Quality Control Feedback
You can report quality control issues and generic abuse reports with no mention of specific URLs, editors or categories here.
Issues with links can be reported directly in the directory (flag icon to the right of each listing) or in the forum thread below. Thanks :-)
561 topics in this forum
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Hi REF: http://dmoz.org/Home/Gardening/Landscaping/Outdoor_Structures/Conservatories/ I notice that the three websites listed in this category all appear to be somewhat similar - perhaps even designed by the same people? So I did a Whois http://www.kessels.com/whois/ and it appears all three sites listed are registered to the same organisation. (Leveldisc Systems) They also to me, appear to be offering somewhat similar content and cross link with each other. (There are only three websites listed in CAT) As far as I'm aware this is spamming? Apologies if I have misunderstood By the way I recently submitted a site to this category. I can see the edi…
Last reply by Alucard, -
- Meta
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In This Category the site http://www.flash-design-marketing.com (title is flash-design-marketing.com) is a templatemonster.com affiliate. Not sure there is other content that might be considered unique (I didn't examine it fully). The content may have changed since the site was listed. I don't have editing privileges there or I'd take care of it myself.
Last reply by windharp,
- Meta
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Deeplisting, deeplisting and deeplisting again. The owner site is more exhaustive http://www.knowital.com/Towns/montecatini/html/villa_gaia_mont_alto1.html http://www.villagaia.it/ Double listing -------------- http://knowital.com/properties/florence/html3/altoviti2.html http://www.villaaltoviti.com/ ------------------------ http://www.knowital.com/Towns/Pisa/html/villa_farnia1.html http://www.villafarnia.ch ------------------------ http://www.knowital.com/properties/siena/villafaule/villa.html http://www.villafaule.it/ ---------------------- http://www.knowital.com/properties/siena/html/capanne1.html http://www.toskana.net/lecapanne/english - much mor…
Last reply by nea,
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The company below has many URLs all covering adventure travel/recreation. I haven't checked to see if all of their URLs are listed. This was just a quick search for a few of their sites. www.adventuresportsonline.com/ in http://dmoz.org/Home/Consumer_Information/Sports_and_Recreation/Outdoo rs/ mirrors www.adventuresports.com/ which has 10 listings. In http://dmoz.org/Recreation/Camps/Travel_and_Adventure/ Broadreach, Inc. http://www.adventuresports.com/guide/broadreach/welcome.htm which is a deeplink and frames http://www.gobroadreach.com/ In http://dmoz.org/Recreation/Outdoors/Directories/ Adventure Sports Online http://www.adventuresports.com/ …
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Hi, I am waiting to be included on dmoz... I have checked all the site listed in a cat for the last 8 - 9months... I just noticed that one of the sites has had a re-design and a re-structure from what that Cat in dmoz is about... Plus this site is listed twice... what your advice ?
- RZ Admin
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Requesting an editor review to see about updating a site description - <url removed> Site offers more than just subscription information. Also posts new content daily on dining and real estate along with other content and magazine features each month.
Last reply by Elper,
- Editall/Catmv
- 1 reply
Our company is taking care of most of these companys websites: http://www.dmoz.org/World/Lietuvi%C5%B3/Verslas/Finansin%C4%97s_paslaugos/Bankai/ Almost all descriptions are the same or begins with the same phrase "Žinios apie banką...", so we and our clients wants to fix this to be more accurate. Is it possible? Or I must be an Editor?
Last reply by makrhod,
- Meta
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What is Quality Control?
Last reply by informator,
- Meta
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Scottish Christmas Cards - Holiday cards. Includes galleries, international shipping details and company biography. Scottish Christmas Cards - Christmas greetings cards and calendars with Scottish themes that can be over printed with personal or business messages including a company logo. http://www.dmoz.com/Shopping/Gifts/Stationery/Greeting_Cards/Christmas/ Is this allowed?
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
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Reasons: 1) The site has been sold 2) Its content is pure rubbish (parking site) 3) There is no longer any link to the dancing Association mentioned in the ODP. Bernhard URL: http://www.tangoverein.de/ Category: World: Deutsch: Regional: Europa: Deutschland: Baden-Württemberg: Städte und Gemeinden: K: Karlsruhe: Sport: Tanzsport Category link: http://dmoz.org/World/Deutsch/Regional/Europa/Deutschland/Baden-W%c3%bcrttemberg/St%c3%a4dte_und_Gemeinden/K/Karlsruhe/Sport/Tanzsport/
Last reply by windharp,
- Meta
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Would you please alter the description to my Software Project Management page? My page is a directory to all kinds of sites about project management, not just project management software packages, but the description makes it look as if it's primarily a list of software. URL - <removed> Currently - "Project software directory, includes news, books, and links." Desired - "A directory of resources about managing software projects, including project management methods, quality issues, risk management and financial appraisal." Thanks!
Last reply by nea,
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Hello, my former website which does not exist anymore for over 7 years now is still listed in the bookmark section of DMOZ. A lot of other pages use your directory and therefore when searching with google for my name this link with descriptions comes up several times even though the link leads to "page does not exist". I am talking about the last entry (http://www.geocities.com/conny1978/)at http://www.dmoz.org/Bookmarks/X/xx00xx/Menschen_und_Gruppen/C/ I have written to the editor several times but nothing happenes - and since this page has not been updated since 2002, it is unlikely that he even still cares or exists. As you can see for yourself, the last entry…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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someone has a listing in 2 categories Massage on Wheels - http://www.massageonwheels.ca/ http://dmoz.org/Health/Alternative/Massage_Therapy_and_Bodywork/Workplace_Massage/ http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/Canada/Ontario/Localities/T/Toronto/Health/Alternative/Massage_Therapy_and_Bodywork/ Is this allowed Also I found a dead site http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/Canada/Ontario/Localities/T/Toronto/Health/Alternative/Massage_Therapy_and_Bodywork/ Mike Greene, RMT-ST http://www.mikesmassage.com/ thanks Maria, RMT
Last reply by motsa,
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In the category http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Business_and_Economy/Employment/ Just a "promo" web site http://www.businesswisdom.co.uk/ Blank site http://www.severntraining.co.uk/
- Meta
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hi everyone I am not sure if this is the right place to post, but i'd like to give some feedback to editors of dmoz. I was looking for a accounting job today online today and think that a fair few results that came up in from dmoz - dont have any jobs on them! so I just wanted to know why they are listed in dmoz as the best for content, to be honest they just looked spammy. it's not an attack or to leave bad feedback but i was really annoyed at not being able to find work. job.co.nz - Contract and permanent finance jobs in New Zealand and the UK. Also includes immigration, emigration, and information links. .... but ther'es no jobs on there website, not eve…
Last reply by pvgool,
- RZ Admin
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I help the HCFI Library and noticed that it is in the "Recreation: Autos: Enthusiasts: Antique: Clubs" category. The HCFI Library was a part of the Horseless Carriage Club but split off as a separate entity in 1985. How do I get the HCFI Library moved to a different category? I'm not seeing a "perfect match", perhaps Reference: Libraries: Research or a new category : Reference: Libraries: Subject Specific: Automotive. The Library's mission is: HCFI is Dedicated to making automobile research and restoration information readily available to hobbyists, restorers, and scholars world wide. Since this would be a new sub category it wouldn't have an editor. I know …
Last reply by Elper,
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Hello Everyone. This is my first post in the QoS section, so please excuse the question if your more experienced audience find it already addressed somewhere else. The questions is Why don't DMOZ send out email confirmations. Please review this quote below from an editor regarding how long it takes to get listed on DMOZ: I researched this issue and am yet to find a single intelligent answer from any source of authority within DMOZ on why DMOZ as a "policy", do not use direct email confirmations for new submissions, status check, approval or even rejection of new listings. It seems to me that simply refusing to use this proven workflow management techniq…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
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In this category Top: Regional: Europe: Spain: Autonomous Communities: Balearic Islands: Mallorca: Travel and Tourism: Travel Guides http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Spain/Autonomous_Communities/Balearic_Islands/Mallorca/Travel_and_Tourism/Travel_Guides/ Cala d'Or Live - Multi-lingual site providing tourist information about the resort Please update the link to http://www.mallorca-webportal.com " Cala dor & Porto Petro Properties " We offer a range of exclusive, luxury Apartments, Country homes and faboulus Villas in Cala dor & Porto Petro Regards, Dominik
Last reply by pvgool,
- Meta
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Hello, I am new here and i am very happy to be an editor here:) I would like to exuse myself about this question - i suppose, that there are answers about it in this forum...but i dont find them. However my question is : what about there is a site with original, and valuable content, with dayli updates..but with comments without moderating; i am talking about sports site, and everyone of us know what football fans can write.... So, how have to proceed with similar sites ? Thanks in advance
Last reply by windharp,
- Meta
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this site http://www.musicyo.com/ in the category http://www.dmoz.org/Shopping/Music/Instruments/ should be removed because they are no longer in business as you can see by visiting the home page of the site it has been closed down since 1/1/09
Last reply by nea,
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These sites are owned by the same person and offer redundant information, cross linking to and from each other as well as false representation. The web cam page is not live and has been showing the same loop for the past 3 years(or more). It is clearly designed to increase page rank as is evidenced by the excessive crosslinking. Also related and involved in the crosslinking is the 3rd (last) URL below - though that one has not been listed (yet?). http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/Mexico/States/Oaxaca/Localities/Puerto_Escondido/Travel_and_Tourism/Travel_Guides/ http://www.puertoconnection.com/ http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/Mexico/States/Oaxaca/Localit…
Last reply by lisahinely, -
Affilliate site in DMOZ
by Guest sdesh- 1 reply
ConsolerGamer.com under Shopping: Toys and Games: Games: Video Games: Console Full of ebgame linkshare affiliate links.
Last reply by uzs980, -
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Page not found: Adpost Classifieds Category: Regional/Oceania/Australia/Business_and_Economy/Classifieds/
Last reply by Alucard, -
- Meta
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Just thought I'd help improve by informing you that: http://creepycleveland.neopages.net/ is no longer a website and still in the directory.
Last reply by nea,
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Two months ago I requested an amendment to my website listing. I was emailed by an editor who sent me the following email.... Thanks for suggesting that we amend our listing of <removed> . I've taken a look at the website and I can quite see why an editor gave it the description that s/he did. There's no mention of qualifications and there is no address given - both pretty important when evaluating such a website's worth. I've temporarily removed it from our directory for deeper consideration. I have made the changes he suggested (address/qualifications) and I've tried contacting the editor several times to find out when my website will be re-listed…
Last reply by spectregunner,