Quality Control Feedback
You can report quality control issues and generic abuse reports with no mention of specific URLs, editors or categories here.
Issues with links can be reported directly in the directory (flag icon to the right of each listing) or in the forum thread below. Thanks :-)
561 topics in this forum
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- Editall/Catmv
- 31 replies
I have been posting on this forum and been trying all possible methods to get the listing for <url removed> back on dmoz which was removed without any notifications inspite of being the best and the most popular website under the category : http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Jewelry/Watches/Replicas/ Till yesterday this section had 29 listings...today i found a new entry for <url removed> To my surprise "There is no website configured at this address." I wanna know whats going on.. wheres justice... its over 9 months to get my listed domain back.. i think dmoz is fixed.. CAN ANYBODY HELP .. OR JUST CLOSE THIS TICKET AND MOVE IT OUT... ???
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- Editall/Catmv
- 2 replies
I have just made a submission, however there are no editors for the 4 levels below the main level that my page would inhabit. I know the DMOZ editors are very busy people, and no more site checks are being done. However is there any information that can be shared on these "orphan" catagories? Or would that happen to be found on another website? Like one of those fund raiser gauges, you know the kind that fill up the more raffle tickets are sold. Is there anything like that, either internally or externally, used to let the editors at large know they should spend some time with a particular catagory? I think something like this would be a good idea. It would show how act…
Last reply by shadow575,
- Editall/Catmv
- 3 replies
http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Pets/Cats_and_Dogs/Clothing_and_Accessories/Dogs/ Haute2Trot [EDIT] 404
Last reply by arubin,
- Editall/Catmv
- 2 replies
I believe http://www.aquariumproducts.com.au doesn’t meet the requirements to be listed. Reasons: Spelling mistakes, not coherent, images all over the place, false claim “Beat price by 10%”, selling products that are not authorized by the distributor (kong’s Australia) , poor design, etc
Last reply by bobrat, -
- 2 replies
I've just been doing a search on web sites in my local town and found a site which I thought was new in the area, however, it's appearing in various search engines due to heavy keyword loading and lots of hidden content (I'm sure you've all seen this before!) The site in question is in the directory, but is it a valued site if it's actually hiding half of it's content using javascript to get nice rankings? The site is in http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/England/West_Sussex/East_Grinstead/Business_and_Economy/Computers_and_Internet/ as dynamic webs. Just a personal gripe that when half of the source download of a page doesn't even appear for the v…
Last reply by kevin_svek, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
Hello All, My appologies if this is a wrong (sub-)forum for posting this query. Please feel free to point me to the more appropriate place for this thread. Here is a timeline to help you understand my attempts to list a quality site with high traffic site within the most relevant category in DMOZ: Step 1: ~2 years ago I requested a listing in http://dmoz.org/Business/Information_Technology/Employment/Job_Search/ Outcome: The listing has never been added. The category has no editors. I noticed that the number of listings in that category has not changed in years. Step 2: ~1 year+ ago I requested a listing in http://dmoz.org/Computers/Open_Source…
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- 11 replies
Thank you in advance for advice regarding my query..... Perhaps I have not looked hard enough, but under my own steam alone, I have been unable to determine the answer to the following.... Is it acceptable through these forums to enquire of the editors the progress (or otherwise) of a web site submission to the ODP? I submitted a site for consideration some 8 months ago and to date it is not listed. A subsequent follow up mail sent by me to staff@dmoz.org requesting feedback has yielded no reply after several months.... Would it breach the rules of the forum for me to post the URL of my site within this forum, requesting that an amenable editor might be ki…
Last reply by hutcheson,
by Sabi-
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- 4 replies
Hello everyone, I have been wondering how to establish the credibility of a website/domain? As a SysAdmin, I've seen what a good designer can do with minimal data from a client... My walk-though ODP shows, listing of higher credibility websites - ones with an equally strong offline presence, as online. Looking for suggestions how to evaluate a presentation before accepting the information provided or purchasing a product / service....
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- Editall/Catmv
- 6 replies
I'm hoping someone can help me through this forum, if I am out of place posting here, I apologize, but I have written a few emails (hard to tell really, where to send them) none of which have produced any results. First of all, I must commend this project and all who are involved. A huge undertaking and I can see that the intention is in the right place. But as with many things, once human intervention is involved, there can be problems. That which is DMOZ's strength is also its weakness. I bid you all well in your efforts. Specifically, I own and maintain Steve's Authentic, my commercial site where I am selling my key lime pies. Although I know I could get more tra…
Last reply by ishtar, -
- Meta
- 6 replies
Hi Just one question... I keep a running count of links that are reported dead. Before I do that, I put them in my DNS cache and perform random lookup (different DNS(s)) for the first 28 days. After I try to connect for 21 more days, 4 times a day. The last week I go back to 8 random DNS checks. After that I remove them from the cache. Now I do this because I don't want to kill any user reported dead listings that may be because of the users name servers not finding the site.So how should I report these, I have over 40,000, that have been unresponsive for 60 days, and over 90,000, that have been unresponsive for over 90 days. I have them in this format, but I …
Last reply by yum-jelly, -
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- Editall/Catmv
- 18 replies
I would like to express my concern over the online gambling categories, and specifically http://www.dmoz.org/Games/Gambling/Guides/. Over the last two years I have submitted about five sites for inclusion in this and other gambling related categories. Needless to say they were not included (else I would not be here posting this). Let me first say this. I accept that not everything will be good enough, even if I may think it is. This industry probably has some of the worst affiliate website and spammy networks there is online. However, there seems to be little effort from the editors to add anything whatsover. I am familiar with about 70% of the sites in the above ca…
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 10 replies
I just had a private query which I feel can be usefully answered here, as others may have similar concerns. Q. Suppose I have two websites and one of them is listed in DMOZ, but I make that website redirect to my other website with the same content. Would you just change the link? I am afraid you would delete it right away instead of switching over. A. Where a redirect is a straightforward url change with same content, and this is a useful listing that we don't want to lose, then editors like to update promptly. There are sometimes delays, but less so than in the past, because update requests now stand out internally. However redirects may not be straightforw…
Last reply by motsa,
I would think that DMOZ has considerable bandwidth to work with. I'm curious why there are so many redirects and dead links that are not detected. The crawler cannot detect certain types but it should identify most of the redirects and, certainly, the dead links. For example: [dch@traif ~]# wget --spider --force-html http://list-business.com/opt-in-list-systems --23:44:15-- http://list-business.com/opt-in-list-systems => `opt-in-list-systems' Resolving list-business.com... Connecting to list-business.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found Location: http://emailuniverse.com/ [following] --23:44:15…
Last reply by sfromis, -
- Meta
- 2 replies
What happens to a site that has been suspended due to exceeded bandwidth? Thanks, Q.
Last reply by Quasar, -
- RZ Admin
- 2 replies
http://dmoz.org/Business/Construction_and_Maintenance/Commercial_Contractors/Civil_and_Roadworks/Corrosion/ http://www.maunsell.co.uk * Dead * Link is dead and company doesn't operate under this name anymore. Also says its linked in the corrosion category but doesn't appear in the listing when you view it.
Last reply by photofox,
With regards to mr leroys post about profiles, i agree that if a editor, ex or not could ask to have their profiles removed, it would save having embarrassing images like this on the ODP: http://dmoz.org/profiles/mrleroy.html Thats my 2 cents on it anyhow
Last reply by brmehlman, -
- Editall/Catmv
- 12 replies
Hello. Ill make this brief. My editorial status was removed. I couldn't really give a hoot. Its your loss imo. What I find disturbing is my profile remains in your system. What I ask of you is to remove this.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
Editors and forum staff. Just wanted to say thank you to all the people at Dmoz who are doing a great job. I've spent hours reading about the ODP and read hundreds of posts in this forum. Well here is one post of a positive nature. I have suggested a great many sites to DMOZ over the years and the only ones that got rejected (with hindsight) needed rejecting. Only one site i suggested took a long time to be accepted, but finally was. Just about every site i have suggested in recent months has been accepted within a very short space of time. Some only a matter of days. It seems while reading this forum that you hard working guys get so much criticism and sometimes …
Last reply by MrLeroy, -
- Meta
- 2 replies
http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Recreation_and_Sports/Pets/ http://www.faithfulfriends.co.uk/ - dead link https://www.petplanet.co.uk/shop/index.htm - dead link http://www.paw-mark.co.uk/ - wrong category http://www.pets-corner.co.uk/ - been closed down http://www.ukpets.co.uk/ - it's a directory! http://www.woodhatchparrots.co.uk/ - dead link I have looked through all the sites listed but I am not sure what this category is trying to acheive!
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- Editall
- 11 replies
http://dmoz.org/Computers/Software/I.../Bulk_Mailers/ OK I admit it. I am spam intollerant. We distribute free real time blacklists. With that disclaimer in mind, some - if not most - of the sites listed in this category are spamware. Inceed, if I took the time, I could get most of these removed by their hosting companies (I won't - at least not today). The broader question is why these deserve DMOZ inclusion at all. Aren't these enablers of illegal conduct? Example (just one of many): Wilcom2 Incorporated - Ken Mail Server. Sends bulk mail in HTML format using multiple threads and also acts as a mail server. Looking at the site, we find the following infomati…
Last reply by shritwod, -
- Meta
- 4 replies
Dear Maters, We all know that DMOZ is stricly fair about companies not to get listed more than ones and if they are affiliated to make sure only one of the main website get listed. Now I want to tell about vegas.com and lasvegas.com and more websites they have, these URLs are belong to the same company. Now : 1 )they are originally listed here as Vegas.com http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/Nevada/Localities/L/Las_Vegas/Guides_and_Directories/ 2) Vegas.com listed here as music.vegas.com - Reviews of Ratt in Las Vegas, and plenty of pictures. BUT link REDIRECTS to http://www.vegas.com/shows/ http://dmoz.org/Arts/Music/Bands_and_Artists/R/Ratt/ …
Last reply by jeanmanco, -
- 2 replies
Do Search Engines really submit your website for free? I've created a website, an online wholesale merchandise store and more. I know the webhost has submitted it into it's Search Engine, at lest that's what they tell me, but I know I'm not getting the traffic I need to get to make sales. I've tried submitting it to Search Engines that say they'll submit it for free, but are they really submitting it? And if so, why do they want me to add their link to my website if they're offering this service for free? Thanks for your reply, newyork
Last reply by jeanmanco, -
- Meta
- 9 replies
Hi everyone. I'm a little new to all this, but from researching about search engines and all I find that dmoz has become EXTREMELY important to people and search engines. I also realize that it is also a little bit unfair. Yes, I understand the "generousity" and time it takes to put something like this together. I appreciate it even though my sites are not listed yet. I am a patient person and I am appreciative. So short and sweet before the idea escapes my mind. How about having it easier to become an editor BUT have a requirement of reviewing 10? 20? sites before being able to add their own site? HOWEVER, they can in fact add their site. Just ONE. Or an…
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- 3 replies
OK, because I have been extremely lucky thus far in pushing the envelopes of "suggestions," I feel bound to whine a bit more. The problem with human edited directories in general: I believe that all URLs that are an exact match are just "updated," not resubmitted. The rest of this is based on that. 1. Get a website. 2. Submit http://www.yourwebsite.com 3. Submit http://www.yourwebsite.com/ 4. Submit http://www.yourwebsite.com/index.html 5. Create http://www.yourwebsite.com/forwarder, and put an automatic forwarder script in it 6. Submit http://www.yourwebsite.com/forwarder 7. Submit http://www.yourwebsite.com/forwarder/ 8. Submit http://www.yourwebsite.com…
Last reply by apollyein, -
- 1 reply
http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Abuse/Spam/Blacklists/Perspectives_and_Opinions/ http://pinkpell.net/ Dead Spam blocking on DNS blacklist criteria alone http://www.info-world.com/spam.diagnosis/ Outdated. Osirusoft ceased to exist almost three years ago.
Last reply by jeanmanco,