Becoming an Editor
This forum is also for Editor Reinstatement issues.
4593 topics in this forum
Application Denied
by Guest Warren-
- Meta
- 13 replies
Hi, My application was denied (WarrenF) and I have no idea why. I spent a lot of time making sure my application was just right. Is there anyway i can appeal the decision? I was really looking forward to participating. Thanks
Last reply by beebware, -
- Meta
- 9 replies
I tried loggin on this morning and found that I am no longer an editor. Did I violate some obscure DMOZ policy? I also found that my affiliated site is no longer listed in the directory. What happened?
Last reply by motsa,
by Guest -- 14 replies
Hello, I applied to become an editor and was wondering how long it would be before I heard a reply. The category to which I applied does not have an editor and any help I could get would be great. The category I applied to was: Top: Business: Insurance: Agents and Marketers: Multi-Line: United States: Multi-State The username I selected was: fjohnson Thank you in advance for your help and I look forward to becoming a member of your community. Floyd Johnson
- Meta
- 4 replies
I must admit to making a huge, embarrasing booboo! As a new editor to the Regional: Africa: South Africa: Business and Economy: Internet: Web Design and Development category last year, I was unable (for personal reasons) to perform my duties as an editor for a (rather long) period of time. My status as Editor was obviously de-activated because of the extended period of inactivity on my account. This is an answer that I have, shamefully, only now discovered. What happened was that I tried to login after the initial inactivity - with no success. And let me be honest here, I really panicked! I thought I'd done something hugely wrong and was too enbarrased to look into …
Last reply by apeuro,
Have just resubmitted
by Guest --
- Meta
- 14 replies
I have just resubmitted a request to become an editor of I only submitted the first request a couple of days ago, but in reading all of the forum posts, I've realized that I needed to do the URL submissions differently. Could somebody please delete my first request(the user name I submitted the first time was "woodshop") and just let my second request be considered? Thanks to anyone who can assist me with this. I'd hate to be rejected based on that first request. :/images/dmoz/purplegrin.gif Angela
Last reply by beebware, -
- Meta
- 21 replies
Hi, I received a relay error message when replying to the email automatically sent to me to confirm my application to become a DMOZ Editor. I have not received an indication that you have indeed received my confirmation, hence this post. The registration key is: opendir - 98d0e25c554f563cdd27b94e938f8f57 The category I have applied to edit is Many thanks for your assistance and apologies for asking on this forum that you have received my application. Regards Webzcas
Last reply by Webzcas,
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 30 replies
The category was: The username was mrkryz The email used was Date: Sept 18 thanks in advance. Chris
Last reply by mrkryz, -
- Meta
- RZ Admin
- 15 replies
hello, Several weeks passed and i still not receive any response (yes or no) from my candidature to become an Editor Someone can check that it's correctly under process (and well received) or if i need to redo it ? my login: goldorak1975 thanks !
Last reply by pvgool,
- Meta
- 28 replies
i try to apply,but dump without any reason or Comments? I think it is very unfair. Here is the message they gave me: Thank you for your interest in becoming an Open Directory Project editor. After careful review, we have decided not to approve your application at this time. The most common reasons a reviewer will deny a new application include, but are not limited to, * Incomplete application. Insufficient information has been provided in some fields including reason, affiliation and/or Sample URLs. * Improper spelling and grammar. * Sample URLs are inappropriate for the category which one has applied to edit. They may be too broad, too narrow, co…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 25 replies
Hello ODP Editors et al. I was wondering... How many times did you apply before getting accepted? Did you reapply to the same category each time, or try different ones? So far, I have applied to 3 different categories and been declined for each. I believe that to be my fault for not choosing well suited categories and failing to follow instructions. The first two declination letters were just form letters with nothing additional from the reviewer. The last had some reviewer comments and they mentioned that I needed to be more forthcoming with my site associations. So, this time, I found a category that is of great interest to me, and I think my skillset wil…
Last reply by hutcheson,
Unimpressed by lack of communication
by Guest --
- Meta
- 11 replies
I'm not very impressed by the failure of persons involved in this project to reply to my application. It has been many weeks.
Last reply by Khym_Chanur, -
Status Check 1 2
by apollyein- 27 replies
Wow OK, before anybody says anything, I'm not checking my application status. I applied to be an editor of the "writing resources" section, specifically the forums/chatrooms part. I was denied. Which, as I look at my application, I see the editor has valid points. What astonished me is how quickly my application was processed and reviewed. The editor DID take the necessary amount of time with it, and I have no intention of even questioning my denial. I have reapplied, with a stronger (I hope) application. And, now, on to the point of this mini-rant: GOOD JOB, Dmoz, and THANKS! ~Polly
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 11 replies
Decided to do my part any apply to be an editor in a category without an editor that is poorly maintained. Choose a category with about 30 listings, plus two sub-categories with 20 listings between them. I certainly know as much about this category as anyone alive. My three example sites were completely unique to the category. But I recieved this rejection: "Thank you for your interest in becoming an Open Directory Project editor! Although we would like you to join us as a volunteer editor, you have chosen a category that is already well represented, or is broader than we typically assign to a new editor. We would encourage you to re-apply for a category that h…
Last reply by steveb, -
- 20 replies
Hello - could I receive an update on my editor application for category: Submitted on the 3rd September. My editor name is Dolphin-Lover Thanks
Last reply by JamesFr, -
Application Status Check
by Guest sburgevin-
- Meta
- 11 replies
Hi - can you check editor application status for RobParker in: Thanks.
Last reply by giz, -
- Meta
- 24 replies
I've applied twice for the following category: Top: Society: People: Seniors: Retirement: Housing and Communities: North America: United States: Massachusetts and have received a form letter saying that I was rejected for one or more of the following reasons: * Incomplete application. * Improper spelling and grammar. * Sample URLs are inappropriate for the category * Not properly disclosing affiliations with websites that are, or have the potential of being, listed in the category. * Titles and descriptions of sample URLs (and other information provided) were subjective and promotional rather than unbiased and objective. * Self-Promotion. Application…
Last reply by brmehlman, -
- Meta
- 23 replies
Hi there, Having read through this forum, and the editor application notes, I made an application to become an editor. It was very quickly denied, but what surprised me was the notes at the bottom, it states: Incomplete response to "Please give details, including URLs, of any sites that you own or have designed or promoted, either in full or in part. Also, mention whether you have contributed content to any site, and give URLs as appropriate". Please do not apply again. I have stated my one website, which is what I am going to also include in this section of the odp, so I am surprised to have be denied on this basis? Also, why does it state please do n…
Last reply by alcas, -
- RZ Admin
- 20 replies
I applied to become an editor for the following category I recieved a reply message saying my application had been recieved on 25th January 2006. Unless the reply ended up being crunched by my mail spam filter I don't think I have heard back ! Any chance of finding out the status of my application ?.. and to make things worse I dont remember what username I gave myself ( poss. JJ ? ) Sorry I know it's not a lot to go on.. but thanks in advance for your help.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Editall
- Meta
- 21 replies
become an editor but my site is not even listed in dmoz. How do I go about it? Mike
Last reply by SiteTutor, -
Rejected as editor
by Guest --
- Meta
- 5 replies
I applied to be an editor, and was rejected. 2 of the sites I used in my application were from companies I declared an affiliation to. That was mainly because I had trouble finding sites that belonged in that category (a regional one) that were not already listed either there or somewhere appropriate. Would that be likely to be the reason for my rejection. I suspect I was also too wordy in what I said (and I can't say I had no typos either). I applied because I was worried about the apparent lack of editors for the country as a whole, and I thought that startin in my own region was a good idea.
Hi there; I sent a dmoz editor application form a long time ago. But I have not recieved an answer from dmoz. When I tried to send a new application form I saw that my old application is still valid. And then I tried to login dmoz with my username ''omeren'' I saw this message 'User needs an email address verification before the user can login.' I know my application is waiting for your confirmation. My username is omeren My category is Turkish Shopping Vehicles Parts and Accessories Please help me.. (Editing message - ops I'm sorry, …
Last reply by Elper,
- Meta
- 14 replies
Hello folks, I just want to make sure if my editor application is awaiting evaluation and is not lost. Username: rsabath Date: 6/15/2012 God bless, Ray
Last reply by jimnoble, -
Is there a Conflict for Webmaster to be an Editor
by Guest starsnsites-
- Meta
- 15 replies
I have given much thought to becoming an editor. I have a passion for Koi which has turned into a part time business. I specilaize in Koi websites, and have an understanding for the hobby. Would it be a conflict of interest, or unethical, to apply to become an editor for this category? Shopping: Home and Garden: Water Gardens: Koi I have refrained from doing so because I was unsure. Thanks
Last reply by hutcheson,
meta editor
by Guest --
- Meta
- 12 replies
Say, starting from step one (submitted my application today and waiting to hear about it), how do we become a meta editor eventually? <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 26 replies
Hi Everyone, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Craig and I am the Operations Director or Avera Solutions Limited. I know that the application process takes a while, but I do have a question that I couldn't find an answer to... I have applied to be an editor of this category: ...and I am wondering... If I am approved, will I also be an editor that categories' sub categories? Or will I have to apply for those categories as a seperate application? That's question one and question two is, if I find a related category I would like to edit, do I have to go through the same (3 days - 3 months) appro…
Last reply by avera, -