Becoming an Editor
This forum is also for Editor Reinstatement issues.
4593 topics in this forum
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Hi, I submitted my application to become an editor recently. Other than receiving an email, is there any other way to check my status? I had an issue with my email recently and could have missed it if it was sent last week.
Last reply by mauri,
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- 3 replies
Hi there, I had created an application to become an editor a few months ago. While I was preparing the application I actually realised I wanted to create a website related to the area. I have done so and held off my application until the website was completed so people could take it into account when reviewing my application to become a DMOZ editor. Yesterday I submitted my DMOZ editor application but for most part I copied and pasted the information I had already written. This means that the field where I am supposed to indicate my affiliation with other websites is out of date! It is a serious omission on my application and I need to know if it is possible to upd…
Last reply by nea,
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- 2 replies
Hi, I applied to become an editor on the 20th April but still haven't heard back. Any idea how long it takes to get a response normally? I think my reference is: acf0a18328526aba775466464da37d4d Thanks, Phil
Last reply by worshiptherock, -
- RZ Admin
- 4 replies
Hi, Please let me know what do I have to do to become an editor on DMOZ. I have just been invited to create my profile on DMOZ forum Will be extremely thankful for your response. Best Regards, weddingeye
Last reply by weddingeye, -
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- 3 replies
Hello! I just applied as an editor (username: jabear) for the following cat: The application process seems to currently have some server problems but I did finally manage to get a response. Unfortunately, the response reported "Sorry, you can only have one application at a time." Is that a result of resubmitting my application until the server responded? Is there anything I should do now? Thank you very much! Jaime
Last reply by jabear, -
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- 3 replies
Hi, I had submitted an editor application on March 29 and was just wondering if I could an update. I'm already an editor for another category, applied under my existing name: pokermind888 Category Applied to: Health: Men's Health: Procedures: Penis Enlargement Thanks in advance. Cheers
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 1 reply
My reinstatement request was sent about a month ago, but there's been no reply so far. I've heard it takes usually 3 weeks, so is it possible that my request got lost? My nickname is 'andrzej'.
Last reply by pvgool,
- 11 replies
Hi everyone, I was trying to submit my application for a category and have been getting this error message whenever i click on "Volunteer to edit this category" Proxy Error The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request GET /cgi-bin/apply.cgi. Reason: DNS lookup failure for: I get this error message for all the categories when applying. Anyone know what this is about? Thanks in advance.
Last reply by SFaiz, -
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- Editall/Catmv
- 17 replies
I recently applied for an Editor Position, and was denied, yet I'm honestly confused as to why. None of the possible reasons indicated to me were relevant, and I'd like to inquire as to the specific reason(s) for the non-acceptance. opendir - 24e1c0723e6256ed5f8f5118ec0dbbe1 -nbriggs
Last reply by motsa,
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- 2 replies
After submitting an editor application this morning, I recalled that I forgot to add a domain name registered to myself. It does not currently, nor ever did, have a site associated with it. I think the name expires in a couple months. I'm not sure if domain names alone (with no site) are required to be listed, but I would have anyway had I remembered it at the time. Is there a way to update a submitted application, or is it best to just wait for the application process to complete? Thanks. -ron
Last reply by montybodkin, -
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- Editall/Catmv
- 18 replies
Hi Michael, From my own relatively recent personal experience, and that of others I have since talked to, your own scenario in respect of becoming a DMOZ editor seems to be very much the norm, i.e. you are probably ideally suited to the task, the category you applied for is small and badly in need of revision and your application and suggested URLs are probably faultless, yet still you get rejected. It's no wonder they are constantly short of editors. Like you, I applied to be the editor for a very small category, with badly out-dated and poorly representative URLs. Like you, I'm not stupid and also have a PhD and have designed a number of websites and worked all my …
Last reply by jimnoble, -
Like you. I decided to apply to a category I am very familiar with. It is a sub-category without editors. I too have been denied. The terse comment at the bottom of my letter said I was spamming, and do not apply again. My site along with selling paintings also sells picture frames, so I added a specific URL that pointed to my frame section in the Sub-Category of Picture Frames on DMOZ. That is hardly spamming! I answered all questions with honesty (that is the only way you know!). I listed my website, told them I maintain it etc. I was very up front with everything they asked me. I would like to be a part of DMOZ because it is a worthy endeavor, that is tr…
Last reply by motsa,
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- 19 replies
Hi guys, I submitted an application on the 26th of November 2009 and as instructed waited but received no feedback. I have a confirmation key of 325fc4a1362a5a67e187271c0e9cfc8f Does anyone know the status of this? Thank you very much.
Last reply by alexduvash, -
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- 4 replies
Hello all, I applied for a Dmoz editing post on the 22nd of March, how long would one expect to wait before a response? Many Thanks Arthur
Last reply by arthuredwards64, -
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- Editall/Catmv
- 6 replies
Hi everyone, Yesterday I applied for to be an editor for a category which is very very small (only has 4 links in at the moment) and is clearly not maintained because 1 link doesn't work and nothing has changed in the category for the pas 2 years or so. So I decided to give it a go. The category is /Regional/Middle_East/Bahrain/Business_and_Economy/Real_Estate/ I work in Bahrain as a technical IT staff, a long time a go I worked as a webdesigner, so my internet knowledge is perfect. Also I deal with Real estate agents a lot because I help expats that relocate to Bahrain and have a lot of contacts with the real estate agents here. My company suggested me to ma…
Last reply by michaeldegroot, -
- 3 replies
On "14 Feb" I made an application to become an editor of: with the username "robertpi" I was sent an email with the title: opendir - 54c9ab2a8df3d842d1ff2eec2295fbb2 When I replied, I received no response, so assume my application is lost in the system somewhere. Could someone look into this. Thanks, Robert
Last reply by robertpi, -
- 2 replies
Hello all, Please could someone have a look into my application? I didn't receive a reply to see if it was successful or not. Username - inferlogic Category - Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Business and Economy: Industries: Manufacturing: Packaging: Supplies Date Applied - 17 or 18 of March. Thank you for your time Regards Tariq
Last reply by inferlogic, -
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- 7 replies
Hi there, Last Monday i submitted the editor request application. I was denied a few times each time requesting additional requirements. Each reply was received on average 3 hours after my submission of the application form each time. I was requested some final information which i believe would make my application complete and give the final accept or deny to my overall requests. This was submitted on Tuesday 23rd around 17:00 GMT. I was having troubles with the confirmation E-Mail working as i repeatedly got a bounce back from AOL each time. Finally I managed to send it without a bounce reply. i didn’t however receive the actual DMOZ verification e-mail to advise t…
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 9 replies
Hi, I've been trying to apply as an editor since few years back but then, I did not receive anything after the auto-message email. opendir - c6f45a97bbaea79e07c083ad805fb2af date: So I tried to re-apply again few minutes ago. When I submitted the "Submit" button, I received this error instead: "Username already exists, please choose another." I have a unique username, so I doubt there's someone using it. When I tried the "Forgot username" utility ( it says: ODP editor is not known. So, what is the status of my application? Thanks so much in advance!
Last reply by motsa,
- RZ Admin
- 6 replies
I am a transsexual woman and I had my old ODP editor account which has my old male name in the username. If possible, I would like to have another ODP editor account simply because of the fact that I miss editing at the ODP. I would like to contribute again if possible but I refuse to do so if I have to use a ODP account under that old, male name. I was not banned from the ODP nor committed any violation of the rules, I had started at a very small category (Arts: Animation: Anime: Titles: P: Pokémon: Characters: Team Rocket), assisted on a greenbuster campaign or two and moved up to a much larger category (Arts: Animation: Anime: Fandom) and cleared out a lot of greens…
Last reply by motsa,
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- 1 reply
We Applied 31-march-2010 Category -> Editor name - seomayuri Date - 31-march-2010
Last reply by nea,
- 3 replies
Hallo, I would like to become an ODP editor. So, following the guidelines, I chose a small niche (think maybe even the smallest - only 3 listings in it) and applied. Category: Editor name: steamiron Date applied: 31.03.2010 What does it take or what am I missing. I have listed my application details are below and would appreciate ANY feedback that anyone can give me that would help me to apply to become an ODP editor. Thx, Kenneth PS. I did not mention in the application that I have worked for 2 years in a store that sells irons. Would this have made a difference?
Last reply by steamiron, -
- 3 replies
Hello Ladies and Gentleman, I recently applied to be a volunteer in the slots section for the gambling file. I have been familiar with DMOZ for sometime however just never applied for it. Well I have now and it's a bit of relief Why is it relief? Well since I have been an employee of excite for sometime I finally have some free time. My employment has put me in a stage finally where I can spend a little of my free time helping others with a variety of projects. If anyone needs any help feel free to email me at EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED
Last reply by chaos127,
- RZ Admin
- Editall/Catmv
- 10 replies
I was denied editorship because I used my own url in the sample url section. I hadn't planned or prepared for becoming an editor. I saw a link while registering my site. Now that I have read the guidelines on writing descriptions can apply again?
Last reply by michaelcorfman,
- 1 reply
I signed up years ago and my account has been inactive for years so the username has been deleted. I'd like to have it re-instated, so please tell me what I need to do next.
Last reply by jimnoble,