Becoming an Editor
This forum is also for Editor Reinstatement issues.
4593 topics in this forum
I too lost all information, and I was an editor under World/Shqip/Art/Radio/ for a few years.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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Fresh hand here and found that I have to apply for Editor's account even if I have forum account. It seems not so reasonable for I have to use two accounts do one thing and those two accounts have nothing to do with each other, am I right? Why not let the editor become the part function of forum account or something like that, so we can share experience, communication and edit things easily.
Last reply by bird_jin, -
- 1 reply
I used to be an editor and would like to restart contributing again. I was responsible for and possibly other similar ones. This was way back between 1999-2000. I wonder if anyone is able to dig deep and find my account, however, of course I can provide some other details. Kindest regards, Mario
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 3 replies
Hello editors! I would love to back to dmoz editing after some time of my inactivity. But unfortunately I don't remember my password and my e-mail has changed (that was company address and I don't work there anymore). My username is: Robson. And my e-mail was <removed> or <removed>. Could you change my e-mail - to current: <removed>? Do you need any more information? Thank you in advance! emails removed for your privacy
Last reply by Robsonx, -
- 11 replies
I applied to edit on May 9, 2014. I verified my email address, and then I got an "Already an editor" email directing me to come here to get the details of my previous account, which I cannot remember. My previous account was used around 2006-2007 to help my ex-sister-in-law with her business website. The category that I'd like to edit now is The editor name I tried to set up was "pallas" My old name may have been "dltripp". My recent application, as I said above, was May 9. Help?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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Hi all, I have just had my application denied to join DMOZ as an editor The category that I'd like to edit now shows a message saying "become an editor of this category disabled" does anyone know why and how I can re-apply? Thanks
Last reply by Johnathan Yesson, -
- 4 replies
I do not have (or am not sure of) my editor name, account name, email address used or password What I do have is the category where I was an editor, before I had cancer Seeing as I did not die and I am still around, maybe I should apply to be re-instated, soooo here I am, asking for assistance with the retrieval of my username as well as password. My previous category was:
Last reply by andre657483927565, -
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Hello, I have applied to become an editor at Dmoz with the username "Katinca", but I haven't received any response. How long does it take usually to receive a response? Thank you!
Last reply by Caterin, -
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Hello, An application was submitted on April 18, 2014 for The email verification did initially go into my spam folder, but was later moved to my inbox. Just making sure I did everything ok. Thank you.
Last reply by Elper,
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Hello, I m an old editor in DMOZ, I wish return and Be actif my name is tunman <email removed for privacy> thank u
Last reply by Elper,
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I am a dmoz editor, my editor name is xiamenyip , however, I can not login in when I use the correct password, I would like to be re-activated and continue to build the categories in China, but it show my email address is invalid when I re-activate, my email address is <email deleted for privacy reasons>. I was working on, since nothing has changed in my area since this all happened. I once changed the oldemail address into new email address <email deleted for privacy reasons> on Dmoz. How do I go about getting a yay or nay on getting this resolved. Thanks so much!
Last reply by xiamenyip1, -
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Well, hello! I'd love to return to the community, but in the passing of time... have forgotten my username. Can someone be so kind to as to let me know which account is associated with the email address <removed for your privacy>? Many thanks Nick
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 2.4k views Idon't need to be reinstated, I just need my logon and Password in my acct. My web link is: <removed per forum tos> Can you email me my logon & pw info to address listed in that acct. <email removed for your privacy> Thank you. andyyoly
Last reply by Elper,
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I am a dmoz editor, however, after being inactive for a period of a couple of months while on a project my account was auto set to inactive. Within days I had sent (or thought I did) a request to re-activate but never heard anything back either way. Today, after several months I decided to request again, this time I actually read the message that said my username was correct but the e-mail was not. Perhaps when I first requested I used the wrong e-mail addy, but now it does not even seem to accept the correct one. I would like to be re-activated and continue to build the categories in Northern Alberta I was working on, since nothing has changed in my area since this…
Last reply by hazdex,
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I've applied to be an editor a few times and have been rejected due to choosing categories that are too big. When the form letter rejections come in they aren't specific about what category you were denied for nor do they give any detailed information, so I cannot say for certain that I have been rejected every time. I applied again this morning and was surprised when it said my username was already in use. Of course I realize that someone else COULD have my username, but when I applied previously (a few weeks ago) nobody did, and my username is my name which is not a common name. (I believe there are 3 of us with this name, and the other two are kids. It is HIGHL…
Last reply by Tucker Carney, -
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Hi, I think i was recently granted an account as an editor but i have lost my email with the username on. I have been away and have just logged back into my account where i found an email giving instructions for editing etc as if i was an editor, but i have never received a username. Can a password reset email be sent to my email address rather than using my username to reset as i dont know it? Kind Regards James
Last reply by Elper,
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I'm wondering why editor application is disabled for this category: The category only contains 75 entries. At a quick glance I've noticed multiple links to be dead, wrongly categorised or redirecting to other sites than those listed. I've reported all issues that I found. The category is not representative of the current space, lots of quality sites are missing. An editor is required.
Last reply by Christian Lund, -
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Hi there, As i didn't receive any notification that i was accepted as an editor, i tried to apply again. But, the username was already taken. So i tried to log in, but got the message: User needs an email address verification before the user can login. So i tried to see if that was me, and tried to reset the password. And yes i got an email to reset the password. But, i still need to verify my emailadress, but did not get an email to do so. Can you send me the email to verify my emailadress again? My username is "paardje". Thanks up front.
Last reply by paardje, -
Hi all ! I'm sorry but have the same problem , i filled the form to become a dmoz editor a few days ago, but when i received the confirmation email, it contained an invalid link to verify my email address: the link points to a "Not a valid key" page. Nickname used : caimano The category was : /World/Italiano/Sport/Estremi/ The registration date is 26/03/2014 Here is the link I received: After 5 days, thinking that I had done something wrong, i redid the request using another nickname because the system told me that "caimano" had already been used; i write below also details of second e…
Last reply by caimano, -
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Hi, I've applied to become an editor and get a reply here you can see Dear roshoo, Thank you for your interest in becoming an Open Directory Project editor! Although we would like you to join us as a volunteer editor, you have chosen a category that is larger than we typically assign to a new editor, or is otherwise unsuitable for an inexperienced editor to start editing in. We would encourage you to re-apply for a category that is smaller in scope, and/or is less likely to attract large numbers of site suggestions. Once you have been accepted to a different category and have gained some editing experience, it will be possible for you to apply to take on addi…
Last reply by Elper,
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Hello, I applied to be an editor today but was rejected because I was told I was already an editor. This is news to me, although I'm happy that at one time I was accepted. Actually I'm thrilled even though I never received an acceptance email to my knowledge. I remember applying and thinking I must have been rejected. I'd love to be reinstated although I don't know and never knew my password to fill out the reinstatement form. Thank you. Cathie Dunklee-Donnell
Last reply by Elper,
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I applied to be editor to on February 3rd, 2014 under name "bajan246", but so far I've had no answer. This is my 3rd application. As previously mentioned in other applications, I am interested in volunteering to be an editor to the ODP so that I can help the economy of Barbados, by ensuring the ODP and the information it contains is accurate, contains trust-worthy information and is as complete as possible. In addition, I think the experience I will earn as an editor could be very educational for me but at the same time, allow me to offer back my experiences to a greater cause more in line with…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 12 replies
Hi all! I am the project leader for a fan game production called Indiana Jones and the Crown of Solomon. The game used to be listed in dmoz in this category: However, the website was offline for a while and now I noticed that the game is not listed any more. I also notice that there are some other fan game projects that are not listed even though there websites have been up and running all the time and the projects are alive and well. An example is Indiana Jones and the Fountain of Youth. I am very passionate about fan adventure game in general, and especially ind…
Last reply by carlhag81, -
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I received this reply "Your application for a new editor account at the Open Directory Project has been rejected because we believe you already have (or had in the past) another editor account." But i was not aware i was ever an editor, how do i go about finding what my account was, user/password etc? Not sure what to do now
Last reply by mrpalmer, -
- 1 reply
I was an editor years an years ago. I was interested in being an editor again and adding/organizing my local section in DMOZ. (Madison, WI) I applied for a new account, but they said I would have to reinstate the old one. I cannot match a username or email, it doesn't appear to be on record. Thoughts? Can anyone help with that? Thanks Adam
Last reply by jimnoble,