Quality Control Feedback
You can report quality control issues and generic abuse reports with no mention of specific URLs, editors or categories here.
Issues with links can be reported directly in the directory (flag icon to the right of each listing) or in the forum thread below. Thanks :-)
561 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Hi, Noticed a few problems while searching this category. http://www.dmoz.org/Health/Alternative/Crystals/ 1) Society of Crystal Skulls, International - An organization devoted to research and education in crystal skulls and their healing properties. One picture on page no content and no links 2) Myaizar's Crystal Connection - Crystals, gemstones, crystal therapy, and crystal healing. One page with one working link that has nothing to do with the category. 3) Crystals and Healing - Information on crystal healing. Just goes to a top searches page offering gambling sites and viagra. 4) Power of Healing Crystals - Includes information on cry…
Last reply by onefortheboards, -
- 2 replies
Hi folks, I have a legit site with no keywork spamming, etc however for some reason I cannot get listed in DMOZ. Maybe because there is no editor in that category and the only editor up the heirarchy has too many requests to tackle. However, I was wondering how is it that sites that are using keyword spamming approach getting themselves listed, e.g. (Plz look at the bottom to notice the spamming) url deleted url deleted url deleted Regards, Mans.
Last reply by crowbar,
competitor's sites duplicated, but mine rejected!
by Guest mp3-
- Meta
- 2 replies
My site is new ( http://www.my-mp3-player.co.uk/ ), I tried to submit to the right category of DMOZ UK a few time but without any reply. I found my competitor's site was duplicated in a few categories, and I am afraid he is the guy who edit those categories, so his competitors will not get in easily. Can anybody help please!
- 2 replies
One of my competitors is listed under two categories for the exact same URL. I havent submitted my site yet, but it too would actually seem to be perfectly and very relevant under both of these categories, as is my competitor. My question is: is my competitor doing something illegal, in which case should i report him (if so, can i do that in this post--?), OR, is this multiple listing sometimes acceptable and can i also submit my site under these two categories? Thank you.
Last reply by samiam, -
- 2 replies
Hi; I have reported an abuse on 2007-12-05 21:28 . The web site that i have reported is list on turkish part of dmoz. This web site is making spam and there is no relation between web site content and listed category. Is there any turkish editor to check it? Regards Ulas
Last reply by chaos127,
- Meta
- 2 replies
Hello - My site was listed for a few years. I know we are not supposed to post URL's, but I don't know how to explain this situation without doing it. Please delete my post if I am stepping out of line. My site is <url removed>, but within the past year or so it was removed (or changed) in the directory. There is a site listed now, <url removed> that is very product driven and mostly points to another website. This site was listed around the time mine was taken away. I don't necessarily think that an editor is being self serving, but I think that this new site may have tricked an editor to update my listing with this new info (if that is possible). …
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 2 replies
hey I'm a somali music fan and have recently discovered some irregularities. If you search Somali music on google, it comes out with a list of sites. The first one there is www.markacadey.net/music.htm But the guy has this as his header; Bclub19.com:: Somali.com Download Somali music Download Somali ... Basically what is happening is this, a site called sclub19.com was the number one on google for the search term, but the guy above has been very inventive when it comes to black hat SEO. That's why his header refers to his new site bclub19.com, basically his trying to out do the other site. But he goes further than that. On the same google search term, …
Last reply by nea,
- Meta
- 2 replies
http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Recreation_and_Sports/Pets/ http://www.faithfulfriends.co.uk/ - dead link https://www.petplanet.co.uk/shop/index.htm - dead link http://www.paw-mark.co.uk/ - wrong category http://www.pets-corner.co.uk/ - been closed down http://www.ukpets.co.uk/ - it's a directory! http://www.woodhatchparrots.co.uk/ - dead link I have looked through all the sites listed but I am not sure what this category is trying to acheive!
Last reply by motsa,
Listed with no Unique Content
by Guest kp1223- 2 replies
Please check http://www.toptoursindia.com listed in a Regional Cat. has a lot of copied Content from several Sites. e.g. http://www.toptoursindia.com/rajasthan/ This page takes off Content fron : http://www.alacarteindia.com/destind/states/rajasthan/rajasthan.htm I can locate hundreds of such Copied content Website... if somebody cares for it.
Last reply by motsa,
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AMI Capital, Inc. http://www.dmoz.com/Business/Financial_Services/Mortgages/ http://www.amicapital.com Saturated category to have abusers listed
Last reply by ishtar, -
- 2 replies
I noticed that http://www.abacus.ca has been listed in the ODP more than once.. Once as Abacus and a second time as Abacus.ca ? Is this allowed?
Last reply by bobrat, -
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 2 replies
I have just made a submission, however there are no editors for the 4 levels below the main level that my page would inhabit. I know the DMOZ editors are very busy people, and no more site checks are being done. However is there any information that can be shared on these "orphan" catagories? Or would that happen to be found on another website? Like one of those fund raiser gauges, you know the kind that fill up the more raffle tickets are sold. Is there anything like that, either internally or externally, used to let the editors at large know they should spend some time with a particular catagory? I think something like this would be a good idea. It would show how act…
Last reply by shadow575,
- Meta
- 2 replies
Hi, Check this one out... http://www.fish4it.co.uk/business/Default.asp under http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Business_and_Economy/Directories/ go to the website to view statement
Last reply by scanet, -
- 2 replies
This directory http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Clothing/A...ts_and_Buckles/ may need some editor attention.. custom needlepoint belts: (dead link) Personalities: http://www.dpbuckles.com/ (dead link) http://www.egyptthompson.homestead.com/egyptspage.html (no content) (this post may sound rude and abrupt but my English is sooo... bad) Have a Great Weekend..
Last reply by MKoenraad, -
- Meta
- RZ Admin
- 2 replies
Hi, can I know if the editors of the Scuba Diving section are still active in the DMOZ project? My experience is that I owned over 12 diving websites, and since 2005. (january) I have submitted my sites... well over 13 months later not one of them is on DMOZ... and guess what? every 4 months I do the whole process again. I just find this quite funny. Any idea?
Last reply by andysands,
- 2 replies
Dear Editors This site is listed two times: directory http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Italy/Regions/Tuscany/Travel_and_Tourism/Lodging/Vacation_Rentals/Rental_Agencies/ Have a look to these links, they announce the same properties, sometimes changing the name and sometimes the description. Site traveltuscany.net -- http://www.traveltuscany.net/property_santamaria.htm Site florencevillas.com -- http://www.florencevillas.com/santamaria_featuredproperties.htm They have also another website in the directory http://www.tuscany-cooking-class.com/ Take a look to the contact site page, the telephone numbers and the names are always the same. Hope this help C…
Last reply by markll, -
- 2 replies
I see a company listed that is no longer trading and going through bankcrupt proceedings, the bank account is frozen by the authorities and the owner is tactfully keeping the site active and signing clients over to another company with a similar trade name. Is this allowed on dmoz?
Last reply by hero, -
- 2 replies
I had sent an email to the DMOZ administrators. The email system replied with an auto verification requiring me to reply to that with the code opendir - 06f3cfbc5d75f37ab51a58a6c6954990 in the subject heading before the email would be accepted by DMOZ. I did this twice and each time the email had been returned as undeliverable. Please repair.
Last reply by chaos127,
Editor's own sites include gator spyware
by Guest rfsayre- 2 replies
An editor of multpile categories has included his/her own site in both categories with different titles (i.e. "foobar" and "foo bar"), for search results I assume. These sites also contain Gator Corp and IBIS spyware, link farm stuff, amongst other generally low quality content. Other sites included in the category contain obvious affiliate links, viagra ads (off topic), etc. Is this abuse or bad editing or both? What recourse is there?
Last reply by totalxsive, -
- Meta
- 2 replies
Good morning. I have been identifying and posting Dead Links in the respective Quality Control Forum and have come across some listings that are redirects. My questions is: Should I just post the "Dead Links" I find, or would it also be helpful for me to post the "redirects" as well? Thanks.
Last reply by Lilly3, -
Using ODP editor priviledge to beat competition
by Guest talash-
- Meta
- 2 replies
Hello Guys, I am facing a very strange problem along with several other guys. I have a site which was submitted to a category which is not very crowded and have limited number of listings (say 30-35). The editor of this category is a guy who himself runs a business (web design business) which falls in the same category. I am finding that several site including mine have never been reviewed or accepted into the system, who are competitors to this guy. This is making me very much frustrated. Is there any way to deal with this guy. Being a competitor and with very different ways of thought, this gentleman and many guys do not go along well in personal life. T…
Last reply by donaldb, -
- Meta
- 2 replies
http://www.dmoz.org/help/helpmain.html I have recently translated coppermine gallery in Hindi lang. using utf-8 encoding If metas and admin this i am interested to translate http://www.dmoz.org/help/helpmain.html section also in hindi.. let me know will dmoz accept my contribution or related information!
Last reply by pvgool,
- Meta
- 1 reply
I've just found a site linking to mine which contains a copy of the ODP directory data. The site doesn't mention the odp or have the 'support/become editor' box. Again when entering my details to another directory I noticed a similarity with the ODP directory. Some of the entries appeared to be exact copies of ODP data though in places new ones had been added. The site states that its directory is based on the ODP. It looks to me as if they took a copy of part of the ODP some while back and used it as a seed for their directory. Anyway, when considering possible abuse, I am just as likely to have got it wrong as they are to be doing wrong (especially if they are p…
Last reply by nea,
- 1 reply
Zebra has two listings in category: http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/Illinois/Localities/V/Vernon_Hills/Business_and_Economy/
- 1 reply
Just browsing through the following category: http://dmoz.org/Regional/Asia/Thailand/Provinces/Phuket/Travel_and_Tourism/Lodging/Guides_and_Directories/ and found 3 of the 6 listed sites are affiliate sites. 1. Phuket Hotels Online is an affiliate of planetholiday.com 2. Phuket Resorts is affiliated with hotelthailand.com 3. Phuket Stay is affiliated with yourrooms.com And if it matters, the first entry is a mirror of phuket-hotel.net Obviously, there are hundreds more just like these, but thought you'd like to know about some of them as they surely have little unique content.
Last reply by musicman2059,