Becoming an Editor
This forum is also for Editor Reinstatement issues.
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- 6 replies
Hi there, I'm trying to get my account reinstated with no luck. I've filled out the reinstatement form but it will not send as it states: Please submit the email currently associated with your editor account. I am 99% positive I am entering the right email so I'm wondering if someone can check for me. Otherwise am I out of luck? Let me know thanks. Username: jasemoz (if you need more info let me know)
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
Hi, I am new here and i wnat to know that how to become an eitor ? tell me admin.. _______ <urls removed>
Last reply by pvgool,
- Meta
- RZ Admin
- 18 replies
I think my account has been closed because I have not been active (lack of time). How can I apply for reinstatement? Thanks. Best wishes, Charles Wardell
Last reply by cwardell,
- RZ Admin
- 2 replies
I've been trying to become reinstated as an editor having forgotten my old user name and password. I have submitted all the info I can remember including old email addresses probably used then but which are now redundant. Please let me know what other verifiable info you need.
Last reply by Elper,
- 2 replies
Hi, I applied a few weeks ago as an editor and received a denial with a detailed reason stating: one of the websites you submitted lacks content. Please resubmit with another website. Not a problem. I did so and this morning I received an email titled: Abridged Open Directory Guidelines, and it has the rules of getting started as an editor. Im assuming I was accepted? I've tried logging in and cannot. Sent password reinstate request to what I thought was my username and no email has arrived. Is there a way to reset or confirm username, and can an admin confirm my status? thanks in advance, Matt
Last reply by jimnoble, -
Hi Jim, Belated Happy New Year! Sorry for the headache, my old editor name: matri Looks like I almost have the same problem. Back in 2005/2006 I was an editor, but have not been active ever since. Trying to login here or get myself reinstated as an editor I ran into some trouble with usernames/passwords. The only thing I do remember (unless proven wrong) are my old passwords, plus that I did not change my email address in those years. I would highly appreciate if you could help me out of this mess. Thanks in advance. Kind Regards, Matt
Last reply by matri, -
- 8 replies
Hello, I have a problem with reinstating my account. I used to be an editor at DMOZ, but due to work-related changes I became inactive. Furthermore, I do not have access anymore to the e-mail address I used to register at DMOZ. The problem now is, that if I want to be reinstated, I need access to my previous e-mail adress (and of course I am not allowed to make another account). I'd like to get back as an active editor at DMOZ, but since I asked in November 2013 for reinstatement, I can't seem to get access to my account. Is there any way you can help me? Best regards, RefleXs
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I have applied for account re-instatement. Editor username: degers I was just wondering how long the process took? Last time I was reinstated was a few years ago and I don't recall it taking too long. Kind Regards degers
Last reply by degers,
- 1 reply
Hi, I have sent an application to become an editor. But when I click the link in the email: it says "Not A Valid Key". I would like to know if my application went throug. Thank you.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 2 replies
I used to be an editor for DMOZ, I think it was back in 2005 or 2006, but cannot remember my username or password. I have just applied to be an editor, but cannot as I said I used to be one on the application, but now have no idea where to start! I think I used to edit this page: or something like it. It could have been in my name, Carl Spencer, but I don't remember which email address it would have been. I use <email removed> now, it could have been <email removed> or, but I don't think I have access to them now. I am from Cornwall in the UK is that is any use!
Last reply by carlosantos, -
Hello JimNoble, I applied to become an editor but never got an email confirmation. I applied at this category: My name is Denny Ratliff My user ID is dennyr11 My email address is <email removed> The email address I used on my applicatioin is <email removed> I applied on November 23rd 2013. I just would like to know that my application was received. Thanks, Denny
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I submitted my application on 11/09/13 and have yet to receive a response. Is it possible to get an update? Editorname: waliddmoz
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- RZ Admin
- 6 replies
Hi All, I used to have a DMOZ account many many years ago and I have no idea what my credentials may have been. It would have been in my name (Peter Edwards). It could have been registered under my hotmail account (surname_firstname@) or possibly under an old ISP account (Telewest/Blueyonder). I'd like to start editing again and so would be grateful if you could try and locate my account. Many thanks, Pete
Last reply by peteypops, -
- 1 reply
Hi, Can someone explain why DMOZ is not accepting Editors for the Electronic Cigarettes Category please. Website like mine <url removed> feel they are not getting listed either because the existing editors for certain categories have an invested interest in the such category and are choosing to exclude new sites for conflicting reasons. I for one would be happy to be an editor and include yes my website and many many others that comply with good eCom practices. Thoughts welcome
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 16 replies
Hello, I had recently applied for editor with username-swaraj. Yesterday I got rejection mail with useful reviewer comment : I want to request metas to help me understand the Reviewer Comments better. In the mail it is said that the category I applied for( doesn't have any listing, but if you check it, it really have listings. Then it was said that such categories are not made to have listings of their own but to provide listing to other categories, but if you see the category it has its own listing and the category falls under "Localities", then I guess it really requires listings, it wi…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 2 replies
Figure this might be the appropriate channel to address the dilemma I'm in... Long long time ago, I used to be an editor for the following category: A good 10-15 years later, my application to become an editor for the category my profession is in was rejected because I need to reinstate my username. Now here's the weird part. I couldn't even begin to tell you what my username was, or e-mail, or password or anything. I was maybe 15 at the time. Any recommendations? Or am I outta luck?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 9 replies
Hello, While going through mails, I found that I had applied for Editor on November 1, 2012 to which I have not got any reply. I forgot my username, but email address through which I registered at this forum is the email which I used in my application. Please assist me. Username(I am not sure) - masterak Thank you
Last reply by jimnoble, -
Hi Jim, I am Kees Kist and I have applied to become an editor for the category ..... Regional/Europe/Belgium/Travel_and_Tourism/ . I am eager to start but I get the message "User needs an email address verification before the user can login." . My application to become an editor was with the same mailadres and username I used to become a member of this forum. I applied about a week ago but did not receive the needed verification e-mail. Am I not being patient enough? . Hope you can help, Thanks and looking forward to your reply, Kees
Last reply by Elper,
- Meta
- 11 replies
Hey All, I applied 4 times under the same username 'syntxerr'... Application 1: URL is a drop ship store, application rejected - the store is actually a stocking store Application 2: Please provide 3 sample URLs (I only did 2 as it says submit 2-3 on the application) Application 3: Invalid capitalization - I cap'd list items which is a programming habbit Application 4: I think correct, no mistakes denied anyways? Any insite is appreciated!
Last reply by pvgool,
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- RZ Admin
- 4 replies
I became editor since shortly in this sectionاسوب/تكنولوجيا/ However unfortunatly, I lost the record of the username so I was not available to log into the website now. Could you kindly help to send the username to my e-mail I register. <email removed> Sorry for the inconvenience.
Last reply by Elper,
- Meta
- 2 replies
Hello there. I was wondering what the current status of my editor application is. I believe it just passed 14 days. Category: Name: imthatguyhere Date: September 25th, 2013 No rush, just wondering.
Last reply by imthatguyhere, -
- 1 reply
Hi. I was once an editor with user id: "dongsoo" very long time ago. Then I tried to become an editor again with id "dongsoola", but my application was rejected, because I was once an editor. The problem is that I lost my old editor email account. It was probably, so there is no way for me to recover the password. -jae
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 19 replies
Hello Sir/ I recently reapplied to be an editor, today i tried to login domz and got some error message as follow. 1. try to login, input the username and password 2. then i got the error message:"User needs an email address verification before the user can login." 3. then i search the verification email in my gmail and click the verification link 4. try to login and got the same message. User: waled80 so, could somebody help me about this? how can i do to solve it? thanks
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I have applied for becoming an editor almost 2 days back but have not yet received the verdict. Can someone please confirm if the application is still under consideration or has been approved/rejected ? My login : gjain79 Thanks
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
Dear Admin, I have just received the confirmation of becoming an editor of the cataluge of However unfortunatly, I lost the record of the username so I was not available to log into the website now. Could you kindly help to send the username to my e-mail I register. Sorry for the inconvenience. Luke
Last reply by jimnoble,