Becoming an Editor
This forum is also for Editor Reinstatement issues.
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I have applied to become editor of some sub section in Hinduism category which i haven't got any report or feed back off. can anyone tell me how much time does it take to do that ? Pulkit thakur
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 3 replies
Hi, I recently applied to become an editor but the application got rejected on the grounds of already having an editor account. Am shocked because this is my first application and no one else in my family knows about it. I would like the application to be reviewed.....the email I used to apply is - <removed for your privacy>
Last reply by informator,
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- 3 replies
Hello, My application to become an editor has been approved, however, I can not recall the username I signed up with. Can a moderator please give me a hand? Thank you.
Last reply by valthonisblight, -
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- 4 replies
Hi all, Could someone please let me know the status of my application? I initially applied on the 1st April to the category: Top : Regional : Africa : South Africa : KwaZulu-Natal: Travel and Tourism I received a reply within 24 hours: Dear gollmarc, Thank you for your interest in becoming a DMOZ editor! Although we would like you to join us as a volunteer editor, you have chosen a category that is larger than we typically assign to a new editor, or is otherwise unsuitable for an inexperienced editor to start editing in. We would encourage you to re-apply for a category that is smaller in scope, and/or is less likely to attract large numbers of sit…
Last reply by Marco G, -
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Hello, I made an application to your directory on 01/07/2016 (January 7th 2016) on this particular category: Business Investing Commodities and Futures Precious Metals :Silver Thanks for the confirmation email that was sent quickly. However, I would like to be aware of what happened to it since that date. Back then, I did not remind myself of any mention of this forum, but the admin of the Facebook page kindly shared the information with me; so I do my first "request post" right now. I was not affiliated with any website at that time because I was new in the community, but it changed since then, if it does matter from now on, I don't have anything to hide, on t…
Last reply by informator,
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Hi, I made a editor application that had been rejected today as I was an editor many years ago. I would appreciate being reinstated if you still need editors as I have more time now that I'm retired. I'm also doing some editing for Wikipedia and an international contributor to W3C. I can't get an account reset as I believe the old e-mail went to my work e-mail. My old e-mail may have been, or or ?? The one I used does not give me a e-mail response for a reset of the password. I believe my old Account was under the name "itildo" or it-il-do. Please advise what additional details your require -the e-mail is presently in this account I created, …
Last reply by informator,
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Last reply by ZykezIX,
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HI I applied for this category about 5 months ago: Regional-Europ-UK-Transport-Aviation-Airports-Stansted. The section is not well documented/represented and as a local resident i believe that I could add real value to this part of the network. Username: hunti410 Thanks John
Last reply by snooks,
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I have the same dilemma as jasemoz. My original editor email had been changed (I am nearly positive) because I got rid of that email. I also had not honestly thought it had been four months since I had not edited, and would like to be reinstated - please help. I appreciate it. Did not know if I should go ahead and email jimnoble as per the above instructions, and will await a reply. Thank you very much.
Last reply by Rust, -
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Hello! I no longer have access to my old e-mailaddress for getting a new password on dmoz. Trying to log in. I have my username which I know works, but I don't remember my password and need to reset it. Can a META editor help please?
Last reply by informator,
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Hello, I am associated to a webstore and I want to become an editor of dmoz. I was registered with I guess in 2002 or 2003. Kindly process with my request for a new acocunt. Regards Asad
Last reply by informator,
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- 13 replies
Hello, I have sent an application to become an editor. But when I clicked the link in the email verification for the first time ( it said "Not A Valid Key". I would like to know if my application was successfully submitted. Thank you for your help.
Last reply by chorcow, -
- 0 replies
Bueno me gustarÃa ser editor, pero no se en que apartado debo de poner esta peticion, asi que si me echais un cable yo muy agradecido, muchas gracias
Last reply by Jose Luis, -
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I used to be leandro at Dmoz, at <email removed for your privacy>. Can I have my password reset and address changed to <email removed for your privacy>?
Last reply by pvgool,
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Oturum açma aÅŸağıdaki nedenlerden biri Veya Daha Fazlasi Için devre dışı bırakılmış. 1. DMOZ yönergelerine politikalarına tam Olarak uyulmaması tekrarlanan A.Åž. İçerik Toplumun 2. Sürekli / Veya kötü niyetli düzenleme. A.Åž. zayıf 3. Self-promosyon Dahil olmak Ãœzere Taraflı düzenleme, ancak haksız Kendi siteleri Veya BaÄŸlı oldukları olanlar düzenleme, Kendi sitenizde, baÅŸlık Veya açıklama manipülasyon soÄŸutma, Bunlarla Sınırlı olmamak. 3. haksız rakiplerin Listeleri BaÅŸvuru ile Müdahale ettik. 4. edilememesi DMOZ toplum icinde iyi çalışması icin. 5. Uncivil A.Åž. kasıtlı yıkıcı behavor. DMOZ forumu e-posta gizlilik 6. Ä°hlali ettik. 7. dizini Spam. Biz giriÅŸ taşınma …
Last reply by Elper,
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I was an editor MANY years ago (I think 12 year maybe?) for a local Soccer category. Well I have long since forgotten my login and even what email address was used, might have been an old email. Well I applied for a category today for an area that I have a lot of expertise in but was rejected because I had the old account long ago. How can I solve this issue by either reinstating my old account (which I honesty cant remember which email was used) or ? Thanks!
Last reply by Elper,
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I recently submitted an application to become an editor and shortly after, received an email asking me to verify my e-mail address. When I follow the verification link, I get an error that says "Not a valid key." I hope that this is not a crucial step in getting my application processed and would appreciate any assistance with this issue. Thank you, Trina Dinnar
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 12 replies
Hi there, Last month I put through an application to become an editor of the Aviation Software category. Category - Editor name - Mike Delta Date applied - 7/09/15 I haven't yet received any further communication after confirming my email and wanted to enquire as to the status of my application please? Looking forward to hearing from someone. Thanks and regards, Mike
Last reply by Elper,
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- 15 replies
Hi, I've applied to become an editor a week ago. It looks like there's no editors in the parent category I've applied under, so i'll appreciate it if some meta editor could review my application. The username is "ibraheemalon". Thanks
Last reply by Nanael, -
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HI I applied for this category about 2 months ago: Regional-Europ-UK-Transport-Aviation-Airports-Stansted. The section is not well documented/represented and as a local resident i believe that I could add real value to this part of the network. Username: hunti410 Thanks John
Last reply by informator,
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Hi I recently sought to be an editor and was rejected because I had an account which I had not used in at least 6 years. How do I go about seeking a reinstatement. I can provide the following details though: 1. My email address was <removed for your privacy>. I no longer use the email any more. 2. One of the categories I edited was Banks under Nigeria's Financial Services Regards Razaq
Last reply by Elper,
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Hey mates, I just did not got any links or path for application to became editor. Will any one please help me.
Last reply by Pradeep Bhandari, -
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- 19 replies
Hi, I've been in discussion with the editor for the DMOZ facebook page regarding my application to become an editor of the "Business > Construction and Maintenance > Materials and Supplies > Concrete > Decorative Finishes" category with no response (it's been months now). Is there anyway to look into my application and possibly help expedite the process? Sincerely, Eric S.
Last reply by snooks,
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- 2 replies
Hello, I have made a editor application and been rejected as I was an editor some 10 years ago. I would appreciate being reinstated if you still need editors now my kids have grown up. I can't remember many details but my user name at least on the forum was Dajuroka. My email address I believe would have been <email removed for privacy reasons>. Please advise what additional details your require. Have a great New Year and hope I can help again. David Evans.
Last reply by pvgool,
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Good evening, I made an application on Sunday and I was hoping to see if anyone at DMOZ could confirm if my application has or hasn't been accepted. hunti410 Many Thanks John
Last reply by Elper,