Quality Control Feedback
You can report quality control issues and generic abuse reports with no mention of specific URLs, editors or categories here.
Issues with links can be reported directly in the directory (flag icon to the right of each listing) or in the forum thread below. Thanks :-)
561 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Does any editor in world/bosanski does anything, does any exsist, since I can't notice any change for very long time, and I don't believe that there is not submissions.
Last reply by sole, -
- 3 replies
Dear Masters, I noticed two things under one directory : http://www.dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/Nevada/Localities/L/Las_Vegas/Business_and_Economy/Entertainment_Services/ 1) two websites looks like a mirror site (not 100% sure because one of them is look like only another link page of main website) which are Endless Music Entertainment Las Vegas Las Vegas Impersonators 2) under the same directory found this website deadlink (but maybe his server was down something I don't know) I'm not affiliated with anybody, just noticed it and letting you know. thank you
Last reply by vegas, -
- Meta
- 8 replies
Last reply by jeanmanco, -
- 5 replies
The followings four sites are all listed in this category: http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Jewelry/Charms/ http://www.i-charms.com http://www.yourcharms.com http://www.shoppingcharms.com http://www.ladycharms.com Aside from changing the name and layout (slightly), the sites are identical. The address, shipping info, company info, etc.. are all the same. The company has simply created several duplicate store fronts and managed to get them all listed. Oh, and you'll notice how they change the last 1 or 2 digits of the phone number on each website to keep up the appearance that they are 'different' sites. I also posted this via the abuse form but my IE crashed whe…
Last reply by djdeeds, -
- 0 replies
Hello! I found this site - http://www.koolcelebrities.com listed in about 20 categories. Some of them are - http://dmoz.org/Arts/People/E/Electra,_Carmen/Image_Galleries/ http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/E-mail/E-greetings/Celebrities/ http://dmoz.org/Sports/Tennis/Players/Male/Agassi,_Andre/ http://dmoz.org/Arts/People/J/Judd,_Ashley/ http://dmoz.org/Arts/People/H/Hewitt,_Jennifer_Love/Image_Galleries/ http://dmoz.org/Arts/People/P/Peet,_Amanda/ http://dmoz.org/Arts/People/S/Smith,_Anna_Nicole/Image_Galleries/ http://dmoz.org/Arts/Music/Bands_and_Artists/A/Aguilera,_Christina/Image_Galleries/ http://dmoz.org/Arts/Performing_Arts/Acting/Actors_and_Actr…
Last reply by lazydog, -
- 2 replies
Can somebody take this dead link out of the directory? All attempts to change the url failed, so please take it out.
Last reply by jeanmanco, -
Dead links
by pudsey- 1 reply
http://www.dmoz.com/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/England/West_Yorkshire/Pudsey/ calverley.info - not in pudsey (maybe I'm being picky, it's about 10 minutes away by car) leighhouse.com - no site
Last reply by jeanmanco, -
- 0 replies
In this category: http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Germany/Travel_and_Tourism/Travel_Guides/ Why are there websites and guides about hotels? Hotels should be in other category like: http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Germany/Travel_and_Tourism/Lodging/Hotels/ Hotels websites or guides are NOT travel guides I am trying to add my site: http://www.justgermany.org but it looks imposible here.
Last reply by sergy, -
- 6 replies
I was under the impression that your not suppose to have more then one listing............. I found This post today on a forum:DMOZ is NOt Open, it is BIASED and it led me to this site: DMOZ Top Listeds Domains How could these places have so many urls listed in DMOZ?
- 0 replies
Dear Editors, Currently we have our “Eagle Property Management, Inc.” site listed in the DMOZ at: http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/Tennessee/Localities/P/Pigeon_Forge/Business_and_Economy/Real_Estate/ The URL (http://www.smokymountaincabinrentals.com/ ) of this listing in NOT owned by “Eagle Property Management, Inc.”, it is owned and controlled by a former contractor who is continually re-directing to competitive sites and dead linking it. We would like “Eagle Property Management, Inc.” to point to: http://www.1epm.com. I like to thank you in advance for any help in getting this listing changed, Eagle Property Management, Inc.
Last reply by tbunnyman, -
- Editall
- Meta
- 2 replies
What if individuals not affilitated with a particular site submit that site not knowing that the site has already been submitted. For instance, say someone finds a great site about monkeys and submits it and does not realize that it is already on dmoz under a different catagory, etc. What protects the company from being considered a spammer when they have no control over the public? Thanks, Lori
Last reply by Callimachus,
- Meta
- 1 reply
I have always been confused about what is considered spam on dmoz. For instance, I have noticed that many large celebrity resource sites are listed under every individual celebrity for a celebrities particular page on their website. I am under the impression that if your website has different pages for different celebrities (or anything for that matter) that you can submit that particular page to the specific catagory that it fits. So, it would not be spam for a large website to be listed under multiple catagories if that site has specific pages that fit into specific catagories and they submit the individual links to those specific pages? Also, what if that site has …
Last reply by pvgool,
- Editall
- 1 reply
Category: http://www.dmoz.org/Reference/Education/Colleges_and_Universities/Graduate_Education/Business_Administration/ Website: http://www.mbastudent.com/ This company has a lot of listings in different categories...
Last reply by Callimachus,
- 1 reply
At http://dmoz.org/Regional/Asia/India/Business_and_Economy/Computers_and_Internet/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/ category Pugmarks in India and same company in different name SEORank at http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Promotion/Search_Engine_Optimization_Firms/S/ category. Is this abusing?
Last reply by kctipton, -
- Meta
- 4 replies
I reported a clear-cut case of abuse where the meta willfully and maliciously hurt the business interests of a company without justification. The meta manufactured wrongful and hateful accusations to aid her business interests with editors in the categories. Just a cursory view substantiates the situation. Quite clearly she was protecting editors in the categories who already had multiple domains and pages throughout DMOZ. After doing a thorough investigation to document the matter I submitted it to the public abuse system and received a tracking ID. Ten minutes later I decided to enter the tracking ID into the system. The response was matter resolved and we can’t giv…
Last reply by brmehlman, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
Scottish Christmas Cards - Holiday cards. Includes galleries, international shipping details and company biography. Scottish Christmas Cards - Christmas greetings cards and calendars with Scottish themes that can be over printed with personal or business messages including a company logo. http://www.dmoz.com/Shopping/Gifts/Stationery/Greeting_Cards/Christmas/ Is this allowed?
Last reply by hutcheson,
- 1 reply
One company/person behind two urls;) 1st URL - Ask4Host Category - http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Hosting/A/ AND http://dmoz.org/Regional/Asia/India/Maharashtra/Localities/Akola/ 2nd URL - WebHostingInIndia.com Category - http://dmoz.org/Regional/Asia/India/Business_and_Economy/Computers_and_Internet/Internet/Web_Services/ If you see the both URL whois registrant contract "ASK4host.com"; person name is "Siddharth Deshmukh" and both sites contact email is same, siddhu_d@yahoo.com I would recommend you to remove one site from the cateogry. Thanks
Last reply by jeanmanco, -
- 2 replies
http://www.geocities.com/dmglynn/ http://www.dmoz.com/Regional/Europe/Russia/Travel_and_Tourism/
Last reply by ishtar, -
- Meta
- 4 replies
Dear Editors, I would like to know why some reports are looked at while others receive no reply or attention. In addition, a friend of mine referred me to this forum and was told to take a look at several listings in the gambling category. I discovered the same things he discovered, so I would also like to know why your metas dont go ahead and do a proper cleanup. Sites in the gambling category change at a very rapid pace, so certain links have changed as well, in addition to certain sites having numerous deeplinks that don't quite fit the model of being exceptions to the rule because of special, unique content. This indicates that either the editors are 1) not awar…
Last reply by jtaylorj,
- 1 reply
Just browsing through the following category: http://dmoz.org/Regional/Asia/Thailand/Provinces/Phuket/Travel_and_Tourism/Lodging/Guides_and_Directories/ and found 3 of the 6 listed sites are affiliate sites. 1. Phuket Hotels Online is an affiliate of planetholiday.com 2. Phuket Resorts is affiliated with hotelthailand.com 3. Phuket Stay is affiliated with yourrooms.com And if it matters, the first entry is a mirror of phuket-hotel.net Obviously, there are hundreds more just like these, but thought you'd like to know about some of them as they surely have little unique content.
Last reply by musicman2059, -
- 2 replies
AMI Capital, Inc. http://www.dmoz.com/Business/Financial_Services/Mortgages/ http://www.amicapital.com Saturated category to have abusers listed
Last reply by ishtar, -
- Meta
- 7 replies
Having been an editor for about 3 months I tried to log on today and was told my site was deactivated. eh? I know nobody here can give me information on why but I just want to express by bad feelings towards the DMOZ staff who decided upon this. After all I inherited a category which needed alot of work done to it, I spent quite alot of time going through it and editing it at best I could. To be chucked out like a piece of trash I think is very very unfair. Especially when you see some categories which are blatantly being abused. After a couple of months I went to the forum to get my category checked to see if was editing correctly, guess what? nobody replied. …
Last reply by bobrat, -
- Meta
- 5 replies
Curlie - Games: Video Games: Puzzle sites with little information appearing on the Top level. I am not sure of the sites that could be listed under this top level category, but there are many sites, which dont deserve a listing in this top level. Comparing to a listing of the same level, Curlie - Games: Video Games: Puzzle: Downloads which looks clean of individual listings, this top level category is congested with many listings that belongs to lower levels. (I am not sure where to report this, but I dont think this post is for Hijacks, Dead Links & Inappropriate ODP Content Here ONLY). Most of the listing are old, and in a category without editors, it…
Last reply by jtaylorj,
- Meta
- 3 replies
In category http://dmoz.org/World/Rom%c3%a2n%c4%83/Computere/Internet/Design_%c5%9fi_dezvoltare_Web/G%c4%83zduire/ is editor "danieltoma" dt@webdev.ro Well he has allready at least one site to sell web hosting(and in this category), and looks like all my submissions(as concurent company to this category are putting probably "on-hold" for year 2099). I submited there few sites months ago, without any success or any response, is just not putting them. I don't have spam sites, are pure company and selling sites, ranked in Google and aproved by adsense and adwords. I tried to register them again after few months, no success at all. I don't have anything against this …
Last reply by pvgool,
- Meta
- Editall
- 48 replies
Quick: What the easiest way to make sure your site/company can keep a competitive edge online against competitors? Become the gatekeeper to your specific business category on DMOZ perhaps? Well that is exactly what has happened in one financial category here on DMOZ, which consititues a conflict of interest in my mind. Maybe its paranoia, maybe its not. It irks me to know that I am relying on a competitor in a very competitive market to allow my site to be included in a very important directory that is crucial to my business. I have already filed an abuse investigation request, but I wanted to make sure this is the type of thing that would be considered abuse. …
Last reply by motsa,