Becoming an Editor
This forum is also for Editor Reinstatement issues.
4593 topics in this forum
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Dear DMOZ Staff, On 16th of October I applied to become an editor for the Trades and Services. Category URL: Editor Name: Azyrus Date Applied: October 16th, 2014 I received the confirmation email but upon clicking the link I received the "Not a valid key." error. Could you please confirm if my application was received? Thank you very much, I appreciate your time. Kind regards Justin
Last reply by Azyrus, -
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I am available to volunteer as an editor in the category of Lawyers (Immigration Law or Criminal Law) - Canadian Websites only. You may contact me by email at <email removed for privacy reasons> Steven Tress
Last reply by pvgool,
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Hello, It's been a little over 2 weeks, so I just thought I'd post and see if there are any updates to my application. I've actually been trying to be an editor for quite some time and recently found this resource. I didn't realize before that I wasn't getting the email with the key back, so this was helpful. I reapplied and checked my spam folder and found your message. Here are the pertinent details: 1) Category I applied for: 2) Editor Name was hilaritee I think, or LizLeigh. I remember that it gave me a hassle with one that was in use. Not sure which it ultimately accepted. 3…
Last reply by Elizabeth Gross, -
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Hello, I was an editor for DMOZ years back and family and heavy work loads at work forced me to ease back on my editor requirements at that time. I am at a point in my life where I have a great deal of time now to devote to performing the editor duties once again and am wishing that you please reinstate my status as an editor, as well as reinstate my login. My editor username was: Towknight. My email was (Removed) or (Removed). Both emails or no longer valid and I am using my current email of (Removed) If this is possible, please reinstate my Editor status and my login status. I believe I will be a valuable contributing editor for DMOZ once again. Thank You! Jess Horton. …
Last reply by informator,
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Hi, I applied to edit this category a few weeks ago: Business/Arts_and_Entertainment/Photography/Photographers/Portrait/Oceania I got knocked back, as stupid me didn't read the guidelines properly. So I am across them now, however when I went to apply again it told me it was disabled. Does this mean that category is now full? I have applied to a very similar category a few days ago, but was curious as to why applications at my original category were closed. Cheers Adam.
Last reply by AdamJM, -
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Hello Everybody, I'm sorry, my English is very bad. A long time ago, I filled out the form to DMOZ editor. but Turkey's editor is very slow. I waited too much for my DMOZ account. Now, I guess my account was accepted. but I forgot which email address I refer to. I've checked all my e-mail address but could not find confirmation e-mail of DMOZ I'm trying to login now. but DMOZ says "User needs an email address verification before the user can login." Could you help me? my account: bbasarir I refer the link: Thank you very much in advance
Last reply by Berk Basarir, -
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Hi, I applied to become DMOZ editor for this category: and I never received a confirmation email to verify my email address. Thank you
Last reply by Mark James, -
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I applied to become an editor with name of "smgilley1". I checked the box that said I had been a prior editor (about a decade ago), so my application was denied. I would like my old account reinstated. I do not remember my username, but think it may have been "smgilley". The recent application that was denied was for the category: Regional: North America: United States: Mississippi: Localities: O: Ocean Springs: Business and Economy The prior category was related to Mergers & Acquisitions, I think. Was about a decade ago.
Last reply by Elper,
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Hey all, I was an editor around 2001-2006 (give or take!) and was lead on many categories, many of them in the formerly large Adult section of DMOZ. I do not recall my editing name or login (seems almost all of adult was removed so i can't find any categories i used to work in). I wish to reinstate because I enjoyed editing here as a hobby and working with a team to improve the open directory. Can anyone help me locate my old login? It would have probably been under <emails removed for your protection> as the account email addy. Is it possible it was deleted? Thanks much! Dave
Last reply by Elper,
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Help, My account has been made inactive. I tried using the reinstatement form, but it keeps asking for the correct email associated with my account. I'm 100% sure that my email is: <email removed for your protection> I know this because I have many emails there from DMOZ, the most current one being February 27, 2014. Please reinstate my account. My account name is: marthacastano The last time I logged in, we probably around February 2014. I simply been busy and neglected my account at DMOZ. I would like to continue using it. Sincerely, Martha
Last reply by Martha Castano, -
- 1 reply
I submitted the form to request a password reset, but I have not received e-mail with further instructions. I cannot now log in to my account. Please help.
Last reply by bodjul, -
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Hi, My application for a new editor account at the Open Directory Project has been rejected because you believe I already have (or had in the past) another editor account. Unfortunately, I don't remember any other account or username, which I could use in the past. Could You please help me to reinstate that account. I've applicated for category: (application username is vidi85). Thanks for help, Tomasz
Last reply by vidi85, -
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Our listing is very old and outdated. Category to be edited: editorname: lunaweb the date that you last applied. - unknown thank you!
Last reply by Elper,
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I am not able to login to my dmoz editor account. Can you tell me, the details of my editor account (if account is active) Please let me know, if I don't have dmoz editor account
Last reply by Elper,
- 2 replies
Dear DMOZ Staff, On 24th of July i applied to become an editor for a Greek category. Category URL: Editor Name: dio Date Applied: July 24th, 2014 I have a website of my own in this category and tried to find the possible URLs to submit. I believe everything went well but i haven't had any news from you yet. If i do not disturb i would like to know the status of my application. Thank you. Best Regards Dio
Last reply by dionisisk, -
- 2 replies
I just got rejected as editor, and got a message telling that I'm already an editor: /// You indicated on your application form that you were previously an editor. The Open Directory Project allows just one editor account per person - no matter how long it's been since you were previously an editor. Please use the editor reinstatement form at to request that your previous account be reactivated. If you do not recall all the details about your previous account requested by this form, please visit the Resource Zone forum at where meta editors will be able to help you. /…
Last reply by Jesper Faurby, -
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Hey, I submitted a request for reinstatement for my editor account (in good standing). The account name is gtryan, and it lapsed due to no edits being made recently. Even though my queue to review was empty, I didn't realize that I'd get locked out if I didn't proactively add new sites over time. Going forward, I'll be a bit more proactive... I submitted the request for reinstatement a few weeks ago and haven't seen any action on the reinstatement request. Should I be expecting it to take longer, or is anyone able to take a look on my behalf? Thanks! I appreciate your time.
Last reply by gtryan, -
- 2 replies
i had a period with inactivity that went over the 120 day limit. however, when i go to and try to submit the form with my registered email,, i get "Not a valid email address pattern in email". "+" is valid in email addresses, re , but because of the email validation error i need some help. can anyone here help me get reinstated? (and afterwards, help me submit a bug report for that form?) regards, ingvald username "ingvald"
Last reply by ingvald, -
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Hi Dmoz Team, I am dmoz editor few years ago. But due to oversea training in the army, and i become inactive. Now i am back and completed army. I wish that i can rejoin back to be part of the team again and help contribute. Looking forward for a positive reply soon. [emails removed for your privacy] My editor name is ahheng i am a editor over Best Regards, Heng
Last reply by Elper,
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Hi all, re-applied yesterday for perhaps a more suitable category I was wondering if anyone could review my application for me? thanks in advance. ODP Username: yesson
Last reply by pvgool,
- RZ Admin
- 8 replies
Dear Sir/Madam: I first applied for the editor position on: under the username "eik" on Jun 11th. I immediately got an e-mail verification request. Then my app was rejected apparently because there was another former editor with the same "popular" name, "Eugene Kim." I was then asked to re-apply. So I did under the user name "dreik" for the same category. This time, however, (it's been at least 3 days), I did not get any e-mail verification request. I can tell the account "dreik" is indeed associated with my e-mail from clicking the "forgot password" link. Should I try ap…
Last reply by Elper,
- 2 replies
Dear DMOZ Staff, I applied to become a DMOZ editor a little over 3 weeks ago. I followed all the guidelines and worked hard to find 3 suitable URLs for the category. If it isn't too much trouble, I would like to know the status of my application, as I haven't heard back from you yet. Category URL: Editor Name: atteaa Date Applied: June 30th, 2014 Thank you, Atte
Last reply by Atte Aaltonen, -
- 1 reply
- 1.4k views site is [company removed] , inc. , I do not know the editorname or date last applied per the guideline doc... I am the owner of the site and for the life of me cannot find username / password and need a new combo please... I can be reached @ Thanks, Don Ellers
Last reply by jimnoble, -
How to get Editor job at Dmoz ? I have applied so many times but never get any reply about submitted application.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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Hello everyone, I submitted a request to become an editor like a month ago, I did it for this categoryƱol/Regional/America/Costa_Rica/Viajes_y_turismo/ but I did not get any email confirming that my application was received, what I would like to know is if my application was recieved or if I can send another application. I sent my application using this username eduranrivera. Thanks in advance and have a great day. Esteban Duran
Last reply by pvgool,