Becoming an Editor
This forum is also for Editor Reinstatement issues.
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Hello, On Sun, Aug 23, 2015 at 12:26 AM, I got an email from an Editor my application is rejected. After that, I had applied for a different category Society/Law/Services/Lawyers_and_Law_Firms/General_Practice/Oceania/Australia/ dated Sun, Aug 23, 2015 at 9:14 PM. After waiting for months and hoping to see if anyone in DMOZ could process my application. Username: priscillab Category applied: Society/Law/Services/Lawyers_and_Law_Firms/General_Practice/Oceania/Australia/ Could I ask you let me know about the above? Regards, Priscilla
Last reply by informator,
- RZ Admin
- 10 replies
Hello, I used to be an editor 13 years ago, and my account got inactive after 4 months of non-editing (due to several personal issues). I would like to file a reinstatement request now using a standard reinstatement form (, but the form requires a password, which I don't remember, yet I can not use a password recall form since the old email on file no longer exists. Could someone advise me what to do now to get reinstated? My username was vlads, and I was editing this category: Top: Computers: Internet: E-mail: Electronic Postcards: Occasions which now is: Top: Computers: Internet: E-mail: E-greetings: Occasions
Last reply by Elper,
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Hello, I have a feeling that my application may not have made it through. I received the verification email, however, do not have any email noting confirmation of receipt.
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 4 replies
Dear Team, I have sent my application more than a month ago (on November 9th) to become editor in the category "online shops/bekleidung/trachten" (the German version), and I have not heard back from you since then. My editor name is "mondj" and the email address is the same as that of this forum. Please, I would really appreciate it if you could tell me what the status of my application is. Thank you.
Last reply by miyo, -
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- 9 replies
reinstate me as an editor. villyskov I got an email, with help. But the help link is dead. /forum/index.php?showforum=10
Last reply by villy, -
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- 13 replies
Hi there, Perhaps, I have been missed? I applied to become an editor and confirmed the link, sent to my email address, <email removed for your privacy> on the 30th December 2014. Please see below Can you please let me know the outcome? Kind regards, Daniel Skilling 12/30/14 to me The Open Directory Project (DMOZ) has received an application to become an Editor from this Email Address. If this is correct, please allow us to verify your Email Address by clicking on the below link. If you have not applied to become an Editor, please ignore this me…
Last reply by Daniel Skilling, -
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- 4 replies
Hi, I am an editor in "World/Gujarati/સમાચાર/સમાચારપત્રો/" and applied more categories such as "World/Gujarati/" and "Computers/Internet/Searching/Directories/" Would you kindly approve those applications or may i know the status of these? Thank you
Last reply by mceditor444,
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I have successfully registered but couldn't login DMOZ kindly help thanks
Last reply by mollybdenum,
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Hello I was an editor about 12 years ago. The email I used then is no longer available to me. I would like to be reinstated, my old account name was gregoreo. Thanks Greg
Last reply by mollybdenum,
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Iam thinking of appling to become editor of some sub section in Arabic but im not sure if they will approve me since iam not that perfect in English but in Arabic i can confirm that im very professional writing and speaking do i have to be good in English to apply ?
Last reply by Elper,
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Account name: bedio Not sure I am not able to login as editor anymore. Could you review please?
Last reply by Elper,
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Hello Meta editors, Could I ask you please review reinstatement request and do the needful? Editor=dewilliam75 Not sure what happened while I was resigning from one category Regards, William.
Last reply by dewilliam75,
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Hello, Almost a year ago I applied to become an editor, but since then I have not had the pleasure to receive a reply regarding my application. Since it has been almost a year ago I am not completely sure about my application details anymore, but I believe it was the following: name: Monique Boyd application date: 24 November 2014 Category: Society: Relationships: Dating: Chats and Forums I would greatly appreciate a response regarding my application. Monique
Last reply by pvgool,
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I am the editor of this information but I don't have the password. The email address associated with this listing would have been Could you please reinstate this.
Last reply by mollybdenum,
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Hi, I was approved as an editor, but some how i was not able to confirm that email on time. I would like to be reinstated and my account is mceditor444 I would like to appreciate for your help. Thank you. MC
Last reply by mceditor444,
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Hi everyone. I was an editor in the first years of '00, but i've lost my email account and i was not able to enter in my editor area for a long period. I would like to be reinstated, my account was lvirzi The old email i cannot access anymore was <email removed> Thanks, Lucio Virzi'
Last reply by Lucio Virzi, -
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- 5 replies
Hi, I have applied on 5 Sep; can someone update the status please email: <removed for your privacy>
Last reply by pvgool,
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I had been an editor under the User ID of rlevitt from 2001 to 2004 when I fell very ill due to a medical mishap with a surgeon. When I tried to reinstate that user it was not recognized, even though I dug up my old hard drive and confirmed what my old user ID, password and old email address was; (That Internet Service Provider no longer exists). So I then tried to sign up as a new user, mentioning the predicament, that my old ID is not recognized as ever existing (even though I have a copy of the confirmation e-mail from 2001) and I was rejected and told to use the reinstatement form that won't accept me because it does not recognize my old ID which I have confirme…
Last reply by Elper,
- RZ Admin
- 3 replies
Hello I am ergun from turkey. I was a editor for DMOZ. I would like to be the editor again. I filled out the form several times. (reinstat). But I did not get any information. Please Can you help me for this. I want editor for dmoz. My user name is ergunarat
Last reply by Elper,
- RZ Admin
- 6 replies
Is it possible to amend an already submitted application, or should an aspiring editor wait for a decision? I ask because I realize I inadvertently omitted an important disclosure and could have included additional detail about my technical background. Many thanks, Chris
Last reply by Elper,
- RZ Admin
- 5 replies
Hi, I was an editor with "sunbeam" as username. I used an email account with or domains (not sure), no more available now, so I can't use the reinstate form. My edits were mainly in categories like: World/Italiano/Regionale/Europa/Italia/Marche World/Italiano/Tempo_Libero/Collezionismo/Numismatica World/Italiano/Giochi/Da_Tavoliere/Scacchi Can you help me?
Last reply by sunbeam,
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I am getting this error message when logging in: User needs an email address verification before the user can login. I never received a status for my application, so I don't know what it means?
Last reply by pvgool,
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Hi guys I have tried to submit the reinstatement form, but I cant rememer what email I used back then. My username was allerup, and I can be reached at nowadays
Last reply by allerup, -
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I just applied to become an editor again. In the application I stated that i have previously been an editor many years ago. Real life came in the way and my editor account went dormant and closed. Now i have no idea what my username was (i was trying arvek, but this was obviously not connected to any live email adress) or which of the many email adresses i have had during the years. That was the reason i reapplied instead of trying to get my old account activated. The application reply mail said: "You indicated on your application form that you were previously an editor. The Open Directory Project allows just one editor account per person - no matter how long it's …
Last reply by mollybdenum,
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Hi, I'm from Telkom University, I want to apply for becoming an editor, Mostly an Indonesia website not correctly categorize at dmoz, especialy for educational website like higher education (university) or online learning website, and the others is still not indexed, so I want to make it correct at dmoz
Last reply by mollybdenum,