Becoming an Editor
This forum is also for Editor Reinstatement issues.
4593 topics in this forum
- Meta
- 3 replies
Hello Metas! I was wondering if you could tell me how application reviews work? I have applied for a particular category, now is there a Meta assigned to a number of categories to review applications for those categories, or do the applications fall into a central 'bin' where all the Metas can dive in regardless of the category applied for? Also does only one Meta look at the application or does it take multiple Metas to make an application go through? Many thanks! Degers
Last reply by degers,
- Meta
- 3 replies
I don't get it.... I signed up to be an editor. I bring a bit of experience. I have written and edited a little on small-town weekly newspapers. I won an award at it. Your automatic application robot thingy thinks I'm unsuitable. Why would I pick a category? I am willing to edit whatever you give me. You need help in an obscure subject? Sure. But I'm not going to waste my time picking one. Give me a job, I'll do it. Don't know or trust me? Give an unimportant job - I'll do that too.... Someone has to. But don't tell me I'm unsuitable in any fashion for any job you've got, that just tells me you (or your robot) don't know what you are doing. Which probably only…
Last reply by lancelape, -
- 4 replies
I do not have (or am not sure of) my editor name, account name, email address used or password What I do have is the category where I was an editor, before I had cancer Seeing as I did not die and I am still around, maybe I should apply to be re-instated, soooo here I am, asking for assistance with the retrieval of my username as well as password. My previous category was:
Last reply by andre657483927565, -
All set
by Guest OpenPress.Com- 2 replies
Dear all, I have submitted my Editor app several minutes ago. I look forward to being part of this excellent project. Max
Last reply by jimnoble, -
Almost there with my application
by Guest --
- Meta
- 1 reply
I applied for the category Recreation/Boating/Sailing/Associations/One Designs Associations/Dinghies. I have not received a reply from my submission, but have noticed a profile set up on. I am listed as the editor under google/dmoz directory for this category. Are you able to check on my application please? Tony.
Last reply by windharp,
- Meta
- RZ Admin
- 6 replies
I received this reply "Your application for a new editor account at the Open Directory Project has been rejected because we believe you already have (or had in the past) another editor account." But i was not aware i was ever an editor, how do i go about finding what my account was, user/password etc? Not sure what to do now
Last reply by mrpalmer, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I applied to edit the following category on 10/06/13: I received an email about 30 minutes later saying: 'Already an Editor'. The email also stated to 'Please visit to request reinstatement'. I have applied before but haven't actually edited anything. Has someone else used this username or was the prior approval sent to an email address I no longer use? Regards, nealjp
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 9 replies
Hi. I applied to become an editor of the category Shopping-Jewelry-Estate and Collectible. I received an email stating that the category already had an editor, and to apply again to another category. If there was an editor of this category, would the name be listed anywhere? Because I could not find an editor of that category, and at the bottom of the page, it says to become an editor of this category. Jean
Last reply by whitelaceangels, -
- 11 replies
I applied to edit on May 9, 2014. I verified my email address, and then I got an "Already an editor" email directing me to come here to get the details of my previous account, which I cannot remember. My previous account was used around 2006-2007 to help my ex-sister-in-law with her business website. The category that I'd like to edit now is The editor name I tried to set up was "pallas" My old name may have been "dltripp". My recent application, as I said above, was May 9. Help?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 10 replies
Hello, I got the notification after registering that I am already an editor - however, I was a DMOZ editor in either 1999 or 2000, and had no idea that I was still considered one, since I have been inactive since then. What is the next step I can take to get back into this? Since this was such a long time ago, I don't know what email or screenname I had back then, although I can take a guess at what the email address was. Thanks
Last reply by windharp,
- 1 reply
I've been an editor for close to a year now, and applied for another category yesterday. I did this through my Main panel. However, I have not received a confirmation email. Does this get bypassed if you are already an editor? Should I reapply? Just in case, here is the category I've applied for: Top: Society: Crime: Prevention: Stalking Thanks! Ceara
Last reply by motsa,
- 1 reply
Hi, I recently filed an application to become an editor here at DMOZ. Apparently I have been an editor before but cannot for the life of me remember what either the username, password, or original email address was which I used. Is it possible for someone to reinstate my account without any of this information? If so, what information would you require from me to prove that my account did exist? Thanks in advance! James Walton
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 4 replies
Some time ago, I applied to be an editor, but didnt receive anything. Today, I applied again. When I submitted the form, I was told that there was already an editor with that username - allerup. I then tried to login with that username and the password I use for almost anything. I then was told that the account was deactivated due to inactivity. My answer is then: Is it poosible that I has been accepted as editor back then, but never received information about this? I have already filled in the reinstate form, but I am unsure that the email adress to the editor account is correct, since I have never received anything.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
am i going to get rejected
by Guest --
- Meta
- 15 replies
i applied to be an editor in Regional/NorthAmerica/UnitedStates/Massachusetts/Localities/P/Peabody/ and the 3 web sites i suggested 2 had to do with the internet and the other was a resturaunt that belong in the catagories like business and the other one in entertainment actually the 2 could go in comuters/ or internet some where too but are headquartered in peabody anyway am I going to get rejected because they specifically belong in like peabody/business or did applyng for peabody cover whats under it <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />
- 1 reply
Just a quick note to see if my application is in the system. Category applied to edit: Editor Name: Capt Morgan Date of application: October the 27th, 2004. Thank you for any information.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 2 replies
Category - Crafts/forums User Name - Theresa (I think :o) Date Submitted - 12/3/07 Hi, I recieved the confirm your email notice, but not a follow up saying that I am in the system. Would you mind checking?
Last reply by Theresa, -
- Meta
- 13 replies
Now I must tread carefully here because if I say the wrong thing I know the 'mods' will delete this thread quicker than you can say 'spam'. Anyway I'm not a vigilante but a serious Accountant with good business intentions - so when I tried (and failed) to list my online business a few months back, I was horrified to read the 'Reviewer Comments' below. Is there no possible way to get feedback from such a situation? How can the ODP remain objective with comments below? Can I add for the record I really am not a spammer and frankly would make a jolly good editor for the category I tried (and failed) to edit. PS Who moderates the moderators? Reviewer Com…
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- 5 replies
Hello, I had an account at dmoz many years ago - sometime in the mid to late 90's. All I have is an email address (which no longer functions - domain changed but same company)
Last reply by chaos127,
- 0 replies
Please my editör details you can send me I DONT UNDERSTAND THİS SYTEM
Last reply by musti042, -
- RZ Admin
- 6 replies
Is it possible to amend an already submitted application, or should an aspiring editor wait for a decision? I ask because I realize I inadvertently omitted an important disclosure and could have included additional detail about my technical background. Many thanks, Chris
Last reply by Elper,
Amount of time needed to edit
by Guest mbrady-
- Editall/Catmv
- Meta
- 4 replies
Hi, I'm thinking about volunteering to edit a category/subcategory. If I'm going to do this however, I'd like to make sure that I can give the task the time it deserves. As editor of a subsection, say 20-30 sites without further sub-categories,is it possible to give a rough approximation of the amount of hours you would need to put aside for editing in a week? thanks, Mike
Last reply by flicker, -
Hello! 16 days ago i sent my application to become editor. I would like to if someone had reviewed my application. The category is (spanish language) My username is: ampa79 And the day i've applied is: 30/10/07 Thanks for all!! Amparo
Last reply by amp79, -
- 12 replies
I was an editor way back ('98?), and over the last 2 years have submitted 4? reinstatement requests. I have never received any emails back, and I have checked my spam filters. At this point, I'm sketchy on the details I would have supplied back then, so would it better to start over from scratch? I am no longer involved in the aspects I edited back then, and have completely new interests & categories to support. OTOH, I'd prefer to get back in the fold ASAP, so if delving into the archaic history is more expeditious, I'd prefer that. Thanx, Andrew.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 8 replies
I was wondering the same thing about my site. I have a lot of content between the homepage and forums. I'm just not sure why it hasn't been listed yet- I followed the rules very closely while submitting. Also, I was thinking of becoming an editor. But I can only spare about an hour or two per day. How much time do most editors spend on average?
Last reply by Marispotens, -
another application status question
by Guest wired-
- Meta
- 5 replies
I applied about 2 weeks ago to I think using either storme or wired (I use both) and I haven't heard back. Any news? When I applied I didn't realize that this is quite so competitive a process as it appears and I might have set my sights too high. One of the threads below states that it's recommended that new editors stick with categories with only 30 sites but the FAQ at the top says under 100. Any suggestions? A related question, I could, if appropriate apply for another area - any recommendations for pesticide-related topics? That's the area that I know well. best, -steve