Becoming an Editor
This forum is also for Editor Reinstatement issues.
4593 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Honorable Sirs, Is it possible to apply to become an Editor, being a webmaster too? Kindly let me know. I do honor DMOZ TOS, that is why I have joined this forum to know more about DMOZ rules, interacting with the Editors here.
Last reply by RbizSolutions, -
A Question
by despo-
- Meta
- 1 reply
Hi. I realise that it's too soon to ask you to check my application as I just completed it a couple of hours ago. I was wondering though, how soon can it be processed. Can it be within a couple of hours to up to two weeks or is two weeks the minimum amount of time required. Sorry if my question sounds silly, I really don't intent to waist your time. Kind Regards, Despo
Last reply by hutcheson,
- 5 replies
Firstly, thankyou for getting back quickly to me following my editor application. Details of my application: Category: Tai Chi: Schools and Instruction: Europe: United Kingdom Editorname: obscure Application date: 11/6/09 I have received an email today that my application was declined due to: I stated in my application that my business is web design therefore I have designed a great number of websites over the years and also gave links to my business website and my personal T'ai Chi website. I also stated my affiliation with the association I had put forward as a suggested link (this was the only 1 of the 3 that I am associated with). My question is the…
Last reply by obscure, -
- Meta
- 6 replies
Hi, I've applied to be an editor in a blog category with 117 entries, and I was turned down immediately due to the size of the category ("over 100 entries"). (jan 17 applied, music blogs category) Now, this category perfectly matches what I do about half the day (cruise around looking for sites in this category). Additionally, I'm an editor for another large directory in the exact same category. I was wondering if there was some leeway for this. The category is *just* over 100 entries, and I have previous experience with this. I could apply for a smaller category, but this category is my passion & I would likely do a much better job at it because I'm…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 2 replies
hi, i applied to be an editor of a category that has zero entries as of now and i received a reply with the following comment: QUOTE: Reviewer Comments: Incomplete response to "Please give details, including URLs, of any sites that you own or have designed or promoted, either in full or in part. Also, mention whether you have contributed content to any site, and give URLs as appropriate". We are happy to accept editors who are affiliated with websites, and, in fact, most of our editors have some affiliations. However, to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest, we ask that editors be completely upfront about those affiliations when they apply. …
Last reply by TheDiamondGuy, -
- RZ Admin
- 3 replies
Hello: I appreciate the time and effort that you editors put towards building DMOZ. Thank you. I would appreciate it if you could help me gain some understanding here: I submitted my commercial site a couple times (I now know that this is a no no from extensive research on SEO since). However, I believe we caught the transgression before it hurt us too much. However, I never did receive a response and was concerned after a couple months. As we are an up and coming internet and catalog business, our listing on DMOZ is very important to us! Therefore, I spent some time researching the situation and believe that we have followed the submission rules to a "T":…
Last reply by chaos127,
a silly question: do ODP editors work for free?
by Guest alexxandra-
- Editall/Catmv
- 4 replies
I was amazed to find this public recruitement...
Last reply by bobrat, -
- Meta
- 14 replies
Hi everyone I applied to become an editor almost a month ago. I strongly believe that the whole process (completing the form) could have been easier. One thing that I believe could get improved as well is the auto response emails that are sent after the form completion. It would have been nice if any of the emails mentioned the username selected and the category chosen for the application. I'm not sure if the people in charge of the software behind odp are listening but it would be nice to see some improvements, just make things looks "better". Regards Panos
Last reply by lpc, -
- 2 replies
Hello, Im not looking for an application status check, I just wanted to enquire as to roughly how long it can take for an application to be reviewed, or can it vary greatly depending on the Category etcetera? Thanks, and look forward to some feedback Guy
Last reply by GuyGM, -
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 3 replies
Hello there, Yesterday I applied for an editor account (ref: aaeea75175f632b34b4248ce151678c0) to edit a small geographical category (area I live in) in the end on sub-categories hierarchy. Not a big deal, just noticed that there are couple of dead links, also I was going to add some new urls. I've received a response today with a not nice comment from the reviewer: ========================================================= By trying to conceal your ownership of several websites, your proved that you can't be trusted. (* sounds pretty categorical...) Do not apply again. (* I believe you missed "please" Sir...) ===================================================…
Last reply by windharp,
- 0 replies
If I might be so bold as to offer a suggestion to make your lives (the editors) easier. I would like to make a suggestion to avoid the confusion of multiple requests for application status checks within the 14 time periods. Although the ODP guidelines post states in detail what the procedures are, the section stating the 14 day period between requests is at the end of the post, rather than following the sentence A good follow up sentence might read as such: Please note: You may only request a new status update once every 14 days. I.E. (If you request a status check on May 1... you must then wait until May 15 (14 days) to ask again. Status check in less than 14…
Last reply by mikeleary3100, -
- 2 replies
IHO, I believe this statement more clearly defines what is required of the application form. This is based on reading several moderator comments throughout this forum: "Please provide 3 URL's, preferably other than your own, that you, as an editor would consider valuable, informative, and an outstanding contribution to this directory, and are currently not included in the DMOZ directory at this time." Seems to be more to the point of what is required, Thanks for reading!
Last reply by zentrucker, -
- 1 reply
Just wanted to take a moment today to thank the people at DMOZ who approved my application and to encourage everyone who is thinking of applying (or reapplying) to do so. I know there is a lot of discouraging information out there around the internet (and even some posts here at resource zone), and not hearing back as quickly as you'd like can really be disheartening but, my approval today is proof that people are out there reviewing applications and people are getting approved to become editors. So, thanks for giving me the chance to help improve my category and best wishes to all of you who are in the process of applying right now.
Last reply by Ahnberg, -
- 3 replies
It's a link to dmoz category. Username: iliton Date: 12-21-2004 Thanks.
Last reply by iliton, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
How can i am "Becaming an Editor"?please give me some tips?
Last reply by pvgool,
about five weeks since I applied
by Guest mirt- 1 reply
Hello, I applied for editor of Category: Regional: Europe: Serbia and Montenegro: Business and Economy: Property on 01.12.03 and still have not received any notification. Is it normal? Should I apply again? I would be grateful for any feedback.
Last reply by samiam, -
- 6 replies
I couldn't login using my login/password. I get message "This ODP login has been inactivated." trying login to my category. My category is At first i used password reminder form and get my password on my email. But it not work as before. Then i used "Request Reinstatement of Editor Account" form. How many days will senior ODP editors review my request? All my actions were on 8,Aug 2005. Thank you a lot in advance. P.S. I think that this type of question should be in this part of forum. If not, please, direct me in the right place.
Last reply by Baz9276, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
Dear Admins I have applied for editing the following category: Regional: Europe: Greece: Prefectures: Attica: Arts and Entertainment: Museums I applied on Friday, November 2nd 2007. I am not sure how long it takes for an application to be reviewed, still I was wondering whether there was something wrong or missing in my application. My username is anna82. Thank you in advance
Last reply by informator,
- 2 replies
I received an email stating that I had been accepted as an editor with a link to view the new editors thread, however the link requires my username and password which was not included in the email. Where do I find this information? My user name is Silvergren Thank you.
Last reply by codetiger, -
Accepted as editor but can't log in
by Guest shangyuchem-
- Meta
- 5 replies
Hi, I've been just approved as the editor in the category My account is helloshaoxing, but failed to login in with the password provided by ODP. What should I do? Can you help me? Thanks/Best Regards, Toby
- RZ Admin
- Meta
- 7 replies
Hello. I was just accepted as an ODP Editor for the category I applied for. Username="fifeclub". I got my acceptance emails and I've logged into my dashboard but I don't want to mess around with anything until I ask a few more questions on the internal editor forums. The problem is that I can't get in. Clicking the links to the Editors forums gives me a login prompt but my username and password never work and I eventually end up with a "401 Authorization Required" error message. Can anybody please help me access the Editor Forum? Thanks.
Last reply by Fife Club, -
Accepted but for wrong cat 1 2
by Guest --
- Meta
- 25 replies
Re: Open Directory application - driftwood1 Request 5374 Hi, Can anyone help I was accepted but was also told the cat I applied for had too many editors already. But, the web page for sports/soccer/shopping/ still says it has no edittor ? I would also like to edit sports/soccer/collectables/ Anyway my application can be looked at again without me having to filling that long form again ? I was on the correct page when I filled the form in the first time so I'm sure I'll get the same response again.
- Meta
- 43 replies
Hello, My application was recently accepted, but I am unable to login with the login/password combo provided to me in the email. I've used the retrieve password function as well on the dmoz site and the password emailed to me was indeed the one I was using. Is there something that I'm missing (i.e. time delay before activation takes place?). Thanks, Chris
Last reply by brmehlman, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
When someone becomes an editor of a catagory are they allowed accept their own web site submission. This just came to my mind because I applied to become editor of this catagory a few days ago (for the second time): I also have a website submission in there since almost a week now. I presume one of the reasons it hasn't been accepted yet (presuming it'll be accepted) is the fact that there is currently no editor in that catagory. So is it against the rules/guidelines for editors to accept their own site submiss…
Last reply by mark200, -
access denied to new editor forum, etc
by Guest lauriem- 0 replies