requested: Sept 15th give or take a few days I received an email on initial submission, however did not receive an email after clicking on the link stating that my application was in the system as should have happened as mentioned in this category's sticky thread: If there is further information I can help with, please let me know. Thank you kindly for your time.
Last reply by pvgool,
- Editall/Catmv
- 26 replies
I aked for a reinstation of my account (ammannd), but did not receive an answer yet... Can anybody inform me about the status or (even better) grant me access again? Thanks a lot for your help! Dave
Last reply by Chrysokomas, -
- RZ Admin
- 1 reply
Hello. I was inquiring about the status of my editor application. username:connectingtheworld I applied to become an editor last week on 11/8/2010. Soon after I submitted my application I received a rejection email. I wanted to know what exactly the reason was. I was emailed a generic template stating a number of various different reasons. However, I would appreciate a more specific reason. This way I can help improve upon what I am lacking to become an editor. Thanks, Aaron Brown
Last reply by photofox,
I submitted an application under Display name: Beat Schindler User name: beat88 Date applied: 8/11/09 Received your email-request to reply without changing the subject line. Have done so multiple times, each prompting postmaster messages of permanent fatal errors. Thanks for letting me know what or how to do. Cheers, Beat
Last reply by Elper,
- 4 replies
Dear admin Can you please let me know the status of my application for the following category My username is - alexdsouza Please, review and consider my application. Thanks
Last reply by munazanjum, -
- 1 reply
Dear all, Please could you check up on the status of my application to become a DMOZ editor? Name: nickdavison Category: Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Business_and_Economy/Computers_and_Internet/Internet/Commercial_Services/Marketing/ Application Date: 14.10.10 Thanks for your time.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 5 replies
Dear Admin, I would request and appreciate any information regarding my application to become a DMOZ editor. I applied for this category/Section - and my requested user name is - gtodp Warm Regards, Gaurav
Last reply by odpmember, -
- 1 reply
Will someone please take a moment to check into the application status for: neilaconway. I have applied and not been notified of not being accepted as before (in Feb. 2010). My most recent application was in August 2010. I reapplied as there was not a specific reason for the non-acceptance. I fear that it is because I am in the industry I applied for but I already have top ranking in Google. I am not meaning to make an appeal here, but I am interested in helping as I have been a netizen since my compuserve account gave me an address with only numbers. Either way, thank you for your time. If you have some forum materials for me to review I would be interest…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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Can you tell me what language I should use when filling up the editor application form? Should it be English or I can fill it using the language of the category (in my case Bulgarian). I have applied a week ago and I have used Bulgarian to fill my application.
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 3 replies
Hello, could someone please check the status of my application, thanks. Editor Name - pagetek01 Display Name - pagetek01 Category - Regional: North America: United States: Montana: Business and Economy: Shopping Category - Regional: North America: United States: Montana: Localities: B: Billings: Business and Economy: Shopping
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
Dear Sirs, I would appreciate any information re my application to become a DMOZ editor, as follows: on Sep. 26, I volunteered for the "Society: Religion and Spirituality: Divination: Cartomancy: Tarot: Readings: Automated" category. Kind regards, Alex Fens (alexfens)
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 5 replies
My Category: Editor Name: ioutshine Date Applied: August 20, 2010 Any sort of update would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Last reply by iOutshine, -
- 1 reply
I'm a certified emarketing professional with over 7 years plus exp in advertisement and marketing. I have applied for Dmoz editor for the following category Time - A month ago Username - munaj I'm still waiting for the confirmation. Please, review and let me know.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
I would like to know if you can assist me in finding out why my app was denied. I have extensive experience in the category and it had less then 100 links. I felt the category was under served so I applied for to help. I'm just trying to get a better idea as to why i was denied. And yes, I did receive the multiple reasons it could be but I was hoping for some a lot more specific in my case. Editor name fieldservice category applying for is field service companies Apply date: 10/22/2010
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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Hi, Can I please have an update on the status of my application. I am currently a Greenbuster in the category. Username: darvas App date: 20th August Category: Business: Investing: Stocks and Bonds: Equities: Guides Many thanks Chris
Last reply by pvgool,
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- RZ Admin
- 13 replies
Hello I would like to check the status of my application. I applied 21/08/2010 to edit the following category:- My key was as below:- 45adc2532288935e657c8aa12b6b26ac I have not as yet recieved a further email since the email verification one. I was an editor of the above category over seven years ago and for personal reasons became inactive. I would like once again to be an editor for dmoz and believe I now have time enough on my hands to make a positive contribution to the directory once more. Look forward to any feedback on my application. Best regards Luke
Last reply by Chrysokomas, -
- 2 replies
Clickable link to the category I applied to edit: Editorname used on my application: PhDGirl Date that I applied: Friday, September 24, 2010 Message: Hi, I wanted to check the status of my application to be an editor. I would love to help out. Thank you for your time!
Last reply by PhDGirl, -
- RZ Admin
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Hi, I would like to know the status of my application. Editor Name: martin222 Category: Date Submitted: Sept 23, 2010 Thanks for the help! Martin
Last reply by Elper,
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- 4 replies
Category : User name : bsk088 Applied Date : August 21, 2010 Thank you.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
Hi, Can anyone help me to find the status of my application for the key mentioned below. key 9b45177b33681f67b55e884bb6dcf17a Thanks & regards, Karthick
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 2 replies
I submitted an application to become a DMOZ editor on 9-11-2010 under the name Michael E. Sagman (or Mike Sagman). I immediately received an email confirmation and clicked the link to verify. However, I never received any other email confirmation. I do know my username and password but not sure if I selected the correct DMOZ category. I believe the DMOZ category for the editor application was one of the following: Health/Animal/Mammals/Dogs/Nutrition/Commercial_Dog_Food Health/Animal/Mammals/Dogs/Nutrition/ Since it has been 3 weeks with no response or confirmations from DMOZ, should I re-apply using the same username but a different category? Is there any wa…
Last reply by msagman,