Quality Control Feedback
You can report quality control issues and generic abuse reports with no mention of specific URLs, editors or categories here.
Issues with links can be reported directly in the directory (flag icon to the right of each listing) or in the forum thread below. Thanks :-)
561 topics in this forum
DATING abuse - sites or categories to check
by Guest umesh- 9 replies
Now there the play: Site No. 1) http://www.marriage-asia.com/ Listed in - http://dmoz.org/Society/Relationships/Dating/Personals/Ethnic/ This is a just one page site with no content of its own but points to two different websites - Site No. 2) http://www.muslimwedding.org/ Listed in - http://dmoz.org/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Islam/Online_Resources/Matrimonials/ And Site No. 3) http://www.matrimonials-india.com/ which is already listed in - Listed in - http://dmoz.org/Regional/Asia/India/Society_and_Culture/Matrimonials/ Same content, similar design and same database. Multiple domains, multiple website resulting in multiple listings. Re…
Last reply by totalxsive, -
Affiliate site breaks all the rules and gets in!
by Guest Rainbowsauce-
- Meta
- 4 replies
The following website: http://www.queerposters.com is listed in the google directory under: http://directory.google.com/Top/Shopping/Niche/Gay,_Lesbian,_and_Bisexual/ Now I know the google directory results come from dmoz or am I mistaken? This site is purely an affiliate site - has hidden black text and links at the bottom of the pages and has pages and pages of nothing - yet it has a huge pagerank and is in the directory - how on earth did this site get where it is
A cooking site with 20 listings for 20 recipes...
by Guest browser007- 5 replies
Enter a search for thatsmyhome.com (http://search.dmoz.org/cgi-bin/search?search=thatsmyhome.com) and you will find 20 listings for this domain. The listings don't point to a domain/subdomain or a folder, but to individual pages that cover one particular recipe.
Possible Abuse
by Guest llweb-
- Meta
- 2 replies
I used DMOZ to add my url. To my surprise my URL appeared in Yahoo and other directories. After approximately 2 weeks my url disappeared from every directory and has been replaced with a similar URL name. I have a similar domain name to another company and I'm getting the feeling that this person may be an Editor. Is there anyway I can find out if this person is an Editor and or why I am being removed and or replaced with this other URL.
Last reply by hutcheson,
Need to Clean Category?
by Guest e3servers- 1 reply
I was asked to post this here from another forum: This relates to this category: http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Hosting/E/ ************** You have one selection in this catagory which is nothing but a referral link to a pay per click search engine "Expert Business Services"? "Ebuyme" is a big ad for Matthew Lesko greeting you. "Eremote" doesn't even have a site anymore--just a directory listing. "Etecc" has two listings--not too unique there. "Elkins Communication Technologies" does electrical work or phone setup--not even related to hosting or site design. "Emerald Surf Internet" states that they are no lo…
Last reply by totalxsive, -
Similer sites
by Guest stanr-
- Meta
- 1 reply
http://www.dmoz.com/Business/Investing/Commodities,_Futures/Trading_Systems/ http://www.commodity-forecasts.com/ http://www.futurestradingsystem.com/ Seems like it's the same product. Is it not?
Last reply by windharp,
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 15 replies
Since I have applied to be a DMOZ editor I thought I would check out the category I had applied for: http://www.dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Spain/Travel_and_Tourism/Lodging/Vacation_Rentals/ I've found a few sites - some I think should not exist there and some I have concerns on. 1) Two entries for 'Intraspain' point to the same website 2) Owners Direct - links to http://www.ownersdirect.co.uk/Spain/spain.htm This website appears to deal with other countries and is listed in the 'Directory category' of vacation rentals. 3) http://www.thevillacompany.com/mainpage.htm - Directs to the homepage, also has USA, and other destinations on the website. Shouldnt this b…
Last reply by hutcheson,
competitor's sites duplicated, but mine rejected!
by Guest mp3-
- Meta
- 2 replies
My site is new ( http://www.my-mp3-player.co.uk/ ), I tried to submit to the right category of DMOZ UK a few time but without any reply. I found my competitor's site was duplicated in a few categories, and I am afraid he is the guy who edit those categories, so his competitors will not get in easily. Can anybody help please!
Affiliate sites
by Guest SixStringz- 6 replies
The following site: http://www.teamlogisticscorp.com/ Is listed under: http://dmoz.org/Business/Transportation_and_Logistics/Distribution_and_Logistics/Logistics/Warehousing_and_Storage/ and http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/Tennessee/Localities/C/Collierville/Business_and_Economy/ No problem. However they have affiliate sites listed as follows: http://www.freight-claims.com/ http://dmoz.org/Business/Transportation_and_Logistics/Distribution_and_Logistics/Consulting/Freight_Auditing_and_Cost_Reduction/ http://www.findwarehousing.com/ http://dmoz.org/Business/Transportation_and_Logistics/Distribution_and_Logistics/Logistics/ All cont…
Last reply by totalxsive, -
abuse by lawyers
by Guest fewsilly-
- Editall/Catmv
- 2 replies
There is a catagory at Top: Regional: North America: United States: Business and Economy: Legal Services: Referral Services: Where there are 2 catagories below that start with "law offices of". Why are they there? Should they not be in there regioal catagorie like all the other lawyers. Every lawyer is a refferal service.
Last reply by motsa,
Realtors and templates? 1 2
by Guest frankdickens_az-
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 26 replies
Greetings, I am a semi-retired realtor. I no longer sell homes but rather train aspiring realtors, I have 30+ years of experience. I recently applied to be an editor for my city because I know the industry inside and out. The question I have regards duplicate content. In the real estate industry there are a handful of dominant web design companies. These companies provide template sites for realtors. The realtors that purchase these templates simply get to select layout design and have their personal information placed throughout the site. The problem is probably 60% of websites for realtors are like this. Does the duplicate content policy, therefore, mean that all the…
Last reply by donaldb, -
Localized websites with the same content
by Guest rchoragudi- 2 replies
Hello, I have noticed that all of the following websites are created and maintained by the same company with City name, Map and other minimal changes: http://www.albuquerque-apartments.com/ http://www.atlantapartments4rent.com/ http://www.apartments-cincinnati.com/ http://www.cleveland-apartments.net/ and many more. Please review the links on About Us Pages (like http://www.cleveland-apartments.net/about-us.htm) for more of these links. Is this Abusing DMOZ? Thanks RGuide
Have question on abuse..
by Guest pumpkingirl- 9 replies
A local competitor of mine decided to copy my meta tag source code verbatim, as well as much of my text on my homepage. Worried about being thrown off the search engines for a mirrored site (she is now enjoying number one placement in many searches so she is being reindexed daily by Google), I was forced to change my meta tag source codes and text. This person is listed in the ODP, while I am still trying to find out my status. Now this unscrupulous person is spamming by placing the same keyword on the homepage of her site over 136 times, yet she still remains in the top position. What can I do about this? Is this person breaking the rules? (Besides being a criminal) Sh…
Doorway pages galore - Bigtime Abuse
by Guest nzabaldo- 3 replies
I am currently working on submitting our site to the dmoz, and as I am going through the directories I see a particular competitor who has listed their company in the directory with several different URL's, but they all lead to the same company "WWASP". These are nothing more than doorway pages, which from everthing I've read are illegal and abuse. As I understand it you can get completely banned from the dmoz for doing this. I call foul! This is nothing, but clutter and a clever way of increasing marketing presence, but in any search engine I've read including the dmoz's guidelines this is abuse! The sites are listed in: http://www.dmoz.org/Health/Mental_Health/C…
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 7 replies
The following sites are listed twice in the same category because one redirects to the other: CATEGORY: http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Home_and_Garden/Windows/Window_Coverings/Blinds/ SITES: Blinds Wholesale http://www.blindswholesale.com/ LA Blinds http://www.lablinds.com/ According to what I have read, this is abuse. But is it abuse when the same company has "sister" sites selling the same products on a site with a different url and design? example: The same owner (Blinds Acquisitions according to the registrar) has a third site in the same category called No Brainer Blinds and Shades (http://www.nobrainerblinds.com/). Is this abuse, or a good way to boost y…
Last reply by foetusized, -
Change Title to Correct Business Name
by Guest steve1962- 3 replies
Hello, We have a competitor that has a listing in DMOZ, using a dmoz title (widgets) the same as the manufacturer of products we both sell. The manufacturer has the same title in dmoz (widgets) and uses the domain widgets.com. I always thought the title should reflect the business name or site name not other business's names. I feel they have an unfair advantage. Any help appreciated!
- 0 replies
DMOZ Documentation Project page which describes editor ACTIONS which seem to be self-serving. If you are an editor, there is an internal way to report something which looks wrong. If you are NOT an editor, as mentioned in the above link, you can go to Public Abuse Report System and fill out the form. Webmasters, keep in mind that... Editor inaction is not abuse. A site not getting listed is, with 99.9% certainty on my part, due to inaction rather than malice. Competitors being listed while you are not is probably not abuse, just a combination of good timing and editor interest in the category. Competitors being editors is not automatically…
ODP has a general policy for content that it will and won't list at http://dmoz.org/guidelines/include.html There are various types of sites allowed (sometimes only in specific areas), and the description of these is at http://dmoz.org/guidelines/site-specific.html I mention the above links to help you decide if you've spotted something which doesn't belong. --------------- Some sites (usually companies) change their content over the years and the descriptions and category locations have not kept up with the changes. Point us to those listings, and we'll re-review the site. Some sites are blatant, money-making HIJACKS. Someone's domain expires and is snapp…
Last reply by Elper,
- Meta
- 10 replies
Hi guys, I'm having a little problem with an editor. I wrote him already 3 very friendly and polite emails but still no answer - I know, they are busy so I waited more than 2 months - still nothing - not even a message like "...I'm busy... bla bla...". Now I want to ask the meta editor my question. My site was listed in dmoz for 3 years - within this 3 years I made just minor changes - no spam, no nothing - suddenly my listing is deleted and I really would appreciate if someone could tell me why. After 3 years listing - I really don't understand. Actually I had 2 listings because my site is in English and in German, the German version was listed in the business category…
Affiliate links inform
by Guest eerasa-
- Meta
- 4 replies
The following links are affiliate links of http://www.hotelclub.net and http://www.stayxs.com http://china.hotels-reservations.org http://dmoz.org/Regional/Asia/China/Travel_and_Tourism/Lodging/ http://new-zealand.hotels-reservations.org http://dmoz.org/Regional/Oceania/New_Zealand/Travel_and_Tourism/Accommodation/ http://portugal.hotels-reservations.org http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Portugal/Travel_and_Tourism/Lodging/Hotels/ http://philippines.hotels-reservations.org http://dmoz.org/Regional/Asia/Philippines/Travel_and_Tourism/Lodging/Hotels/ http://cambodia.hotels-reservations.org http://dmoz.org/Regional/Asia/Cambodia/Travel_and_Tourism/Lodg…
Last reply by bldarter,
Need Help Getting Fraudulent Site out of Directory
by Guest erck121-
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 7 replies
Who are the meta-editors that I could contact to get a site out of the directory? There is a site that has hijacked the Trademarked Name of a company I represent, in the directory and I need to get it out quickly. Thanks, Eric
Last reply by lissa,
- 0 replies
As a member of the Curlie (Open Directory Project / DMOZ) Meta Community, I am pleased to announce the release of a new feature : the Public Abuse Report System. Curlie is committed to providing the best quality directory possible. Unfortunately, a small number of editors/webmasters are more committed to their self-interest than the directory. The actions of the few threaten the directory's quality and integrity, adversely affecting the user experience. This system will therefore enable users of Curlie to report suspicions of abusive editors/conduct to Curlie Meta Editors and Admins. All reports will be investigated expeditiously and in complete confidence. …
Duplicate listings
by Guest redrgreen- 1 reply
www.amoils.com and www.amoils.com/affiliate.html are listed. these are dups.
Last reply by motsa,
Need advice on meta tag theft.
by Guest olive6- 5 replies
Hello, I have just found out that a compeitors site is using my site name in their meta tags to try and take advantage of my position and good reputation. Is there anything ZI can do to put an end to this? Thank you, Kevin
Last reply by John_Caius, -
Listed with no Unique Content
by Guest kp1223- 2 replies
Please check http://www.toptoursindia.com listed in a Regional Cat. has a lot of copied Content from several Sites. e.g. http://www.toptoursindia.com/rajasthan/ This page takes off Content fron : http://www.alacarteindia.com/destind/states/rajasthan/rajasthan.htm I can locate hundreds of such Copied content Website... if somebody cares for it.
Last reply by motsa,