Becoming an Editor
This forum is also for Editor Reinstatement issues.
4593 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Hello! Yesterday I filled out an editor application for the following category: Oh, by the way, I had no idea this website existed until a reply email was sent to me after the application - tons of great content here! OK, back to the topic on hand. I was denied in being an editor because the examples I gave didn't enable users to buy from the site, hence are "Shopping" websites. Of course, that makes total sense now, the ole "slap to the forehead" moment!. So, after a little research I found the following categories that better fit the list of companies I have. FYi: I have …
Last reply by christyg, -
- 0 replies
I applied to be an editor and my application was rejected for not disclosing ALL of my website affiliations. I was confused by this as I listed the only website I am working on: <URL deleted> One of my friends has a blog and his hosting ran out so its on my shared hosting account, could this be what they were talking about? However it is not my blog and I am not associated with it: <URL deleted> Also I did come up with an idea for a website, and bought a domain and put a template up but never finished it, do I need to list these as well? The website doesn't do anything and will be cancelled when the domain runs out <URL deleted>
Last reply by dunshster, -
- 2 replies
Hello, i applied as an editor a few weeks back in a category which has no editor since January. i tried to reply to the confirmation email but i always get the following error message which you can see at the bottom of this message. since then i tried to send new applies once a week but i always get the same error message back. my newest application numer is 337ddd8ef77733ebdb4dc42b97113a2b maybe you can help me out. thanks chris *** ATTENTION *** Your e-mail is being returned to you because there was a problem with its delivery. The reason your mail is being returned to you is listed in the section labeled: "----- The delivery status notification err…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 5 replies
I applied a few weeks ago under the user name luke360 for a category but my email got sent back to me saying the email address is not available (your systems were not working). Would you be so kind as to tell me if it got through to you guys and if I have been approved? I applied to this category: Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, luke360
Last reply by luke360, -
- 1 reply
I applied on 3rd March under editor name "alphonso" for category "" Status please.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
Hello, Can you help me,I completed a request for "Opendir - eb899a4362389df975e717bbc8a471bf". So I would like to know, what's the situation, what it is happening with it?
Last reply by alex191, -
- 1 reply
Respected Admin and Editors, Please help to clear my doubts / concerns. Clickable Link to Category applied: Editor Name: Chandler Iyer Date Applied: 24-Feb-2010 Registration key: dea25176be351b0297c590b3544a87ff When I have applied for the category, it was "Internet Service Providers", somehow it has changed now to "Access Providers" I got the application decline message from reviewer …
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 6 replies
A long time ago (at least a couple of years) I was an editor for ODP. My computer got fried, and by the time I bought another my account had been closed. I was too busy to do any editing at that time, so I was not concerned. Now, I am in a position to resume being an editor. However, I have forgotten my editor name, password and email address I signed up with. I am concerned that if I try for another account, somehow my old account will come up and either I will not recieve it or I will be banned. How can I find my old account to request reinstatement?:icon_ques
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Editall/Catmv
- 8 replies
Hello, I have applied twice to edit the category "cat names". The first time I was declined, the editor sent me this note (apart form the generic message): Please suggest at least two sites other than your own (I did), *and* which are not already listed (they're not), *and* which meet ODP selection criteria (In my opinion, they do), to show that you can easily build this category with worthwhile additions unrelated to you. Also, please use the editing guidelines to help you write acceptable titles and descriptions (I followed this to the letter). For my second application, I went through the entire category I am applying to edit and made note of all the…
Last reply by makrhod,
- Meta
- 1 reply
Hello! I have applied to become an editor in October 2009. The email I received was: You will receive a reply as soon as your application has been reviewed. And I never received any reply. Can anybody tell me what is going on with my application??? My number is: opendir - 9785031bb2a6553199e41d91baab1d62 Thank you! Marcela
Last reply by nea,
- Meta
- 4 replies
I understand that you do not get into details of declined appliations here, but I do not understand the reason why my application was rejected from the email I received. This is the reply I received: Re: Open Directory application - eugenoprea Request 201003105553 Dear Eugen Oprea, Thank you for your interest in becoming an Open Directory Project editor! Although we would like you to join us as a volunteer editor, you have chosen a category that is already well represented, or is broader than we typically assign to a new editor. We would encourage you to re-apply for a category that has fewer editors or is smaller in scope, in order to increase your chan…
Last reply by eugenoprea, -
- 1 reply
recently i applied in dmoz for a editor but they canceled my application. the e mail are as like this : Dear Monirul Islam, Thank you for your interest in becoming an Open Directory Project editor. After careful review, we have decided not to approve your application at this time. The most common reasons a reviewer will deny a new application include, but are not limited to, * Incomplete application. Insufficient information has been provided in some fields including reason, affiliation and/or Sample URLs. * Improper spelling and grammar. * Sample URLs are inappropriate for the category which one has applied to edit. They may be too broad, too narrow, comp…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 10 replies
Hi, My name is Husein Yuseinov from Bulgaria I'm self employed web developer and seo consult. In one of the biggest web design and seo forums in Bulgaria we started a huge discussion <URL Removed> about the dmoz directory submission process, how long it takes and what it needs to be done so website is accepted. We realized that many of the Bulgarians categories are without editors or with status "This category needs editor", many of the the users in that forum share that they've been candidates for editors but theirs application were rejected. Me my self applied a several times for small categories to become editor but with the same results. Many of …
Last reply by webg, -
- Editall/Catmv
- 6 replies
Hi Folks! I know you seem to get a lot of these questions, but I'm genuinely unsure of why I've been rejected twice to become an editor. I would appreciate any insight that you may have. I am a wedding photographer in Nashville TN, and I have noticed that this category is missing nearly all of the established market leaders in this field: My editor name was the same as my screen name. All of the top wedding photographers in the state (as measured by reputation, web presence, awards won, prices charged) are being omitted from…
Last reply by makrhod,
- 4 replies
Hello would you check my application status please:) the directory: editor name: bstelecom date applied: 15th feb Thanks
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- RZ Admin
- 1 reply
Hi- I had applied to volunteer as an editor on Feb 13 but haven't heard anything. Could you please let me know the status of my application? my username is: abrod the category is: Thank you very much! Alisha
Last reply by photofox,
- RZ Admin
- 1 reply
Hi, I checked the guidelines and it said I should check on my application if it had been over 2 weeks, so here is the info requested. Bizzaroneck 2/15/10 Thanks for your time,
Last reply by photofox,
- Meta
- 6 replies
Ok I recently took over a bit of the efforts for our company and apparently my predecessor did a VERY bad job on submitting to DMOZ. I wanted to apologize for greatly for what they did. I highly agree with what the reviewer said. I was shocked that we submitted 26 times. We have a great site with a ton to offer. We would make a great addition to Dmoz. Is there anything i can Do?? Here is the response i got: [domain redacted]'s defiance of our suggestion guidelines at by suggesting it 26 times to multiple categories over the last two years has added to the workload of our editors, thus contributing to lengthier response times for ev…
Last reply by anjordan77, -
- 1 reply
Hello would you check my application status please the directory: 3325d326443d0db9c8e0a46f9a608696 Thank you ! Have a good day!
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- RZ Admin
- 3 replies
I have submitted the application to be an editor approximately 10 times. I only receive back error messages. One says "Can't find your authentication ticket." and the other says something about a Diagnostic code and an RFC822 header. Anybody know what these mean, or what to do about this? Thanks, Richard
Last reply by Elper,
- 2 replies
I very recently submitted an application, and now am thinking that perhaps I should have also listed several of the websites for whom I have consulted or for which I do ongoing consulting. Due to the work that I do, that list can be quite large. Is it possible to submit an addendum, should I re-apply (with 3 completely different websites to add to the category), ??? ( 85f14974c60f8eecdab50d66e6f4939f ) Thanks! -jared
Last reply by jaredcall, -
- 4 replies
This is not a request for status, or a question about rejection...that will probably come later I noticed that I applied for the narrowest possible category I could because I am sure I would rather start allot smaller and test the waters. It is also the method suggested by the folks who know here at the DOMZ. I wonder if maybe I went to small? Maybe there might be nothing to do in the category I chose! If accepted, am I stuck with what I got? <EDIT ADDENDUM >Well, of course there would be stuff to do, I am sure that there are at least some requests, and I know there are more than 25-30 sites on the subject out there... What if there are really less than sa…
Last reply by osmosismedia, -
- 4 replies
Hello, I applied to become an editor on Feb. 12, 2010. However, after I replied to the email that I received right after I submitted my application, I received an error message. So I'm not sure if my application went through. I'd appreciate it if someone could please tell me if my application arrived: 5abd85c4c25df6f91eecd0d525714ce7 (ivastoya) Thanks.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 8 replies
hello I wonder if someone could tell me if this has been processed? ee275432c60656bad2d693bcb5bfb951 date 30/01/2010 category thanks
Last reply by jimnoble, -
And in record breaking speed, I was DENIED!!!! Three minutes after my application was completed, I was denied. This was the category: Is this an open and fair process? I'm really really sad by this. But if DMOZ supports gay male sex sites on Stockholm and doesn't even link to the government, city, transportation sites, then we shouldn't bother to have high standards... And here's the canned email response from "dmoz": Thank you for your interest in becoming an Open Directory Project editor. After careful review, we have decided not to approve your application at this time. The most common reasons a r…
Last reply by jimnoble,