Quality Control Feedback
You can report quality control issues and generic abuse reports with no mention of specific URLs, editors or categories here.
Issues with links can be reported directly in the directory (flag icon to the right of each listing) or in the forum thread below. Thanks :-)
561 topics in this forum
ODP has a general policy for content that it will and won't list at http://dmoz.org/guidelines/include.html There are various types of sites allowed (sometimes only in specific areas), and the description of these is at http://dmoz.org/guidelines/site-specific.html I mention the above links to help you decide if you've spotted something which doesn't belong. --------------- Some sites (usually companies) change their content over the years and the descriptions and category locations have not kept up with the changes. Point us to those listings, and we'll re-review the site. Some sites are blatant, money-making HIJACKS. Someone's domain expires and is snapp…
Last reply by Elper,
It has been approx 4-5 years we have tried to get 1 or 2 of our sites listed in the directory and thus far to no avail. However it appears as tho our competition is included in the directory almost instantly. Now I know what you are all thinking and thats not the case I / we ( our corporation ) is not bitter just disappointed. We live in a tourist area and we have many businesses with the area and there of course is competition, which is what business is all about. However when someone manipulates an organization such as DMOZ for personal gain I have to say something. Over the course of the last 4 - 5 years we have submitted 1 website twice in that time period and 1…
Last reply by hutcheson,
URLs With Changed Content: Report Them Here ONLY 1 2 3 4
by Guest --
- Meta
- 77 replies
[We're starting this thread because of the great number of separate threads in the Abuse Forum which were all about the same topic: hijacked domains.] A site which used to sell widgets now is a porn site? A site which used to be about sports is now about sports betting? A site which sells clothes is now one of those awful Ultimate Search pages or redirects to eBay? Pages which have gone 404? Let us know in this thread, and we'll act ASAP to verify and move/remove the listing(s) in question. We're asking for you to post the URLs and, if you wish, the categories. We can find them without the categories but it saves a little bit of time to know where they are.
Last reply by dfy, -
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- 24 replies
Just one question: How does a brand new directory with very few listings get listed in 8 days, and other directories and sites take over one year? I'm not happy about this. ... missing categories... few listings.... NO different than the hundred other new directories that have sprang up in the past few months. Would anyone care to elaborate? http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Searching/Directories/ Many of you know I have been a huge fan of the ODP over the years, and I have stood with them when members in my forums have bashed them. This incident has truly made me mad. I never thought something like this could happen. Thank you. Doug Heil
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 11 replies
Why my blog rejected? Removed URL Regards, Andrius ::icon_ques
Last reply by PerfectMoney, -
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- Editall
- 48 replies
Quick: What the easiest way to make sure your site/company can keep a competitive edge online against competitors? Become the gatekeeper to your specific business category on DMOZ perhaps? Well that is exactly what has happened in one financial category here on DMOZ, which consititues a conflict of interest in my mind. Maybe its paranoia, maybe its not. It irks me to know that I am relying on a competitor in a very competitive market to allow my site to be included in a very important directory that is crucial to my business. I have already filed an abuse investigation request, but I wanted to make sure this is the type of thing that would be considered abuse. …
Last reply by motsa,
- 0 replies
DMOZ Documentation Project page which describes editor ACTIONS which seem to be self-serving. If you are an editor, there is an internal way to report something which looks wrong. If you are NOT an editor, as mentioned in the above link, you can go to Public Abuse Report System and fill out the form. Webmasters, keep in mind that... Editor inaction is not abuse. A site not getting listed is, with 99.9% certainty on my part, due to inaction rather than malice. Competitors being listed while you are not is probably not abuse, just a combination of good timing and editor interest in the category. Competitors being editors is not automatically…
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- Editall
- 25 replies
Hello friends. Our website http://www.templatemonster.com has very old and outdated description. It says that it is a division of another company. We've submited about 20 requests during this year about editing the description, I've even personally emailed to the editor of the section. Nothing has been changed at all. We didn't get any reply. I'm watching the Web templates section regularly and can say that the editor of "Computers: Graphics: Web: Templates" section doesn't work. He needs to be replaced with the new one. Mods please take the appropriate actions. And please suggest how to change the description of our listing.
Last reply by Tmonster, -
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- 21 replies
We have been researching the ODP Multiple Listing problem. Just browsing through we see tons of spammy sites with hundreds of listings. We personally don't have the time to report them all, so we are letting you know that we are making this resource available to all. DMOZ Top Listeds Domains We hope it helps in the fight against abuse. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
Spammy Links added after acceptance
by Guest --
- Meta
- 22 replies
A competitor of mine has submitted HUNDREDS of geocities sites (all copy and paste type sites) into various categories of ODP (these sites are non commercial and have nothing to do with his line of business). After the submission has been accepted, he adds hundreds of spammy links at the bottom of these pages to his primary site. The links to his own primary site are completely off topic and are meant only for the spiders, namely Googlebot. These links from sites in ODP are giving him an unfair boost in the SE results. ODP's guidelines state "Don't submit sites consisting largely of affiliate links". Wouldn't these be considered affiliate links? Here is an example: ht…
Last reply by yogenmaniyar, -
- 0 replies
As a member of the Curlie (Open Directory Project / DMOZ) Meta Community, I am pleased to announce the release of a new feature : the Public Abuse Report System. Curlie is committed to providing the best quality directory possible. Unfortunately, a small number of editors/webmasters are more committed to their self-interest than the directory. The actions of the few threaten the directory's quality and integrity, adversely affecting the user experience. This system will therefore enable users of Curlie to report suspicions of abusive editors/conduct to Curlie Meta Editors and Admins. All reports will be investigated expeditiously and in complete confidence. …
- 12 replies
Hello all, I just coded a very simple tool to help people reporting bad websites in the Report thread at the top of this forums. This tool helps you build a list of bad websites you have spotted in the directory and returns a forum code that you can copy and paste when posting into the thread. You can add websites, re-check them before copying the final code and eventually remove them. The tool also re-arranges websites by category, then alphabetically into each category. It also prevents double entries. At the same time, this tool should be useful also for Editors working on the thread, since its main purpose is to include an EDIT link for Editors that points direc…
Last reply by PerfectMoney, -
important Report Hijacks, Dead Links, Inappropriate Directory Content, and other issues here ONLY
by Elper-
- RZ Admin
- 0 replies
Curlie has a general policy for content that it will and won't list at Curlie - Site Selection Criteria There are various types of sites allowed (sometimes only in specific areas), and the description of these is at Curlie - Editorial Guidelines - Site Specific Guidelines I mention the above links to help you decide if you've spotted something which doesn't belong. Some sites (often companies) change their content over the years and the descriptions and category locations have not kept up with the changes. Point us to those listings, and we'll re-review the site. Some sites are blatant, money-making HIJACKS. Someone's domain expires and is snapped up by…
Last reply by Elper,
- Editall
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- Editall/Catmv
- 38 replies
Hi guys, I want my listing: IT Xperts - Offers a web directory using live data from the Open Directory Project. in this category : Directories/Open_Directory_Project/Sites_Using_ODP_Data/I/ removed, because that website does no longer exist, and i 301 redirected that address Thank you.
Last reply by Expertu, -
Realtors and templates? 1 2
by Guest frankdickens_az-
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 26 replies
Greetings, I am a semi-retired realtor. I no longer sell homes but rather train aspiring realtors, I have 30+ years of experience. I recently applied to be an editor for my city because I know the industry inside and out. The question I have regards duplicate content. In the real estate industry there are a handful of dominant web design companies. These companies provide template sites for realtors. The realtors that purchase these templates simply get to select layout design and have their personal information placed throughout the site. The problem is probably 60% of websites for realtors are like this. Does the duplicate content policy, therefore, mean that all the…
Last reply by donaldb, -
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- 24 replies
I found this site with several listings in different categories: Brown Safe Manufacturing - Makes and sells gun safes. -- http://www.brownsafe.com/gun_safe.html Shopping: Recreation: Guns: Accessories: Cabinets and Safes (22) Brown Safe Manufacturing - Buy direct from U.S. factory. Safes and vaults for home and commercial use. -- http://www.brownsafe.com/ Business: Business Services: Fire and Security: Security: Locks and Safes (75) Brown Safe Manufacturing - Safes and vaults for home and commercial use. Offers product photos, company information, purchasing tips, warranty information, and FAQ. -- http://www.brownsafe.com/ Regional: North America: Un…
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- RZ Admin
- Editall
- 31 replies
Hello All, I would like to get your valued opinion on whether or not you find it ethical/legal for large affiliates to be editors on Dmoz. I understand editors have a lot of influence over various websites and we have found a particular affiliate who has "way to many number one listings on Google to be considered normal." The particular affiliate/editor has reputed earnings of up to $100K per month as a result. Please excuse my ignorance here, but as an editor, does this give you the ability to manipulate your own listings on Google should you host multiple websites. Also, when a complaint is filed to Google Spam, is it managed by google itself of given to …
Last reply by brmehlman, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
What is Quality Control?
Last reply by informator,
- Meta
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- 31 replies
I have been posting on this forum and been trying all possible methods to get the listing for <url removed> back on dmoz which was removed without any notifications inspite of being the best and the most popular website under the category : http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Jewelry/Watches/Replicas/ Till yesterday this section had 29 listings...today i found a new entry for <url removed> To my surprise "There is no website configured at this address." I wanna know whats going on.. wheres justice... its over 9 months to get my listed domain back.. i think dmoz is fixed.. CAN ANYBODY HELP .. OR JUST CLOSE THIS TICKET AND MOVE IT OUT... ???
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 20 replies
http://www.expertvillas.com/ in Regional: Middle East: Turkey: Business and Economy: Real Estate http://expertproperties.8m.net/ in Regional: Middle East: Turkey: Provinces: Aydin: Districts: Kusadasi: Business and Economy: Real Estate
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- RZ Admin
- Editall
- Editall/Catmv
- 23 replies
I have been trying to get my sites listed on dmoz for over 1 year but it seems useless despite the fact that my sites have totally over 150,000 UIP per day (one has more than 100,000 UIPs and another one has over 50,000 UIP again) and they are regarded as best of their class in my country! Now I discovered that the editor on the category I want my sites listed is my competitor and he only added his sites and his friends' sites onto DMOZ. How can I address this? My sites are of far higher quality than his but always rejected by him. Sadly. It's all about quality control of DMOZ.org. Thanks in advance.
Last reply by photofox,
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 18 replies
I would like to express my concern over the online gambling categories, and specifically http://www.dmoz.org/Games/Gambling/Guides/. Over the last two years I have submitted about five sites for inclusion in this and other gambling related categories. Needless to say they were not included (else I would not be here posting this). Let me first say this. I accept that not everything will be good enough, even if I may think it is. This industry probably has some of the worst affiliate website and spammy networks there is online. However, there seems to be little effort from the editors to add anything whatsover. I am familiar with about 70% of the sites in the above ca…
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 18 replies
For fear of sounding petty, I wondered how the site http://www.fitnessoptions.co.uk managed to get into the category below. After all it is merely a static page - hardly quality content. Business > Consumer Goods and Services > Sporting Goods > Fitness Equipment A little annoying when my own sites http://www.thehealthzone.co.uk or http://www.one-life.me.uk have not been added in the six months of trying, even though they have pages of useful content.
Last reply by oboler, -
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- Editall/Catmv
- 28 replies
I didn't think so... Top: Shopping: Sports: Memorabilia: Autographs Take a look at: image-sports.com
Last reply by HeartOfTheOrder, -
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- 25 replies
Editors, this site is redirected to a parking page, please remove. url: 99-online.com/trax/ category: Computers: Internet: Web Design and Development: Designers: Basic Service: T (1)
Last reply by pvgool,