Quality Control Feedback
You can report quality control issues and generic abuse reports with no mention of specific URLs, editors or categories here.
Issues with links can be reported directly in the directory (flag icon to the right of each listing) or in the forum thread below. Thanks :-)
561 topics in this forum
- Meta
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Hello everyone, Over the past few years myself and more than dozens of people where trying to suggest websites to the Israeli Dmoz directory (located here : http://www.dmoz.org/World/Hebrew/) unsuccessfully. All of the forums in Israel are talking about that phenomenon. Israel's editors have been rejecting/ignoring thousands of requests. On the other hand, we see that the directory sometimes include few websites that are connected to the same person, as if the editors only take care of people they know. I myself have trying suggesting more than 20 websites (related, and unrelated to me) for different categories over the years. Israel's Dmoz directory is so unup…
Last reply by pvgool,
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Please delete the link for my personal business resume. Someone has found an old site on lycos that has my very personal information. This has endless identity theft possibilities. I have been a victim of almost all of them at this point. Here's one more. I did NOT submit this site and have deleted it. The cache is still visible and the link is now broken. Please delete. I can't take any more. Thank you. That link is: http://alishamodel.tripod.com/ By the way..this is the only official site: WWW.ALISHAGRAY.COM All others are fan or sites that are linking to mine. Thanks, Alisha
Last reply by motsa,
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I reported this site about 8-12 months ago. The first index page looks ok but the sub pages are just full of keyword spam <URL Removed>
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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I don't know If I am at the right place, but this web site is a reseller ! http://www.magique.com
Last reply by brmehlman, -
With regards to mr leroys post about profiles, i agree that if a editor, ex or not could ask to have their profiles removed, it would save having embarrassing images like this on the ODP: http://dmoz.org/profiles/mrleroy.html Thats my 2 cents on it anyhow
Last reply by brmehlman, -
- Meta
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I would just like to know if anyone else grees with with this editor said about my sites. "It is unlikely that both URLs will be listed. I can't tell whether either one can be listed -- RIGHT, I'm going to go into administrative mode to install software to view a website ... NOT! Public service announcement: You webmasters are going to have to move into the new millenium, and cooperate with your viewers to protect their machines -- or you're going to lose the trust of all the intelligent viewers. ActiveX controls are just flat not repeat not repeat NOT safe! And, since Microsoft broke the genuine standard plugins and left nothing but ActiveX hooks for otherwise re…
Last reply by pvgool,
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Hi, Base on this url http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/On_the_Web/Weblogs/Personal/T/ I found 2 different urls but redirected to the same url (The content of the site is exactly the same.) Tim Yang: The Edge - Tim Yang's blog. The travelogue of an Asian guy. Includes the Put Up a Blogger campaign. Tim's Journal - The thoughts and adventures of a guy trying to get through life. After hours, he's a muay thai fighter and body builder. During the day, he's an ad agency copywriter. I believe the webmaster is trying to fool the dmoz editor. In my opinion, webmasters that intend to cheat/fool the dmoz editors should get their url delisted from the directory. (…
Last reply by timyang, -
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I checked all of the sites in the above mentioned category and here is what I found (without URLs): Most of the sites share a common pattern : Very poor design. But there are much much more things to say about them: For example, about one of the sites: The site is moved to a new URL! Your linked site just redirects you to the new site. And when I go to the link they give (http://www.rationalreality.com/) what I found is a site totally unrelated with Quran&Science at all. There even are articles about "Israel & Democracy" and "Iraq War" in the new site. What is this? A joke? Let's look at another one: It is a poorly written site with no original content.…
Last reply by shadow575,
- Meta
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Today I reported a link with virus. Is this not possible that DMOZ database can find the infected links in it's directory as like google showing in search?
Last reply by informator,
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http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/Oregon/Business_and_Economy/Real_Estate/ has this site: http://www.forsalebyowner-or.com/ which is the same as: http://www.forsalebyowner-oregon.com/
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Seems to be something not right with add-url.net
Last reply by jeanmanco, -
- Meta
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I've noticed three issues in the following directory: Business: Construction and Maintenance: Materials and Supplies: Wood and Plastics: Heavy Timber Construction: Timber Framing Dead link - redirects to a website building service page: Cowee Mountain Timber Framers [timberframesales.com] Listed twice in the same directory - linking to the same company: Hardwick Frame Company [www.hardwickframe.com/] and Hardwick Post and Beam [www.hardwickpostandbeam.com/] Website won't load/ server error - W3C lists 90 errors and 1 warning: Timber Quest LLC. [www.timberquest.com/] The directory page was last updated on Saturday, December 31, 2011 12:10:49 PM EST
Last reply by Artisands,
I have found a dead site as you can see below. <Personal info removed> Maybe you could slip me in this spot? Please Andre's Concessions - Food and beverage concession for festivals and events. Specializing in Curly Elephant Ears. -- http://www.detours.n....net/andres Regional: North America: United States: Michigan: Localities: M: Muskegon: Business and Economy: Services ()
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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Top: Sports: Baseball: Major League: Teams: Atlanta Braves FanHome: Atlanta Braves Forum - listed as http://mb3.theinsiders.com/fatlantabravesfrm1 but just redirects to http://mb3.scout.com/fatlantabravesfrm1 http://www.bravesbeat.com/bravesjournal/ http://www.braves.net/ Are the same site but with two names. MLB.com and Atlanta Braves with a Star are the same site with two seperate listings.
Last reply by sole, -
- Meta
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Category: http://dmoz.org/Recreation/Autos/Directories/ Site: http://www.411autos.com/ As you can see, this is not a directory and is an affiliate only.
Last reply by tschild,
Duplicate listings
by Guest redrgreen- 1 reply
www.amoils.com and www.amoils.com/affiliate.html are listed. these are dups.
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
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Gatehouse Estates International - New developments and resales: villas, townhouses, apartments and plots for sale in The Costa del Sol, Southern Spain' -- http://www.costadelsolvillasforsale.com/ Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: England: Cambridgeshire: Huntingdon: Business and Economy Gatehouse Estates - Complete list of properties for sale in the Bedford Office. -- http://www.gatehouseestates.co.uk/Property_for_sale/Property-By-Office.asp?Office=Bedford Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: England: Bedfordshire: Bedford: Business and Economy: Property Gatehouse Estates - Offers houses for sale. The site includes photographs, property descriptions and conta…
Last reply by andysands,
- Meta
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On: Regional Europe United_Kingdom England West_Yorkshire Eccleshill Business_and_Economy The link to Cades Ltd appears to have died. Cades Ltd still thrives but they simply lost the hyphen in their URL.
Last reply by mollybdenum,
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Hi there! I keep trying to submit a URL. I have been trying for over a week now, and I keep getting the same message. Can you tell me if I need to stop wasting my time? Or is there a time that I can check back to add this URL? Thanks! J Frias <URL removed>
Last reply by liszt, -
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I’m new to this forum. I have spent quite a bit of time tonight reading posts from angry website owners, some with conspiracy theories, in the Quality Control Feedback thread. I was drawn to this particular thread because I too questioned ODP and the editor of the category that I feel I would fit best in. I even reported possible editor abuse, although I did confess in my report that I don’t know if its abuse or if I’m simply interpreting the category incorrectly. Brief description of my situation – I work for an online retailer. We do not have a brick and mortar store of any kind. We are currently listed in the regional category where our warehouse is located, which …
Last reply by crowbar,
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http://dmoz.com/Sports/Resources/Directories/ 1. ALeague Sports (none of the pages on this site work; which = bad content. This goes against the dmoz.com rules. Plus it wastes space). 2. 100hot Sports (this site is more then sports. It's a general search engine that should be listed under the search engine category. Same content as other sites I've seen listed under sports directories). 3. Searchsports (Should this site be listed under the sports shopping category, instead? I think so). 4. Sports, Health and Fitness Message Boards (This site belongs in the category of sports message boards). 5. Worldeasy (What does a traveling site have to do with sports?…
Last reply by thehelper,
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Hello, Our site is listed here: http://dmoz.org/World/Espa%c3%b1ol/Regional/Europa/Espa%c3%b1a/Comunidades_Aut%c3%b3nomas/Catalu%c3%b1a/Barcelona/Barcelon%c3%a8s/Barcelona/Viajes_y_turismo/Alojamiento/Apartamentos/ The url is indicated as <url removed> but the Spanish site is <url removed> Could you change this please.
Last reply by gimmster, -
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At http://dmoz.org/Regional/Asia/India/Business_and_Economy/Computers_and_Internet/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/ category Pugmarks in India and same company in different name SEORank at http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Promotion/Search_Engine_Optimization_Firms/S/ category. Is this abusing?
Last reply by kctipton, -
dead links
by muzzy1- 1 reply
category http://www.dmoz.org/Shopping/Clothing/Undergarments/Lingerie/ sites Amanda's Lingerie.com Divine Sensations Category http://www.dmoz.org/Business/Consumer_Goods_and_Services/Clothing/Undergarments_and_Sleepwear/Lingerie/ Sites: Deliver Lingerie Dongya Weaving Factory Gina's Lingerie Lotus Design Nouveau Top Po Lee Co. Ltd category http://www.dmoz.org/Shopping/Clothing/Plus-Size/Women%27s/Lingerie/ sites Chic and Shapely Orchard Corset Center Category http://www.dmoz.org/Shopping/Clothing/Plus-Size/Women%27s/Swimwear/ Sites Ozzie Blue
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The site http://www.casasandcasitas.com seems no longer to exist and appears with a placeholder here: http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Spain/Autonomous_Communities/Andalucia/Malaga/Cortes_de_la_Frontera/Travel_and_Tourism/Lodging/Vacation_Rentals/ Regards, Ron Weaver
Last reply by jeanmanco,