Quality Control Feedback
You can report quality control issues and generic abuse reports with no mention of specific URLs, editors or categories here.
Issues with links can be reported directly in the directory (flag icon to the right of each listing) or in the forum thread below. Thanks :-)
561 topics in this forum
DATING abuse - sites or categories to check
by Guest umesh- 9 replies
Now there the play: Site No. 1) http://www.marriage-asia.com/ Listed in - http://dmoz.org/Society/Relationships/Dating/Personals/Ethnic/ This is a just one page site with no content of its own but points to two different websites - Site No. 2) http://www.muslimwedding.org/ Listed in - http://dmoz.org/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Islam/Online_Resources/Matrimonials/ And Site No. 3) http://www.matrimonials-india.com/ which is already listed in - Listed in - http://dmoz.org/Regional/Asia/India/Society_and_Culture/Matrimonials/ Same content, similar design and same database. Multiple domains, multiple website resulting in multiple listings. Re…
Last reply by totalxsive, -
- Meta
- Editall
- 14 replies
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&cat=gwd%2FTop&q=newgie.com Editors, please confirm that this is not harmful to our machines otherwise should be delisted. Thanks
Last reply by pdub, -
- Meta
- 23 replies
Hello Forum, It was recently brought to my attention that an editor had red-flagged one of my websites due to being a "Mirror" site. In fact the website submitted is not a mirror website. It holds separate content all together than my other website. The 2 websites in question: http://www.1listingservice.com (already listed) and http://www.southeastern-homes.com (trying to get listed). 1ListingService.com is a database with ONLY real estate. http://www.southeastern-homes.com holds 360 virtual tours and ONLY vacation rentals. I do own both websites, and therefore they are linked together. However, they run separate from each other. 1Listingservice.com was originally m…
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 17 replies
Top: Regional: North America: United States: Pennsylvania: Localities: P: Pittsburgh: Business and Economy: Real Estate = needs reviewed http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/Pennsylvania/Localities/P/Pittsburgh/Business_and_Economy/Real_Estate/ As a real estate professional working out of the Pittsburgh region, I have compiled some feedback pertaining to the sites currently listed in the above directory for your review. Alexis Fitch - Prudential Preferred - Includes information on the agent and listings. < site violates WPMLS rules regarding prominently displaying BROKERAGE phone number and/or address on index/homepage....phone number listed=41…
Last reply by ishtar, -
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 15 replies
Since I have applied to be a DMOZ editor I thought I would check out the category I had applied for: http://www.dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Spain/Travel_and_Tourism/Lodging/Vacation_Rentals/ I've found a few sites - some I think should not exist there and some I have concerns on. 1) Two entries for 'Intraspain' point to the same website 2) Owners Direct - links to http://www.ownersdirect.co.uk/Spain/spain.htm This website appears to deal with other countries and is listed in the 'Directory category' of vacation rentals. 3) http://www.thevillacompany.com/mainpage.htm - Directs to the homepage, also has USA, and other destinations on the website. Shouldnt this b…
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- RZ Admin
- 13 replies
Is it possible to edit the site listing in directory if there is wrong information included in the directory?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 18 replies
Greetings! I've been trying to update a listing (from one category to another) for the past couple years to no available. The site did originally have content related to the category it is currently in, however over the years, much has changed and it's best fit would be in another category. I see that the category is active (sites come and go) however, for some reason my update requests have been over-looked. I can assure you that the site does "meet" all the requirements for a listing in that category. I've seen several posts that say it typically takes 2 weeks for an update since that is a higher priority for the editors, however, it doesn't make sense to continue to…
Last reply by chaos127,
- Meta
- RZ Admin
- 5 replies
On own request I had removed succesfully an URL: <url removed> from directory: World: Nederlands: Kunst: Schilderkunst: Kunstschilders: Abstract But now for months it still shows on key words a search result: <search query removed> I want it to get removed because the category is simply not corresponding my type of art making/art discipline. I'm simply not an art painter That's why I had to removed it anyway. It's bothering me now for a while so. Several editors I have contacted but they have no solution or are not responding at all. Who please can help me with this and can remove this search result on dmoz? Thanks
Last reply by Elper,
Sites which Bait and Switch Content
by Guest --
- Meta
- 6 replies
I have seen numerous times this scenario?? So that is why I say this flaw must be fixed: <br>A webmaster submits a site, filled with pop ups, spam and only affiliate links.. The site gets reviewed by an editor and deleted as per guidelines. The offending webmaster complains but before doing so CHANGES their SPAM site. They take away the pop ups, add content pages that were not there and so on.... There are many variations of this scenario but you should get the idea from it. I personally now believe that it is why there is such a backlog of sites. Granted there are valid complaints about subjective things.. but the truth is not somewhere in the middle. Sites that a…
Last reply by hutcheson,
- 5 replies
I dont like to report websites or webmasters, but there is something that is bugging me a bit as it is almost criminal in my opinion. There is a dating site called loopylove.com....and another one that is called pocado.com They remind me of each other and I had the feeling it is exactly the same website. However they do not tell you on the terms and conditions, of course...but it is the same company behind them. So when you register on pocado.com, you end up in the same database. One way to find out, is the path to the uploaded user pictures: http://images.loopylove.com/images_resized/A7/EF/A7EFFEA5-1143-E871-1364442CB4BE9B53.jpg http://images.pocado.com…
Last reply by massage parlour, -
A cooking site with 20 listings for 20 recipes...
by Guest browser007- 5 replies
Enter a search for thatsmyhome.com (http://search.dmoz.org/cgi-bin/search?search=thatsmyhome.com) and you will find 20 listings for this domain. The listings don't point to a domain/subdomain or a folder, but to individual pages that cover one particular recipe.
- Meta
- 8 replies
My site is listed in the above category, but the URL is wrong so I cant update it. Can anyone here help?
Last reply by pvgool,
- Meta
- 12 replies
Hello. Much of the content of a site is recipes gathered from other sources and compiled together with pictures, not much is unique at all. The site is listed 105 times in many categories, sometimes like 5 times in the same category. I suppose this website is owned by a DMOZ editor. The problem I have is that now this site is commercial, selling all kinds of products, with top rank due to so many DMOZ placements. It seems crazy for one commercial site to have 105 listings so I reported it using the abuse reporting tool, within 24 hours that case was closed, as I assume it was looked at. It's been about 10 days and the site is still listed 105 times. Is it possibl…
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 11 replies
Almost four months ago I submitted a request to update the domain URL for one of our web sites that has four listings in different categories in the DMOZ as we had after ten years change the domain name of our web site. Today when I check there has been no change to any of the four listings. Then I thought I would check a similar request for a different web site which I don't own, but noticed that the domain name had changed slightly. I can't remember when I did this request, but it would have been more than six months ago and probably nine. This site is in a completely different category and again it hasn't changed. Given that in all cases the domain URL was provid…
Last reply by whats_up_skip, -
- Meta
- 10 replies
I am a retail florist and floral design/shop operations instructor and have 25+ years of experience in the industry. I recently applied to be an editor for my city category because it is quite underdeveloped (with only 2 entries.) My questions have to do with duplicate content and templates. There are two dominant companies providing floral design images that are used by most of the websites listed in the ODP. These companies also provide template sites for local retail florists. My review of businesses currently listed in http://dmoz.com/Shopping/Flowers/Wire_Services/ shows a high percentage (more than 70%) of sites using the same images from these two national…
Last reply by chrulloda, -
- Meta
- 17 replies
Now that the ODP no longer does Status Checks, website submitters no longer have a way of having their grievances addressed. This makes it possible for everything from simple mistakes to actions by unscrupulous editors to go unchecked. This is potentially a very serious issue that I hope someone could address rather than sweeping under the rug by editing/deleting my post. As far as I know, I'm not breaking any rules -- rules apparently designed to protect errant editors. Without going into the details of my case, I submitted an abuse complaint about the editor of my category (a competitor) removing my site and editing the rest to enhance the searchability of his. That …
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 8 replies
When i Search for "jordi Oller" in dmoz... Someone called Jordi Oller is listed in 2 categories... http://search.dmoz.org/cgi-bin/search?search=jordi+oller Is the same person and the same URL... there is no control about that? I have near one year trying to be listed... with more good content and more popularity with my own name and this things broke all the philosofy in dmoz. Thanks for read my post. Jordi Oller.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 5 replies
Curlie - Games: Video Games: Puzzle sites with little information appearing on the Top level. I am not sure of the sites that could be listed under this top level category, but there are many sites, which dont deserve a listing in this top level. Comparing to a listing of the same level, Curlie - Games: Video Games: Puzzle: Downloads which looks clean of individual listings, this top level category is congested with many listings that belongs to lower levels. (I am not sure where to report this, but I dont think this post is for Hijacks, Dead Links & Inappropriate ODP Content Here ONLY). Most of the listing are old, and in a category without editors, it…
Last reply by jtaylorj,
Site removed to take personal "revenge"
by Guest megacool- 7 replies
My site has been in the ODP since the past 6 months or so. The editor of the category visited the forum on my site and started spamming against the clear written forum charter and guidelines. I asked him very nicely, to please stop spamming and deleted the specific post in question. But he continued spamming each section of my forum. Ultimately, left with no choice I had to ban him from my forum. Now as a revenge towards me, he removed my site from the category. My site is one of the best sites on the subject, if not the only best one. In addition to this unethical move by the editor there is something else I would like to bring to ODP's attention. The editor has l…
- 14 replies
Hello all, I have a Blog/Website that some joker has placed on the ODP as a Male Escort/Gay Male and although the extra traffic is nice I do not like people being misled the domain name = http://www.david123.com which is owned by me and not at all relevant to it's category. Whoever put the dom name there thanks but no thanks If anyone could move the dom name I'd be really grateful Thank you David
Last reply by Wavy Davy, -
- Meta
- 6 replies
Hi Just one question... I keep a running count of links that are reported dead. Before I do that, I put them in my DNS cache and perform random lookup (different DNS(s)) for the first 28 days. After I try to connect for 21 more days, 4 times a day. The last week I go back to 8 random DNS checks. After that I remove them from the cache. Now I do this because I don't want to kill any user reported dead listings that may be because of the users name servers not finding the site.So how should I report these, I have over 40,000, that have been unresponsive for 60 days, and over 90,000, that have been unresponsive for over 90 days. I have them in this format, but I …
Last reply by yum-jelly, -
- Meta
- RZ Admin
- 2 replies
What would be happened if we post the same content again and again?
Last reply by Elper,
- Meta
- 10 replies
Hi guys, I'm having a little problem with an editor. I wrote him already 3 very friendly and polite emails but still no answer - I know, they are busy so I waited more than 2 months - still nothing - not even a message like "...I'm busy... bla bla...". Now I want to ask the meta editor my question. My site was listed in dmoz for 3 years - within this 3 years I made just minor changes - no spam, no nothing - suddenly my listing is deleted and I really would appreciate if someone could tell me why. After 3 years listing - I really don't understand. Actually I had 2 listings because my site is in English and in German, the German version was listed in the business category…
- Meta
- 15 replies
I'm just amazed, I try to be a good member of the dmoz community, and keep the directory organized, but no good deed goes unpunished. I requested a category change for a site of ours about a year ago. After over a month, rather than changing the category and updating the description, it was removed. Did the same thing about 2 months ago - requested the site be moved to a different category, because it was no longer relevent for the category it was in - completely removed. This goes to a generalization I've made many times elsewhere on other forums. DMOZ editors (at least in the categories I frequent) are lazy. #1 They rarely actually look to see if a site belong…
Last reply by bobrat, -
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 14 replies
I would like to bring to everyone’s attention that a high level editor who has been with the ODP for some time is abusing the Western Australia category and all categories within it by simply adding websites that are clients of their web design company and rejecting all other submissions in this state of Australia I will not name the editor nor the web design company in question but I will PM some mods here the more specific details this is appalling abuse and I am aware it has been reported he previously but nothing was done and the situation has gotten worse any client of this web design company is added literally the day it is submitted by the web design compa…
Last reply by aislinn, -