Quality Control Feedback
You can report quality control issues and generic abuse reports with no mention of specific URLs, editors or categories here.
Issues with links can be reported directly in the directory (flag icon to the right of each listing) or in the forum thread below. Thanks :-)
561 topics in this forum
- Meta
- 1 reply
Hello Editors, I found lock-picks.com in the directory, to me it looks like a dummy site that redirects from this site to a real site at lockpicks.com. The URL is similar but it is not the same site. Please correct me if I am wrong. Lock-Picks.com - Distributor of lock picks, pick guns, car opener kits. Top: Business: Business Services: Fire and Security: Security: Locks and Safes Thank you and have a great day, Ricardo.
Last reply by icxcnika,
- 1 reply
Howdy all! I was reading this section and I saw lots of complaint/reporting but no one offering solutions. So, in good order, I'd like to make a suggetion to the ODP for site submission. Have submitters edit the section they wish to submit to. How would this work? Actually, not sure this is a good idea...probably heard it before...but. As a condition of submitting a site, webmasters/site owners are required to pick the best area for their site already. Now, simply add the requirement they review the section for sites which fall outside of ODP guidelines. (this requires they actually read and understand the guidelines for listing in ODP) Their own submiss…
Last reply by xixtas01, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
Hello. I would like to update our company information because some of our descriptions are coming up in search results and it has outdated company information. The person who set up the account in DMOZ is no longer with the company, and we don't have the login credentials of that account. A li'l help? Thanks. Jason Katzwinkel <email address removed for your privacy>
Last reply by mollybdenum,
- RZ Admin
- 1 reply
:icon_idea http://www.alexa.com/browse?&CategoryID=42647 Look at top 10 sites, there are 2 websites as ecplaza on the listing. What happened? <URLs removed>
Last reply by photofox,
- Meta
- 1 reply
This page http://search.dmoz.org/cgi-bin/search?search=%22Dummy+Search+String%22 contains a link to this page http://www.wisenut.com/search/query.dll?q=%22Dummy%20Search%20String%22 The link is broken. LookSmart shut down WiseNut. The same page with no search argument http://search.dmoz.org/cgi-bin/search contains a more general broken link to WiseNut http://www.wisenut.com/
Last reply by informator,
- Meta
- 1 reply
http://www.healthcarefilingsystems.com http://dmoz.org/Business/Healthcare/Consulting/H/ This web site is the same as http://www.mcmurraystern.com. http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/California/Localities/S/Santa_Fe_Springs/Business_and_Economy/ Looks like they are using a domain pointer
Last reply by hutcheson,
- 1 reply
Hi, I've found some spam in the directory and like to report it, but the @dmoz.org email are just beiung returned as undeliverable. Who do I contact to take a look at this spam ? thanks, Mat.
Last reply by motsa,
- 1 reply
hi, i would love it if i could change my listing because I changed my California real estate company and i have tried to update the listing using the forms from the dmoz directory category where my listing resides but have not received a response yet. Thanks, JR <URL removed>
Last reply by liszt, -
- 0 replies
In this category: http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Germany/Travel_and_Tourism/Travel_Guides/ Why are there websites and guides about hotels? Hotels should be in other category like: http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Germany/Travel_and_Tourism/Lodging/Hotels/ Hotels websites or guides are NOT travel guides I am trying to add my site: http://www.justgermany.org but it looks imposible here.
Last reply by sergy, -
- 0 replies
In: Regional > Europe > United Kingdom > England > West Yorkshire > Eccleshill > Business and Economy Hard York Quarries The quarrying operation down Fagley Lane in Eccleshill/Fagley has closed down and there are plans to build houses on the site. The link gets redirected to Berry and Marshall at Bolton Woods / Gaisby quarry (outside the Eccleshill area) which is still active. Geologically the area is known for its high quality, hard wearing pavement sandstone. I recommend you move the entry to West Yorkshire > Wrose > Business and Economy
Last reply by JohnYeadon, -
- 0 replies
Hi there! I know that google has nothing directly to do with dmoz and that they only use dmoz data for their directory..... But this is rather a general question about abuse when it comes to search engines and websites. I am really angry when I use google for instance and notice that the first 5 pages are always websites of link farms. I think there is nothing anyone can do about it if they are not within the DMOZ directory, is there? Those pages are not included in the directory but always appear first on searches: For example those link farms, that just want to promote affiliate programmes: [As you said, there's nothing ODP editors can do about it…
Last reply by lalalali, -
- RZ Admin
- 0 replies
Curlie is committed to providing the best quality directory possible. Unfortunately, a small number of editors/webmasters are more committed to their self-interest than the directory. The actions of the few threaten the directory's quality and integrity, adversely affecting the user experience. If you are an editor, there is an internal form on your dashboard to report something which looks wrong. If you are NOT an editor, you can go to Public Abuse Report System and fill out the form. This system enables users of Curlie to report suspicions of abusive editors/conduct to Curlie Meta Editors and Admins. All reports will be investigated expeditiously and in complete …
Last reply by Elper,
important Report Hijacks, Dead Links, Inappropriate Directory Content, and other issues here ONLY
by Elper-
- RZ Admin
- 0 replies
Curlie has a general policy for content that it will and won't list at Curlie - Site Selection Criteria There are various types of sites allowed (sometimes only in specific areas), and the description of these is at Curlie - Editorial Guidelines - Site Specific Guidelines I mention the above links to help you decide if you've spotted something which doesn't belong. Some sites (often companies) change their content over the years and the descriptions and category locations have not kept up with the changes. Point us to those listings, and we'll re-review the site. Some sites are blatant, money-making HIJACKS. Someone's domain expires and is snapped up by…
Last reply by Elper,
- 0 replies
(Edited: To report specific abuse, use the Abuse Report system at http://report-abuse.dmoz.org - Thank you)
Last reply by newbie100, -
- 0 replies
As a member of the Curlie (Open Directory Project / DMOZ) Meta Community, I am pleased to announce the release of a new feature : the Public Abuse Report System. Curlie is committed to providing the best quality directory possible. Unfortunately, a small number of editors/webmasters are more committed to their self-interest than the directory. The actions of the few threaten the directory's quality and integrity, adversely affecting the user experience. This system will therefore enable users of Curlie to report suspicions of abusive editors/conduct to Curlie Meta Editors and Admins. All reports will be investigated expeditiously and in complete confidence. …
- 0 replies
SEMA is the organization that represents the entire automotive aftermarket parts industry and puts on one of the largest trade shows in the world. It seems somewhat inappropriate to have their website, sema.org, listed in this category: http://dmoz.org/Recreation/Autos/Enthusiasts/Customized_Cars/Rod_and_Custom/Clubs/ It's definitely not a car club, afterall. It seems like the following directory would be more appropriate. http://dmoz.org/Business/Automotive/Parts_and_Accessories/ Thanks
Last reply by Hamburglar, -
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http://www.daohang.com/ redirect to http://www.hulian.com/ http://dmoz.org/World/Chinese_Simplified/%e8%ae%a1%e7%ae%97%e6%9c%ba/%e4%ba%92%e8%81%94%e7%bd%91%e7%bb%9c/%e6%90%9c%e5%af%bb/%e5%88%86%e7%b1%bb%e7%9b%ae%e5%bd%95/
Last reply by domain68, -
- 0 replies
Hello! I found this site - http://www.koolcelebrities.com listed in about 20 categories. Some of them are - http://dmoz.org/Arts/People/E/Electra,_Carmen/Image_Galleries/ http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/E-mail/E-greetings/Celebrities/ http://dmoz.org/Sports/Tennis/Players/Male/Agassi,_Andre/ http://dmoz.org/Arts/People/J/Judd,_Ashley/ http://dmoz.org/Arts/People/H/Hewitt,_Jennifer_Love/Image_Galleries/ http://dmoz.org/Arts/People/P/Peet,_Amanda/ http://dmoz.org/Arts/People/S/Smith,_Anna_Nicole/Image_Galleries/ http://dmoz.org/Arts/Music/Bands_and_Artists/A/Aguilera,_Christina/Image_Galleries/ http://dmoz.org/Arts/Performing_Arts/Acting/Actors_and_Actr…
Last reply by lazydog, -
- 0 replies
Moved to correct thread. Sorry
Last reply by whats_up_skip, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I work for pokernews.info - I would like to apologise for a thread we created recently accusing the Poker editor of corruption. The legal action threatened was said in the heat of the moment, we have no intention of following that up. As we are new the Open Directory Project, we were unaware of the guidelines regarding websites and affiliate links. Today we will be making changes to our website which we hope will result in our next submission to the Poker category accepted. Aside from links to our sponsors I'm sure you can see the high quality content we offer, we only wish to be listed amongst the other quality websites in this category. Sorry once aga…
Last reply by Plaw, -
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The site http://www.hirojo-u.ac.jp/cgimap/landscape_e.html only has 12 pictures in it with a basic descriptions for the photos. The photos are nothing special, nor are the descriptions. There are many other sites on the same topic which are much better than this. I think it should be removed. Section: /Regional/Asia/Japan/Prefectures/Hiroshima/
Last reply by whats_up_skip, -
- 0 replies
The category is http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Clothing/Uniforms/Medical/ 1/ Two listings for "Green Scrubs". They go to two different URL's, but the same exact site. 2/ "Scrubs Unlimited" is part of Greenscrubs.com and scrubs.com, just go to either of those URL's and click on the links graphic. 3/ Professional Uniforms title should be Lydia's Uniforms. Hope this helps!...I also applied to be the editor of this category
Last reply by jmo, -
- 0 replies
http://www.dmoz.org/Shopping/Travel/Accessories/ I think the URL for http://www.disky.com/ decribed as "Online retailer of travel accessories" needs to be changed as it links to a page about music CD's not travel. I believe the correct URL is http://www.disky.com/disky.asp?category=3 http://www.travelstore24.co.uk/ seems to be mainly an affliliate site. http://www.onthegoaccessories.com/ may be affliliate too.
Last reply by overall, -
- 0 replies
DELETED - posted in the wrong place. Will resubmit to the existing thread.
Last reply by wjcampbe, -
- 0 replies
Hello Recently i just submit my new webmaster site to DMOZ. Once in a week or so, i visit the URL where i submit. Who knows im a lucky member who got included within 1 month When i browse the page, i saw a website that are really not qualified in DMOZ. --------------------------- 1. Placed in http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Authoring/Directories/W/ URL : http://www.wmdirectory.com Details: As i see, this website got no content except placing adsense all over his directory. His directory is empty. http://www.wmdirectory.com/category-88-0.htm ---------------------------- ---------------------------- 2. URL: http://www.ho…
Last reply by davidaus,