Becoming an Editor
This forum is also for Editor Reinstatement issues.
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My username is rsabath , but I keep getting "User needs an email address verification before the user can login." message during the editor login. The problem is that I never received the verification e-mail. Can someone kindly assist? Thank you Ray
Last reply by rsabath, -
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Hello folks, I just want to make sure if my editor application is awaiting evaluation and is not lost. Username: rsabath Date: 6/15/2012 God bless, Ray
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 5 replies
Hello, trying to get reinstated as an editor but it's been a couple years and I'm not sure on previous username/email. I was previously the editor of; My best guess on username is "joshuahedlund" but I got errors on the reinstatment form. it may have been "joshedlund". If not that I don't remember. I have a couple of emails it may have been but I saw emails removed when posted in this forum. Please advise, thanks.
Last reply by joshuah, -
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I submitted an editor reinstatement request just over four weeks ago, and received no acknowledgement, so I resubmitted it a little over two weeks ago. I'm not sure if there is supposed to be an acknowledgement of editor reinstatement requests like there is for editor requests, but since I have not received one in response to either reinstatement request, I thought it was prudent to check on the current status. Also, I used to be a moderately active editor, but stopped doing much in the aftermath of having a heart attack last year, and I would really like to start again. My editor username is michaelcorfman, and I was authorized to edit in the following categorie…
Last reply by Elper,
- 1 reply
Hi i just wanted to see how my status looks for the moment Username : Arre Thanks
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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Username: Kirkman Category: Date: 7/7/2013 I just wanted to check in... I got the email address verification email, but never heard anything after that. --Josh
Last reply by pvgool,
- 2 replies
Hello! I know it's summertime and probably our Admins, Moderators and Editors are craving beaches, sunrises and tequillas but I'm really worried about my application status. The heat is getting the better of me and before I start to imagine that I'm rejected I decided to Inquire here. Thank You for your time to to answer me and also to review my application! I applied in the following category:лгария/Туризъм/ Vesi Rangelova plutonia 18.07.2013 - Application made This category has too few Editors so I believe I can contribute big time. Unfortunately I see that the content in the category needs loads of improvement and you need more hands to…
Last reply by plutonia, -
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Good Afternoon! I submitted a new application 7/31 to become an editor for a small category. The category currently advertises "Volunteer to edit" so is it safe to assume that the category might be "dormant"? Category: Health: Medicine: Facilities: Hospice: North America: United States: Arizona (link) Date of Application: 7/31/13 Editor Name: Michael Hunt User ID: michaelh700 Email: (same as used to signup for this forum) I did verify the email instantly. I understand it can take 3 min to 3 months for a response. I'd appreciate any help or feedback you might have. Thank you.
Last reply by chrisa, -
- 4 replies
Hi Guys Nice to meet you all I applied to become an editor at the weekend and have just received an email through detailing that I indicated that I was previously an editor in my application. Therefore I need to reactivate my account. I have no memory of either indicating that I was previously an editor or actually being an editor, but then again my memory is terrible! I was hoping that someone could either track down my old account or look into my new account application. My application details from the weekend are rossmidds <email removed> Ross Middleton Thanks in advance Kind Regards Ross
Last reply by RossMidd, -
- 1 reply
Hi, Its been a while since i've send request for becoming editor and today i got e-mail to verify my account but i got error "Invalid Key" with the URL sent to my e-mail address. Anybody to help with that ? Regards.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 9 replies
I applied to become an editor in the following category “Business: Transportation and Logistics: Marketplaces: Freight Exchanges: Trucking” It is a while and I did not receive any response. Please help. Thanks in advance. Mat
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 3 replies
Ok, I applied (again) on 7/18/2013. Category: username: chrz I'm sure it's in and well be looked at, but would anyone like to double-check? Thanks, Chris
Last reply by chrisa, -
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I have been an editor in the past for, Into username was, upcojr I was removed for not editing for 4 months as I was traveling across America for almost a year. I have several new sites of performers I personally experienced in my travels (many in Las Vegas that are great and not listed) that I would like to add. My problem is that I receive a username/password error when I try to apply to be reinstated. I have changed the password twice with no luck and I know my user name is correct because it emails my correct email. I have also tried using my full email as the user name with no luck. Help wo…
Last reply by Elper,
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Hi, I've had this in for quite some time now, so I thought I would see if it can be checked on... editorname: Chrz applied: 11/28/2012 Thanks, Chris
Last reply by chrisa, -
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Hello, I submitted application on and have yet to receive a response. Is it possible to say me it's status? Editorname: andreybakalets Thanks!
Last reply by pvgool,
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Hi, today i applied to decome an editor of the category Regional: North America: United States: Connecticut: Localities: M: Morris . The thing is that i don't know if my application was really submitted because i haven't received any confirmation e-mail from DMOZ. Because of that i decided to send a new application with the same username as before ( marylatifi ) but the system said that the username was already taken. If i try to login in the site i receive the message: "User needs an email address verification before the user can login. " Should i send another application for the category or is it ok as it is. Thanks for the clarification. Regards, Mary Latifi
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I applied to edit the following category on 10/06/13: I received an email about 30 minutes later saying: 'Already an Editor'. The email also stated to 'Please visit to request reinstatement'. I have applied before but haven't actually edited anything. Has someone else used this username or was the prior approval sent to an email address I no longer use? Regards, nealjp
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 14 replies
Hello, I submitted by application on 3/24/13 and have yet to receive a response. Is it possible to get an update? Editorname: jirmany Category applied for: Thanks!
Last reply by jirmany, -
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- 6 replies
Hi Guys, I submitted an application on April 12th and have yet to receive any reply with regards to the outcome. Please can someone update me? Editor name: johnparkin Applied for: Business: Telecommunications: Services: Dial-Around Thanks.
Last reply by pvgool,
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Hi, I submitted an application to edit about 2 months ago. I was just wondering if there was any movement on this. I know you are all busy, but I just wanted to check. Thanks!
Last reply by pvgool,
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Honorable auditor, hello! I notice that the category of /Business/Chemicals/Basic_Chemicals/Gases/Industrial/ has no editor now; what I am doing now is google website optimization work and my English is kind of good. I have enough time to do something for DMOZ. I quite understand and am very interested in the category I apply for. The open category catalogue of DMOZ has a huge impact on the internet of the whole world. With the respect and dream to the DMOZ editor, I also want to be one, devoting all myself to the open category catalogue of DMOZ. Editorname: lfq1989 Category applied for: /Business/Chemicals/Basic_Chemicals/Gases/Industrial/ Thanks!
Last reply by Elper,
- 2 replies
Hi, I recently reapplied to be an editor, today i tried to login domz and got some error message as follow. 1. try to login, input the username and password 2. the password is incorrect and i reset my password by email 3. login again, then i got the error message:"User needs an email address verification before the user can login." 4. then i search the verification email in my gmail and click the verification link 5. try to login and got the same message. some information: User:everyx so, could somebody help me about this problem? how can i do to solve it? thanks
Last reply by everyx, -
- 2 replies
Hello everyone, I was wondering if someone could confirm receipt of my second application to become an editor. I have read on this forum that a response can take three months (or longer), however I received a rejection email within five hours of submitting my first application, with the reviewer comments: "We don't list deeplinks in Shopping categories. Next time, please provide three eligible root URL examples. Our editor guidelines and a look at existing listings should help you to write acceptable titles and descriptions." Having taken the advice on board, I submitted a second application on the 23rd April. The link to the category I would like to volunteer…
Last reply by Historica, -
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- 4 replies
hello, several months ago i apply to become an editor. i just receive now one negative answer without any comment from the editor why my application was rejected ? what did i do wrong ? user: goldorak1975 it's already the second time my application is rejected, first time the editor write that i choose a too big category for a beginner thanks
Last reply by pvgool,
Need dmoz emails re-sent. Corrected email setup associated with editor application submission.
by vt1-
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Hi. Background: I just realized today that I messed up with my email address during my editor application submission. The custom email address I indicated was correct, but it was not setup correctly from my end (my bad), and thus I did not get any emails sent to me by DMOZ. I investigated this after I did not get emails from resource-zone either, which made suspecious. By then I had already read here to submit again if I did not get a confirmation email, which I realized I had not from dmoz, and so I submitted again today. Now knowing that it was an email setup mistake by me, and not neccessarily any dmoz system issue, I am thinking that it was a bad thing to hav…
Last reply by jimnoble, -