Quality Control Feedback
You can report quality control issues and generic abuse reports with no mention of specific URLs, editors or categories here.
Issues with links can be reported directly in the directory (flag icon to the right of each listing) or in the forum thread below. Thanks :-)
561 topics in this forum
- Meta
- 12 replies
Due to the sheer nature of sites that are using the dmoz db to link to my site with a 302 direct I simply want all of my sites out of dmoz. How can I achieve this? If I put a page on my domain called dmoz.htm saying "editors remove this site from dmoz" (to prove I have ownership of the domain) would that suffice? You can read about the ill effect that 302 redirects can have on domains here: http://www.loriswebs.com/hijacking_web_pages.html and here http://www.webmasterworld.com/forum3/25638.htm and here http://www.webmasterworld.com/forum23/3682.htm Some example "naughty" dmoz affiliates are: http://www.xasa.com {snip}Contacted the directory di…
Last reply by jeza, -
- 6 replies
Unfair to the other networks of regional classified sites. http://search.dmoz.org/cgi-bin/search?search=craigslist
Last reply by SiteTutor, -
- 1 reply
http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/Oregon/Business_and_Economy/Real_Estate/ has this site: http://www.forsalebyowner-or.com/ which is the same as: http://www.forsalebyowner-oregon.com/
- Meta
- 24 replies
Just one question: How does a brand new directory with very few listings get listed in 8 days, and other directories and sites take over one year? I'm not happy about this. ... missing categories... few listings.... NO different than the hundred other new directories that have sprang up in the past few months. Would anyone care to elaborate? http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Searching/Directories/ Many of you know I have been a huge fan of the ODP over the years, and I have stood with them when members in my forums have bashed them. This incident has truly made me mad. I never thought something like this could happen. Thank you. Doug Heil
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 5 replies
Hi, I this this is unfair, because the mexonline.com has a link in almost every category of the mexican part of dmoz directory. I think this is spam or the editor is helping him or herself. It has a lot of html pages indexed. You can see here. http://search.dmoz.org/cgi-bin/search?search=mexonline if the above link doesnt work, try to serch mexonline in the dmoz search box. It has more than 79 urls listed in dmoz, in diferents categories. and some of them doesn´t work or gives an error. Could you plese tell me why this is happening on dmoz? Regards, Enrique.
Last reply by lisahinely, -
- 1 reply
Please delete the link for my personal business resume. Someone has found an old site on lycos that has my very personal information. This has endless identity theft possibilities. I have been a victim of almost all of them at this point. Here's one more. I did NOT submit this site and have deleted it. The cache is still visible and the link is now broken. Please delete. I can't take any more. Thank you. That link is: http://alishamodel.tripod.com/ By the way..this is the only official site: WWW.ALISHAGRAY.COM All others are fan or sites that are linking to mine. Thanks, Alisha
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 1 reply
Deeplisting, deeplisting and deeplisting again. The owner site is more exhaustive http://www.knowital.com/Towns/montecatini/html/villa_gaia_mont_alto1.html http://www.villagaia.it/ Double listing -------------- http://knowital.com/properties/florence/html3/altoviti2.html http://www.villaaltoviti.com/ ------------------------ http://www.knowital.com/Towns/Pisa/html/villa_farnia1.html http://www.villafarnia.ch ------------------------ http://www.knowital.com/properties/siena/villafaule/villa.html http://www.villafaule.it/ ---------------------- http://www.knowital.com/properties/siena/html/capanne1.html http://www.toskana.net/lecapanne/english - much mor…
Last reply by nea,
- 1 reply
In the category http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Business_and_Economy/Employment/ Just a "promo" web site http://www.businesswisdom.co.uk/ Blank site http://www.severntraining.co.uk/
- 1 reply
http://www.dmoz.org/Regional/Oceania/New_Zealand/Transportation/Car_Rentals/ ----------------------------------------------------------- Alta Rental Cars (http://shell.world-net.co.nz/~jinzhou) Cammish Motors Ltd (http://www.travelhops.com/nz/cammishmotors.htm) New Zealand Car Rental (http://www.newzealandcarrental.com -- domain name for sale) NZ Rent a Car (http://www.nzcars.co.nz -- domain name expired?) Pacific Horizon Travelhomes (leads to home page of http://www.newzealandnz.co.nz) Pegasus Rental Cars (rentalcarsnz.co.nz) -- no site Red Rocket Rentals (name changed to Hokianga Campervans) Renny-Rent-A-Car (leads to home page of http://www.newze…
Last reply by jeanmanco, -
- 1 reply
Top: Sports: Baseball: Major League: Teams: Atlanta Braves FanHome: Atlanta Braves Forum - listed as http://mb3.theinsiders.com/fatlantabravesfrm1 but just redirects to http://mb3.scout.com/fatlantabravesfrm1 http://www.bravesbeat.com/bravesjournal/ http://www.braves.net/ Are the same site but with two names. MLB.com and Atlanta Braves with a Star are the same site with two seperate listings.
Last reply by sole, -
- 5 replies
The followings four sites are all listed in this category: http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Jewelry/Charms/ http://www.i-charms.com http://www.yourcharms.com http://www.shoppingcharms.com http://www.ladycharms.com Aside from changing the name and layout (slightly), the sites are identical. The address, shipping info, company info, etc.. are all the same. The company has simply created several duplicate store fronts and managed to get them all listed. Oh, and you'll notice how they change the last 1 or 2 digits of the phone number on each website to keep up the appearance that they are 'different' sites. I also posted this via the abuse form but my IE crashed whe…
Last reply by djdeeds, -
- Meta
- Editall
- 3 replies
I filed an abuse report on someone who stole my entire web site word for word, same design, graphics, etc. They are also located in the same city as me. The next day I checked the status of id# a36ad3a6930660ccc23acb30e11f28f3 and it is saying it has been resolved. The stolen web site is still listed in the dmoz directory (the same city and directory mine is listed in) I have all kinds of proof to back up my claim but no one asked for it. Yahoo has already yanked them from their search engine and Google is currently doing an investigation. Why are they still listed in the dmoz directory? I don't know where to turn anymore. I feel like the people who stole …
Last reply by peanut, -
Is it abuse
by pepp-
- Meta
- 2 replies
Is it abuse to submit language version of one site: for example: http://www.mysite.com/index_de.php http://www.mysite.com/index_eng.php http://www.mysite.com/index_fr.php ect. ??
Last reply by windharp,
- Meta
- 12 replies
Could you please email me on the status of abuse report ID: aefd6d730d23ff0f3d1f1afa5900af9a If you could have the Meta incharge of the investigation contact me via email. I have a few things I need to add to the report. Thanks! JC JC@Mtbz.com
Last reply by MTBZ, -
- Meta
- 23 replies
Hello Forum, It was recently brought to my attention that an editor had red-flagged one of my websites due to being a "Mirror" site. In fact the website submitted is not a mirror website. It holds separate content all together than my other website. The 2 websites in question: http://www.1listingservice.com (already listed) and http://www.southeastern-homes.com (trying to get listed). 1ListingService.com is a database with ONLY real estate. http://www.southeastern-homes.com holds 360 virtual tours and ONLY vacation rentals. I do own both websites, and therefore they are linked together. However, they run separate from each other. 1Listingservice.com was originally m…
Last reply by motsa,
- 5 replies
Is this abuse??? Well, I actually am not sure but one and the same PAGE of a site is listed in two different categories. The categories are: http://dmoz.org/Society/Issues/Fraud/Internet/ and http://dmoz.org/Society/Issues/Fraud/ The page is http://www.womenrussia.com/blacklist.htm I really am not sure whether it is abuse, but still it seems strange. And besides different pages of this site is listed 7(!!!) times in different categories. Just see http://search.dmoz.org/cgi-bin/search?search=womenrussia Thanks a lot!
Last reply by jeanmanco, -
- Meta
- 2 replies
Hello Metas, Can someone tell me what happened to this category, http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Pets/Supplies/ There were more than 100 sites now only around 10 sites are there, So did the editor feel all the sites are not eligible, Can someone explain, Compare the 2 results, http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Pets/Supplies/ http://directory.google.com/Top/Shopping/Pets/Supplies/
Last reply by thegoodguy, -
- 5 replies
I don't want to report an abuse without knowing exactly (in basic English) whether the following is an abuse. There is a website listed in dmoz that is (for example) http://www.mywebsite.co.uk There is another 2 web addresses, one (again examples) is http://www.thatwebsite.co.uk and the other is http://www.anotherwebsiter.co.uk http://www.thatwebsite.co.uk has 1 page with basic info (good for search engines) that after a few seconds goes to http://www.mywebsite.co.uk http://www.anotherwebsite.co.uk has some products but also links to http://www.mywebsite.co.uk...the products in http://www.anotherwebsite.co.uk are a subset of the products from http://www.myweb…
Last reply by jeanmanco, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
I apologize but I misunderstood your suubmission guidelines and submitted my site too many times. I received false information from a non-ODP source that I could resubmit once a month if my site didn't appear. I certainly did not mean to break the rules. Also, we are not the original owners of the URL so we would also like to know if it was banned prior to 2 years ago. My site is http://www.used-robots.com. Thank you again and sorry for my confusion.
Last reply by pvgool,
- 0 replies
Hello, I work for pokernews.info - I would like to apologise for a thread we created recently accusing the Poker editor of corruption. The legal action threatened was said in the heat of the moment, we have no intention of following that up. As we are new the Open Directory Project, we were unaware of the guidelines regarding websites and affiliate links. Today we will be making changes to our website which we hope will result in our next submission to the Poker category accepted. Aside from links to our sponsors I'm sure you can see the high quality content we offer, we only wish to be listed amongst the other quality websites in this category. Sorry once aga…
Last reply by Plaw, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
I've checked the status with the tool, and it's listed as being 'resolved'. Can I determine from that status that someone has decided my website: http://www.whatdvd.net has no DVD reviews? I'd ask in the original submission thread, but it has been locked.
Last reply by JakeCop, -
- 9 replies
hi, http://www.jewelrydays.com is listed at dmoz.org under http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Jewelry/Diamonds/Diamond_Jewelry/ and abuse it's listing policy .site is engaged with http://www.diamondsea.com as an Affiliate Program for loose diamonds & other jewelry. Hmmm Check it out its loose diamonds pages & its source code ... Why ? thks
Hidden Text
by kbor- 6 replies
Hidden text on websites really irritates me. Is it reason for exclusion? If so check this site out - http://www.daoreal.com/ in category http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Bulgaria/Business_and_Economy/Real_Estate/
Last reply by thehelper,
- 9 replies
Hi, I submitted a very clear case of conflict of interest and possible abuse many months ago, and it continues to be listed as new. I don't care about the outcome of the case - all I have ever wanted was another editor to make a fair editorial judgement about my companies website in comparison with other sites in that category. I am willing to put in 1-2 more months of waiting as I understand the nature of a voluntary organization takes more time. However the day will come when I give up on this system and put all of the information I have into a website. It will not reflect well upon the organization and raises many questions, especially when coupled with the relat…
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 14 replies
I want to share my thoughts and ask some questions to editors about poker sites. There is a cathegory Games: Gambling: Poker , but not everybody can be submitted there. For example our website http://www.pokernews.info was not submitted to this cathegory for long time with no reason. Or maybe there are some reasons? Maybe we did not pay editors? Should we do that? I guess no. I have a suspection that editors of such kind of cathegories are rich because ones are accepted, others - not without any explaination. Who could explain why our page does not fit to this cathegory? There is said in the description of this cathegory: http://www.pokernews.info has unique co…
Last reply by motsa,