Quality Control Feedback
You can report quality control issues and generic abuse reports with no mention of specific URLs, editors or categories here.
Issues with links can be reported directly in the directory (flag icon to the right of each listing) or in the forum thread below. Thanks :-)
561 topics in this forum
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What is Quality Control?
Last reply by informator,
- RZ Admin
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Cades are no longer based in England > West Yorkshire > Eccleshill and according to their website are now in England > West Yorkshire > Wetherby
Last reply by Elper,
- 0 replies
In: Regional > Europe > United Kingdom > England > West Yorkshire > Eccleshill > Business and Economy Hard York Quarries The quarrying operation down Fagley Lane in Eccleshill/Fagley has closed down and there are plans to build houses on the site. The link gets redirected to Berry and Marshall at Bolton Woods / Gaisby quarry (outside the Eccleshill area) which is still active. Geologically the area is known for its high quality, hard wearing pavement sandstone. I recommend you move the entry to West Yorkshire > Wrose > Business and Economy
Last reply by JohnYeadon, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
On: Regional Europe United_Kingdom England West_Yorkshire Eccleshill Business_and_Economy The link to Cades Ltd appears to have died. Cades Ltd still thrives but they simply lost the hyphen in their URL.
Last reply by mollybdenum,
- RZ Admin
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- 2 replies
What would be happened if we post the same content again and again?
Last reply by Elper,
important Report Hijacks, Dead Links, Inappropriate Directory Content, and other issues here ONLY
by Elper-
- RZ Admin
- 0 replies
Curlie has a general policy for content that it will and won't list at Curlie - Site Selection Criteria There are various types of sites allowed (sometimes only in specific areas), and the description of these is at Curlie - Editorial Guidelines - Site Specific Guidelines I mention the above links to help you decide if you've spotted something which doesn't belong. Some sites (often companies) change their content over the years and the descriptions and category locations have not kept up with the changes. Point us to those listings, and we'll re-review the site. Some sites are blatant, money-making HIJACKS. Someone's domain expires and is snapped up by…
Last reply by Elper,
- RZ Admin
- 0 replies
Curlie is committed to providing the best quality directory possible. Unfortunately, a small number of editors/webmasters are more committed to their self-interest than the directory. The actions of the few threaten the directory's quality and integrity, adversely affecting the user experience. If you are an editor, there is an internal form on your dashboard to report something which looks wrong. If you are NOT an editor, you can go to Public Abuse Report System and fill out the form. This system enables users of Curlie to report suspicions of abusive editors/conduct to Curlie Meta Editors and Admins. All reports will be investigated expeditiously and in complete …
Last reply by Elper,
- Meta
- 2 replies
Dear Dmoz editor, Dmoz.org has stopped, but the content is still online. Our site is listed but the description is outdated. GOOGLE returns this description in their search results. How can I get this changed? In the description the start day of the festival is mentioned and this information no longer applies. It's confusing for everybody. current description Internationaal zomerfestival in Purmerend, start de 4e dinsdag van de maand juni. correction: Internationaal zomerfestival in Purmerend We would much obliged, Ariane van Pelt Reuring Festival Purmerend, The Netherlands
Last reply by Reuring Festival, -
- RZ Admin
- 2 replies
We noticed that the search results on dmoz.org are quite large and are returning related results when DMOZ do not find the exact match listed. For example, when we are looking for <url removed per forum tos>, (pending approval) we are seeing the competitor website. Question: I wonder for later, after being analyzed and eventually accepted in the DMOZ directory, who will show up first: the site we are looking for, or its competitor. As that category do not have an editor yet, we are prepared to wait several months maybe, to know the answer.
Last reply by matrimo, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
Hello. I would like to update our company information because some of our descriptions are coming up in search results and it has outdated company information. The person who set up the account in DMOZ is no longer with the company, and we don't have the login credentials of that account. A li'l help? Thanks. Jason Katzwinkel <email address removed for your privacy>
Last reply by mollybdenum,
- Meta
- 2 replies
Our link for "Math Learning Center" is seriously incorrect and is leading to misrepresentation of our business to customers and search engine results. It appears on such pages as the search results for keyword search "math learning center". Current listing: Math Learning Center - Math remediation for students in grades 1-8 conducted through the Cal Extension program. Link is correct but everything else is in need of update. Could we change this entry to: Making Math Real Institute - Provides comprehensive professional development courses for all parents, educators, and educational institutions for teaching our original and innovative simultaneous multisenso…
Last reply by Kevin Dillon, -
Dead Site?
by Stogi- 2 replies
DMOZ cat: http://www.dmoz.org/...rden/Furniture/ Web site: http://www.mysite4u.co.uk Also, when I checked big G, it says the site is about: "Joomla!,VirtueMart sites, JA T3 Framework, components, modules, plugins development, Joomla mobile sites development - mySITE4u.net." Am I missing something? Kinda irks me because I've been waiting years, but, sites like this, somehow, get listed. Thanks.
Last reply by Stogi, -
- Meta
- 8 replies
My site is listed in the above category, but the URL is wrong so I cant update it. Can anyone here help?
Last reply by pvgool,
- 2 replies
Hello, Can somebody review this category please. This category seemed not updated for a few month to years now. http://www.dmoz.org/Business/Publishing_and_Printing/Publishing/Services/Free_Content/
Last reply by development, -
- 2 replies
Task 1 I want to find plastic surgery in Estonia and preferably in English language. Step 1.1 – Dmoz homepage http://www.dmoz.org/ Dots after a word actually means there are more actions to take. If you open Firefox File menu you will see three dots after Print… for example. Suggestion: Three dots should be links separated by comma from the last word and linking to the same place as the heading. World or Regional. Which one I should choose? Takes too much time in your head to understand. Suggestion: The easiest fix would be renaming “World” to “Non-English sites” and give rest of the groups heading “English sites”. See my suggested http://www.kristj…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 3 replies
Dear all, Im new of this forum can you provide me information how can i upload my profile picture.I can't upload my photo. Regards, Danisha
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I am inquiring because the business I work for is listed on the site is listed twice, and both times in the wrong location. I was hoping to have that fixed. Location 1 and 2 are about halfway down the search page here (#9 and #12) Absolute Web Services. One of the posts lists us as being located in Deerfield Beach and the other Says Boca Raton. However, we are located in Miami. I appreciate any help you can offer in getting just one listing up there and having it attached to the correct location. Thank you very much! AprylV
Last reply by AprylV, -
- 3 replies
They suggest that the editors must have integrety. We are a property website and we happen to know that a member of our competators from <Competitor's name removed for your own protection> is a editor on the section we have requested to be listed on, we have seen the people come to out site from the Dmoz editors page, and we dont get approved, We cant help but believe they are abusing their power to affect our rankings, I think its appauling!
Last reply by jimnoble, -
I have found a dead site as you can see below. <Personal info removed> Maybe you could slip me in this spot? Please Andre's Concessions - Food and beverage concession for festivals and events. Specializing in Curly Elephant Ears. -- http://www.detours.n....net/andres Regional: North America: United States: Michigan: Localities: M: Muskegon: Business and Economy: Services ()
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 0 replies
If we navigate to category: http://www.dmoz.org/World/Hindi/%E0%A4%95%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%B7%E0%A5%87%E0%A4%A4%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%B0%E0%A5%80%E0%A4%AF/ There under "अन्य भाषाओं में यही वर्ग" section, there is a word "अङ्ग्रेज़ी" which means English. Actually may be a translator was used in ODP project to translate that page and it made mistake. अङ्ग्रेज़ी is wrong word. It should be correctly spelled as "अंग्रेज़ी". Hope you would take require action against this error. Happy to help Web and have dream to become Editor. Thanks!
Last reply by masteraks, -
- Meta
- 4 replies
Re my” Bring out your dead link” post I think you missed my point . Why does providing valuable leads to potential problems need to be shackled with a membership requirement? One would think the more input you receive the better. Why the hurdles?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- RZ Admin
- 1 reply
I help the HCFI Library and noticed that it is in the "Recreation: Autos: Enthusiasts: Antique: Clubs" category. The HCFI Library was a part of the Horseless Carriage Club but split off as a separate entity in 1985. How do I get the HCFI Library moved to a different category? I'm not seeing a "perfect match", perhaps Reference: Libraries: Research or a new category : Reference: Libraries: Subject Specific: Automotive. The Library's mission is: HCFI is Dedicated to making automobile research and restoration information readily available to hobbyists, restorers, and scholars world wide. Since this would be a new sub category it wouldn't have an editor. I know …
Last reply by Elper,
- RZ Admin
- Meta
- 2 replies
Hi, I need to update the URLs and possibly the descriptions for some of our companies directories however when i use the 'Update Listing' tool it never recognises the URLs? the entries I need to update are: (URL´s removed) Thanks Joe
Last reply by Elper,
- Meta
- RZ Admin
- 5 replies
On own request I had removed succesfully an URL: <url removed> from directory: World: Nederlands: Kunst: Schilderkunst: Kunstschilders: Abstract But now for months it still shows on key words a search result: <search query removed> I want it to get removed because the category is simply not corresponding my type of art making/art discipline. I'm simply not an art painter That's why I had to removed it anyway. It's bothering me now for a while so. Several editors I have contacted but they have no solution or are not responding at all. Who please can help me with this and can remove this search result on dmoz? Thanks
Last reply by Elper,
- Meta
- 8 replies
Hi there I submitted a url a couple of weeks ago, I checked to see if I had been lucky enough to get it listed. I found the url but the description is someone else in another area of the country. I clicked the url link and it directed me straight to my site. What can I do please? Thanks
Last reply by jimnoble, -