Quality Control Feedback
You can report quality control issues and generic abuse reports with no mention of specific URLs, editors or categories here.
Issues with links can be reported directly in the directory (flag icon to the right of each listing) or in the forum thread below. Thanks :-)
561 topics in this forum
- Meta
- 16 replies
abusive forum moderator on here Damn it, this is ridiculous, not only were my non-malicious posts asking why my site was removed from dmoz were deleted, but my forum account here also got banned. I dont think it was because i broke forum rules or seomthing, because i read them thoroughly, i made a very common request and got abused by a moderator on here, in the "General ODP Issues" section. If these actions were taken because i broke some sort of rules, PLEASE pm me or tell me what i did wrong and i will correct it immediately!!!! I have a feeling that the abuse i have recieved on these forums form a moderator is in relation to my site getting removed. i…
Last reply by bobrat, -
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 15 replies
Since I have applied to be a DMOZ editor I thought I would check out the category I had applied for: http://www.dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Spain/Travel_and_Tourism/Lodging/Vacation_Rentals/ I've found a few sites - some I think should not exist there and some I have concerns on. 1) Two entries for 'Intraspain' point to the same website 2) Owners Direct - links to http://www.ownersdirect.co.uk/Spain/spain.htm This website appears to deal with other countries and is listed in the 'Directory category' of vacation rentals. 3) http://www.thevillacompany.com/mainpage.htm - Directs to the homepage, also has USA, and other destinations on the website. Shouldnt this b…
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- 15 replies
I'm just amazed, I try to be a good member of the dmoz community, and keep the directory organized, but no good deed goes unpunished. I requested a category change for a site of ours about a year ago. After over a month, rather than changing the category and updating the description, it was removed. Did the same thing about 2 months ago - requested the site be moved to a different category, because it was no longer relevent for the category it was in - completely removed. This goes to a generalization I've made many times elsewhere on other forums. DMOZ editors (at least in the categories I frequent) are lazy. #1 They rarely actually look to see if a site belong…
Last reply by bobrat, -
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- Editall
- 15 replies
Hello, I found this very smart way to spam from one of your dmoz listed sites in this Category site description is: Diann and Glen Tonnesen - Prudential Americana Group Realtors - Provides residential realty services. Includes featured homes and team profile plus details on neighborhoods, golf communities, and condominium projects. If you click on any Nav menu item, then go to the middle of the frame if you use IE, right click, goto properties, look at what the url shows, copy and paste that url into your brower, you pull up another page which by the way is now static with no navigation menu and a different url than the frame page, but with the EXACT same content...he…
Last reply by Callimachus,
- Meta
- Editall
- 14 replies
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&cat=gwd%2FTop&q=newgie.com Editors, please confirm that this is not harmful to our machines otherwise should be delisted. Thanks
Last reply by pdub, -
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 14 replies
I would like to bring to everyone’s attention that a high level editor who has been with the ODP for some time is abusing the Western Australia category and all categories within it by simply adding websites that are clients of their web design company and rejecting all other submissions in this state of Australia I will not name the editor nor the web design company in question but I will PM some mods here the more specific details this is appalling abuse and I am aware it has been reported he previously but nothing was done and the situation has gotten worse any client of this web design company is added literally the day it is submitted by the web design compa…
Last reply by aislinn, -
- 14 replies
Hello all, I have a Blog/Website that some joker has placed on the ODP as a Male Escort/Gay Male and although the extra traffic is nice I do not like people being misled the domain name = http://www.david123.com which is owned by me and not at all relevant to it's category. Whoever put the dom name there thanks but no thanks If anyone could move the dom name I'd be really grateful Thank you David
Last reply by Wavy Davy, -
- 14 replies
Hi At category Top: World: Greek: Κοινωνία: Πολιτική: Ιστοσελίδες Πολιτικών there is the following entry: Μπακογιάννη, Ντόρα - Βουλευτής ΠΑΣΟΚ Α' Αθηνών. Βιογραφικό, κοινοβουλετική δραστηριότητα και προτάσεις. It is about a Greek politician, the current Foreign Affairs Minister, you can see the wikipedia entry about Dora Bakoyannis. The problem is that the entry describes her as a member of the "opposition" party and that according to my view is a really nasty trick. Someone wanted to have a laugh and created this so that he could spread it around. The editor might have failed to see the error although she is really very famous in Greece and such a mistake …
Last reply by lpc, -
- Meta
- 14 replies
I want to share my thoughts and ask some questions to editors about poker sites. There is a cathegory Games: Gambling: Poker , but not everybody can be submitted there. For example our website http://www.pokernews.info was not submitted to this cathegory for long time with no reason. Or maybe there are some reasons? Maybe we did not pay editors? Should we do that? I guess no. I have a suspection that editors of such kind of cathegories are rich because ones are accepted, others - not without any explaination. Who could explain why our page does not fit to this cathegory? There is said in the description of this cathegory: http://www.pokernews.info has unique co…
Last reply by motsa,
Waiting almost a month for abuse investigation Hi Can someone give some idea of the timescale it takes to investigate abuse. A report was made almost a month ago and there seems to have been no action.
Last reply by rhys2007, -
- Meta
- 13 replies
im just shooting my mouth here since i have no idea whats going on inside dmoz so please bear with me 1) automated script to check for dead links and links that redirect i think this should have been brought up before in the past...guess i will just bring it up again tools:: there are also some webmaster websites that lets you input a url and they will check it for broken links, or theres some scripts available too 2) accept only domains/sites above 2 years old... this should really cut short the submission queue and have some sort of barrier against spam. i am willing to bet that a significant number of new websites created around the world...never opera…
Last reply by inquirersg, -
- Meta
- 13 replies
let's start http://www.holidaydalmatia.com/AccommodationCroatia.cfm on http://directory.google.com/Top/Regional/Europe/Croatia/Regions/Dalmatia/Travel_and_Tourism/Lodging/ has been already reported to G and now to you. It has lot of hidden kw text and two clones also: http://www.kroatien-urlaub-kroatien.de/ and http://www.istrien-istria.com/ boath alts staffed next
Last reply by brmehlman, -
- Meta
- 13 replies
The web templates category is lack of quality. The following web site is closed or cannot be found. Site Closed http://www.bimsan.net/ http://www.1stthebest.com/ The following site is selling illegal templates. They are selling either templatemonster, boxedart, designloads, deonixdesign, or any other legitimate templates provider site. Illegal Site http://templatetimes.com Maybe some people can remove it. BTW, where are the other quality templates web site such as designloads? I cant find them in DMOZ. Im not trying to accuse the editors, just that Im sure they will submit their site in DMOZ. And I dont own any templates site, I use their services and I…
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- RZ Admin
- 13 replies
Is it possible to edit the site listing in directory if there is wrong information included in the directory?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 12 replies
Hello all, I just coded a very simple tool to help people reporting bad websites in the Report thread at the top of this forums. This tool helps you build a list of bad websites you have spotted in the directory and returns a forum code that you can copy and paste when posting into the thread. You can add websites, re-check them before copying the final code and eventually remove them. The tool also re-arranges websites by category, then alphabetically into each category. It also prevents double entries. At the same time, this tool should be useful also for Editors working on the thread, since its main purpose is to include an EDIT link for Editors that points direc…
Last reply by PerfectMoney, -
- Meta
- 12 replies
Could you please email me on the status of abuse report ID: aefd6d730d23ff0f3d1f1afa5900af9a If you could have the Meta incharge of the investigation contact me via email. I have a few things I need to add to the report. Thanks! JC JC@Mtbz.com
Last reply by MTBZ, -
- Meta
- 12 replies
Due to the sheer nature of sites that are using the dmoz db to link to my site with a 302 direct I simply want all of my sites out of dmoz. How can I achieve this? If I put a page on my domain called dmoz.htm saying "editors remove this site from dmoz" (to prove I have ownership of the domain) would that suffice? You can read about the ill effect that 302 redirects can have on domains here: http://www.loriswebs.com/hijacking_web_pages.html and here http://www.webmasterworld.com/forum3/25638.htm and here http://www.webmasterworld.com/forum23/3682.htm Some example "naughty" dmoz affiliates are: http://www.xasa.com {snip}Contacted the directory di…
Last reply by jeza, -
- 12 replies
I have a few questions. Has it even been discussed that there might be sub categories for regional real estate for actual agencies or agents? Also there is commercial and residential sub categories but what happens if you deal with both? Most realtors and agencies do. I am not sure how to make this area more information friendly. But I think joeant does a decent job. Lastly Lets say that John Smith works for ABC real estate and gets his site listed . Can ABC Real Estate then have their main company site added? One might say they are affiliated, but in reality agents own their own websites, and while they work for an agency they do 99% of their work out on their own. …
Last reply by spectregunner, -
- Meta
- 12 replies
Hello. Much of the content of a site is recipes gathered from other sources and compiled together with pictures, not much is unique at all. The site is listed 105 times in many categories, sometimes like 5 times in the same category. I suppose this website is owned by a DMOZ editor. The problem I have is that now this site is commercial, selling all kinds of products, with top rank due to so many DMOZ placements. It seems crazy for one commercial site to have 105 listings so I reported it using the abuse reporting tool, within 24 hours that case was closed, as I assume it was looked at. It's been about 10 days and the site is still listed 105 times. Is it possibl…
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 12 replies
Theres a site listed on DMOZ 3 times, twice under the same domain but different categories and once under a redirected domain under a 3rd category? also the site has a keyword enhanced anchor link in place of the single word site name...
Last reply by WRMineo, -
Multiple listing of same site
by Guest colicci- 12 replies
Hi, if you check this category: http://www.dmoz.org/World/Italiano/Regionale/Europa/Italia/Toscana/Provincia_di_Pisa/Localit%c3%a0/Pisa/Turismo/Hotel/ There is the same website with different url (http://www.pisaonline.it/), I am wondering if it's allow to have a site listing 10 times for just different links. Regards
Last reply by donaldb, -
- Meta
- 12 replies
I run NetSweat.com - http://www.netsweat.com. According to DMOZ, my site should be listed under "Health:Fitness:Personal Training:Online". (http://search.dmoz.org/cgi-bin/search?search=netsweat ). The problem is my site is not listed in that category. This "bug" occurred last week after I submitted a request to have my description updated. While, I would like to get the description updated, the first thing, obviously, is figure out why my site isn't in the category DMOZ says it is in. (On a side note, the are other Fitness subcategories that would be more accurate for my site than "Online Personal Training and I would be happy to work with any editor on providing u…
Last reply by motsa,
- Editall/Catmv
- 12 replies
Hello. Ill make this brief. My editorial status was removed. I couldn't really give a hoot. Its your loss imo. What I find disturbing is my profile remains in your system. What I ask of you is to remove this.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 12 replies
My site was not listed in my specific category, but I know the editor was active because he was adding his own sites. The beautiful part about this is that his site was stealing my content, from my RSS feed. I hardly see a reason for listing a site that steals content other than having a self-serving nature. Not only this, but also he had sites listed that were parked, forsale on Sedo, etc.. etc... I have filed the appropriate abuse form, but I wanted to get some feedback here if possible. Also, the editor is still in charge of the category, but he did remove my content from his site.
Last reply by cldnails, -
- Meta
- 12 replies
Hi all.... I was just searching around for this company and i noticed that they are ib FIVE different sections of the ODP, which if i read correctly, is not allowed, once your site is added you cant add it to another section unless it gets changed or whatever. anyway here is the link to prove it: http://search.dmoz.org/cgi-bin/search?search=ay4web&all=yes&cs=UTF-8&cat=Computers%2FSoftware%2FOperating_Systems%2FMicrosoft_Windows%2FWindows_NT%2FTraining_and_Certification Not only are they in 5 categories, but 5 VERY DIFFERENT categories, probably as an attempt to help sell their clients products or whatever reason anyway it just struck me as odd, ar…
Last reply by digidogstudios, -