Becoming an Editor
This forum is also for Editor Reinstatement issues.
4593 topics in this forum
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- 7 replies
Hi, I was almost done with the application ( the only fields I had to fill out was the 3 URLs I would suggest for the category/subject I was applying for) and accidentally hit the submit button. I tried to go back an resubmit with the complete info but it did not allow me. Is there a person here that can help me with this? Please advise. Thank you, Art
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- RZ Admin
- 5 replies
Hello, I was the Dmoz editor before. I haven't visited the forum and editor dashboard for a long time. But I can't reach my e-mail address anymore. I want to be an editor at Curlie, but since my account is not active and I want to update my email address, I filled out an "account activation form". Did I follow the right path, is there anything else I should do? Can I be an editor again? Tahnk you, best regards.
Last reply by Elper,
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- 4 replies
How do I get my forum account to list that I am an editor?
Last reply by ufokevin, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I've been an editor for a few years and tried logging on to my account today but have not been able to. The password sent to me does not work. Could someone please assist? Thanks, badjuju
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
I have been working so hard to try to learn how to format things properly, even asked to be mentored, was always polite, and tonight I just found that my account was disabled! Why would you disable me if i am just eager?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I am wondering how long it usually takes for a reinstatement request to be answered? I have applied to be reinstated with my Editor name : tm03 on 8/10/04. I'm assuming the account expired due to inactivity. I had an increase in my work hours, which left little time for my ODP work. Editor name : tm03 Thanks, Thomas Marcono
Last reply by MagikLair, -
- 1 reply
About 2 months ago (May '07) I first noticed that I was getting an error while trying to log in. 3 months ago (April '07, right around my birthday actually) was the last time I remember successfully logging in. 2 months ago I did try the log in re-instatement form, but got an error that my username and password don't match. At that time I was going through the end of my divorce at that time and just let it slip, but now am ready to resume my editing duties. Today when I tried to log in I got the following error message: Then, when I tried the log in re-instatement form I got: That's complete crap because in 8 years I've not changed my password on this …
Last reply by chaos127,
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- 12 replies
Hi, Request assistance to re instate my account : User name : carlthompson Editor :,_Ventilating_and_Air_Conditioning/ It states on the reinstate application i have entered the incorrect password. Thank you in advance for any assistance !!
Last reply by xerox, -
- Meta
- 4 replies
Hi, My application for a new editor account at the Open Directory Project has been rejected because you believe I already have (or had in the past) another editor account. Unfortunately, I don't remember any other account or username, which I could use in the past. Could You please help me to reinstate that account. I've applicated for category: (application username is vidi85). Thanks for help, Tomasz
Last reply by vidi85, -
- 6 replies
Hello. As was the case with Xerox, I also no longer have access to my email account, so recovering my password wasn't possible. My username was shirah and I edited the inspirational romance page: Would it be possible to secure permission to email a meta with my information? I believe it's been close to 2 years ago. Thank you!
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 6 replies
Hello, I would like to reinstate my editing account. I've been offline for a while (new job, too busy to find the time and energy to do the editing) and I guess I lost access because of that. Found myself another job again and would like to pickup the editing task. Please find my details below: Categories: Recreation/Travel/Specialty_Travel/Boat_Charters/Worldwide/Agents/ World/Nederlands/Recreatie/Openlucht/Varen/Charters/ Editor nickname: yachteditor I already tried but somehow managed to forget my password so it doesn't work Thanks in advance! Marc (yachteditor)
Last reply by Marc O., -
- 2 replies
Hello, I have applied for account re-instatement. Editor username: degers I was just wondering how long the process took? Last time I was reinstated was a few years ago and I don't recall it taking too long. Kind Regards degers
Last reply by degers,
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- 6 replies
Hi there, I'm trying to get my account reinstated with no luck. I've filled out the reinstatement form but it will not send as it states: Please submit the email currently associated with your editor account. I am 99% positive I am entering the right email so I'm wondering if someone can check for me. Otherwise am I out of luck? Let me know thanks. Username: jasemoz (if you need more info let me know)
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- RZ Admin
- 10 replies
I have the same dilemma as jasemoz. My original editor email had been changed (I am nearly positive) because I got rid of that email. I also had not honestly thought it had been four months since I had not edited, and would like to be reinstated - please help. I appreciate it. Did not know if I should go ahead and email jimnoble as per the above instructions, and will await a reply. Thank you very much.
Last reply by Rust, -
- 1 reply
Per the email I just received (Subject: Open Directory application - scottf Request : Already an Editor | Sent: Sunday, November 6, 2011 5:14 AM | To: ), please help me recover my password so I may fill in the reinstatement form. I tried the form here but got no response. Please let me know what else I can provide to help the process. Thanks, Scott
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I applied for Applied for my account reinstatement, but I haven't heard any new updates. This is my second time applying for reinstatement, and I believe the first time I supplied a wrong password. The first time I applied for reinstatement was in 2004. My username is "webtwink". Thanks.
Last reply by indews, -
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- RZ Admin
- 18 replies
I think my account has been closed because I have not been active (lack of time). How can I apply for reinstatement? Thanks. Best wishes, Charles Wardell
Last reply by cwardell,
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- 1 reply
Hi, I made a editor application that had been rejected today as I was an editor many years ago. I would appreciate being reinstated if you still need editors as I have more time now that I'm retired. I'm also doing some editing for Wikipedia and an international contributor to W3C. I can't get an account reset as I believe the old e-mail went to my work e-mail. My old e-mail may have been, or or ?? The one I used does not give me a e-mail response for a reset of the password. I believe my old Account was under the name "itildo" or it-il-do. Please advise what additional details your require -the e-mail is presently in this account I created, …
Last reply by informator,
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- 6 replies
Hello, My dmoz account (username - mickymo) went inactive in July. I was out of the country for a couple of months and was unable to edit one of the categories (but I did edit 2 of my other categories). The one category I did not edit was always a problem with over 80-90 submissions and often times even the page would not load or take a long time. I had posted in the forum asking for advice on reorganizing it by state/region, which I felt was the proper thing to do because of the volume. I was unable to edit the listings for a while as I was busy and then left the US for 2 months. I requested for account reinstatement in late July then I waited for a month and saw …
Last reply by hutcheson,
- 0 replies
I was a editor of Dmoz in spanish, but I was out of the city too busy and I had no opportunity to colaborate in Dmoz maybe this is why I lost my access. I would like to pickup the editing work. I already tried "Password Reminder" but it appears a error and recommends to get in resource zone to reactivate the account. Thank you in advance for your response.
Last reply by zorusg, -
- 3 replies
cec9353e52947c5436a6956864c7b3e5 I believe the cat. was either my name is david kaleky email <email removed for your safety>
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 11 replies
Hi There, I applied to become an editor a couple of months ago and was rejected on the basis that I hadn't revealed all the sites I was affiliated with. I was encouraged to resubmit my application again disclosing all the sites I've worked with and I should be successful. I resubmitted my application but I haven't received a response yet as to the whether I have been approved or not. Details of the application are below: Application number: opendir - 43e70e7bf4a10d1bf9d24bc243375c46 Category applied for: …
Last reply by LewisSellers, -
- Meta
- 2 replies
Hi, I am an expert author in and an editor in skaffe directory as well. I have applied to edit the "Loans" category. After submitting the application I didn’t get any acknowledgement. I have been landed in a page with the reinstatement form. Please let me know how can I confirm my self that my application is successfully submitted. Thanks and Regards Rob
Last reply by Robthomos, -
- 4 replies
i have request for becoming editor on dmoz but there is no email for activation. maybe something wrong in my mail server. i requested to this section. maybe you can re-send me same activation mail or another mail adress if my application still stay anywhere. thank you...
Last reply by mokoko, -
- 4 replies
i never got an email when i submitted, was i suppost to get it straight away? some people have said that it might have been filtered, but if it has its not there now, (proberly deleted) what should i do about this? thanks, Joshua
Last reply by Death001,