Quality Control Feedback
You can report quality control issues and generic abuse reports with no mention of specific URLs, editors or categories here.
Issues with links can be reported directly in the directory (flag icon to the right of each listing) or in the forum thread below. Thanks :-)
561 topics in this forum
- Meta
- 1 reply
In This Category the site http://www.flash-design-marketing.com (title is flash-design-marketing.com) is a templatemonster.com affiliate. Not sure there is other content that might be considered unique (I didn't examine it fully). The content may have changed since the site was listed. I don't have editing privileges there or I'd take care of it myself.
Last reply by windharp,
- 0 replies
Hi there! I know that google has nothing directly to do with dmoz and that they only use dmoz data for their directory..... But this is rather a general question about abuse when it comes to search engines and websites. I am really angry when I use google for instance and notice that the first 5 pages are always websites of link farms. I think there is nothing anyone can do about it if they are not within the DMOZ directory, is there? Those pages are not included in the directory but always appear first on searches: For example those link farms, that just want to promote affiliate programmes: [As you said, there's nothing ODP editors can do about it…
Last reply by lalalali, -
- 5 replies
Next Day Caskets - Offers a selection of caskets and urns. found on: http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Death_Care/ is just a redirect to www.funeraldepot.com which also has a listing on http://dmoz.org/Society/Death/Death_Care/Caskets/ Funeraldepot - Offers selection of caskets, urns, and vaults with next day delivery available. Is this allowed?
Last reply by donaldb, -
Multiple sites of Same company
by Guest candidboy- 1 reply
Hi, Here are two sites of same company (same address & telephone number as well) listed under two seperate categories: http://www.boostlinkpopularity.com Under: http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Promotion/Link_Popularity/ And http://www.convonix.com/ Under http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Designers/Basic_Service/C/ Guess one has to go. Thanks
Last reply by Alucard, -
Disgusting comments by an editor
by Guest Cabos- 2 replies
I find it somewhat disgusting the comments I received from an editor about my site. I was not asking for personal feedback regarding my listing...just wanted to know the status. Why would this editor launch into an attack like this? I did not say anything about the quality of my site, all that I did was follow the guidelines for Site Submission Reivew? ----- > "....maybe five years ago this would have been considered "significant unique content", but not any more, not by an order of magnitude at least. Like all small unfocused commercial directories, it fragments the available content, fog on the internet, making it harder for the surfer to find informatio…
editor abuse
by Guest brett2738-
- Meta
- 1 reply
Hi - I reported via email an editor with a variety of spelling, punctuation, formatting, and capitalization errors. I got no response, and over a month latter the catagory still looks pretty bad. Should I report it again, give up, or what?
Last reply by windharp,
- Meta
- 3 replies
Hello, In the category below http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/England/Northamptonshire/Northampton/Education there are 2 dead links Mereway Middle School http://www.mereway.northants.sch.uk/ Thomas Becket RC School http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/town/square/ac971/ Best Wishes
Last reply by gckorn, -
- 2 replies
I noticed that http://www.abacus.ca has been listed in the ODP more than once.. Once as Abacus and a second time as Abacus.ca ? Is this allowed?
Last reply by bobrat, -
- Meta
- 4 replies
Hello, No. 1 = listed at http://dmoz.org/Sports/Soccer/UEFA/England/Stadiums/ Awayguide.Net - A guide to Premiership and Nationwide League grounds for away fans. http://www.awayguide.net/ appears to have become something other than a readily accessible guide to anything. No. 2 = listed at http://dmoz.org/Sports/Soccer/Players/England/ James, David - Includes a history of his career, profile and images. The listed URL http://digilander.libero.it/1dj/ seems to be on instant divert to http://digilander.libero.it/_ppricerca/index.html which is nothing to do with David James (a well known English soccer player) No. 3 = listed at http://dmoz.org/Sport…
Last reply by Alucard, -
wheres is my post
by Guest stevelibby-
- Meta
- 2 replies
I posted a message yesterday showing two sites on your directory, which were breaking the rules, so where is my post?
Last reply by tuisp,
- 2 replies
Hello, I am talking about this category. Most of the listings are from the two or three website. For example, Website Publisher has three PHP tutorials in their website and each tutorial has their own listing. I think the editor should list the php tutorial index. Or else, the category will finally become the index page of large tutorial websites. I notice similar thing in this category. Thanks
Last reply by pang, -
Site remove please
by Guest fargo1999- 1 reply
Hello, Someone took over our domain www.nowapolska.com which had dmoz listing at: http://dmoz.org/World/Polska/Spo%B3ecze%F1stwo/Polonia/USA/ I suggest it be removed as it contains a bunch of unrelated links now... Thanks.
Last reply by brmehlman, -
To find the ODP directory locations
by Guest emhcaer-
- Meta
- 1 reply
Search for Rival Material
Last reply by windharp,
- Meta
- 1 reply
Hi there, I noticed a site listed in Dmoz that was once a stock market analysis company, but the link now takes surfers to an adult oriented shop. the url is Cantender "Cantender - Stock market analysis by private investor. -- http://www.cantender.com/ Business: Investing: Research and Analysis: Technical Analysis (1)"
Last reply by nea,
Using ODP editor priviledge to beat competition
by Guest talash-
- Meta
- 2 replies
Hello Guys, I am facing a very strange problem along with several other guys. I have a site which was submitted to a category which is not very crowded and have limited number of listings (say 30-35). The editor of this category is a guy who himself runs a business (web design business) which falls in the same category. I am finding that several site including mine have never been reviewed or accepted into the system, who are competitors to this guy. This is making me very much frustrated. Is there any way to deal with this guy. Being a competitor and with very different ways of thought, this gentleman and many guys do not go along well in personal life. T…
Last reply by donaldb, -
- 1 reply
The company below has many URLs all covering adventure travel/recreation. I haven't checked to see if all of their URLs are listed. This was just a quick search for a few of their sites. www.adventuresportsonline.com/ in http://dmoz.org/Home/Consumer_Information/Sports_and_Recreation/Outdoo rs/ mirrors www.adventuresports.com/ which has 10 listings. In http://dmoz.org/Recreation/Camps/Travel_and_Adventure/ Broadreach, Inc. http://www.adventuresports.com/guide/broadreach/welcome.htm which is a deeplink and frames http://www.gobroadreach.com/ In http://dmoz.org/Recreation/Outdoors/Directories/ Adventure Sports Online http://www.adventuresports.com/ …
Site with fake content
by Guest Zigga- 3 replies
Site http://www.dominicaguide.net/ is listed in http://dmoz.org/Regional/Caribbean/Dominica/Guides_and_Directories/ . However, the site has little to do with Dominica. The first page has some information but it is by no means original -- you can find that on dozens of sites. Other pages only have few Dominica-related links midst of all other kinds of travel info such as cruises to Alaska. Moreover, only one of the photos on the site is from Dominica -- all others are from other Caribbean islands. I bet no-one ever has reviewed that site or the one that has is totally ignorant about Dominica. 'Main industries: ... shoes, furniture, cement blocks; Major trading partne…
Last reply by jeanmanco, -
Could someone explainwhat a "reseller" means
by Guest emswebs- 1 reply
I'd like to know what the ODP considers a reseller... I'd like to understand more clearly why a site was rejected for being a reseller.
Last reply by John_Caius, -
Domain with Multiple Listings
by Guest Patrick13- 0 replies
http://dmoz.org/World/Espa%f1ol/Pa%edses/M%e9xico/Estados/Veracruz/Municipios/Veracruz/ The Site listed as "Hospedaje Web" is listed using a sub folder to disguise their listing - this link redirects to their home page. Anyhow they are based in Monterrey, not Veracruz (about 1000+ miles apart) so really not appropriate for them to appear in this category. I would suspect that this site has (or has attempted) to get listed in many regional categories, so it may of interest for an editor to look for all listing for this domain.
Proper Procedure
by Guest rzakrzew-
- Meta
- 2 replies
I made a post a couple of days ago regarding a relevancy issue in a directory. It looks like my post was read as 2 of the 3 sites were removed. Though, it looks like my post was deleted (or maybe I just can't find it). When you find a relevancy issue or an outdated site issue, what is the proper way to communicate that? These really aren't abuse issues, but are related to the quality/relevancy of results. Thanks.
2 identical web-sites in one Directory
by Guest goo3-
- Meta
- 4 replies
Good Day. From 21 sites presented in this section http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Ukraine/Arts_and_Entertainment/, 2 web-sites with different names of domains have absolutely identical maintenance, that is, on 2 different domain names there is the same information, from the same company. {:http://meet-ukraine.com/:} {:http://artmam.com/:} From the same company in this category presented ADULT site: {:http://east-erotic-portal.com:} Trying to find in thematic section of Dmoz a site that is interesting to us - for several times we get on the same sites which are listed above... As far as I know, it contradicts rules of Dmoz. It would be desirable, that thi…
Last reply by nea,
- Meta
- 10 replies
I am a retail florist and floral design/shop operations instructor and have 25+ years of experience in the industry. I recently applied to be an editor for my city category because it is quite underdeveloped (with only 2 entries.) My questions have to do with duplicate content and templates. There are two dominant companies providing floral design images that are used by most of the websites listed in the ODP. These companies also provide template sites for local retail florists. My review of businesses currently listed in http://dmoz.com/Shopping/Flowers/Wire_Services/ shows a high percentage (more than 70%) of sites using the same images from these two national…
Last reply by chrulloda, -
Editor's own sites include gator spyware
by Guest rfsayre- 2 replies
An editor of multpile categories has included his/her own site in both categories with different titles (i.e. "foobar" and "foo bar"), for search results I assume. These sites also contain Gator Corp and IBIS spyware, link farm stuff, amongst other generally low quality content. Other sites included in the category contain obvious affiliate links, viagra ads (off topic), etc. Is this abuse or bad editing or both? What recourse is there?
Last reply by totalxsive, -
Site in Home>Family>Publications goes to porn
by Guest chicagohh-
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 5 replies
A site in the Home>Family>Publications now point to a porn site. Last Friday, it pointed to a Viagra site. Domain is http://www.ofaf.net/ Link title in ODP is: "Our Friends and Families Magazine" Nice - have a family site direct users to porn.
Last reply by nea,
- Meta
- 4 replies
Does a policy exist regarding doorway pages? In the specific instances in which I am inquiring, one particular company has more than one site listed and also uses doorway pages for all major cities in the U.S.. The sites have different names and slightly different (but essentially the same) content. Is this permitted?
Last reply by totalxsive, -