Quality Control Feedback
You can report quality control issues and generic abuse reports with no mention of specific URLs, editors or categories here.
Issues with links can be reported directly in the directory (flag icon to the right of each listing) or in the forum thread below. Thanks :-)
561 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
http://www.daohang.com/ redirect to http://www.hulian.com/ http://dmoz.org/World/Chinese_Simplified/%e8%ae%a1%e7%ae%97%e6%9c%ba/%e4%ba%92%e8%81%94%e7%bd%91%e7%bb%9c/%e6%90%9c%e5%af%bb/%e5%88%86%e7%b1%bb%e7%9b%ae%e5%bd%95/
Last reply by domain68, -
- 1 reply
sir, surprised to notice that http://www.dvdtalk.com is listed in 26 categories. Is it correct. Regards Vijay Kumar
Last reply by Alucard, -
- 4 replies
Hi, The following category has some bad website: World/Chinese_Simplified/计算机/互联网络/搜寻/分类目录/ <li>中文ODP|商业目业|行业目录|产品目录|企业目录 - 中文ODP,目录分类,商业目录,行业目录,产品目录,企业目录 It's have't any valid infomation.i think it's spam website.just guess.
Last reply by jeanmanco, -
- 2 replies
http://dmoz.com/Sports/Resources/Directories/ The following link doesn't work at the above category: 1.Sports Journalist's Toolbox 2. Sports General Sites(this belongs under a search engine category; as this is not a sports site). Thanks, RazSport
- 2 replies
Hi, Noticed a few problems while searching this category. http://www.dmoz.org/Health/Alternative/Crystals/ 1) Society of Crystal Skulls, International - An organization devoted to research and education in crystal skulls and their healing properties. One picture on page no content and no links 2) Myaizar's Crystal Connection - Crystals, gemstones, crystal therapy, and crystal healing. One page with one working link that has nothing to do with the category. 3) Crystals and Healing - Information on crystal healing. Just goes to a top searches page offering gambling sites and viagra. 4) Power of Healing Crystals - Includes information on cry…
Last reply by onefortheboards, -
- Meta
- 7 replies
Hi, The following category has some problems that needs fixing. Sports: Resources: Directories 1.Sports Resource Zone and Sports Free Stuff and Screensavers= Same site; listed twice. 2.Sports Search Engine=Don't work; php errors. Has been like this for weeks now. 3.Web Sportsman= No Page Found 4.Scoreboard News= listed twice 5.100 Hot Sports= Should be listed under the search engine category. 6.Do What When Sports= For a few days now I've clicked this link and taken to a login box. 7.Baldeggs Sports Directory= Reads at the bottom of my screen, "Under Contruction." Thank you. Regards, RazSports
Last reply by donaldb, -
- 2 replies
Category: http://dmoz.org/Arts/Movies/Titles/Z/Zombie_vs._Ninja/ Site name: Zombie vs. Ninja Unofficial Home Page Catagory: http://dmoz.org/Arts/Movies/Cultures_and_Groups/Asian/ Site name: Ninja Moveis Rule Can someone remove these dead links from the directory?
- Meta
- 13 replies
let's start http://www.holidaydalmatia.com/AccommodationCroatia.cfm on http://directory.google.com/Top/Regional/Europe/Croatia/Regions/Dalmatia/Travel_and_Tourism/Lodging/ has been already reported to G and now to you. It has lot of hidden kw text and two clones also: http://www.kroatien-urlaub-kroatien.de/ and http://www.istrien-istria.com/ boath alts staffed next
Last reply by brmehlman, -
- 1 reply
Zebra has two listings in category: http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/Illinois/Localities/V/Vernon_Hills/Business_and_Economy/
- Meta
- 18 replies
For fear of sounding petty, I wondered how the site http://www.fitnessoptions.co.uk managed to get into the category below. After all it is merely a static page - hardly quality content. Business > Consumer Goods and Services > Sporting Goods > Fitness Equipment A little annoying when my own sites http://www.thehealthzone.co.uk or http://www.one-life.me.uk have not been added in the six months of trying, even though they have pages of useful content.
Last reply by oboler, -
- 3 replies
Is this web site affiliated to the ODP or one of your editors? http://www.isubmit.com/ If I pay $29.99 I have a guaranteed listing. Is this true? Thanks for your time.
Last reply by svitale, -
- Meta
- 5 replies
I asked this question in another thread, but I think that it would be more appropriately posted here. Suppose that someone else was submitting my site from time to time in other categories... This effectively takes me off of one list and puts me at the bottom of another. If someone were to keep doing this about every month, then they pretty much have maliciously prevented me from ever getting listed in DMOZ. Is there any safeguard against that?
Last reply by AngelaCarol, -
- 0 replies
I'm not sure what happened here. I tried to delete a post and ended up deleting the whole thread instead. What I wrote was: I'm afraid the points mentioned here are too clearly directed at a specific and identifiable editor. Even though that editor isn't named in the post, I'm going to have to delete it. For allegations that are this specific, please report them via http://report-abuse.dmoz.org/ . I'm not complaining about the fact of your report, and I haven't looked into it yet to verify its validity. I'm just saying it shouldn't be made publicly.
Last reply by brmehlman, -
- 0 replies
Goodmorning Re: http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/England/London/Travel_and_Tourism/Travel_Services/Tour_Operators/ This category used to be really out-of-date, key words used to be repeated throughout the titles and descriptions. It was partially updated about a week ago but it appears that two or 3 sites have slipped through: i)Beatles London Walking Tour- this repeats the word "london" in the description. ii) Black Cab Tours of London- repeats the word "london" in the description. iii)Black Taxi Tours of London - repeats "london" two more times in description. iv)London Taxi Tour - repeats "London" four times in description. v)London Walking T…
Last reply by paul_ok, -
- 1 reply
I don't know if this is abuse because I am not an expert on the guidelines, so is it allowed for a website to be listed under one category, but individual pages from the site listed in several other categories?
Last reply by thehelper,
- 1 reply
I don't know If I am at the right place, but this web site is a reseller ! http://www.magique.com
Last reply by brmehlman, -
- Meta
- 8 replies
Is it possible to talk to a live person at dmoz? Here's my problem. I have been listed under web templates for about 4 years. Last Nov-Dec I noticed my listed was deleted. I contacted the editor ([snip]) and they told me to not bother to list my website because it was "an affiliate site". I know that this person did not look at my site because I have 1050+ of my own web templates for sale. I do have template monster templates on my site. Still, my content is unique and is one of the larger web template sites. I feel this was editor abuse because while my site was deleted the following sites remained: http://www.buydezign.com/ - no templates, forwards to another …
Last reply by hutcheson,
- 1 reply
Hello, It looks like a company is spamming things up with two listings in the same category. Check out - Sports: Golf: Tournaments and Events: Tournament Companies Golf Marketing Incorporated (Looks like the original) http://holeinone.bizland.com/ Golf Marketing & Insurance (Looks like the new one) http://www.hole-in-won.com/ The phone number from holeinone.bizland.com (800-997-3869) matches identically with the number from http://www.hole-in-won.com/welcome.htm Thanks Editors! All of you guys are the best!!!
Last reply by brmehlman, -
- Meta
- 9 replies
Hello! I was looking through a relatively small section of the gambling category and discovered that the top listed site and the majority of others were simply affiliate marketing sites. I double checked the ODP guidelines and it says that if you ignore the affiliate marketing and there is still unique and non-copied useful content, then it should be included. The majority of these sites are made up entirely of affiliate marketing with little to no content, let alone unique content, and the category actually has an editor. Maybe he hasn't cleaned up the category because he hasn't gotten around to it, but I'm trying to figure out why these sites are in the ODP in the firs…
Last reply by TeamRocket, -
- Meta
- 2 replies
Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/England/West_Yorkshire/Pudsey/ The following changes have taken place within the category above; http://www.clanvis.com/pcs Now http://www.pcs-online.org.uk http://www.fulneck.freeserve.co.uk No longer exists http://www.gee-bee.demon.co.uk/pudsey No longer exists I hope I've reported these in the right area. Darren
Last reply by hutcheson,
- 2 replies
One of my competitors is listed under two categories for the exact same URL. I havent submitted my site yet, but it too would actually seem to be perfectly and very relevant under both of these categories, as is my competitor. My question is: is my competitor doing something illegal, in which case should i report him (if so, can i do that in this post--?), OR, is this multiple listing sometimes acceptable and can i also submit my site under these two categories? Thank you.
Last reply by samiam, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
In This Category the site http://www.flash-design-marketing.com (title is flash-design-marketing.com) is a templatemonster.com affiliate. Not sure there is other content that might be considered unique (I didn't examine it fully). The content may have changed since the site was listed. I don't have editing privileges there or I'd take care of it myself.
Last reply by windharp,
- 0 replies
Hi there! I know that google has nothing directly to do with dmoz and that they only use dmoz data for their directory..... But this is rather a general question about abuse when it comes to search engines and websites. I am really angry when I use google for instance and notice that the first 5 pages are always websites of link farms. I think there is nothing anyone can do about it if they are not within the DMOZ directory, is there? Those pages are not included in the directory but always appear first on searches: For example those link farms, that just want to promote affiliate programmes: [As you said, there's nothing ODP editors can do about it…
Last reply by lalalali, -
Multiple listing of same site
by Guest colicci- 12 replies
Hi, if you check this category: http://www.dmoz.org/World/Italiano/Regionale/Europa/Italia/Toscana/Provincia_di_Pisa/Localit%c3%a0/Pisa/Turismo/Hotel/ There is the same website with different url (http://www.pisaonline.it/), I am wondering if it's allow to have a site listing 10 times for just different links. Regards
Last reply by donaldb, -
- 5 replies
Next Day Caskets - Offers a selection of caskets and urns. found on: http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Death_Care/ is just a redirect to www.funeraldepot.com which also has a listing on http://dmoz.org/Society/Death/Death_Care/Caskets/ Funeraldepot - Offers selection of caskets, urns, and vaults with next day delivery available. Is this allowed?
Last reply by donaldb,