Becoming an Editor
This forum is also for Editor Reinstatement issues.
4593 topics in this forum
- Meta
- 5 replies
Hi DMOZ I recently got approved is an editor for a category, but the activation email got caught in my SPAM filter and got deleted, because it was there for over 30 days. Is there any way that I can have the activation mail resend? Best regards, Kenneth
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 3 replies
I received 'Open Directory editor application received' email at January 12. How long can I wait approve/decline? Usename: bigsize Directory: Arts/Music/Bands_and_Artists/D/Duran_Duran/ Thanks.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I applied to edit this section on April 11th. Site: Regional: North America: United States: Virginia: Localities: S: Stafford: Business and Economy: Real Estate (20) My display name is "stealth" and my user name is "relichunter". I wanted to clarify my application in regards to affiliated web sites. I am associated with and On both of these sites, I submit my professional business contact information, professional designations, and current real estate listings info. These sites are for the use of my clients and to attract new clients. I do not have any control over the de…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- RZ Admin
- 7 replies
Greetings, I wanted to please make an addendum to my application as I have just registered (yesterday) two new domain names for a project of mine: <URLs removed yet again. When a moderator removes them, do not put them back> Could someone please make a note in my application? opendir - 77709143db0fae2199f1f1abcdbd2b31 App name - sdiener Thank you very much! Regards, Sammydv3
Last reply by sammydv3, -
- 1 reply
Hey Guys, I requested to edit: Computers: Education: Certification: CompTIA I was suprised to find that application got rejected the first time inspite of having been with Dmoz for over a year and doing my job honestly. Based on feedback I have fixed a lot of listings in my category which I was not doing originally since they were by previous editor. I did make minor changes to them previously, which caused some misunderstanding. Anyways, please do let me know. Hope you guys like my work. Thanks
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 10 replies
Hi there, I'd like to spin up a discussion about the integrity of the people reviewing new editor applications. My main problem with my application is the responds I've got from it. I applied to the category of Arts/Music/Charts containing 91 links. Now charts is a subject which is either an archive or highly up to date (weekly max monthly). There are actually dead links in this category, links which haven't been updated for more than a year, and perhaps more surprisingly links to promote party DJ's. So I thought I apply for this directory. I personally believe I have good credentials, it's been my hobby for 5 years and been doing data mining related to charts for…
- 2 replies
Hello, I was wondering if I could ask a meta editor advice about my Dmoz application. I applied for a category, my username stevy1 ( The letter I recieved back said "Although we would like you to join us as a volunteer editor, you have chosen a category that is already well represented" - it then said that I should reapply to a less represented category. I reapplied to a small category as stevy1 again ( but have been rejected because they said I didn't disclose all my affilates / websites. However I did disclose everything, being very op…
Last reply by stevy, -
- 4 replies
Can anybody give me some advice or feedback? I have been turned down twice, now. My most recent was for the category: The category contains 50 sites. The username I used was "Maia". I was very careful to check the spelling and grammar in my application. I did not write "promotional" descriptions. Mine were along the line of: Hacienda Maria Bonita 40 rooms and one master suite, located one block off of 5th Avenue. Swimming pool and restaurant. I mentioned that I submitted a Playa del Carmen Travel Guide to DMOZ several…
Last reply by jen, -
- 3 replies
can someone recheck my application? I applied for an editor position in this category: The response I got back was that "This is not a shopping category." I assume that they said that because one of the URLs I submitted was a site that sells beans for home roasting in new zealand ( What confuses me is that the category IS for shopping sites. (ALL the sites in this category are shopping sites) Can someone give advice on how to get re-processed? or should I resubmit the application?
Last reply by motsa,
- 2 replies
I just got a refusal on my 4th application. The Reviewer Comments were "Incomplete response to "Please give details, including URLs, of any sites that you own or have designed or promoted, either in full or in part. Also, mention whether you have contributed content to any site, and give URLs as appropriate"." How complete does this need to be? Things I did not include. Forums I have made posts in (including this one). Sites I have been quoted in but did not submit to directly. I worked for a time as press officer for a non profit campaign ( I disclosed this site. In the course of this work I was quoted in many other sites fr…
Last reply by erolz, -
- Meta
- 9 replies
I applied recently to become an editor but my application was denied among other things, which I understand and agree with, was something that didn't make much sense to me. I was told that the titles I selected were wrong. According to the guidelines one option for the title is the official name of the business or company. I Quote "Do give the official name of the business or entity as the title". end of quote. from the following url http://www. I suggested the title to be Geoscanners AB which is the company/business official name. the same for http://www., title Radarteam Sweden AB and finally http://www. with Landviser LL…
Last reply by raatgeo, -
- Meta
- 56 replies
Dear all, Recently I submitted an editor application for the category of Top: Games: Gambling: Sports: Tipping and Handicapping: Soccer. Username: andysg The following day, I received an email on the disapproval. Therefore, I believe there are some issues that need to be address in order for the application to go through. I would really appreciate if you can shed some light and advice. Thank you so much.
Last reply by andysg, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
Hi; can I request a status check please. editor name: aeclark category:,_Lesbian,_and_Bisexual/Student_Groups/ submitted: 26th Sept Thanks
Last reply by donaldb, -
- 3 replies
Hello Dmoz, This is my first post. Thank you for making such a quality directory. I have read through your stance on an editor having an affilation with a site in a category he/she would like too edit. Your stance as I understand is that it isn't looked down on because you would be an expert of that subject but you do look at these applications alot closer. I see why this is needed too make sure your not opening the system for abuse. I am posting because I have submitted an app 6 times and have been rejected(This is not a status check :-). One reviewer was nice and made some comments so I revised my app. I am very passionate about the category I am submitting …
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
I'm reading that I needed to disclose all the sites I am linked with or have worked on. I have already submitted an application (today) and only listed the sites of mine that I have really got traffic going to. However, I do have a few others that I have only begun work on, or have been slow to develop. If I need to list those, is it too late? May I list them here? I also have several sites that link to me, and I link to several. Others have my banners. Are these also things I need to post (here or on the application)? I'm almost kicking myself for not having kept better tabs on where everything is. But I can find it all, if need be. I'm sure learning, l…
Last reply by donaldb, -
- Meta
- 2 replies
Hi, three weeks ago I applied to be an editor in the category: with editor's name: vlami My application was rejected with the comment: ------------------------------------------------------ Dear vlami, Thank you very much for your application. The ODP relies on enthusiastic volunteers such as yourself. Unfortunately it appears that you have not fully disclosed your affiliated websites in the section entitled, "Sites with which you are associated." Affiliated websites include those that you own, market, assist with, have written content for, maintain, etc. I encourage you to apply again, being …
Last reply by pvgool,
- 0 replies
I am going to be submitting my application again this weekend. I just want to clarify about disclosing of web site affiliations. If I have a link exchange agreement or am advertising on a web site do I have to disclose that? Or is it only web sites I have a financial stake in or have contributed to the design? I was also wondering if I write articles that appear often on a web site but do not own is that something that must be disclosed? I just want to cover all my bases. Thankyou.
Last reply by more4kids, -
- 2 replies
Could someone please clear up in my mind the following points. I understand that any website I run or have worked on has to be declared. If I have banner advertisers I suspect I have to declare them, but can I declare them by affiliate network ie Commision Junction/tradedoubler etc. Finally I have a extensive links database (at present over 200 and growing) do I have to declare them as well. I would like to become an editor, as I belive in helping out any organation that has help me, but suspect filling in my affiliations will take longer that reviewing the site Keep up the good work Jason
Last reply by jasonflk, -
- 5 replies
I have submitted my site four times in two years and still never got listed. About a year ago I requested to be an editor on the same category that I submit my site and was told that there were enough editors on this category Arts: Music: Styles: R: Regional and Ethnic: African. I am still open to be an editor. I believe that I always follow site submission guidelines and I can’t get it why my site never gets listed.
Last reply by motsa,
- RZ Admin
- 2 replies
Hello, I received the email stating that I am already a curlie editor but I can't get into my account. user: jflore33 If I click on the "Forgot Password?" and I insert the "username", I receive the error: Password reset error Can you help me? Thanks!
Last reply by jflore3,
- Meta
- 3 replies
if i were editor, can i just quite anytime? what about possible conflicts whith sector/niche one operaate in. and it must be in language one speaks and write well. right? what is the average time to aproval? and how many work hours are necessary monthly? that's all
Last reply by motsa,
- Editall/Catmv
- 1 reply
The albanian section of the Directory is really very poor and out there are a lot of albanian or albanian related websites that should be included in this section. I would like to become an editor of the albanian section to add new sites, remove some not active and to take care of this section in general. Regards.
Last reply by makrhod,
alchemia - application status
by Guest Shwing-
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 12 replies
Based on recommendations on this post, I applied as an editor to the LA Artists and Galleries category. I know, it's probably still too early to find out but I'm just checking in.
Hello, Can you help me,I completed a request for "Opendir - eb899a4362389df975e717bbc8a471bf". So I would like to know, what's the situation, what it is happening with it?
Last reply by alex191, -
- 2 replies
Salut I applied to become an editor for the Algerian cuisine section. I am Algerian, born in France and currently living in America. I am a chef instructor at The California School of Culinary Arts, Le Cordon Bleu Program. I also have an Algerian cuisine blog I passed up an opportunity for a cookbook deal to publish my recipes for free online so that it could reach more Algerians all over the world. Less than two weeks after starting my other blog The Algerians found me! People from Setif, the Province my family is from, were the first to find the site, then it snowballed…
Last reply by Faridz,