Becoming an Editor
This forum is also for Editor Reinstatement issues.
4593 topics in this forum
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I applied to be a DMOZ Editor to category two days ago under the same username as my forum account (paramo34) but it was rejected the following day. Only common reasons were set out and there was no reviewer comment. I found under FAQ "review process" section as follows: I am wondering what the reapplication process is. Where can I find the application form? What are the terms/conditions? Thanks for your respond.
Last reply by paramo34, -
- 2 replies
Hi there, I was wondering if I could check for updates on my editor application? It's been 14 days since I received the confirmation email, so I thought I'd see if anyone could help shed some light. Editorname: rchoong ODP category: Date applied: July 30 2010 Thank you. Regards, Rchoong
Last reply by rchoong, -
can you update jmaresca to editor please? thanks.
Last reply by jmaresca, -
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- 5 replies
I found this thread while searching for a way to reinstate my own account. I too was deactivated due to inactivity, but it has been 5+ years since I as last able to log in, (long, drawn out, messy divorce...) and I no longer have access to the email account I was registered under. When I try to reinstate, I can't remember my password, though my user account, euriphides, is still on record. When I attempt to get a password reminder, it sends to that old email account that I no longer have access to. I would be happy to provide every email address I can think of that I've had over the past 10 years, as well as my address, phone numbers, social security number, etc... any ki…
Last reply by pindman, -
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- 9 replies
I first submitted to DMOZ almost 3 years ago. Last year I submitted again and offered to become an editor. I've never heard anything from anybody. I assume my help isn't needed, but I never even got a rejection which leads me to believe maybe I'm doing something wrong. I came in hoping there might be some kind of paid expedited review process. It speaks well of the directory that there isn't, but 3 years? Most businesses have started up and failed in less time than that. Can you really be that far behind? If my help isn't needed surely someone will have gotten to it by now? I'm starting to feel a little foolish for being so patient. Maybe I made a mistake in the submissio…
Last reply by pvgool,
- 1 reply
Dear Expert, This is my confirmation key: opendir - 497b836a27c07a7f13a62e8cb53ab0fa and my user id is rajarshic02 can you please confirm me when can I start my work as I have a passion in editorial work? This is category I applied for: And My name is Rajarshi Chakraborty. Thank you.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
Hey...Every one....please tell me about this SEO and also SEO forums..... Please I need a more information from this topic..... Thank you...... <link drop removed>
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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I have been trying to get my hotslot forum in the respected section for some time now.. I run a pretty good slot machine forum and website "yes I get good traffic" and I do know and understand probably once I expose an editor taking bribes my odds of being able to join are slim. I just do not think it's right that a respected site like mine can not go up without some sort of paypal payment of $1000.00 dollars! I know the right thing to do is simply report "not sure how" and just say bye bye cause no other editor will probably like me reporting another Conrad.
Last reply by pvgool,
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Can any one help me? Makrhod suggested that I seek assistance in this forum and as such I've attached the emails that I sent to him. Photofox (Volunteer ODP Meta Editor) was very helpful in getting my email switched to my current provider but when I try to use the password reminder the following comes up: Error A reminder was recently sent. Sorry. Is it possible to reset the password reminder? I hope I can remember the password, it's been eight years! Thanks all especially Makrhod and Photofox. Hello Tim There is no difficulty returning to the directory provided your editor account closed simply due to inactivity. All you need to do is visit http://www.tagoror…
Last reply by tevans5,
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I just wanted to introduce myself to the board. I would also like to mention a direct hello to Mr. Noble. Pleasure to meet you sir. I had recently applied to become an editor under the same username as my forum account. I was wondering if I provide more of my credentials if that would assist in making a determination on my editor application status. Thank you.
Last reply by jmaresca, -
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- 6 replies
Hi guys, Just a reminder in case my application form was lost ? Applied the 25th of June 2010, and no news. Kindest regards fred [E-mail Removed]
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 3 replies
Hi, Applied to become an editor over 22 days ago, but not heard anything apart from the initial email, which I replied to. 7th July 2010 Username was probably pwilliams but I've forgotten it was that long ago! Please help :/
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 7 replies
I am Maureen Sullivan of the Bedford, MA Chamber of Commerce. I recently applied to become a DMOZ, Bedford, MA editor and was rejected. I'm not writing to complain, however, I am asking for your help. The Chamber and the Town of Bedford are working on an economic development initiative to attract business to Bedford, MA. An accurate representation of the DMOZ links within the DMOZ Bedford category will help all who use it. At present there is a significant percentage of links that are erroneous within this category. (i.e. some links have never belonged in Bedford, some left Bedford years ago). Chamber staff members have requested corrections and updates for over 3 yea…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 3 replies
Hi, I'm looking to become an editor in a category. I read that you have to click the 'become an editor' at the top. However, in the category I'm looking to become an editor for, the link doesn't exist. This category hasn't been updated in almost 3 months. Is there a way to still become an editor for this category? Or is it full? Thanks for your help!
Last reply by amysimon, -
- RZ Admin
- 7 replies
Hello Everyone, I applied to become an editor for the below ODP section June 19, 2010. I received a response the following day with a link to these forums, but haven't heard anything since. I am anxious to know, so I could be jumping the gun a little, anyway, could somebody please check it out for me? Section: Username: bocote Applied: June 19, 2010 Thanks in advance for any help you can give. bocote
Last reply by jimnoble, -
Hello, I have asked for the editor status at 7/14/2010 for the category but so far heard nothing. Also, my proposed entries from May and June were not yet included in the category. So I would welcome a short-term activation. Thanks!
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- RZ Admin
- 10 replies
Hello, I have just received my first denied application. However, the reviewer wrote me some comments which I would like to discuss. I would also like to discuss why he is mistaken in his judgment and doesn't understand the area he is reviewing, sadly. What email address do I use to contact the reviewers to post my comments? Thank you,
Last reply by Elper,
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Hello all, I have applied to become an editor on a few occasions the last being a few days ago, with that application the editor was brilliant and actually left me a comment that I understood and followed - I reapplied answering as honestly with the reason for not disclosing my previous affiliations that I was asked about, and I got rejected again? Should I just give up? I am passionate about what Dmoz does on the web and I have been too silent for most of my life but with age comes experience and confidence. I am at a stage in my life where I feel confident enough in my own skills to know I can help and use the knowledge I have built up using the web for nigh on two d…
Last reply by wargamersworld, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I am checking up on my Editor Application Status: CloudVapors I applied to be an Editor on 7/13/10 Thanks
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 3 replies
Here's the background, about 5-10 years ago I had an editor account but when I got my first job I found it impossible to login enough to maintain the account so I let it lapse. I now work for myself from home and can put aside an hour or so to help out on DMOZ. My problem is I don't have my password or email address for the old account. Also the area I now want to help out in has changed so I want to apply for a different category. So I signed up for a new account but being an honest chap I ticked the box marked "have you been an editor before". Must say thats seems a bit of a silly form - because if you tick that box and fill in the rest of the form you go direc…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 3 replies
Hello all, I am turkish webmaster. I'm not satisfied with the editor. Our turkish editors not fair. Because they are dont accep to new sites. Because are in competition within other webmaster. They dont want other sites to develop.. They add to recognize their relatives to categories. I saw it but ı cant complain because the %90 turkish editors in this way. My engilish isnt very good but ı hope ı could explain my problem.. Thank you very much. Regards.
Last reply by pvgool,
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- RZ Admin
- 7 replies
Hi All, This is Don and this is my first post here. How long does it take for one's application to be reviewed. I applied some time back to be the volunteer editor for a small category with no current editor and still have not heard back. What is a reasonable time frame within which to expect a response? Regards, Don
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 5 replies
I applied to the Computers/Software/Abandonware category ( as gizmoguy. I received an e-mail saying that my application was denied, and I read through the list of common reasons why applications are denied. None of these applied to my applicaation, and then I read the reviewer comments section: I do not believe that this is a valid reason for my application to be denied, as the section response was not incomplete, but brief. I included a link to my website, and no others, but this is because I do not have any other "sites that own or have designed or promoted" or "have contributed content to". Thank you.
Last reply by motsa,
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Can I apply to become an editor? I'm new here!
Last reply by kevinsubba, -
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Hi Everyone, Over the past few months, I've applied for reinstatement, and the form has either crashed or I haven't received any response. I really enjoy being a part of the ODP and want to continue being an editor. Can someone please shed some light on whether you've received my requests for reinstatement and my status? Thank you very much. My editor profile is don2you
Last reply by motsa,